INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to amoral familism, 478 images. Andre, Alfred, 202 anni di piombo, 352–54, 373 Antelope Island, 159–61 A anti-Catholicism, 190–91, 195 anti-Mormon literature, 467 Abner, John, 301 apostasy, 194, 343–44 Agreement of Villa Madama, appeal of LDS Church, 423–24 491–93 appeal of doctrine and agricultural crisis, 93 theology, 430–35 Agrigento, Italy, 362 belonging, friendship, and Alberto, King Carlo, 2, 5, 6, 145 community, 440–42 Alemanno, Gianni, 516–17, 522 comfort during turbulent alienation, following conversion, times, 425 444–47 disaffection with Catholic “alpine ghetto,” 49 Church, 426–28 Alps, crossing, 74–75 moral drift, 425–26 American religions, Italian retention and, 442–52 government’s concern search for existential meaning, regarding, 494–95 428–29 581 582 MORMONS IN THE PIAZZA appeal of LDS Church (continued) Benson, Ezra Taft, 253–56, 286–87, spiritual experiences, 435–40 289, 295–97, 313, 513–14 spiritual fulfillment, 429–30 Berlusconi, Silvio, 502, 506 L’Aquila earthquake, 412 Bert, Amedeo, 84, 112 Area Authority Seventies, 368 Bertoch, Antoinette, 158–59, 161 area conferences, 369–71 Bertoch, Daniel, 145–46, 158–62, Argentina, 192–93, 206–7 164–65, 168, 171 L’Ar m o n i a , 85–86, 87, 126–27, 537 Bertoch, Jacques (James) Arsenal Island, 147–48 arrives in Salt Lake, 149–50, Association of Waldensians and 158 Methodists, 492 assimilation following athletic competitions, 265 emigration, 165, 168 ausflugs, 280, 289 missionary efforts of, 204 residence and employment in Salt Lake, 161–62, 169–71 and second wave of Waldensian B emigration, 171 Baird, Lloyd, 264, 289 and Utah War, 164 baptism Bertoch, Jean, 99, 144–47, 149, of Cappitta family, 335 151, 155 in conversion process, 443 Bertoch, Marguerite, 148 for the dead, 432 Beus, James, 171, 203 and Mormon-Catholic Beus, Michael, 153 relations, 416 Bevenuti, Nino, 307 rebaptisms, 122–23 Bickertonites, 216 retention following, 341–43, Blanc, Antoine, 153 365–66, 370 Bognandi, Dora, 507 baptismal fonts Bologna Massacre, 354 portable, 321–22 Bolton, Curtis, 7 in Rome Temple, 523–24 Boncompagni, Carlo, 83, 85 Bari Branch, 364 Bonnet, Bartholomew, 154 Barker, Frederick, 199 Bonnet, Jacques J., 146 Barker, James, 199, 222–24 Bonnet, Jean Jacques, 151 Barker, Mary Malan. See Gaydou, Bonnet, Jean James, 165 Mary Malan Book of Mormon Bartanen, Charles, 237 in Italian press, 338 basketball, 304–6 Italian translation of, 73–74, Beckwith, Charles, 36–37, 38 208, 251–52, 331, 332 bella figura, 320–21, 501 presented to Pope Pius XII, 236 Bellomo, Maurizio, 398 spiritual confirmation from belonging, 440–42, 470–71 reading, 438–40 Beltrame, Santo, 231 Vincenzo di Francesca reads, 226 INDEX 583 Bortotto, Roma, 231–32, 233, 252 Cassidy, Cardinal Edward, 417–18 Bose, Jean Antoine, 38–39 Castellani, Raimondo, 410, 501, Bosio, David, 174 502, 526 Brescia branch, 277 Catania Branch, 377 Brigham Young University, Cathedral of the Madeleine, 419 concerts and competitions put Catholic Church on by, 265 and Agreement of Villa British Mission, 133 Madama, 491–92 Brodrero, Dominic, 152 alliance between fascism and, Brokeback Mountain, 405 209–11 building guards, 266 Caussé, Gérald J., 519 La Buona Novella, 114–15, 126, Cavalleri, Francesco, 127 143 Cavour, Camillo, 84, 104n50 Burton, Theodore, 250 Ceccanti, Stefano, 506, 507 Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), 403–4 C centralization, 316–19 Chappuis, Ella, 225–26 Cagli, Ella Chappuis, 225–26, 252 Chapuis, Louis, 161 Cagli, Fabio, 225–26, 251–52 Charvaz, Andrea, 23n56 Cairoli, Benedetto, 182 Chatelain, Henriette, 153 callings, 432–35 Chatelain, Marie Louise, 156, 166 La Campana, 87–88 Chatelain, Pierre, 153 Campbell, Robert L., handcart Cheyennes, 15 company, 148–49 Chislett, John, 106 Camp Darby, 329 Chiti, Vannino, 507 Cannon, Hugh J., 206 cholera, 148, 153 Canton, Mr., 115–16 Christensen, Leavitt, 257, 339 Cappitta family, 334–35 baptisms performed by, 271–72 Carabinieri, 324 and church and mission Cardon, Anne, 62 materials, 328–30 Cardon, Catherine, 62 and correlation, 317 Cardon, Louis S., 205 and division of Italian Mission, Cardon, Marie Madeleine, 60–63, 348 65, 67–68, 146 and experiences with evil Cardon, Paul, 205 spirits, 293–94 Cardon, Philippe, 60–62, 144, 146, presides over Italian District, 256 155, 165 and problems with local Cardon, Thomas B., 165 officials, 268–69 cars, as target of criminality, 353 and pseudo-Mormon groups, Carthage, Illinois, 16–17 283 584 MORMONS IN THE PIAZZA Christensen, Leavitt (continued) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- release of, 347 day Saints, The (continued) and servicemen branches, 240 organization of, 325 visits Emanuele Giannini, perception and image of, 302– 273–74 9, 400–415, 517–18 Christensen, Rula, 272, 281, 339 real growth of, 455–59 