Opinions of the song itself, sorted by respondents’ ranked opinion (1 = no opinion; 2 = strongly dislike; 3 = dislike; 4 = mixed feelings; 5 = like; 6 = really like.) 1 I do not have a feeling one way or another about that song. 1 I don't think people should be held hostage, like they used to be at Yankee stadium. Get over it. 1 I'm Canadian 1 It's a good song and used to have meaning. Now it is over played and has no relavence to me. 1 Nothing against the song if sung in private. There are many songs that I feel are patriotic. As a musician, I have performed many of them. I don't think too much into this 1 particular one, I have heard many better and worse. I can't believe it is played in public. If you want to hear this garbage, go to church and play tiddlywinks with your invisible 2 friends. - heavily features "God" - assumes America is awesome and everyone else can shove off - one is assumed to be an 2 asshole if you don't respect the song 2 "God" and "patriotism" do not belong together. A lot of people try to push it as our national anthem after 9/11, but we already have a much better song. I don't like how I 2 have to stand for it at baseball games considering it's just a song. 2 A mediocre song became ubiquitous and overplayed. 2 Advances view that America is favored by God America is not about god or religion. It's about freedom; the freedom to believe or not believe in mythology and supreme 2 beings. If the conservative right wish to adopt it as an anthem for their church, that's fine, but don't impose it on the rest of us. Another blindly patriotic song that's played at baseball games. In the vein of the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem, it's an archaic song with little to no cultural significance today and is not at all needed during a baseball game. Let 2 the boys play ball... As a baseball fan, I disagree with it being sung during the 7th inning stretch of MLB games since 9/11. We already honored America with the Star Spangled Banner; let's honor tradition and sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." Also, it's pretty 2 conceited to assume God is a fan of America and only America... As a baseball fan, i started to dislike it more when they would play it in the 7th inning stretch. I'm okay with the song being play b4 the game but not during 7th inning stretch. On another note, it is disrespectful when its being played in major events where people might not be Christians. I rather have them play the Star Spangle Banner than God Bless America. Why not, God Bless Iraq, God Bless Palestine, God Bless Sudan, God Bless Honduras,God Bless Haiti, God Bless Latin America, 2 Africa, Asia. As a student of music, I recognize that songs are often used as political rallying points. That being said, I find the message of the song to be repulsive. It is a song of baseless national pride; it reinforces the nationalist ideology, a politics of 2 exclusion. As a Yankees fan, I can't stand the playing of the song during each 7th inning stretch. It is time to move on and throwing a religious song down the throats of many non-religious fans is annoying. I'm at a baseball game, its already part of Americana. 2 I don't need to continually be reminded of the closed-minded, honor thy country now mentality of the Bush-era. As an atheist Jew who isn't particularly patriotic, I don't like the tyranny of the masses that forces foists a Christian (yes, the 2 god that is being preyed to is a Christian one) city-on-the-hill nationalist identity upon me, and that assumes that I will like it. As an atheist, GBA bugs the heck out of me. It feels outdated, nationalistic and even jingoistic. It has less to do with loving my country and more to do with bowing down to the imaginary bearded man in the sky. It's imposition upon us at sporting 2 events is enforced right-wing "patriotism". As an athiest, I am uncomfortable with the injection of religion into public life in that manner. And, if there WERE a God, and 2 I'm not saying there is, it is simply ridiculous that he'd bless one country over another. 2 As an athiest, it offends me. Assumes a theist point of view, and imposing that on the average citizen as well as assuming there is something theisticly 2 better about america than other countries. 2 Bad tune, chauvinist lyrics, badly sung. Because I am tired of hearing it at baseball games in the middle of the 7th inning. It's insincere, in-your-face patriotism that 2 doesn't amount to anything real. 2 Because if there is a god he doesn't bless america, and there is no god 2 Because it interrupts the Yankees games Because it is only done to appease the religous people rather than put on a song that would actually be appropriate at a 2 sporting event. 2 Because it's pseudo-patriotic kitsch. 2 because its a stupid peice of shit song because the yankees insist on making everyone be still and show their patriotism during the 7th inning inning stretch. during every home game. it's offensive. I liked it when Dumbo sang during the playoffs, but nobody had to put up with the rest of 2 the time. Being forced to listen to it every time I go to a Yankees game (a setting in which I find it inappropriate to play) has made me 2 dislike the song. 2 Cloying and annoying 2 co-opted by conservatives after 9/11 Combines jingoism, extreme patriotism, and religion (at least by its fans now--no idea about the original writer), none of 2 which I am a fan of. Contradicts the notion of church/state separation and implies that America is a christian nature; disrespects those of other 2 beliefs or nonbelievers Didn't care about the song at all until it became a form of enforced faux patriotism during the 7th-inning stretch at ball games. 2 My wife mutters about the separation of church and baseball, and I couldn't agree more. 2 Disagree with the religious tone and message of the lyrics. 2 does god not bless other countries? 2 Don't like how it's played at Yankee games and that YES always shows it as well. It's unnecessary. Ever since it has been used at baseball games after 9/11, I leave the room when I hear it. I now associate it with the 2 mindless patriotism that was in fashion at that time. First, I think it is a pretty wretched song. Irving Berlin wrote many great songs, but this is not one of them. Both the tune and the lyrics are syrupy sweet. Second, few people realize that the song is actually supposed to be a prayer, as in, "God, please bless America." Most people think of it as a fact, as in, "God has blessed America." Third, since 9/11, the song has been 2 associated with the Bush/conservative opinion of the "War on Terror." Standing for this song? Ridiculous. For one, it removes all semblance of secularism from the idea of the US. Second of all, we have the Star-Spangled Banner, 2 and don't need an unofficial second anthem. 2 Forces religion/false patriotism uppon groups of people. God Bless America is a song that is offensive to people who don't believe in a Christian god or any god at all. To think that a 2 god prefers one country to another contradicts the fundamental concepts of religion. 2 god doesnt bless one nation over another or care for any other human any more or less than another from a different country 2 God should not be limited to blessing one country, America should work at blessing God. Hear it at ballgames: its completely overplayed. Other than that, I don't like Kate Smiths rendition and many many Americans 2 do not believe in God or associate their beliefs with being American. 2 I "strongly dislike" the song because it is useless. Patriotism is shown through acts not empty, obligatory lip service. I am a non-believer so to me there is not god to bless America. Also, god is forced down your throat. I am a patriot but the 2 song offends me a as person that does not believe in religion or god 2 I am a strong believer in separation of church and state; this song seems to fly in the face of that. I am an atheist and do not like the religious overtones of this song. I feel it is an attempt to force religion into patriotism, and to act like the United States is a "chosen" nation. I also feel that some people try to make this into a national anthem, when it 2 is not. I am also not a fan of taking time out of ballgames to sing this song. I am an atheist, so any mention of a deity "blessing" anything I find arrogant and stupid. Plus, it ruins the 7th inning stretch at 2 Yankees games.
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