! The most useful vocabulary in travel at the airport/on the bus/ on the train/ on the tube and on the ship Ebook prepared by Angloville - the biggest provider of language immersion programmes in Central – Eastern Europe. ! Table of contents Table of contents ............................................................................................................................................1 Hello! .............................................................................................................................................................2 Zaczynamy! ...................................................................................................................................................3 Sample of a conversation ...............................................................................................................................6 Inflight announcements .................................................................................................................................8 Checking-in vocabulary .................................................................................................................................9 At the bus or train station............................................................................................................................. 15 On the ship ...................................................................................................................................................22 !1 ! Hello! If you have ever been abroad then you know how hard it can be to communicate, especially when flying or asking for information at the airport. Today we’re going to go through the airport step by step, learning important vocabulary and phrases along the way. Communicating at the airports is stressful even for native speakers. That is why it is even more confusing for foreigners. When being at the airport should always pay attention to all signs. They are really helpful in finding yourself in a new situation. Check out some basic vocabulary… !2 ! Zaczynamy! flight schedules – rozk"ad lotów cancelled flight – lot odwo"any airline – linia lotnicza arrivals – przyloty departures – odloty single ticket – bilet w jedn# strone return ticket – bilet w dwie strony open return ticket – otwarty bilet powrotny direct flight – lot bezpo$redni connecting flight – lot z przesiadkami layover - przesiadka luggage/bag/baggage – baga% hand luggage – baga% podr&czny excess baggage – nadbaga% overweight luggage – za ci&%ki baga% departure lounge – hala odlotów aisle – przej$cie pomi&dzy fotelami w samolocie board – wej$cie na pok"ad boarding pass – karta pok"adowa delayed – opó'niony on time – na czas departure board – tablica odlotów !3 ! gate – bramka check-in – odprawa customs – odprawa celna jet lag – zm&czenie po podró%y metal detector – wykrywacz metali passport control – kontrola paszportowa runway – pas startowy shuttle – autobus lotniskowy take-off – wystartowa( suitcase – walizka flight attendant – steward/stewardessa life jacket – kapok life vest – kamizelka ratunkowa overhead compartment – schowek nad g"ow# liquids – p"yny refreshments – przek#ski seatbelt – pas bezpiecze)stwa fasten seatbelts – zapi#( pas bezpiecze)stwa economy class – klasa ekonomiczna first class – pierwsza klasa business class – klasa biznesowa complimentary - bezp"atny emergency exit – wyj$cie ewakuacyjne emergency landing – l#dowanie awaryjne !4 ! aisle seat – miejsce od przej$cia window seat – miejsce przy oknie middle seat – miejsce w $rodku oxygen mask – maska tlenowa extinguisher - ga$nica duty-free shop – sklep bezc"owy !5 ! Sample of a conversation Let’s start with a flight ticket reservation. Below there is a sample of a conversation: Mr. Smith: Do you have plane tickets to London? I’d like to book two for 20th June. Ticket vendor: Yes, we do. How many people is the booking for? Mr. Smith: It’s for two people. How much is that? Ticket vendor: It’s 100£. Mr. Smith: Can I pay by credit card? Ticket vendor: Of course, I have to write down your credit card number and expiry date. Mr. Smith: OK. Does this price include all taxes? Ticket vendor: Yes, of course. Mr. Smith: How much is luggage allowance? Ticket vendor: It’s 20 kg per passenger. Anything else? Mr. Smith: Could you confirm my booking? Ticket vendor: Yes, here you go. Have a nice flight. Mr. Smith: Thank you. And one more example: Reservation clerk: British Airways, good morning. May I help you? Mr. Smith: Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney next Wednesday morning? !6 ! Reservation clerk: One moment, please… Yes. There’s flight at 16:00 and one at 18:00. Mr. Smith: That’s fine. Could you tell me how much a return flight costs? I’ll be staying two weeks. Reservation clerk: Economy, business class or first class