El Gaucho is published every Friday of / ? / n t 1700 copies published every Friday by the school year. No issues are printed on holidays or during examination periods. f y f i / 7 1 f the Associated Students. Subscription rates, fifty cents per year. All-American honor rating for 1938-39. SANTA BARBARA STATE COLLEGE V ol. X I X Z 59 SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER *8, 1939 ‘ No. 13 Formal Xmas Prom Legislative Council At Rock wood Tops Accepts Committee’s Fall Social Season Award Amendments iI ~ Harold Hugo’s Orchestra Provides ! A.S. Heads Add Recommendations fo r. Music for Associated Students Dance; Change to Tuesday’s Ballot; Coaches List Committee Schedules Waltz Contest Varsity, Frosh Football Letter Winners State’s climax to the fall social season, the Christmas Formal, By LBW GARRETT El Gaucho Special Writer is scheduled for Rockwood tomorrow night from 9:30 p.m. to 12 :3 0 a.m. On hand to provide the incentive for dancing feet will It took nearly three hours of strenuous grappling by the legis­ be Harold H ugo and his orchestra in their initial appearance be­ lative council to throw the problem of athletic awards last night fore the student body. in Pine Hall, but aided by some mysterious holds gathered from Highlighting the evening’s festi­ "Roberts’ Rules of Order” the politicians - finally emerged the vities will be a waltz contest under victors. the sponsorship of the Social com­ Talent Show The council’s opponent, who mittee. Prizes will be awarded to each proved a worthy one, was the ques­ of the winning couple. The nature Heads Request Senior Class tion of cutting down on the athletic and content of the prizes are being award budget, and at the same time kept secret until the winners are Revue Scripts Sponsors Rural adding new awards, yet not injuring chosen. Judges for the contest are any deserving party. The nucleus Dean Lois M. Bennink, Dean Paul Steering Committee Sets of the bout was a committee re­ A. Jones and Bob Scalapino, presi­ port by chairman Waldo Phelps, Deadline of February 1 Dance Tonite dent of the Associated Students. which was the result of several weeks’ For Submission of Plots? Admission by A.S. Card Upperclassmen Wear research. Admission to Rockwood yili be An early aim at the success of the Jeans, Gingham to Third Award Change by student body cards, while non­ 1940 Roadrunner Revue was made ‘Farmer Frolic, at Carrillo The changes proposed by the college guests will be charged $ 1 . this week when a group pf last year’s Phelps committee included abolish­ Bids may be obtained from Dean staff heads met with Dr. Helen E. S Senior hay will be made this eve­ ment of third year major sport ning from 9 p.m. to at the "Far­ Bennink’s office not later than 3 Sweet, faculty sponsor, Jack Rich­ Members of the social committee are shown above decorating the huge Christmas tree which has been 1 award of a sweater or blanket and mer Frolic” to be held in the Carril­ p.m. today. ards, rally committee chairman and the center of attraction in the administation building foyer during the past week and which will be used at substitution of a metal life pass. It the program and rally committees Rockwood tonight at the Christmas formal. Pictured fr om left to right are PETE BANCROFT, CAMERON lo Hotel gardens, according to Cliff also proposed as a second award in Although this is a formal event, SELLAR, BARBARA LEACH, DEAN LOIS BENNINK, ELLEN SEYMOUR, SALLIE ENTZ and WALT to begin organization of the campus Romer, class president. Theme of the a major sport, a blanket instead of the Social committee has emphasized ZIBGLER. —Cut Courtesy News-Press stage show. jig will be carried out in the danc­ a7 choice between a blanket and a the poinr that men may attend with­ er’s costumes which are to be of the The group reported that due to sweater. out tuxedos provided they wear dark rural mode, jeans and gjngham, and $he practical use of a script-plot show In addition, tl>e committee recom­ suits and black shoes. The feminine in the decorations as planned by as a basis for last year’s presentation, mended the -setting up of certain half of the gathering is asked to Betty Palmaymesa, co-chairman with manuscripts for the production this Tuesday Assembly Features minor sports and dramatics, journal­ wear formals. Romer. year will be asked for during the ism, etc,, all. to receive medals as Junior clasmen will be admitted Program Dance first week immediately following the awards. to the affair for 25 cents, it was an- ! Tomorrow’s dance is <a program Christmas holidays, deadline being "Amendments to Amendments” affair and no jitterbugging will be Christmas Program no u need; the same price charged set for February 1 . The scripts must by AWS The report was no sooner read, allowed. Barbara Leach announced be original and must bear any ex­ »-------------------------------- :— -------------------------- .