Vincent R. Rippa Attorneys 800 \X/Estci-2S2r :\Venue

Vincent R. Rippa Attorneys 800 \X/Estci-2S2r :\Venue

Ytre fJ!a,w Qjf;,&&J o/ VINCENT R. RIPPA ATTORNEYS 800 \X/ESTCI-2S2R :\VENUE. SUIT.::. :S-608 PARALEGALS R':.·"E: BROOK N:S\Y"·· YCFJ::. ws-: (9(.1.\ 0%-1800 'S\";4, 6~6-030\• (91-J 60{-,- -; s:::~; (~'acslDJlle VIA EMAIL June :Senn1e Gile:: :; ·'"' 01orth Avenue J~e\k' Rocrielle. l080 R"'· Wta.rna Francesca Restauran:: Con:;._ d/om Sieie Oci:10 Siete .:.!. ~.:::. ? elbarr; Roaci New Rochelle. 2ncwsed Dtease ±inci :he follow1ng· Caoare: Annbcanon of S1ete Ocno Sie;:e: ParK1ng .500 too: Raciius Dw.. grarr-'-: anc lvlarkenng Proposal for tile res1.auran:. Rooen Stanz1ale ..LvcDjte~: ?C 1-viL oe filing the .-'\rcDite~rurai Plan on or before :::·nciay. =:s·. 20:.:::: Arrachmeni cc:: RoDer: Starz·... aie Nic1: DiCosmnzo CAB.A..RET APPLJ CA T!O!\ OF SIETE OCHO SIETE Se::non -, , _.:: ·- orovJGes the ;__.abare-::,~ ' :__1censeT u:'" c:en:aw rec;uuemenLs' are Iollowec.:o• '' A; The anaci1ed 500 FooL Raci!us D1ag::-arn reveals the sUOJe~~ oroperr:-' comnnes wnn tn~ SOC iom dista.TJce regulanon. B PARKING IWJ'ACTS "7'he subjecT prooeiLy Ls m a_ business strm cenre:- :nat contmns mwnn1e narKrng so ace=.. A.. ma~ioriry of business c2..t."'Tied out applicant w·ill be at rught when a maionry of stores l.E the striD cente:- ·will ·oe closed. There will De narking available u;_ shopprng area and approximmejy l 000 feel from the subjeer pro perry lS a iarge parking lor used for Dus1nesses cioseci at nignt. Parking can be 1n the JOt. The applicant also owns a pnvaie parlcng Jot across from tne subjec: properry on PeLham Roaci. ?arl:iTlg ca.tJ be 1n this areil and lS also availaole on s1de srreets m the swlounciing area from tbe subjec: property. Il\1.PACl ON StJR.ROUNDING .R.ESIDEN~l.A..L ,~}\jD Bl}SH\TESS ~'---' \VITH ":;':::--;:::~ SL~BJEC~ PROPERT':::· There shouid not be imnac: unor: res1ciential and business use within soc- fee~ of SUO.JeC: properry ciunng the cia.y-:ime as apnll~ants cia.ynlne 'ouslness lS ~imired anci narring avaiiaDie. lmnac: lD the everung. should be m1mmal c.s the applic:ac"l~ wil~ retmn a secunry comDan:.' a.t1d mmntair. no1se levels within rhe ciecibei Iimi: set by tne C i:Y. :::l i HOURS OF OP:':J?J,TIOI\ BL'SWE:SS DESCRIPTlOK TYP::C OF :2.NTERTi\I:l'JJVIE1\rT TO BE OF~ERS:) Restauran:: s onen area on Pelham_ Roaci wil! provicie iunci1 and service seven ci2ys 1 :::t'-' n'~"-""1">'V '-''"' \._ --lrr" oml.L -I·.~ C.oJ.l~·~- m '0c illJ"a"nJ·ah'l :::-~--~. ;-oar'~ '-'- <:::"'fVl''".._.v~ ...,._ W"i]"" l -''OTII!.TIU"'-' '-' .L'llS'Q,"" _._ 1 '-' rh.:.•,j_l_'-' Df"'II:•!S"',__, ._ '-'"-' 'Ulllti~~l -'"'· Q,~, ml.L, lv1uslc will no: be nrovicied :n this area. There will -De musiC u: the :--estauranc dUilng the weel.: anci weeKend :.:L.'Jd olayed wnhin the- ciec:iDe~ leve~ allowed ·tlY tile Coae. lvius1c wiU ~e Drovicieci as foUov,rz: - Thursday- musicians 'Hill play aunng amne7" rrorr, D.D1. K· l V p.IL. - ?::-1ciav ru1d Sarurciay- c_ D.i wiLl uiay musrc £rom } () p.IL. tc :=; 2..rr~. - Sunciay tffiougi: \\lecines6.ay- Background mus1c vvill play dunng ciir,ne:- frorr1 an lpoC.. K..itchen will be open lVlonciay througlJ V\; ecmesaay from ::::: n.m. w IDJG.