SPANISH DICTIONARY Jimeno Álvarez Dictionary of meanings generated by www.wordmeaning.org INTRODUCTION www.wordmeaning.org is an open and collaborative dictionary project that, apart from being able to consult meanings of words, also offers its users the possibility of including new words or nuancing the meaning of existing words in it. As is understandable, this project would be impossible to carry out without the esteemed collaboration of the people who follow us around the world. This e-Book, therefore, was born with the intention of paying a small tribute to all our collaborators. Jimeno Álvarez has contributed to the dictionary with 6245 meanings that we have approved and collected in this small book. We hope that the reader is very valuable and if you find it useful or want to be part of the project, do not hesitate to visit our website, we will be delighted to receive you. Working Group www.wordmeaning.org Dictionary of meanings generated by www.wordmeaning.org los chopos The poplars is a district in the outskirts of the Andalusian city of Malaga (Spain ) located in the District of bluebells, next to the border with the District of Churriana and the banks of the river Guadalhorce. It's a core of people isolated, surrounded by orchards, polygons and industrial, on the other side of the River, Sol.1 Pablo Ruiz airport lotario Lothair of Supplinburg ( to 1075 - Breitenwang, Tyrol, 4 December 1137 41, called " the Saxon " was Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire as Lothair II ( or Lothair III ) from 1133 until the death, in posthumous 1137.Hijo of count Gerhard de Supplinburg, was proclaimed Duke of Saxony in 1106. Years later, in 1135, he imposed on the Hohenstaufen, who supported his enemy Conrado III. Lothair II supported Pope Inocencio II during the schism of 1130, so this crowned him emperor in 1133. Four years later it died again defeated in a battle against Roger II of Sicily. lotario Lothario (Laon, 941 - Compiègne, 2 March 986 ) King of Western France between 954 and 986. Son of Louis IV and Gerberga of Saxony ( sister of the German Emperor Otto I ) lothario succeeded on the throne his father in 954 after the death in a clash in the outskirts of Laon. During its minority of age, he was under the care of Hugo the great, count of Paris, and his maternal uncle Bruno I de Colonia. From 978 to 980 lothario was faced with the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Otto II, for the control over the Lorraine, whose demand Otto would eventually resign. He married Emma of Italy, daughter det Lotario II King of Italy and Italy Adelaida. Lothair of France with his wife begat his only son. He died March 2, 986 and was succeeded by his son Luis V. lotutako in Basque language associated with Spanish lotutakoen louro Louro Louro Santiago is one of the small parishes that make up the municipality of walls, in the province of La Coruña, autonomous community of Galicia, Spain. lowera Lowera Hill: African population in Zambia loyola Population of the municipality of Azpeitia, Guizpuzcua province, Spain. lucas 23 versiculo 45 a 49 23:45 And the Sun was darkened, and the veloExodo 26. 31-33 of the temple was torn in half. Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, 11: 46 PM said: father, into your hands I commend my spirit.Psalm 31. 5 And having said this, he expired. 23:47 When the centurion saw what had happened, gave glory to God, saying: truly this man was right. 23:48, And all the multitude of those who were present in this show, seeing what had happened, got chest pounding. 23:49 But everyone you know, and the mujeresLucas 8. 2-3 that had followed him from Galilee, were away watching these things. luchador social Social activist: A person who fights for reasons that violate human rights in its broadest conception; people, communities or groups, canceling the concept of fight by the of non-violence. luciana Luciana is a municipality of Spain, in the province of Ciudad Real, autonomous community of Castilla - La Mancha. It has an area of 113,84 km2 with a population of 416 inhabitants ( INE 2008 ) and a density of 3.65 hab/km². luciana snificado History of the name Luciana Debe its dissemination as a Christian name of several saints, among them is san Luciano de Antioquía, martyred in the 3rd century. Meaning of the name Luciana "Luminous ". Origin of the name Luciana Latino luftansa luftansa = lufthansaDeutsche Lufthansa AG (.: Luft Hansa 41 air; based in Cologne (North Rhine-Westphalia Rhineland ) is a German airline considered from 2009 as the largest carrier in Europa.1 your airport base is Frankfurt am Main and Munich International Airport is becoming a second neuralgic axis of the company. Its hangars for repairs are located in Hamburg. luido luido = from luirluir tr. Redeem, remove censos.prnl. (41 