H TUB8DAY, OCTOBER aO,7 - lM.an I 'H• standing alga, unWghtad, at S89 d^ailaaMaaSa, aon of Mra. Slaie Mr. and Mra Joaepk Levrio, ote KnoSa. U Oerazd St, thU week fmmarly o f OUaton ML, who re* ZBA Grants Th s appUcatloa of Thomas Hol­ NEW WOOLEN REMMTt waa proBBOtod to the rank of cor* oently moved to their new prop* lis, J r„ WiU have to b* ra-advar* potal at Pbrt Ritchie, Md. After erty at 9M School St. were aur* aed bsoaus* o f aa error. jUtneheiter^A CUy of VtUago Chrnm Bioirtltfjr niMtlnir o ( ttw graduating from Mandieater High priaed Sunday on their return from Six Changes J. and a Realty Co., waa granted OHOiOE NEROHINOISE ct - 4*ni 1m m M at 8 in 1949, be attended the a drive in the country, to Sad permlaaion to vary the require­ . Iiiiiilt] «t Dm Community Unlveralty of Connecticut for two about 85 relativea and frleada aa* Six of nine applicatlona prearnt- ment, of a parking and loadtng VOL. LXXm , NO. 1» iOritlliIng On fuga M) ...^HaOawoM i cootumo pvty yeara, and enWated in the Army la aambled la their living rooin. The space on a lot which la being de- MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 21,1»M (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) ctdffs ■ June, 19SX He waa aUttoaed. at gueata brought with them the ea- ed at a public hearing of the Zon­ ‘win follow a brief businCM meet­ ing Board of Appeala were ap­ vsloped for btiaiaiaa by an i lltion M ing. RefcodunenU wUI bo oerved Indiantown Gap MiUtaiy Reearva* aentlala for a buSet atyle luncheon, to the building at 901-907 Main St tine, Indlantowa Gap, Pa., before and alao pooled their eontrlbutlona proved laat night. Two other* were Rummage Sale by Mlu. B. & Steele and Mn. denied while a third application This waa a tabled appUoatlon from Harold Conde. being aaal^^ to Fort Ritchie. of money toward the purchaae of the Sept 81 meeting. a handaomo mirror to bo hung will have to be re-adverttaed for Harman Bpsteln. in another oismHooD or t e m p l e s B in f s h o ix m i Archbishop The PoUah Women'a Alliance, above the Srepla^ the next hearing becauae of ai XMU Chapter No. Bl. Royal Group SM, win meet tomorrow at error in advertldng. thhled reqnaat was denied parmlS' Ua S. Holdback Arch Maaona. will confer the Mark 7:80 pjn. at the PoUah-Amerleaa Alao acted upon waa two hold to convert a throe-family Maater degree at Ita atkted con* The Fbat Aid CSaaa wUl jmeet dwelllag into a four-family dw*)l- Oub on Clinton St tonight at 7 o’clock in the audi­ over anilicationa. One waa grant­ IH VESTRY OF TEHFLE Is Installed ▼ocatlon Wednaaday at 7:80 pjn. ed and one denied. ing which WlU contain three under Ike Voices Support In theHaaonto Temple. The degree torium of the HOIllater Street alsed appartmeata at 1814 Brain* The Second OongregatlOBal achool. Inatruetora win , be H i* board -granted' the follow­ NYRTLE oaf UNDER STREETS wortc win bo followed by the uaual P la Church Chancel Choir wiU hold an Alvlp Baldt Roderick McLean ing exceptlMia: Joaepk Jaaaie, per ^uits Red Life hour of ndreahment and aocia- important rebearaal tonight at and Frank Moraaco. Anyone who mlaaion to erect a porch on a In Hartford biiity. 7:80 in the church. Following the garage which ia not located in ac­ Ui Day Wsfmiiay, OA » - 0pm wee to do ao may anroU at thla cordance with xqning regulation* rehearaal. there wlU be a buaineM Srat aeaalon tonight } ■ Fomnunjorn. Oct. 21 Mn— vaM to return d u ^ the Mg pria* H a rtfo rd , O ct. 21 (/P>— T h e Fred BUah, Jr., 5 Laurel St, a meeting and election of offlcera, at 159 Hiompaon Rd.; Raymond Police ArreBta McGugan, permlaaion to. erect $11 Day Thanfay, 0«L tt-Oym I $JL *A corporal from Virfimn'i oner oxehange, but' that moet Rev. Henry J. O’Brien, "v aenior in the School of Uberal. after which doughnuta and eider St Margaret-M ary Mothera aiatad bi ataylag back.” ArU at TufU CoUege, waa elected win be aerved. Any member* of detached garage 82 feet from Robert Nlelaoa. 