OAS Quarterly Resource Management and Performance Report From January 1 to December 31 2015 Human Resources Human Resources Actions by Fund Geographic Representation Gender and Grade Distribution Selection Competitions Headcounts by type of contract and fund Annex I - Staff members* Section IV Annex II - Local Staff Annex III - Independent consultant Contracts (CPRs)* *As most information is cumulative only the tables marked with * reflect the new structure of the General Secretariat in accordance to the Executive Order No. 08-01 Rev. 9, which was issued by the Secretary General on December 11, 2015. Section IV: Human Resources ~ 1 ~ OAS Quarterly Resource Management and Performance Report From January 1 to December 31 2015 Human Resources Actions by Fund Table 1 SUMMARY OF PERSONNEL ACTIONS AS OF December 31, 2015 Human Resources Actions - Summary by Fund New Resignations/ Type of Fund Appointments Transfers Reclassifications Separations Terminations Net Change Regular Fund (RF) 20 26 15 24 19 -23 Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) 0 2 1 1 0 -1 Specific Funds 21 0 4 36 0 -15 Total 41 28 20 61 19 -39 Table 2 Regular Fund - Human Resources Actions New Trust Transfer Resignations / Budgetary Reclassification Terminations Quarter Grade Appointment Appointments From To Separations Impact* Chapter 1 - Office of the Secretary General P03 1 116.99 1st Quarter P03/P04 1 10.92 SG 1 161.67 P02 1 79.73 D01 1 106.95 D02 1 139.83 G07 1 67.25 D02 1 -140.03 2nd Quarter P04 1 -100.84 G07 1 -73.34 SG 1 -161.89 P04 SMS -105.19 P04 SPA -105.19 G05 OASG 52.03 G05 / G07 1 0.51 P05 SER 24.14 4th Quarter D02 SER 13.63 D01 COMB -12.02 Subtotal 4 2 2 1 3 75.16 Chapter 2 - Office of the Assistant Secretary General P03 1 -133.70 Section IV: Human Resources P03 1 -122.56 ~ 2 ~ P01 OUGMS 81.85 1st Quarter P03 SMS -133.70 G07 SEDI -86.08 G04/G05 1 3.47 G06 CMM 75.98 2nd Quarter G05 OSG -52.03 ASG 1 153.81 D01 1 96.07 P05 1 57.29 P05 1 3rd Quarter -66.46 G06 SMS 46.26 P01 SEDI -43.85 P02 SEDI -53.15 P01/P03 1 5.47 4th Quarter G06 / P03 1 0.35 Subtotal 1 2 3 2 1 -171.00 Chapter 3 - Principal and Specialized Organs P03 1 -133.70 1st Quarter G05 1 -74.33 P05 1 -140.50 2nd Quarter D01 1 -123.43 P03/ P04 1 0.83 Subtotal 0 0 1 3 1 -471.13 Chapter 6 - Secretariat for Multidimensional Security P02 SPA 106.30 1st Quarter P04 CMM -168.30 P03 ASG 133.70 D02 1 -140.03 P05 1 -115.70 2nd Quarter P05 1 -115.70 P02 1 -62.01 P04 OSG 105.19 G06 1 -42.21 3rd Quarter G06 ASG -46.26 P04 SPA -68.58 P05 1 -20.92 4th Quarter P01 1 -4.39 P03 / P04 1 0.79 Subtotal 0 0 1 3 4 -438.11 Chapter 7 - Secretariat for Political Affairs P02 SMS -106.30 1st Quarter OAS Quarterly Resource Management and Performance Report From January 1 to December 31 2015 Table 2 (continued…) Regular Fund - Human Resources Actions New Trust Transfer Resignations / Budgetary Reclassification Terminations Quarter Grade Appointment Appointments From To Separations Impact* Chapter 2 - Office of the Assistant Secretary General P03 1 -133.70 P03 1 -122.56 P01 OUGMS 81.85 1st Quarter P03 SMS -133.70 G07 SEDI -86.08 G04/G05 1 3.47 G06 CMM 75.98 2nd Quarter G05 OSG -52.03 ASG 1 153.81 D01 1 96.07 P05 1 57.29 P05 1 3rd Quarter -66.46 G06 SMS 46.26 P01 SEDI -43.85 P02 SEDI -53.15 P01/P03 1 5.47 4th Quarter G06 / P03 1 0.35 Subtotal 1 2 3 2 1 -171.00 Chapter 3 - Principal and Specialized Organs P03 1 -133.70 1st Quarter G05 1 -74.33 P05 1 -140.50 2nd Quarter D01 1 -123.43 P03/ P04 1 0.83 Subtotal 0 0 1 3 1 -471.13 Chapter 6 - Secretariat for Multidimensional Security P02 SPA 106.30 1st Quarter P04 CMM -168.30 P03 ASG 133.70 D02 1 -140.03 P05 1 -115.70 2nd Quarter P05 1 -115.70 P02 1 -62.01 P04 OSG 105.19 G06 1 -42.21 3rd Quarter G06 ASG -46.26 P04 SPA -68.58 P05 1 -20.92 4th Quarter P01 1 -4.39 P03 / P04 1 0.79 Subtotal 0 0 1 3 4 -438.11 Chapter 7 - Secretariat for Political Affairs P02 SMS -106.30 1st Quarter P04 SEDI -168.30 D02 1 -130.48 D02 1 122.11 2nd Quarter P03 1 -77.99 P04 OSG 105.19 P03 1 -55.71 3rd Quarter P04 Section IV: Human Resources SMS 68.58 ~ 3 ~ D02 (i) 1 58.43 P01 / P02 1 0.21 P01 / P02 1 3.59 4th Quarter P02 / P03 1 0.30 G06 (i) OUGMS 25.33 P02 (i) SER 6.20 P03 (ii) SER -7.80 Subtotal 0 2 3 2 1 -156.66 Chapter 8 - Executive Secretariat for Integral Development P04 SPA 168.30 1st Quarter G07 ASG 86.08 P05 1 -115.70 2nd Quarter P03 1 -80.11 P05 1 -96.55 OAS Quarterly Resource Management and Performance Report From January 1 to December 31 2015 Table 2 (continued…) Regular Fund - Human Resources Actions New Trust Transfer Resignations / Budgetary Reclassification Terminations Quarter Grade Appointment Appointments From To Separations Impact* Chapter 7 - Secretariat for Political Affairs P03 1 -55.71 3rd Quarter P04 SMS 68.58 D02 (i) 1 58.43 P01 / P02 1 0.21 P01 / P02 1 3.59 4th Quarter P02 / P03 1 0.30 G06 (i) OUGMS 25.33 P02 (i) SER 6.20 P03 (ii) SER -7.80 Subtotal 0 2 3 2 1 -156.66 Chapter 8 - Executive Secretariat for Integral Development P04 SPA 168.30 1st Quarter G07 ASG 86.08 P05 1 -115.70 2nd Quarter P03 1 -80.11 P05 1 -96.55 P05 1 58.09 D02 1 116.85 D02 1 81.80 3rd Quarter P02 1 -44.29 P01 ASG 43.85 P02 ASG 53.15 P05 1 -20.92 G07 / P02 1 0.44 4th Quarter G06 (iii) SER 5.91 P04 (iii) SER 9.82 Subtotal 1 2 1 2 3 266.71 Chapter 9 - Secretariat for External Relations 1st Quarter P02/P03 1 8.78 P05 1 -115.70 D02 1 -139.64 2nd Quarter D02 1 136.33 D02 1 118.80 D02 1 128.54 G07 1 -34.00 3rd Quarter G06 CMM 27.27 P05 (i) OSG -24.14 G05 SAF -10.41 P02 (i) SPA -6.20 D02 OSG -13.63 4th Quarter G06 (iii) SEDI -5.91 P04 (iii) SEDI -9.82 P03 (ii) SPA 7.80 P03 (ii) SAF 7.80 Subtotal 0 3 1 1 2 75.86 Chapter 10 - Secretariat for Administration and Finance P04 1 154.28 G05 1 -89.20 1st Quarter P03 Section IV: Human Resources 1 -122.56 P05 ~ 4 ~ 1 -192.94 P03/P04 1 3.25 P04 1 -117.81 2nd Quarter P05 1 -115.70 P03 1 -36.77 3rd Quarter P04/P05 1 1.52 D02 1 19.48 D02 1 -19.48 4th Quarter G05 SER 10.41 P03 (ii) SER -7.80 Subtotal 1 1 2 4 3 -513.32 Chapter 12: Conferences and Meetings Management 1st Quarter P04 SMS 168.30 P05 1 -107.81 2nd Quarter G06 ASG -75.98 OAS Quarterly Resource Management and Performance Report From January 1 to December 31 