ticket? Mr. Smith: Economy, please. Reservation clerk: That would be £400. Mr. Smith: ok. Could I make a reservation? Reservation clerk: Certainly. Which flight would you like? Mr. Smith: the 16:00, please. Reservation clerk: Could I have your name, please? Mr. Smith: My name is John Smith, that’s J-O-H-N-S-M-I-T-H. Reservation clerk: How would you like to pay, Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith: Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket? Reservation clerk: Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time. Mr. Smith: I see. Reservation clerk: Now you have been booked, Mr. Smith. The flight leaves at 16:00, and your arrival in Sydney will be at 10:25 a.m., local time. The flight number is NFA 678. Mr. Smith: Thank you. !7 ! Inflight announcements Let’s start with some inflight announcements which you may heat at the airport or on board: Ladies and gentleman, welcome aboard … airlines flight number … (Panie i panowie, witamy na pok"adzie linii lotniczych..., lot numer…) We request your attention while the flight attendants introduce you to safety instructions on this airplane. (Prosimy o uwag&, w trakcie, kiedy stewardzi zapoznaj# Pa)stwa z instrukcjami bezpiecze)stwa na pok"adzie tego samolotu.) Prepare for take-off, please. (Prosz& przygotowa( si& na start samolotu.) We may be experiencing slight turbulences now. (Mo%emy teraz wej$( w niewielkie turbulencje.) Ladies and gentleman, the flight attendants will be passing down the aisles to offer you dinner/supper/ a light meal. Now, please sit back and enjoy the flight. (Panie i panowie, stewardzi b&d# przechodzi( teraz korytarzami, proponuj#c pa)stwu obiad/kolacj&/lekki posi"ek. Prosimy usi#$( i cieszy( si& lotem.) Prepare for landing, please. (Prosz& przygotowa( si& na l#dowanie.) Ladies and gentleman, welcome to … airport. Local time is … and the temperature is … (Panie i panowie, witamy na lotnisku … Lokalny czas to … temperatura wynosi ...) !8 ! Checking-in vocabulary Now look at some useful vocabulary when checking-in: customs officer – celnik nothing to declare – nic do oclenia suitcase – walizka hand luggage – baga% podr&czny excess baggage – nadbaga% your baggage is overweight – twój baga% wa%y ponad limit a conveyor belt – ta$moci#g empty pockets – opró%ni( kieszenie a gate – bramka !9 ! Always be serious and respectful when talking with custom officers. No need to be nervous as long as you’re honest. Questions you will hear at the check-in counter: Ticket please. May I see your ticket? Do you have an e-ticket? Do you have some photo ID? How many bags are you checking? Did you pack these bags yourself? Do you have a carry-on bag? (a bag or purse to take on the airplane) Do you require special assistance? ( for example a “wheelchair”) Have you paid your airport improvement fee/tax? Would you like a window or an aisle seat? There may also some problems appear and you may hear: Your baggage is overweight. (Remove some contents or pay a fine.) Your carry-on luggage is too large. Your flight is delayed. (It’s late.) Your flight has been cancelled. (You must rebook a new flight) Your connecting flight/connection has been cancelled/is delayed. Your ticket is expired. Your passport is expired. !10 ! It is also important to go through some commands and questions at the Security Checkpoint like: Boarding pass, please. ID please. (show your photo ID) Spread your arms out please. (Put your arms up and out to the sides of your body) Take your shoes off. Open your bag. Take off/remove your belt. Do you have any change in your pockets? Do you have any metals? Do you have any food/produce? Do you have any liquids or medicine? Walk through. You must dump all food or beverages. (You can’t bring it through the gates.) …and questions YOU may need to ask: Is my flight on time? When should I be at the gate? Where is the boarding gate? Where is the washroom? Can I get a window seat? Is there somewhere to eat? Can I get a coffee at the gate? Is my connection on time? Where do I collect my baggage? Where can I find a taxi? Where is the departure gate? Where is the arrival gate? !11 ! Where is the check-in desk for ….airlines? Where is the domestics level? Where is the international level? When you arrive pick up luggage – odebra( baga% lost luggage – zagubiony baga% Conversations at Baggage Claim: If you cannot find the place to claim your luggage or it’s accidentally been delayed/lost, you should ask staff in the airport. Baggage claim: the place to pick up your checked luggage Where can I get my baggage? Claim tag: you might be asked for the claim tag before exiting baggage claiming area. That’s a receipt the airline will provide when you check in bags. I couldn’t find my checked luggage, could you help me figure out
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