WILDY’S BOOK NEWS Volume 15 Issue 10 Published Monthly Oct/Nov 2010 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE TITLES LISTED IN THIS MONTH’S BOOK NEWS PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.wildy.com Wildy & Sons Ltd Lincoln’s Inn Archway, Carey Street, London WC2A 2JD Tel: 020 7242 5778 Fax: 020 7430 0897 DX: 343 London Chancery Lane Website: www.wildy.com Email: [email protected] Hours: 8.45 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday Subscriptions: Steven Ross Customer Support: Daniel Higgins Matt Regnard Graham Norfolk Key Accounts: Alden Bowers Vincent Silvester Nigel Fry Online Sales: Jonathan Sykes Jason Crimp Secondhand: Colin Wickham Rob Cornish Antiquarian: Graham Norfolk Tina Hartley Overseas sales: John Pethick New Books: Charlie Alpera Publishing: Andrew Riddoch Marketing: Ann Vowles Also at 16 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1AU Tel: 020 7353 3907 Fax: 020 7353 4395 Email: [email protected] Hours: 9 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday; 10 am to 4 pm, Saturday Len Jiggins (Manager) Distribution Centre & Warehouse, Unit M5, Cherrycourt Way, Leighton Buzzard LU7 4UH Elaine Ross (Manager) North American distributor for Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing: Gaunt Inc, 3011 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, Florida 34217-2199, USA www.gaunt.com tel: 800-942-8683 To our best knowledge, all particulars are correct at the time of going to press. However, we regret that we can- not accept responsibility for any errors, and wish to advise readers that price and date of publication may be subject to change by the publishers concerned cover: Totem poles in Vancouver, venu of the IBA conference in October WILDY’S BOOK NEWS Volume 15 Issue 10 Published Monthly Oct/Nov 2010 MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH East Asian context. The book examines the history and cultural context surrounding preferred methods of dispute resolution in the East Asian region and sheds light on the various approaches to inter- national arbitration across these diverse regions. bitration and Mediation in 1 Garden Court Cham- East Asia and the West, Rout- bers, Applications under ledge, Hardback, £75.00, Schedule 1 of the Children ISBN: 9780415583725 Act 1989, Family Law, Pa- Resolving Disputes in the perback, £60.00, ISBN: Asia-Pacific Region presents 9781846612145 empirical research about the Schedule 1 applications en- attitudes and perceptions of sure that a child’s financial over 115 arbitrators, judges, needs are met, they can pro- lawyers and members of the Banakar, Reza, Rights in vide three forms of financial rapidly expanding arbitration Context: Law and Justice relief for a child. This new community in China, Hong in Late Modern Society, publication is a practical Kong, Korea, Japan, Singa- Ashgate Publishing Ltd, guide to the practice, law pore, and Malaysia as well as Paperback, £35.00, ISBN: and procedure in respect of North America and Europe. 9781409407409 Schedule 1 applications and The both covers both interna- This collection offers a snap- includes case summaries plus tional commercial arbitration shot of how rights are de- sample forms and orders. and “alternative” techniques bated and employed in public such as mediation, providing discourse to reshape legal Ali, Shahla F., Resolving an empirical analysis of how and political relations at the Disputes in the Asia-Pacific both types of dispute resolu- beginning of the twenty-first Region: International Ar- tion are conducted in the century. They explore how OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2010 1 MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH – Continued rights are used to challenge the state of affairs by indi- viduals and groups who seek justice, and the strategies devised to defy the rights established by those who wish to recast the social and political order. Ben-Shahar, Omri; Po- The Land is the Source of rat, Ariel, Fault in Ameri- Law brings an inter-jurisdic- can Contract Law, Cam- tional dimension to the field bridge University Press, of indigenous jurisprudence: Hardback, £55.00, ISBN: comparing Indigenous legal 9780521769853 regimes in New Zealand, Representing an unprec- the USA and Australia, it of- edented joint effort from fers a ‘dialogical encounter Bederman, David J., Cus- top scholars in the field, with an Indigenous jurispru- tom as a Source of Law, this volume collects original dence’ in which individuals Cambridge University Press, contributions to examine the are characterised by their Paperback, £19.99, ISBN: fundamental role of ‘fault’ in rights and responsibilities 9780521721820 contract law. The essays in into the Land. C.F. Black is A central puzzle in juris- this volume bring together a an Aboriginal woman who prudence has been the role variety of outlooks, including has studied, taught and writ- of custom in law. Custom economic, psychological, ten about both Western and is simply the practices and