BADEN Numerals on Colored Paper 1851-52 1KR 3KR 6KR 9KR Thin Colored Paper 1851 1KR 3KR 6KR 9KR ON 9KR ON DEEP ROSE PAPER BLUE GREEN PAPER Types of 1851-52 1853-58 1KR ON 3KR ON 3KR ON 6KR ON WHITE PAPER GREEN PAPER BLUE PAPER YELLOW PAPER BADEN Coat of Arms Perforated 13-1/2 1860-62 3KR 1KR 6KR 9KR ULTRAMARINE Perforated 10 1862 1KR 6KR 9KR Perforated 13-1/2 3KR ROSE Coat of Arms, Redrawn Perforated 10 1862-65 1KR 3KR 6KR 9KR 18KR 30KR BADEN Coat of Arms 1868 1KR 3KR 7KR RURAL POSTAGE DUE STAMPS Numerals 1862 1KR 3KR 12KR BAVARIA Numerals, in Broken Circle 1849 1KR 3KR 6KR Numerals, in Complete Circle 1850-58 1KR PINK 6KR BROWN 9KR YELLOW GREEN 12KR RED 18KR YELLOW Numerals, in Complete Circle 1862 1KR YELLOW 3KR ROSE 6KR BLUE 9KR BISTRE 12KR 18KR YELLOW GREEN VERMILION RED Numeral, in Broken Circle 1862 3KR ROSE BAVARIA Coat of Arms, with Silk Thread 1867-68 1KR 6KR 3KR 6KR BISTRE YELLOW GREEN ULTRAMARINE 7KR 9KR BISTRE 12KR 18KR Coat of Arms, without Silk Thread Intersecting Zig-Zag Watermark 1870-72 7KR 1KR GREEN 3KR 6KR BISTRE ULTRAMARINE 9KR 10KR 12KR 18KR PALE BROWN Coat of Arms Coat of Arms Imperforate Perforated 11-1/2 1874 1875 1M 1M BAVARIA Coat of Arms Horizontal Wavy Lines Watermark 1875 1KR 3KR 7KR 10KR 18KR Coat of Arms New Currency, Horizontal Wavy Lines Watermark 1876-78 3PF 5PF DARK GREEN 5PF LILAC 10PF 20PF 25PF 50PF SCARLET 50PF BROWN 1M 2M BAVARIA Coat of Arms Vertical Wavy Lines Watermark, Perforated 11-1/2 1881-1906 3PF 5PF 10PF 20PF 25PF 50PF 1M 2M 3M 5M BAVARIA Coat of Arms Horizontal Wavy Lines Watermark, Perforated 14-1/2 1888-1900 5PF 2PF 3PF GREEN 3PF BROWN 5PF LILAC DARK GREEN 25PF 10PF 20PF 25PF ORANGE 30PF YELLOW BROWN 50PF 40PF 50PF MAROON 80PF DEEP BROWN Vertical Wavy Lines Watermark Horizontal Wavy Lines Watermark 1911 1911 5PF 1M 2M 3M 5M DARK GREEN BAVARIA Prince Regent Luitpold's 90th Birthday 1911 3PF 5PF 10PF 20PF 25PF 30PF 40PF 50PF 60PF 80PF 1M 2M 3M 5M 10M 20M Prince Regent Luitpold's Silver Jubilee 1911 5PF 10PF BAVARIA King Ludwig III Perforated 14 x 14-1/2 1914-20 2PF 2-1/2PF ON 2PF 3PF 5PF 7-1/2PF 10PF 10PF 15PF 15PF 20PF VERMILION CARMINE ROSE VERMILION CARMINE ROSE 25PF 30PF 40PF 50PF 60PF 1M 2M 3M 80PF 5M 10M 20M BAVARIA King Ludwig III Imperforate 1914-20 2PF 3PF 5PF 7-1/2PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 25PF 30PF 40PF 50PF 60PF 80PF 1M 2M 3M 5M 10M 20M BAVARIA Issues of the Republic Issues of 1916-20, Overprinted, Perforated 14 x 14-1/2 1919 3PF 5PF 7-1/2PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 25PF 30PF 35PF 40PF 50PF 