-"1lgn:: Thursca: .. from. -­ p.rr::.. w :=: a.m. a:1d Sunciay fron-: !. ~ a.m.. to ~ : D-m. L1cer2.seC Secw.ity nrm nas Deen reta1neC anci will be on tne prerrnses oL ?riciay a.c~d Saturday evemngs. Tne::-e will be rvlo pe:--soP.... flel at tbe entrance. rvvo pei"sonnelin the res:a.u:-m-:1 a..TJd one security membe:- li'1 par.Kmg lo:. Sarurcia:: there will Oe an ad.ciitional sec:lh···rr:: pe:-soE added ro the cie-r:ail. two Dersonnel ·wil: be a-: ri1e door. ti'll'ee Lr, festama..DL a.11ci one pe:-son_ne~ 1.r. parking 10L. The entrance cioor will be ~on trolled by secunn: and the exrer1or enrrance cioor \\rill no~: ODe':" aL the srune nrne as the Intenor entrance no or onens. Thls oroceciure will oc2ur upon enrenng ar"C: ieav1ng A oersor: who ieaves the orem1ses afte~ a.m. wiL not be al.loweC re-enrr:, :-ne srar: a: 1 the oarKmg J0 , will reman: aL tbe lot to ensure gues1:s exn the parklng 1m expecinious]~, ~ ne su6je:: Droner::y presently hzs a Cenu:lcme Deparrmeni approva1 a.._rJ.G J\.\... S. =-.wuor Aurbonr: _,Jcense u' Tbe ·.=::iry Council retains ultimate controJ ove:- the subiec~ orooerry cs oermns are renewed bv City Council every twc :;ear2. ln the even: anoi1canL ioes n01 comn1y With regulat}ons. the renewal 01 the ne:unn can he derued by the Council H Aoni1cant will comply wnh Condinon E. Gpon approval of the City CoLL1"JCll. an application for a license will ·oe .filed witt~ Pol1ce DenacLn1enT of the ·:iry of~ew Rochelle. J : Applica.IT:: agrees to subrr.Jt the applica1ion for renewaL Dnor w the exniration of its K.esne2tfully SuOmin.ed ,_____. ~--­ :::)MV,EP,Ci!-.~ S.'"'::JPPI,\J;:= ~///~~ ~.. --- \\' lv\Uti;-.~AJ\l'f",_-~~~--'--' R!S'!)ENCE.,,\ I\; ____Jh·,, ' •..:...--- -~ I, i ""::::::::== p / / / .. ;::;.~~'-';::'' / ' '"~·~' ·---- /~/ SOO FOOT RADIUS DIAGRAM Section 33 1 • 1 ~ 3 • .2-A 81:::' ::: CJCt-'.0 SI::T:: 41 4 "':::...-iAM ~OAD Ni::W O::OC:-E:...:...::: NY rlooer: Stanzia!e ..A,rchltec-:: PC Irresistihlv., Puerto Rican RESTAURANT BAR LOUNGE CATERING Slete Ocno Siete Tatlle oi Contenrs ~ .0 .::.xecunve Summar: tvhss10r. Ke}IS tc S uc::::ess .. =:.o Comnany Summar: Comnan:-' CJwne;shiD Corrman: :__ocanons & := acilines iJ lnciustry Analvsis . : Main C ompetno:s ..:;._u ?rod.ucts and Sennces 4. · Compeunve Comnanson c .c.: ? urure ?rociucr:s anci Servrces c ::;_D !Vta.rKe: Ana(ysts Summar:, :.: large:: Marker Segmen: Srrateg:· ]Q 0.0 '0/eO Pian Summary ~ .D Strateg} &. liDDJementanon C omperirive 5dg:: Marketing Srraregy Positjonmg Statemem.. Marketing Progra.Ins ._, Strareg1c ..::Jlianc:;s JQ 16 9.0 Menu Siete C)cho Siete .0 ::xe-:utivE Sumrr1ary Si'2te Ocnc Siete wiii oe 2 moo'erateiy priced.