STUDY ON MULTICULTURALISM AND INTER-ETHNIC RELATIONS IN EDUCATION UNICEF Country Office, Skopje November 2009 Study on Multiculturalism and Inter-ethnic Relations in Education 1 This study has been prepared by the Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution, Skopje. Authors: Violeta Petroska-Beska, Mirjana Najcevska, Niko- lina Kenig, Safet Ballazhi, and Ana Tomovska. The views expressed in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of UNI- CEF. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank all those who have contrib- uted to the realization of this study, particularly the staff at the Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution. The authors would also like to express their gratitude for the practical guidance and support provided by the UNICEF Country Office in Skopje, especially the contributions made by Nora Sabani, the Education for Development Specialist. Finally, we are extremely grateful to the Ministry of Educa- tion and Science, the Bureau for Education Development and the State Education Inspectorate, as well as to all respon- dents to the field questionnaire and all participants in the focus-groups engaged in the process of this study. CIP – Katalogizacija vo publikacija Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka „Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, Skopje 37.035:316.723-021.463(497.7) STUDY on multiculturalism and inter-ethnic relations in education /[authors Violeta Petrovska-Beska ... i dr.]. - Skopje : Kancelarija na UNICEF, 2009 ([Skopje]: Koma design). - 140 str. : graf. prikazi ; 30 sm ISBN 978-9989-116-51-3 COBISS.MK-ID 80463882 2 Study on Multiculturalism and Inter-ethnic Relations in Education Contents Executive Summary .........................................................................5 Introduction ..................................................................................11 Part 1 Desk review ..................................................................................15 Review of the legal framework and strategic goals ............................15 Results from related research and analysis ........................................21 Analysis of the curriculum for primary education ...............................25 Analysis of textbooks for primary education......................................33 Linguistic/ethnic separation in schools ..............................................55 Part 2 Field research ................................................................................65 Field research methodology ............................................................65 Field research results .....................................................................69 Appendix A. Field research ........................................................... 105 List of the findings and recommendations ....................................... 105 Appendix B. Questionnaire for all schools with more than one language of instruction ................................................... 115 Questionnaire for primary and secondary schools with two or three languages of instruction ...................................... 115 Appendix C. ............................................................................... 121 Appendix D. .............................................................................. 124 Questionnaire for students ............................................................ 124 Appendix E. ............................................................................... 129 Questionnaire for Teachers ........................................................... 129 Endnotes .................................................................................... 134 Study on Multiculturalism and Inter-ethnic Relations in Education 3 4 Study on Multiculturalism and Inter-ethnic Relations in Education Executive Summary This Study on Multiculturalism and Inter-Ethnic schools. Specific recommendations are given Relations in Education provides an analysis of for increased attention and action on the part the capacities of the education system to pro- of the government, civil society and the inter- mote and ensure respect, tolerance and accep- national community to ensure that the goals tance. It examines the mutual perceptions and of multiculturalism and education aimed at im- levels of communication between students, proving inter-ethnic relations are incorporated parents and teachers from the Macedonian in ongoing education reforms. Any approach and Albanian ethnic communities living in the adopted to address this issue effectively must former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The be firmly based on an understanding that multi- purpose of this study is to create a baseline for cultural education aimed at improving inter- UNICEF-supported activities as part of the Joint ethnic relations is a key factor in the provision UN Programme for ‘Enhancing Inter-Ethnic Dia- of quality education, the development of better logue and Collaboration in the former Yugoslav human capital, and the creation of a cohesive Republic of Macedonia’, a programme primarily society. funded by the Millennium Development Goals Fund. This study was undertaken in two phases be- tween June and October 2009. The first phase Great progress has been achieved in promoting comprised a desk review of the relevant legal the right to education of different ethnic com- and policy framework; a review of the curri- munities in the country. Progress has been es- cula and textbooks used in primary education; pecially significant in providing mother-tongue and an analysis of official data on the num- education, while the process of decentralization ber and population of schools with more than has led to increased local ownership of schools one language of instruction. The second phase by ethnic communities. Dynamic reforms have involved field research in seven out of eight been initiated in the education sector in line planned primary and secondary schools in the with the country’s aspiration for EU/NATO ac- municipalities of Kumanovo, Kicevo and Stru- cession and its national goals for improving the ga. The research methods employed included quality of education. However, while the ad- questionnaires, focus-group discussions, and vantages of multiculturalism in schools and the interviews with students, teachers, parents, need for further improvement of inter-ethnic professional support staff and school manage- relations through education are universally ac- ment. For the purposes of this research, respon- knowledged, reports of separation in schools dents were chosen exclusively from among the along ethnic lines are becoming more frequent. Macedonian and Albanian ethnic communities. This study presents an up-to-date analysis of This selection was made because these con- the underlying causes of ethnic separation in stitute the largest communities in the country Study on Multiculturalism and Inter-ethnic Relations in Education 5 and because it is the relations between these provision of textbooks for instruction in differ- communities that dominate the current debate ent languages with content related to the tradi- on inter-ethnic issues. tions and history of different ethnic identities). Certain desirable values in the spirit of mutual A number of challenges were faced during the respect are mentioned in the normative frame- phases of desk review and field research. These work. However, no obligation is imposed to en- included, for example, the transition in primary sure the implementation of these principles and education from an eight-year curriculum to a no mechanisms are specified by which to stim- new nine-year curriculum; the availability of ulate respect or sanction disrespect of these textbooks (some had not yet been published principles at national and school level. and some were unavailable at the time of the analysis); a mismatch in the ways that multilin- It is recommended, therefore, that the follow- gual schools are registered by the State Statis- ing strategies and mechanisms be introduced tical Office and the Ministry of Education and into the national and educational legal and pol- Science; a limited response on the part of sec- icy framework: ondary schools to the questionnaire intended The laws should specify the establishment for all ‘mixed’ schools; and the unavailability of mechanisms for the promotion of prin- of one secondary school to participate in the ciples of respect, tolerance and acceptance field research. Gender aspects of multicultural in schools. education and inter-ethnic relations were also Support and monitoring should be provided examined as part of this study. Certain findings by educational institutions such as the Bu- and recommendations arising from the desk re- reau for Education Development and the view make reference to this issue; however, no State Education Inspectorate to ensure that significant differences emerged in the course of these mechanisms are in place. field research with regard to the role of gender. School documents (statutes and annual programmes) must envisage the establish- The study comprises three sections and ap- ment of mechanisms and strategies for the pendices. The Introduction gives the rationale promotion of respect, tolerance and accep- for undertaking the analysis, the purpose of tance, while measures to tackle the violation the study and the methodology applied. The of these values should similarly be adopted. second part presents detailed findings and rec- 2. The review of school curricula shows that re- ommendations
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