60PF 75PF 80PF 1M 2M 3M 5M 10M 20M BAVARIA Issues of the Republic Issues of 1916-20, Overprinted, Imperforate 1919 3PF 5PF 7-1/2PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 25PF 30PF 35PF 40PF 50PF 60PF 75PF 80PF 1M 2M 3M 5M 10M 20M BAVARIA Issues of the Republic Stamps of Germany, 1906-19, Overprinted 1919 2-1/2PF 3PF 5PF 7-1/2PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 25PF 35PF 40PF 75PF 80PF 1M 2M 3M 5M BAVARIA Issues of the Republic Issues of 1919, Overprinted, Perforated 14 x 14-1/2 1919-20 3PF 5PF 7-1/2PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 25PF 30PF 40PF 50PF 60PF 75PF 80PF 1M 2M 3M 5M 10M 20M BAVARIA Issues of the Republic Issues of 1919, Overprinted, Imperforate 1919-20 3PF 5PF 7-1/2PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 25PF 30PF 40PF 50PF 60PF 75PF 80PF 1M 2M 3M 5M 10M 20M BAVARIA Issues of the Republic King Ludwig Type of 1914, Printed in Various Colors Surcharged, Perforated 11-1/2 1919 1.25M ON 1M 1.50M ON 1M 2.50M ON 1M Surcharged, Imperforate 1920 1.25M ON 1M 1.50M ON 1M 2.50M ON 1M Coat of Arms Type of 1888, Surcharged in Dark Blue 1920 20PF ON 3PF BAVARIA Issues of the Republic Plowman, Waterwheel, or Sower (Typographed) 1920 5PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 30PF 40PF 50PF 60PF 75PF Madonna and Child 1M 1-1/4M 1-1/2M 2-1/2M Von Kaulbach's "Genius" 3M 5M 10M 20M Lithographed 2-1/2M BAVARIA Plowman Types, Overprinted 1920 5PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 30PF 40PF 50PF 60PF 75PF 80PF Madonna and Child Types, Overprinted 1M 1-1/4M 1-1/2M 2M 2-1/2M 2-1/2M TYPOGRAPHED LITHOGRAPHED BAVARIA Von Kaulbach's "Genius" Type, Overprinted 1920 3M 4M 5M 10M 20M BAVARIA SEMI-POSTAL STAMPS Issues of the Republic For Wounded War Veterans Regular Issue of 1914-20, Overprinted and Surcharged 1919 10PF + 5PF 15PF + 5PF 20PF + 5PF BAVARIA POSTAGE DUE STAMPS Numeral, Imperforate 1862 3KR Numeral, Perforated 11-1/2 1870 1KR 3KR BAVARIA POSTAGE DUE STAMPS Regular Issue of 1876, Overprinted in Red Horizontal Wavy Lines Watermark, Perforated 11-1/2 1876 3PF 5PF 10PF Vertical Wavy Lines Watermark, Perforated 11-1/2 1883 3PF 5PF 10PF Horizontal Wavy Lines Watermark, Perforated 14-1/2 1895-1903 2PF 3PF 5PF 10PF Surcharged in Red in Each Corner 1895 2PF ON 3PF BAVARIA OFFICIAL STAMPS Regular Issue of 1888-1900 Overprinted "E" 1908 3PF 5PF 10PF 20PF 50PF Coat of Arms 1916-17 7-1/2PF 7-1/2PF 3PF 5PF GREEN GREEN ON GREENISH PAPER 15PF 20PF 15PF 10PF RED DEEP BLUE RED ON BUFF PAPER ON BLUE PAPER 20PF 25PF 30PF 60PF DEEP BLUE 