~ ::..33-sca:~ resLaur-an:. Da' anc rounge. C)ur focL!s wiH be on new and t:aditionai authentic fiavors of Duer-:o Rice through new and t:aditiona! recipes. c:ombineo with the ;icn amo:1ance o~ Latin music in a \A/Oiil: anc inviting atmosohere. Siere Dchc· Siet:: wi!1' offe: tc ;1t.S ~~uesL:s c :'lome awav fron-: nome: c Diac::: ::c .:ome tc ':2SLe ali of the p1e2sures that ~he Cariboean :-1cs to offe;. giv1ng new meaninQ tc vacationing a:: home. Siet:: Ocho S\et:: :an orovide 2 set':in~~ awa\'' from the orr·rce wniie enabling its gues-cs :o conouc~ ousiness. Aii, L..atin oeooie will aporeciate t'ne escape from thei,r da\lv ;-outines to ceiebrate ::he \ 1,cnness CJf their heritage and Toste: fond memories of iife on the islands, it is abOUL Cleating a b1ana that can be fianchlsea' anc' postea on any '1ine of oroouc::s sucn as fooc anc Clot,'!ing. It will oe available w :r,aJor entities Including suoermarKe:s,~ oe!ls, et:. for their dls-::rlbution, creating a whoie nevv sourc2 o~ r.even ue. : MisSiOn The c:Jmoan·{s gc;al !s ~hat of multi-fac2tec: suc::::::.:s3 ·:r: ·dining ano· -"n[P,<aJ·nm•.- -- Pn.- r_. ....Tr ; C~\..0~...._--·ln·lnC: 11_ "r-\.. !C'-.... :::>-u---c:.c:::~ l_.._.__,:;,' on""',-,.:: C 'VI .j.,n·.::;:,li '- '""nai~':;:iW ,.:;:, w·1·1·1 i\cU--.,nG'-"-' I • ~ +-no'-1 '- 1 :'-;,nrl-l,' i1l._., ·._1Cl. .:::>L.d.---o· 'i'i'it'v ui-= ~nc·._·, ,_ r-"s-au-"n",_ \.. ' I ..-I :... We'- w'il': Ime-"- '--~ ~·n,-;,.J ,::, '-'0c-al . "V"V I" i'-e_ '._~.on-Jo"'rlnr· ·.,:::> '-' ::; , • The ei:e·::: of res~auran: ambianc~ on tr-1a: a~ ou: ·:ustome;s: " i'ne imDac: that our bus!ness p;-actJces and cnoices will :Jave on th~ .;::,-u--oun·o'inq II ,\,_, ._,,_._.rir"'" 111,'" N""'' -..v~ K~orC1o[[c._;,,_ -..,,, NY • The hign qua'lity of attitude .. fairness! understandin~r ana generosity 0 °-WA"'r._.!_ .... ._,,:. m-n;o;oomcr• :::::1 1....,_ ... ,1 ,_ 1~ 1 .:::<.CJI,,~~-"f ,_...,:.._,,S-Om"'"- 1 ,_:~ an"'- y-no·o--t:;,.i r,::::,. Awareness of al' tnese ~actors and the resoonsible actions :ha-c :esult wil give ou:- eliorts a sense of ourpose and meaning beyonc our basic f\nancla goa;s. ·:Dr.seouent!y, ·Jur seconoary QOOi of aeiiverlng tne mos: autnentic ant finest ?ue:::c Rican food ir: the hear: of New Rocheiie, N.Y. CDUDieC with grea~ enre:cainmen~ and higr. s-canaarcs in hospi~a!ity and se:-vice wi!i -::nsur-:: Sie-c:: Oc:ho SleTe/s suc:ess. l.2 Keys L:C· Success • 7he Geotior, of a unioue and innova::ive oin1n9 exoenence wil! diffe-entiare us from tne .::::omoetJtion. T'ne res-:auranL will stand out from 'che oth.e:­ restau:-ants ·oecaus~ of ·:ts unique menu and desigrL • Produc: auaiity. Not only great food, but oreat servic~ anc a:rT10SDher2 . Sieie Ocrio Siere • The menu wiil apoeal, :·: a wide anc:I variec: c:lient:ei::. It is trad\tiona! authentic Puerto Rican ·::./isine. • Location r-on+--oil·l·n~ ~-s"- • ·---· <..J' : '::! ·~v L.::o at..-· al·' times w\tnou:. exceot1on, wiii· ooerate cs a :csuai restaurant anc 10unge with :::.33 sear.:s featuring autnentic Pue;co Rican ·::uJsJne iOC3t'2d a: 41.:1 Peiham Road, New Rocnelie, N.Y.

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