REGISTER 1 9 3 4 ¿ y VOLUME 10 * ^A/ITED % NUMBER 113 Washington, Thursday, June 7, 1945 The President the employment of, or to employ, any CONTENTS persons, and to do any other thing that he may deem necessary for, or incidental THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 9564 to, the operation of the said plants and E xecutive Orders: Page facilities and the production, sale, and Airspace reservation over Ulster A uthorizing the P etroleum A dministra­ distribution of the products thereof; and and Dutchess Counties, N. tor To Take P ossession of and Operate to take any other steps that he deems Y.; revocation of EO 9090 of the P lants and F acilities of the necessary to carry out the provisions^and Mar. 6, 1942______ ____ __ 6793 H umble O il and R efining Company purposes of this order. Humble Oil and Refining Com­ Located in Ingleside, T exas 2. The Petroleum Administrator shall pany, Ingleside, Tex.; pos­ WHEREAS after an investigation I operate the said plants and facilities pur­ session and operation by Pe­ find and proclaim that the plants and suant to the provisions of the War Labor troleum Administrator___ 6791 facilities of the Humble Oil and Refining Disputes Act, and during his operation Pure Oil Company, Cabin Creek Company located in Ingleside, Texas, are of the plants and facilities shall observe Oil Field, Dawes, W. Va.;- equipped for the production of crude oil the terms and conditions of the direc­ possession and operation by and its products that are required for the tive order dated April 1,1944, of the Na­ Petroleum Administrator. _ 6792 war effort, or that are useful in connec­ tional War Labor Board. tion therewith; that there is a threatened 3. The Petroleum Administrator is au­ REGULATIONS AND NOTICES interruption of the operation of said thorized to take such action, if any, as he may deem necessary or desirable to pro­ F oreign E conomic Administration : plants and facilities as a result of a labor Export control; prohibited ex­ disturbance; that the war effort will be vide protection for the plants and all per­ sons employed or seeking employment portations, miscellaneous unduly impeded or delayed by such in­ commodities_____________ 6793 terruption; and that the exercise, as therein, and upon the request of the Pe­ troleum Administrator, or such person as I nterstate Commerce Com m ission: hereinafter'specified, of the powers vested Potatoes, icing restriction_____ 6802 in me is necessary to insure, in the inter­ may be designated to act for him, the ests of the war effort, the operation of Secretary of War shall take such action Labor D epartment: as may be necessary to provide such pro­ Nash-Finch Co., and Ryan Fruit . these plants and facilities: Co.; findings with respect to NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the tection to such persons and property. 4. All Federal agencies, including, but contracts in prosecution of power and authority vested in me by the war_______ _____________ 6803 Constitution and laws of the United not limited to, the War Manpower Com­ States, including section 9 of the Selec­ mission, the National Selective Service O ffice of Contract S ettlement: tive Training and Service Act of 1940 System, and the Department of Justice, Plant equipment, form of ap­ (54 Stat. 892) as amended by the War are directed to cooperate with the Pe­ plication for disposition._ 6802 Labor Disputes Act (57 Stat. 163), as troleum Administrator to the fullest ex­ Office of E conomic S tabilization: President of the United States and Com­ tent possible in carrying out the purposes Wentworth Bus Lines, Inc., et mander in Chief of the Army and Navy óf this order. al.; directive to ODT and of the United States, it is hereby ordered 5. Possession, control, and operation of OPA to withhold priorities as follows: any plant or facility, or part thereof, and allocations..________ 6804 taken under this order shall be termi­ Office of P rice Administration : 1. The Petroleum Administrator is nated by the Petroleum Administrator hereby authorized and directed, through Adjustments and pricing orders: within 60 days after he determines that Ajax Woodwork Co., Inc____ 6811 and with the aid of any persons or in­ the productive efficiency of the plant, fa­ strumentalities that he may designate, Altman, Daniel____ _______ 6807 cility, or part thereof prevailing prior Bardco Mfg. and Sales Co____ 6819 to take possession of the plants and fa­ to the threatened interruption of produc­ cilities of the Humble Oil and Refining Belle Mfg. Co. (Corr.)