1M 1M DULLVIOLET MAROON ON GRAYISH PAPER BAVARIA OFFICIAL STAMPS Issues of the Republic Type of 1916-17, Overprinted 1918 3PF 5PF 7-1/2PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 25PF 30PF 35PF 50PF 60PF 75PF 1M 1M DULLVIOLET MAROON ON GRAYISH PAPER Heraldic Lion in Oval 1920 5PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 30PF 40PF BAVARIA OFFICIAL STAMPS Issues of the Republic Numeral in Oval 1920 50PF 60PF 70PF 75PF 80PF 90PF 1M 1-1/4M 1-1/2M 2 1/2M 3M 5M BAVARIA OFFICIAL STAMPS Types of 1920 Overprinted 1920 5PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 30PF 40PF 50PF 60PF 70PF 75PF 80PF 90PF 1M 1-1/4M 1-1/2M 2-1/2M 3M 5M BERGEDORF Combined Arms of Lübeck and Hamburg 1861-67 1-1/2S 1S 1/2S 4S 3S BREMEN Coat of Arms 1855 Horizontally Laid Vertically Laid Paper Paper 3GR 3GR Coat of Arms Imperforate 1856-60 5GR 7GR 5SGR Serpentine Rouletted 1861-63 2GR 3GR 5GR 10GR 5SGR BREMEN Coat of Arms Perforated 13 1866-67 2GR 3GR 5GR 7GR 10GR 5SGR BRUNSWICK The "Leaping Saxon Horse" Unwatermarked, Imperforate 1852 1SG ROSE 2SG BLUE 3SG VERMILION Posthorn Watermark, Imperforate 1853-63 1SGR ON 1/4GGR 1/3SGR 1/2GR ORANGE PAPER 1SGR ON 3SGR BLACK 2SGR 3SGR ROSE YELLOW PAPER ON ROSE PAPER Numerals and Crown 1857 1/4GGR (BLOCK OF 4) BRUNSWICK Type of 1852 Serpentine Rouletted 16 1864 1SGR BLACK 1/3SGR 1/2GR 1SGR YELLOW ON YELLOW PAPER 2SGR 3SGR Serpentine Rouletted 12 1SGR BLACK 1SGR YELLOW 3SGR ON YELLOW PAPER The "Leaping Saxon Horse" in Oval 1865 1/3GR 1GR 2GR 3GR HAMBURG Numeral on Coat of Arms Typographed, Imperforate 1859 1/2S 1S 2S 3S 4S 7S 9S Lithographed 1864 1-1/4S 2-1/2S HAMBURG Type of 1859 Perforated 13-1/2 1864-65 1/2S 1S 2S 3S 4S 7S ORANGE 7S VIOLET 9S 1-1/4S 2-1/2S Numeral on Coat of Arms Rouletted 10 1866 1-1/4S 1-1/2S Numeral on Coat of Arms Perforated 13-1/2 1867 2-1/2S HANOVER Numeral on Coat of Arms Square Frame Watermark 1850 1G G Numeral on Coat of Arms Wreath of Oak Leaves Watermark 1851-55 1G G 1/30TH 1/15TH 1/10TH BLACK Crown and Numeral 1853 3PF ROSE Type of 1851 1855 1/10 BLACK & ORANGE HANOVER Types of 1850-53 Paper with Colored Network 1856-57 3PF 1G G 1/30TH 1/15TH 1/10TH Paper without Network 1859-63 3PF 3PF GREEN CARMINE ROSE Crown & Post Horn and King George V 1859-61 1/2G 1G 2G 3G YELLOW 3G BROWN 10G Types of 1853-59 Perce en Arc 16 1864 3PF 1/2G 1G 2G 3G LUBECK Coat of Arms 1859 1/2G 1S ORANGE 2S 2-1/2S 4S 1862 1S 1/2S YELLOW ORANGE Coat of Arms 1863 1/2G 1S 2S 2-1/2S 4S Coat of Arms Imperforate Rouletted 1864 1865 1 1/4S 1 1/4S MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN Coat of Arms Imperforate 1856 1/4S 3S 5S (BLOCK OF 4) Coat of Arms Rouletted 11-1/2 1864-67 1/4S 1/4S 2S (BLOCK OF 4) (BLOCK OF 4) 3S 5S MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ Coat of Arms 1864 1/4SG 1/2SG 1SCH 1SG 2SG 3SG OLDENBURG Numerals and Coat of Arms 1852-55 1/30TH 1/15TH 1/10TH 1/3SGR Coat of Arms 1859 1/3G BLACK 1G BLACK 2G BLACK 3G BLACK Coat of Arms 1861 1/4G 1/3G GREEN 1/2G 1G BLUE 2G RED 3G YELLOW OLDENBURG Coat of Arms in Oval Rouletted 11-1/2 1862 1/3G 1/2G 1G 2G 3G Rouletted 10 1867 1/3G 1/2G 1G 2G 3G PRUSSIA King Frederick William IV Engraved, Background of Crossed Lines 1850-56 4PF 6PF 1SG 2SG 3SG King Frederick William IV Typographed, Solid Background 1857 1SG 2SG 3SG King Frederick William IV Background of Crossed Lines 1858-60 Typographed Engraved 4PF 6PF Typographed 1SG 2SG 3SG PRUSSIA Coat of Arms 1861-65 3PF 4PF 6PF 1SG 2SG 3SG Numerals 1866 10SG 30SG Coat of Arms 1867 1KR 2KR 3KR 6KR 9KR SAXONY Numeral Coat of Arms 1850 1851 3PF 3PF Frederick Augustus II 1851-52 2NG ON 2NG ON 1/2NG 1NG 3PF PALE BLUE PAPER DARK BLUE PAPER King John I 1855-57 1/2NG 1NG 2NG 3NG 5NG 10NG SAXONY Coat of Arms 1863 3PF 1/2NG 1NG 2NG 3NG 5NG SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN Coat of Arms 1850 1S 2S Numerals 1865 1/2S 1-1/4S 1-1/3S 2S 4S SCHLESWIG Numerals 1864 1-1/4S 4S GREEN CARMINE 1865 1-1/4S 1/2S 1-1/3S 2S 4S RED LILAC SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN HOLSTEIN Numerals Imperforate 1864 1-1/4S 1-1/4S 1-1/4S TYPE I TYPE II TYPE III Rouletted 8 1864 1-1/4S Numeral in Oval 1865 1/2S 1-1/4S 2S Numeral in Oval 1865-66 1-1/4S 1-1/2S 2S 4S THURN AND TAXIS NORTHERN DISTRICT Numerals On Colored Paper 1852-58 1SGR ON 1/4SGR 1/3SGR 1/2SGR DARK BLUE PAPER 1SGR ON 2SGR 3SGR LIGHT BLUE PAPER Numerals On White Paper 1859-60 1/4SGR RED 1/2SGR GREEN 1SGR BLUE 2SGR ROSE 3SGR RED BROWN 5SGR LILAC 10SGR ORANGE THURN AND TAXIS NORTHERN DISTRICT Numerals Imperforate 1862-63 1/2SGR 1/4SGR BLACK 1/3SGR GREEN 1SGR ROSE ORANGE YELLOW 2SGR BLUE 3SGR BISTRE Numerals Rouletted 1865 1/4SGR BLACK 1/3SGR GREEN 1/2SGR YELLOW 1SGR ROSE 2SGR BLUE 3SGR BISTRE THURN AND TAXIS NORTHERN DISTRICT Numerals Rouletted in colored Lines 1866 1/4SGR BLACK 1/3SGR GREEN 1/2SGR YELLOW 1SGR ROSE 2SGR BLUE 3SGR BISTRE THURN AND TAXIS SOUTHERN DISTRICT Numerals On Colored Paper 1852-53 3KR ON 3KR ON 1KR DARK BLUE PAPER BLUE PAPER 6KR 9KR Numerals On White Paper 1859 1KR GREEN 3KR BLUE 6KR ROSE 9KR YELLOW 15KR LILAC
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