philosophical, and compara- Indigenous jurisprudential usages of distinctive commu- tive approaches to law. traditions. Her book will be nities. This volume explores of considerable importance the nature of custom through Black, C.F., Land is the to those with interests in in- a rigorous multidisciplinary, Source of the Law: A Dia- digenous law, jurisprudence historical, and comparative logic Encounter with In- and knowledge. approach, offering a fresh digenous Jurisprudence, perspective on custom’s en- Routledge-Cavendish, Pa- Blanpain, Roger, Compara- during place in both domestic perback, £22.99, ISBN: tive Labour Law and Indus- and international law. 9780415497572 trial Relations in Industrial- 2 WILDY’S BOOK NEWS MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH – Continued characteristics and trends national legal principles are in labour law and industrial applicable to the operations relations in the contemporary of the IFIs is an important world. topic that would benefit from more rigorous study. Twelve deeply committed contribu- tors – whose work spans the academic, policy, and activ- ist spectrum – suggest that a better understanding of these legal issues could help both the organizations and their Member States structure their transactions in ways that are ized Market Economies 10th more compatible with their ed, Kluwer Law Interna- developmental objectives tional, Hardback, £118.00, and their international re- ISBN: 9789041133489 sponsibilities. The growing need for com- Bradlow, Daniel; Hunter, Da- prehensive, up-to-date and vid, International Financial readily available information Institutions and International on labour law and industrial Law, Kluwer Law Interna- relations in different coun- tional, Hardcover, £92.00, tries led to the publication of ISBN: 9789041128812 the International Encyclo- To whom are international paedia for Labour Law and financial organizations ac- Industrial Relations, in which countable? This unusual more than 70 international book asks not only this and national monographs searching question, but also have thus far been published. examines the extent to which This book, Comparative accountability is honoured Labour Law and Industrial – or evaded – by the Inter- Relations in Industrialized national Monetary Fund, the Bridge, Michael G, Ben- Market Economies goes a World Bank Group, and the jamin’s Sale of Goods 8th step further than the En- regional development banks ed, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, cyclopaedia in as much as (collectively the interna- Hardback, £435.00, ISBN: most of the chapters provide tional financial institutions, 9781847038623 comparative and integrated or IFIs). The fundamental Benjamin’s Sale of Goods thematic treatment. The aim recognition in this book is presents a comprehensive is to describe the salient that the issue of what inter- explanation of the law of sale OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2010 3 MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH – Continued of goods, including terms Chidell, Ray, CCH Capital and conditions, rights and Allowances 2010-11, CCH obligations, and discusses Editions, Paperback, £95.95, the nature and formation of ISBN: 9781847983114 the contract of sale. Covers all relevant areas of contract and property law 2010/11, Bloomsbury Profes- sional, Paperback, £38.00, ISBN: 9781847665171 Covering all the capital gains Chiu, Iris H-Y, The Founda- reliefs and exemptions that tions and Anatomy of Stake- apply to individuals and holder Activism, Hart Pub- trustees, with a breif sum- lishing, Hardback, £45.00, Cave, Martin; Baldwin, mary of those that apply to ISBN: 9781841136585 Robert; Lodge, Martin, The companies, this readily ac- This book discusses the two Oxford Handbook of Regu- cessible book focuses on the dominant forms of share- lation, Oxford University issues and scenarios most holder activism in the UK, Press, Hardback, £85.00, commonly encountered by institutional shareholder ac- ISBN: 9780199560219 tax advisers. tivism and “offensive” forms This Handbook provides a of activism largely carried clear and authoritative dis- out by hedge funds. A major cussion of the major trends contribution made by the and issues in regulation over book lies in its discussion the last thirty years, together of how shareholder activ- with an outline of prospec- ism may be accommodated tive developments. It brings within and supported theories together contributions from of the company and by the leading scholars from a range current UK legal framework. of disciplines and countries. Clift, Julie, CCH British Cave, Rebecca; Wun- Tax Guide: Inheritance Tax schmann-Lyall, Iris, Core Tax 2010-11, CCH Editions, Pa- Annuals: Capital Gains Tax 4 WILDY’S BOOK NEWS MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH – Continued decades ago and is now quite robust, heretofore practitio- ners have had no easily ac- cessible and comprehensive description and
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