FAMILY Synodontidae Gill, 1861 - lizardfishes SUBFAMILY Synodontinae Gill, 1861 - lizardfishes [=Salmonidi Rafinesque, 1810, Sauridae Lowe, 1843, Synodontoidae Gill, 1861] Notes: Salmonidi Rafinesque, 1810a:54 [ref. 3594] (ordine) Tirus [no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Sauridae Lowe, 1843:89 [ref. 2832] (family or tribe) Saurus [preoccupied by Sauroides Agassiz, 1833:2 [ref. 13390] (changed to Sauridae De Kay 1842 [ref. 1098]) in fishes, invalid] Synodontoidae Gill, 1861a:53 [ref. 1766] (family) Synodus [senior homonym of Synodontini Bleeker, 1862; family name sometimes seen as Synodidae] GENUS Synodus Scopoli, 1777 - lizardfishes, sand divers [=Synodus Scopoli [J. A.] (ex Gronow), 1777:449, Allouarnia (subgenus of Synodus) Whitley [G. P.], 1937:219, Austrotirus (subgenus of Synodus) Whitley [G. P.], 1937:219, Esosynodus (subgenus of Synodus) Whitley [G. P.], 1937:219, Exotirichthys (subgenus of Synodus) Whitley [G. P.], 1937:219, Laurida Swainson [W.], 1838:242, 246, Negotirus (subgenus of Synodus) Whitley [G. P.], 1937:219, Newtonscottia (subgenus of Synodus) Whitley [G. P.], 1937:219, Salmosaurus Minding [J.], 1832:120, Saurus Catesby [M.], 1771:2, Saurus Cuvier [G.], 1816:169, Soarus Linck [H. F.], 1790:38, Synodus Gronow [L. T.], 1763:112, Synodus Bloch [M. E.] & Schneider [J. G.], 1801:396 (xlix), Tirus Rafinesque [C. S.], 1810:56, Xystodus Ogilby [J. D.], 1910:5] Notes: [ref. 3990]. Masc. Esox synodus Linnaeus, 1758. Type by subsequent designation and absolute tautonymy. Described without species, first addition of species and subsequent designator not researched. •Valid as Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Anderson et al. 1966:46 [ref. 6977], Cressey 1981 [ref. 5574], Sulak in Whitehead et al. 1984:409 [ref. 13675], Okiyama 1984:207 [ref. 13644], Machida in Masuda et al. 1984:60 [ref. 6441], Cressey 1986:271 [ref. 6289], Waples & Randall 1989 [ref. 9187], Paxton et al. 1989:237 [ref. 12442] with authorship as Bloch & Schneider 1801, Heemstra in Smith & Heemstra 1995:271 [ref. 21953], Wiley et al. 1998:423 [ref. 25588], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:160 [ref. 24550], Russell 1999:1930 [ref. 24747], Sato & Nakabo 2002:44 [ref. 25953], Russell 2003:925 [ref. 27004], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:259 [ref. 28944], Hoese & Gates 2006:468 [ref. 28997] with authorship as Bloch & Schneider 1801, Chen et al. 2007:148 [ref. 29121], Prokofiev 2008:424 [ref. 29560], Randall & Pyle 2008:657 [ref. 29852], Kimura 2009:37 [ref. 30426], Randall 2009:402 [ref. 30454], Ho et al. 2010:64 [ref. 30761], Carvalho-Filho et al. 2010:33 [ref. 30983], Hubert et al. 2012:5 [ref. 31846], Frable et al. 2013:122 [ref. 32553], Birindelli 2014:534 [ref. 33501]). Current status: Valid as Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Allouarnia) [ref. 4690]. Fem. Synodus sageneus Waite, 1905. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Anderson et al. 1966:47 [ref. 6977], Sulak in Whitehead et al. 1984:409 [ref. 13675], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:259 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Austrotirus) [ref. 4690]. Masc. Synodus similis McCulloch, 1921. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Anderson et al 1966:47 [ref. 6977], Sulak in Whitehead et al. 1984:409 [ref. 13675], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Esosynodus) [ref. 4690]. Masc. Saurus lucioceps Ayres, 1855. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Anderson et al. 1966:46 [ref. 6977], Sulak in Whitehead et al. 1984:409 [ref. 13675], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Exotirichthys) [ref. 4690]. Masc. Saurus altipinnis Günther, 1864. