НАУКОВI ЗАПИСКИ Серія: Філологічні науки Випуск 187 5. Щур І. І. Український комп’ютерний сленг: формування і функціонування: автореф. дис. … канд. філол. наук: 10.02.01 «Українська мова» / І. І. Щур. – К., 2006. – 20 с. REFERENCES 1. Matviichuk M. I. (2012). Osoblyvosti kompiuternoho slenhu: vzhyvannia, formuvannia, pereklad. Features of computer slang: application, formation, translation // Scientific Bulletin of the UNESCO Chair of the Kiev National Linguistic University. Philology, pedagogy, psychology]. No. 24, pp. 97-101. 2. Mykhalevych O. (2009). Terminolohizatsiia ta determinolohizatsiia v ekonomichnii terminosystemi // Movoznavchyi visnyk: zb. nauk. prats. [Terminologization and determinologization in the economic terminology // Linguistic Bulletin: Coll. of science works]. Cherkasy, No. 9, pp. 135 -141. 3. Iermolenko S. Ya. (2001). Ukrainska mova: korotkyi tlumachnyi slovnyk linhvistychnykh terminiv [Ukrainian language: a short explanatory dictionary of linguistic terms]. Kyiv: Lybid, 252 p. 4. Sudzilovskiy G. A.(1973). Sleng – chto eto take? // Anglo-russkiy slovar voennogo slenga. [Slang - what is it? // The English-Russian Dictionary of Military Slang]. Moscow: Voennizdat Minoboronyi, 182 p. 5. Shchur I. I.(2006). Ukrainskyi kompiuternyi slenh: formuvannia i funktsionuvannia: avtoref. dys. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.01 «Ukrainska mova». [Ukrainian computer slang: formation and functioning: abstract. diss. … Cand. philol. Sciences: 10.02.01 «Ukrainian language»]. Kyiv, 20 p. ВІДОМОСТІ ПРО АВТОРА Гаврилова Олена – старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Харківського національного університету міського господарства. Наукові інтереси: вживання інформаційно-комп’ютерної термінології. INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHOR Gavrylova Olena – Senior Lecturer, of Foreign Languages Department at Kharkiv National University of Urban Economics. Scientific interests: using the information and computer terminology. УДК 811.112.2 DOI: https: //doi.org./ 10.36550/2522-4077.2020.187.10 LEXICAL DIVERGENCE IN AUSTRIAN NEWSPAPER LANGUAGE Mykola KARPIK (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID: https: //orcid.org./ 0000-0002-4550-075X e-mail: [email protected] КАРПІК Микола. ЛЕКСИЧНА ДИВЕРГЕНЦІЯ У МОВІ ПРЕСИ АВСТРІЇ. У статті розглядаються тенденції конвергентного та дивергентного розвитку сучасної німецької мови Австрії. Проаналізовано 302 лексичні одиниці тематичної групи гастрономії на матеріалі чотирьох австрійських видань за два роки з різницею у 10 років з метою виявити тенденції вживання австріацизмів у сучасній австрійській пресі. При аналізі виявлено, що близько третини австріацизмів вживаються на шпальтах австрійських газет, не зазнаючи витіснення з боку їхніх відповідників – тевтонізмів. Конвергенції не піддається лексика, яка відображає культуру та звичаї австрійського народу, реалії його побуту та життєдіяльності. Ключові слова: мова преси, австріацизми, лексичні конвергенція та дивергенція. KARPIK Mykola. LEXICAL DIVERGENCE IN AUSTRIAN NEWSPAPER LANGUAGE. This paper presents a research on the tendencies of convergent and divergent development of the modern Austrian German language. The author analyzes 302 lexical units in the thematic group of gastronomy. The research aims at trailing the dynamics of Austriacisms usage in modern Austrian press. The study of newspaper language is most representing for the topical political and popular lexicon is fully represented in daily papers. A systematic sampling demonstrates trends in the language use and simultaneously reflects the language development through years, 10 years in our case. We have analyzed four Austrian newspapers: Die Presse, Der Standard, OÖN and NÖN, two major national daily papers and two regional issues, oriented predominantly at Lower Austria and Upper Austria. As the key search words, we used Austriacisms listed in Duden Österreichisches Deutsch dictionary by Jakob Ebner. Aimed at trailing divergent and convergent trends in the development of Austrian German, we have analyzed the abovementioned newspapers published in 2009 and 2019. In this article, we closely examine the words from the thematic block of gastronomy, as these Austriacisms form a group of lexical units represented most completely in press. Names of food make up a thematic group with a bright regional aspect both in Austria and other German speaking regions. Gastronomic names are largely socially motivated lexicon used in communication. These words were predominantly used in Vienna, but later acquired a wider spread in Austria. 