2015 Table 2 (continued…) Regular Fund - Human Resources Actions New Trust Transfer Resignations / Budgetary Reclassification Terminations Quarter Grade Appointment Appointments From To Separations Impact* Chapter 10 - Secretariat for Administration and Finance P04 1 154.28 G05 1 -89.20 1st Quarter P03 1 -122.56 P05 1 -192.94 P03/P04 1 3.25 P04 1 -117.81 2nd Quarter P05 1 -115.70 P03 1 -36.77 3rd Quarter P04/P05 1 1.52 D02 1 19.48 D02 1 -19.48 4th Quarter G05 SER 10.41 P03 (ii) SER -7.80 Subtotal 1 1 2 4 3 -513.32 Chapter 12: Conferences and Meetings Management 1st Quarter P04 SMS 168.30 P05 1 -107.81 2nd Quarter G06 ASG -75.98 3rd Quarter G06 SER -27.27 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 1 -42.76 Chapter 13 - Off. and Units of the G. S. in the Member States P03 1 134.84 P04 1 -163.44 G03 1 -27.60 1st Quarter G03 1 -27.60 G03 1 -23.00 P01 ASG -81.85 2nd Quarter P05 1 -104.60 3rd Quarter P03 1 -40.78 4th Quarter G06 (i) SPA -12.18 Subtotal 1 0 0 6 0 -346.21 Chapter 14 - Compliance Oversight Management Bodies 2nd Quarter P03/ D01 1 32.20 4th Quarter D01 OSG 12.02 Subtotal 0 0 1 0 0 44.22 Grand Total 8 12 15 24 19 -1677.23 * Budgetary impact is based on prorated average annual post cost for 2015 and amount of special duty allowance in cases of reclassification. Notes: (i) Appointment/Transfer to the Secretariat for Hemispheric Affairs (Chapter 9 in new structure) Notes: (ii) Transfer to the Strategic Counsel for Organizational Development and Management for Results (Chapter 4 in new structure) ACRONYMS OF CHAPTERS Notes: (iii) Transfer to the Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity (Chapter 5 in new structure) Acronym Chapter Acronym Chapter OSG Office of the Secretary General SPA Secretariat for Political Affairs ASG Office of the Assistant Secretary General SEDI Executive Secretariat for Integral Development PSO Principal and Specialized Organs SER Secretariat for External Relations OED Other Entities and Dependencies SAF Secretariat for Administration and Finance SLA Secretariat for Legal Affairs CMM Conferences and Meetings Management SMS Secretariat for Multidimensional Security OUGMS Offices and Units of the GS in the Member States COMB Compliance Oversight Management Bodies Section IV: Human Resources ~ 5 ~ OAS Quarterly Resource Management and Performance Report From January 1 to December 31 2015 Table 3 Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) - Human Resources Actions INDIRECT COST RECOVERY New Trust Transfer Resignations/ Budgetary Quarter Grade Appointment Appointments From To Reclassification Separations Terminations Impact Chapter 7 - Secretariat for Political Affairs 1st Quarter P01 1 -83.36 Subtotal 0 0 0 1 0 -83.36 Chapter 8 - Executive Secretariat for Integral Development 1st Quarter G05 SAF -85.58 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 -85.58 Chapter 10 - Secretariat for Administration and Finance G05 OUGMS -85.58 1st Quarter G05 SEDI 85.58 3rd Quarter P01 1 -21.93 Subtotal 0 0 0 1 0 -21.93 Chapter 13 - Off.
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