— than the three hour barrage of the programs will be in the Christ­ planatory notes necessary to inter­ "amendments to amendments to the mas theme of red and silver, with pretation. The general committee of amendment,” "points of order” and gold pencils attached. According to selection will be appointed follow­ Class o f’43 Musicians other parliamentary devices com­ Sally Entz, orchestra chairman, or­ ing the holidays. menced. Result: the original sug­ chestra cards wilt be used. Further, Staff Applications she adds, Harold Hugo and his Breakfasts on Combine in gestions were passed with one major lads have prepared a special program At this time also applications for and several minor changes. They the major staff positions of director- featuring songs of Christmas-tide will be presented to the student body in-chief, assistant director, business Wednesday all wrapped up in the best style of First Concert for a vote in Tuesday’s assembly, manager, dance director, costume along with the Board of Athletic ’39. chairman, make-up committee, pub­ Freshman class members will eat First concert by the five musical Control abolishment measure. Cam Sellar and his committee licity* chairm an, p rin tin g chairm an, breakfast together Wednesday at 7 organizations of the college was pre­ The major amendment was grant­ on decorations have been busily en­ technician, and ticket sales manager a.m. in the College Cafeteria. Ac­ sented Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the ing of a "Circle S” letter to minor gaged this past week in securing will be received by Richards. All of­ sport participants, instead of a med­ those materials necessary to bedeck cording to Ruthe Suggs, social college auditorium. fices are open to any member of the al. The other changes embraced a Rockwood in true Christmas fash­ chairman, the theme for the affair Associated Students approved by the One hundred and twenty-five stu­ series of stars to denote years serv­ ion. The centerpiece of the decora­ is seasonal, with Christmas decora­ eligibility committee. Work on the dents took part representing thp ed, and position of said stars. tions will be an eight-foot Christmas show will begin immediately follow­ tions planned by Betty Nelson. women’s glee club, male chorus, a T he verbal battle at? one tim e tu rn ­ tree profusely laden with orna­ ing the selection of the staff heads Tickets for the affair can be capella choir, male quartet and the ed into a debate over the compara­ ments. Other plans include the use and script. bought for 30 cents. orchestra. tive merits of major and so-called of green, red and blue lights. The Roadrunner Revue is an an­ It is important that a quorum be Among the - outstanding presenta­ minor sports. Councilman by proxy Gamma Sigs Host nual talent presentation of the As­ present, as the election of a new tions were Beethoven’s "Moonlight Bill Morrissey protested the spend­ Gamma Sigma Pi under the lea­ sociated students given as a benefit woman' representative to the stu­ Sonata” sung by the a capella choir, ing of $240 for major sport blan­ dership of David Jones, president, for La Cumbre, the college yearbook. dent council will be held. and "The :y Nightingale,” presented kets, while minor sports participants will act as host to the student body Shows Successful Doug Winters, Master of Cere­ were given a 60 cent emblem. A by the women’s glee club. Other well- at the ball. Also announced are Until two years ago, the show monies, promises an unusual pro­ motion by Tom Wharton to cut out the following as patrons and patron­ was a series of acts with local stu­ gram with members of the class par­ rendered selections were "The Flute the second award of the blanket esses: President and Mrs. C. L. dents appearing, but due to the ticipating without preparation, in Fantasy” by Francella Ericson, Ruth and substitute a star on the letter Phelps, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Jac­ success of the two Roadrunner Re­ humorous debates. The subjects are Hutchings, Pat Jellison, and Jean BETTY PALMAYMESA was defeated. obs, Mr. and Mrs. William Ash­ not to be divulged until the time of vues as a show in themselves, it THORA LINDSTROM Russick; "Escales” by Floyd Valen­ seniors for their guests. Seniors Letter Winners worth, Dean and Mrs. Jones and was decided to have a plot that speaking. tine, oboist, and the string orchestra; holding class cards will be admitted As a final action, the council Dean Bennink. permitted talent acts to rim Other committees are headed by Leaving the spirit of old St.
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