18, o f North BouBtfiin eountry-r-the fin t D.D., waa installed today aa treaaurer of the Engllah Depart­ Carcle win meet at tte«home of Portland Street, which ia 18 feet (Iha broadcast, monitorad la Of Secretary Benson the church, partlcularty teaora and Mra Oliver Benoit of 45 FalrSeld Coventry, waa arrested on 'charges of St'uBropntrintM Amtricnn Tokyo, said that while be waa la the first Archbishop of Hart­ ment a u b , th e Middle HaU a u b baaaea, wlw would like to become cloaer than regulation* allow <m St, Wedneaday at 8 p.m. thia comer lot at 55 Litchfield S t; of reckless driving and driving wnr prisoneri to quit Comma- Red hands Tellow prlaonan also ford in a ceremony, unsur­ membera of the choir, are urged to fallod to taut him Into gotag passed in its impressiveness The Doreaa gm p of the Souto attwkd. McClure Auto Co. Inc., two yeara without a Ilcenaa after the pick-up 8«id today' *‘I had '' WBA nMmbara are reminded of Mlae Oaretya V. ParoeU extension o f permlaaion to have a truck he waa driving on Deming tBoufh” of life .undor the hOHM.) and color in the annala of the Methodiat WSOS wiU meet at 9:80 the meeting tonight at 7:45 in In eontraat tohla appaaraac* ba- aj». tomorrow to work on brdded A aon waa bom at the Hartford new and need car lot and a free- Street about 18:40 p.m. yesterday R e d t. Hartford Diocese. Onljr Mok Aanoiig 457 Girk Odd FeUowa haU. Ih e aUt pro* Mr. and Mra Gerald G. N. Pur- atandlng ground algn for same, lo­ crashed into a utUlty p ^ , anap- fora tba nowaman, Diekaaaen was U n w orried ruga. Luncheon will be aerved at Hoapital. O ct 18, to Mr. and Mra. aented at Waterbury wUl be re­ Cpl. Edward 8. ZNckenaon. a It was cooductod by tb* Moat noon. Plana win alao be made for celL o f Kaat Orange, N. J., an­ cated closer to the street line than ping it off and leaving it hanging the best health insurance smUiag and ammeil ia goodlod nirlte Rev. Amleto Ciogaani, ApostoUe David chapman, S8 Bolton St. peat^ and Mra BeUe Schora wlU 88-year-oId former farmer from when he was traaaterrad to Anted the anti<|ue ahow by the group In nounce the engagement of their regulations allow, on the southeast suspended from taleimon* wlrea Big Stone Gap, Va., aaid It waa delegato to tba United State*, ahow plcturea taken in Kuropo the comer of Strant and Main Streets. Patrolman Milton Stratton, who control enilior today^Ak Paamua- . November. The Slateihood of'Temple Beth peat aummer. daughter, Carolyn Virginia to “mora Oua likely” aome the Jom. robad fo r tho occasion ia hla p u ii^ O ver Farm Sholom WiU hold lU faU rummage Alao, Victor Adamson, extension made the arrest, aald the youth! other Americaaa wbo apurned a espps magnn with iU cervmonlal Frederick W. Gelaaler, Jr., aon of of permission, until May 81, 1954, was travMlng eaat when the truck "It sure foots jyaat to b* back train. The Infant Jeaua o f Prague aale Wedneaday. commencing at 9 chanoa to return borne would in tbo baada ut tba Amaricaas,” Mothera Circle will meet Wednee- a. m.. in the temple veatry at Mr. and Mra Joooph Pontteelli, Mr. and Mra. Frederick W. Gela*' to occupy a building for tem­ left the road and hit the pole. change their mindB, Thousand* crowded the aid*-, Myrtle and UndeivSta. Included in 10 Homeataad S t, wUl celebrate ler, 87 Dougherty St. , porary living quarters at 283 1-8 Damage to the truck waa esti­ "Oemmiiniam la not my bellof,'' Dickenson grtdaod to newamM at walks and lawns of building* ad­ A id Issu e s day at S p. m. at the homo of Mra. tha abort transfer ceremony. Ruaaen Insinga, 88 Pearl S t Mra. the aale wlU be aome very fine their Both anniveraary on Sunday, Mlaa Purcell la completing her Spring St; and Vanderbrodt mated at 400. The pole suffOred an ho told n news conforenoo. 'T have jacent to tba cathedral for a Laplerre wiU be co*hoateea. woolen remnanta. Chairman of the O ct 28, a t the ItaUan-Amaiican atudlea for a degree in muaic Nurseries, two yeara extension of estimated |1S0 damage. m y own beltefa.” HUt parents. Mr. and Mr*. Van gUmpsa o f the colorful procMoioa aale la Mra. Henry Roaenaweig, Club on Bldiidge St. The houra of education at the New England Con permission to have two directional N IelM ia being held in $75 bond Dickonaon, wbooo paronta Uvo Buren Dickenson, who Uve ia n of clergy that preceded the eera- Washington. Oct. 21 (dP^ who la being aaaiated by Ifira. the reception wiU be' from 8 to.7 aervatory of Muaic in Boaton, Mgns on the southeast comer of pniding his arraignmmt in Town la a romotO cabin Ugh In the Alle­ eabia in thp AUeghony nwhy. They spilled over into President Eisenhower toosy Nathan Sandala and Mra. larael ?jn . in the lower haU,' and from where ahe la a member of Mu Phi Woodbrldge and Lydall Sts.
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