Christian Democrat Party, 215, receives ente patrimoniale 216–17 status, 493–99 Christmas carols, 303–4 recognized by Italy, 490 church attendance, 455–56, 483 relations with Catholic Church, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- 416–21 day Saints, The. See also appeal of stakes in Italy, 545 LDS Church translation of materials, 251– adaptation of, 532–37 53, 325–33 administration of, 459–61 Church of San Lorenzo, 26, 35–36, centralization of organization, 37 316–19 Ciampi, Carlo Azeglio, 502 challenges in Italy, 341–47 cinema, 307–9 changing and expanding global La Civiltà Cattolica, 88, 127 stance of, 219–24 Clawson, Rudger, 201 commonalities with “Clean Hands” campaign, 387 Waldensian Church, 24 clergy, of LDS Church, 432–35, congregations in Italy, 539–40, 465–66, 473–77, 482–84 545 clientelismo, 474–75 curricula of, 463–67 clothing, 280, 464–65 demands of, 482–84 Coalition for Religious discrimination against, 182 Agreements, 505–8 groups imitating, 281–83, 370 Combe, François, 84, 151 growing interest in, 66–67 Combe, Joseph, 171 growth of, vi–vii, 340–41, Communism, 355–60, 533 360–71, 388–400, 530–32, community 541–42, 543 as appeal of LDS Church, 440– image and integration in Italy, 42, 470–71 537–40 spiritual benefits of new internationalization of, 367–69, religious, 449–50 540–41 “Concentration Program,” 310 Italian membership in, 544 concerts, 265, 303–4, 306–7, 366, in Italian press, 126–29, 333–40 407–9, 411–12 legal issues in Italy, 322–25 Concordat (1929), 489, 492 INDEX 585 Conference of Italian Bishops Crimean War, 104n50 (CEI), 502 criminality, 353–54 confession, annual time of, in Crowley, Aleister, 402 Genoa, 91 Cuffario, Aldo, 308 Consoli, Italo, 266 cultural revolution, 56 constitution of Italian Republic, culture, as challenge to retention, 214 459–61, 463–65, 471–84 Constitutional Court, 217 Currarini, Pietro, 330 contention, and experiences with curricula, and retention, 463–67 evil spirits, 294–95 “conversion boom,” 178–79 conversion(s). See also retention D of Cardon family, 60–63 challenges in process for, dead, redemption of, 432 468–70 de-Christianization, 384 of immigrants, 140–43, De Feo, Massimo, 505, 517–18 391–400 de Gasparin, Count Agenor, 71 increase in, 362–63 Desanctis, Luigi, 114, 115 of Italians outside Italy, 224–32 Desmons, Frédéric, 70–71 in Italy, 65–66 Dicarolo, Giovanni Carlo, 378 of poor, 140–43, 283n46 Dieci minuti di . (Ten Minutes of retention following, 442–52 . .), 406 slowdown in, 388–91 di Francesca, Vincenzo, 226–29 through reading the Book of Dignitatis Humanae, 218 Mormon, 438–40 diligence, 25n63, 26 trials stemming from, 270, Di Maria, Franco, 507 271–77 Il Dirigente (The Leader), 327 of Waldensians, 45, 47, 132–35 di Robilant, Irene, 198 Conybeare, William John, 71–72, “Diversion Day,” 291–92 128 divine nature of man, 431–32 Cooley, Vernon A., 234 divorce, 376 Corporation of the Presiding Doctrine and Covenants, Italian Bishop (CPB), 491 translation of, 252 correlation, 316–19, 459–60 Domenica del Corriere, 334–35 Corriere della Sera, 405 donations, 18–19, 152 corruption, political, 387 doormen, 266 Costa, Giovanni Battista, 35–36 doubt, 467–68 Coucourde, Henriette, 30, 31 dream(s), 134, 436–38 Craxi, Bettino, 492, 495 dress and grooming standards, creationism, 464 464–65, 476 586 MORMONS IN THE PIAZZA Duns, John, Jr., 255 emigration (continued) and correlation, 317–18 and Utah War, 163–64 and experiences with evil of Waldensian converts, 104, spirits, 293–95 137–38 and missionary training and Empey, William A., handcart supervision, 288–92 company, 148–49 and opening of new cities, “Encounter with the Mormons,” 303 299–301 ente morale, 491 and portable baptismal fonts, ente patrimoniale status, 493–99, 322 510 release of, 347 Erekson, William, 241–42 and reopening of Italian eternal families, 428–29, 431–32 Mission, 283–86 Europe and servicemen branches, 238, explosion in travel to, 199 240 missionary work in, 6–7, 10–12 teaching strategy of, 302–3 European Mission Duns, Wanda, 283–84 Ezra Taft Benson called to Dyer, Alvin R., 240–43 preside over, 254 reestablishment of, 240–41 evangelical revival, introduced to Waldensians, 56–58 E evangelization. See missionaries ecclesiastical law, Italian, 493 and missionary work economic crisis, 101–4, 150, 352 Evarts, William M., 182 “economic miracle,” 387 evil spirits, 293–95 Edict of Emancipation (1848), 2–6 evolution, 464 education, of Waldensians, 55–56 excommunication, 137, 343–44 emigration. See also immigration; existential meaning, search for, pioneers 428–29 assimilation following, 164–71 Exposition des premiers principes as challenge in 1960s, 344–47 de la Doctrine de l’Église de Jésus- of 1854, 143–50 Christ des Saints des Derniers of Italians, 93–94, 108, 186–87 Jours [Examination of the First
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