Chile; Rub one thing with another. luien luien = lucienLucien is a French male name that means light. It is the French form of Luciano and it can come from the Christian Holy San Luciano de Beauvais. luita Luita communication is born by the desire of young journalists to settle in their land and work for and by the development of a region growing. lulada The lulada is a traditional drink of the gastronomy of the Valle del Cauca in Colombia.Se prepared with lulo, fruit typical of the region and differs from the lulo juice because it does not blend or sneaks because their preparation is characterized by the maceramiento or chopping of the pulp of the fruit by hand to mix it with lemon juice and beat it with a grinder before serving with ice and sugar to taste lumiasca in Caló lumiascaen Spanish prostitute, whore, whore lur santua in euskkera lur santuaen Spanish the Holy Land lusbel Lucifer, the Prince of the rebel angels. lutióleo Sust. of the men. Oil; 40 or ) Shale: sedimentary rocks generated by the consolidation of clay of the particle size of clay, which is the main component and anaerobic decomposition of organic matter contained in the mud luyana Luyana: Variant LUANA luzeenak In Basque the longest Spanish luzeenakEn lydia arnedo In the town of Arnedo live 2 women who are called "Lydia ". In the ranking of the population of Arnedo 34 name names;Lydia " It occupies a total of 1,762 names 661 position.It's a rare both nationally and in Arnedo name lyris Lyris is a digital marketing platform for meeting the challenge of large amounts ONE datosLyris allows Marketing professionals, capture and collect large amounts of customer data, and make decisions based on that information to promote a truly significant commitment in every digital interaction macehualtiny macehualtiny = macehualtinEl macehualtin were the plebeian social class in the Aztec Empire. During the reign of Moctezuma II ( 1502-1520 ) that were forbidden to serve in the Royal palaces, since this Monarch was expanded the gap between pipiltin ( noble ) and macehualtin.Como Aztec society was in part focused on war - every Aztec male received military training basic from an early age - the only possibility of upward social mobility for macehualtin was through military achievement - especially the taking of captives ( Maltin [Maltin] noun Malli ). After the Spanish conquest, the word nahuatl macehualli was adopted in Spanish colonial macehual, and was used by all the new Spain as a synonym for " commoner 34, " 34 subject; and " 34 native. macharran It is a typical slang word meaning man. It could be used as a derogatory way of naming a person.However, in some situations, it could be interpreted as a very masculine man, that a woman be attracted. machihenbrar machihenbrar is incorrectly written, and should be written as "machihembrar" as meaning:<br>machihenbrar = machihembrarmachihembrar. ( of macho1 and female 41.1 tr. CARP. Join two pieces of wood and tenon or tongue and Groove. machucones en sueños To dream that you have a purple or moreton, represents stress and pressure, which has in its day to day. It could also concern that it is reviving ancient family matters that were not resolved at the time. On the other hand, it means that you need to accept the consequences of their actions. macroecosistema The macroecosistemas, are ecosystems that include large tracts of land, water and communities, which in turn contain other typically and mesoecosistemas, examples of macroecosistemas are the polar circles, the oceans. macrometrico Under a microscope are approach screws, move the deck upward and downward. The coarse makes it fast and the micrometric slowly. They incorporate a locking knob that secures the deck to a certain height. As its name llo says macro = large... large movements...sudden... in the microscope is denoted when we move the macrometrico, and the micrometric are small movements... minimum to clarify the image, this is part of the mechanic of the microscope system. madarikatua In Basque language madarikatuaEn Spanish damn madejillas madejillas, diminutive of Knäuelknäuel = thread picked up on a lathe to facilitate the subsequent devanamiento. madiam madiam is incorrectly written, and should be written as "Midian" being its meaning:<br>madiam = Madianmadian is a mountainous area in the region of Hejaz in Saudi Arabia, which extends along the coast of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba to the Jordanian border. It is mainly inhabited by Bedouins, being the most important city Duba. mafafo mafufo, fa.1. adj. Hond. Fond of smoking marijuana. U t. c. s.2. m. Mex. Crazy man. mafia napolitana The Camorra is a mafia criminal organization of the Italian city of Naples and the Campania region.
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