63 Випуск 187 Серія: Філологічні науки НАУКОВI ЗАПИСКИ In our research we have come to the conclusion that from 302 Austriacisms found in Duden Österreichisches Deutsch dictionary approximately 30% dominate in newspaper articles 127 terms quite rarely occur in the analyzed texts dated 2009 and 2019. The analyzed corpus shows an articulated ethnical marking of these words: they appeal to the speakers’ perceptions of certain phenomena of national culture. It is quite interesting that we have not come across certain word from the Record 10 – Rostbraten (Hochrippe) (prime rib), Schlägel (Keule) (ham), Weichsein (Sauerkirschen) (sour cherry). According to our calculations, there was a major increase in the usage of Austriacisms as gastronomic terms in press (693967 in 2019 versus 63624 in 2009). From the conducted research we can assume that in Austria the modern German language has a tendency to both divergent and convergent development. Lexicon reflecting Austrian culture, traditions, realia, and lifestyle does not tend to converge. Such linguocultural aspect of this word stock enables its persistent use in modern Austrian media. Key words: newspaper language, Austriacisms, lexical convergence and divergence. Introduction and Relevance. For any national language, media discourse is one of the most dynamic contexts in which the innovations constantly occur in the form of neologisms, semantic neologisms, reanimated archaisms, circumlocutions, idioms, and language loans (Pidkaminna, 2017). The examples from the press illustrate it best since the topical political and popular lexicon is fully represented in daily papers. This systematic sampling demonstrates trends in the language use and simultaneously reflects the language development through years, shows the connections of the language and society, the dynamics of changes in the language. The task of this study is to disclose the processes of divergence in the development of the Austrian variant of the German language in modern Austria. Apart from solely lingual, quantitative inventory approach to the issue of national language variants (selection and systematization of variant differences at all levels of language system), modern linguists tend to apply a philosophical, world-view and anthropocentric approach, according to which these divergences are results of changes in the national mentalities of the Germans, Austrians and Swiss. The task of this approach is to analyze the speakers’ preferences, what and why a native speaker of a particular national variant chooses from the inventory of expressive means of the German language. The linguistic divergence is understood as the discrepancy and distancing between two and more linguistic entities (Yarceva, 1990: 136). In other words, divergence is the tendency of mutual separating in the process of development of the variants of a certain linguistic unit. The result may be manifested in two distinctive elements of the same level which eventually may take root in a specific language system (Wikipedia.org). Materials and Methods. Modern researchers of the Austrian variant of the German language study predominantly fiction and newspaper texts to define the proportion of Austriacisms compared to the percentage of Teutonisms in the Austrian media. This analysis shows the dominant trends in the lexicon of the Austrian German speakers. Based on the analysis of the separate examples a research on the tendencies in the development of the modern language can be conducted. For instance, Dalibor Zeman analyzed some texts published in leading Austrian daily papers comparing the Austriacisms in them with the materials from Jakob Ebner’s 1998 dictionary which, in 7 000 entries, contains data on the peculiarities of Austriacisms usage. The analyzed material showed that the journalists tended to choose either Austriacisms or a Standard German equivalent not due to the particular lexical meaning, but motivated by the need for variety. It is significant to note, that the state officials and the representatives of institutions prefer to use Austriacisms in public, which implies the attempt in the strong positioning of Austrian German and yielding it social prestige. Especially it is characteristic of different public figures’ interviews (Zeman, 2009). To reveal peculiarities in the national and the regional variants of the German language, a Swiss researcher R. Schmidlin analyzed a corpus of texts from Austria, Switzerland, and Germany from the years 1997–2003, including newspaper articles from 50 national, regional and local papers of a different type. The primary focus was put onto the issue of regional and national variability in the texts of different national and regional origin, genre, contents and years of publication (Schmidlin, 2011). Goal and objectives of the article. Our task was to prove the hypothesis that two opposing trends exist in media discourse: a tendency to globalization on the one hand, and a tendency to preserving linguocultural community, identity and culture. These two opposite yet complementary
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