______ 6820 tion, referred to in the recitals of this Bertex Industrial__________ 6813 Company located in Ingleside, Texas, order, has been restored. and, to the extent that he may deem Burton-Thomas___________ 6810 6*. The Petroleum Administrator máy Cadieux, Joseph A__________ 6818 necessary, of any real or personal prop­ delegate any and all power, authority, erty and other assets, wherever situ­ Chicago Cabinet Co., Inc___ 6812 and discretion conferred upon him by Cole Hot Blast Mfg. Co_____ 6808 ated, used in connection with the opera­ this order to the Deputy Petroleum Ad­ College Industries, Inc______ 6812 tions thereof; to operate or to arrange ministrator. The Petroleum Adminis­ DeLuxe Mfg. Co____________ 6813 for the operation of the plants and fa­ trator and Deputy Petroleum Adminis­ Duane Chair Co____________ 6808 cilities in any manner that he deems trator may exercise the powers, author­ Ehler, Marye Berne________ 6829 necessary for the successful prosecu­ ity, and discretion conferred upon them Fischer Chair Co. (2 docu­ tion of the war; to exercise any contrac­ by or under the provisions of this order ments) ________________ 6809 tual or other rights of the Humble Oil through such personnel of the Petroleum Friedman, Harry___________ 6816 and Refining Company, and to continue ' (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 6791 6792 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, June 7, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of P rice Administration— W ar F ood Administration: Pa8e Continued. Grains and syrup, malted; rice, FEDERAL^REGISTER hops, and hop products '934 Adjustments and pricing or­ *VlV/TtO’ ders—Continued. Page (WFO 66, Am. 10) ____ 6793 Reichard, H. L. (Corr.)_____ 6820 W ar M anpower Com m ission: Ro-Co Products Mfg. Co____ 6807 Williamsport, Pa., area; employ­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Rodriquez, Ramon_________ 6815 ment stabilization program. 6829 and days following legal holidays, by the Runkle, Harry A___________ 6817 W ar P roduction B oard: Division of the Federal Register, the National Scharf Bros. Tobacco Co___ 6814 Cobalt (M-39, revocation)____ 6794 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Machinery, conveying, and me­ in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Thore Mfg. Co_____________ 6807 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Universal Latex and Plastics chanical power transmission ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Corp_________________ 6814 equipment (L-193, revoca­ Administrative Committee, approved by the Waterbury, S., and Son Co_ 6804 tion) _______________ 6794 President. Distribution is made only by the Alaska, territorial adjustment of Magazines and periodicals (L- Superintendent of Documents, Government maximum prices (RMPR 244, Am. 1)___________ 6795 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. 288, Am. 1)______________ 6802 Pyridine (M-185, revocation; The regulatory material appearing herein is Alcohol, ethyl (excluding West M-300, Sch. 109) (2 docu- ' keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, ments) ___________________ 6795 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Coast ethyl alcohol) (MPR to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as 28, Am. 12)______________ 6802 Suspension orders, etc.: amended June 19, 1937. Automotive parts, manufactur­ Jaeckel Mfg. Co., Inc________ 6794 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by ers’ maximum prices (MPR Lawrence, Max, & Co_______ 6794 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 452, Am. 8) ______________ 6796 Underwear, heavy weight knit per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Feathers and down (MPR 318, (M-328, Dir. 14)__________ 6795 vance. The charge for individual copies Am. 5)__________________ 6802 Vanadium (M-23-a, revoca­ (minimum 15^) varies in proportion to the tion)-^_____ i_____________ 6796 size of the issue. Remit check or money Feeds, mixed; for animals and order, made payable to the Superintendent poultry (MPR 585, Am. 1) __ 6797 of Documents, directly to the Government Fruits, berries, vegetables, Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. packed (Rev. SO 111)------- 6796 Administration for War as they may There are no restrictions on the republica­ Ide (MPR 154, Am. 9; MPR 154, determine. tion of material appearing in the F ederal Order 12) (2 documents)— 6801, H arry S. T ruman R egister. 6820 T he W hite H ouse, Pillows, feather filled, and up­ June 5, 1945. holstery cushion innercas- NOTICE ings (MPR 584, Am. 1)___ 6801 [F. R. Doc. 45-9825; Filed, June 5, 1945; Regional and district office or­ 10:56 a. m.] The 1943 Supplement to the Code ders. See also Adjustments of Federal Regulations, covering and pricing orders. the period June 2, 1943, through De­ Bed screen frames, folding; EXECUTIVE ORDER 9565 cember 31, 1943, may be obtained Denver region_________ 6825 Carrots: A uthorizing the P etroleum Administra­ from the Superintendent of Docu­ Pullman, W ash__________ 6828 tor T o T ake P ossession of and Operate ments, Government Printing Office, Spokane, W ash__________ 6828 the P lants and F acilities at the Cabin at $3.00 per book. Fluid milk, Tennessee Creek Oil F ield of the P ure Oil Com­ pany Located at D awes, W est V irginia Book 1 : Titles 1-31, including Presi­ (Corr.) ___;......... 6822 Lemons: WHEREAS after an investigation I dential documents in full text.
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