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Two additional species referred with question. •Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Anderson et al. 1966:47 [ref. 6977], Sulak in Whitehead et al. 1984:409 [ref. 13675], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Laurida) [ref. 4302]. Fem. Salmo foetans of Swainson (= Salmo foetens Linnaeus, 1766). Type by subsequent designation. Also in Swainson 1839:185, 287-288 [ref. 4303]. Dates to 1838:242, 246 (with 3 included species in 1838); also mentioned on pp. 43, 221, 245, 250-252, 258. Type designated by Swain 1882:279 [ref. 5966]. •Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Nielsen 1973:161 [ref. 6885], see Anderson et al. 1966:47 [ref. 6977], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Negotirus) [ref. 4690]. Masc. Synodus evermanni Jordan & Bollman, 1890. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Anderson et al. 1966:47 [ref. 6977], Sulak in Whitehead et al. 1984:409 [ref. 13675] as Neotirus, Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Newtonscottia) [ref. 4690]. Fem. Synodus houlti McCulloch, 1921. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Sulak in Whitehead et al. 1984:409 [ref. 13675], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Salmosaurus) [ref. 3022]. Masc. Salmosaurus lacerta Minding, 1832. Apparently an unneeded new name for Saurus Cuvier 1816. •In the synonymy of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopolo, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Saurus) [ref. 774]. Masc. Not available, published in a rejected work on Official Index (Opinion 89, Opinion 259). •In the synonymy of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Saurus) [ref. 993]. Masc. Salmo saurus Linnaeus, 1758. Type by absolute tautonymy. •Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Anderson et al. 1966:47 [ref. 6977], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:160 [ref. 24550], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Soarus) [ref. 4985]. Masc. Appeared without included species; probably a misprint for Saurus (see Gill 1903:962 [ref. 4983]). •In the synonymy of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Nielsen 1973:161 [ref. 6885], see Anderson et al. 1966:46 [ref. 6977], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Synodus) [ref. 1910]. Masc. Not available, published in a rejected work on Official Index (Opinions 20, 89, 261). •In the synonymy of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (see Anderson et al. 1966:46 [ref. 6977]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Synodus) [ref. 471]. Masc. Esox synodus Linnaeus, 1758. Type by absolute tautonymy. •Objective synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:160 [ref. 24550], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Tirus) [ref. 3594]. Masc. Tirus marmoratus Rafinesque, 1810. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 – (Nielsen 1973:161 [ref. 6885], Anderson et al. 1966:47 [ref. 6977], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. (Xystodus) [ref. 3288]. Masc. Xystodus banfieldi Ogilby, 1910. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Type designated on p. 1. •Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Sulak 1977:53 [ref. 4299], Sulak in Whitehead et al. 1984:409 [ref. 13675], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:260 [ref. 28944]). Current status: Synonym of Synodus Scopoli, 1777. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. Species Synodus binotatus Schultz, in Schultz et al., 1953 - twospotted lizardfish [=Synodus binotatus Schultz [L. P.], in Schultz et al., 1953:35, Fig. 8] Notes: [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 202, v. 1; ref. 3975] Lagoon reef near southern end, Ennylabegan Island, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, western Pacific. Current status: Valid as Synodus binotatus Schultz, 1953. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: East Africa, Seychelles, to Madagascar and Réunion (Mascarenes) east to Hawaiian Islands and Line Islands, north to Ryukyu and Ogasawara Islands, south to Western Australia and New Caledonia. Habitat: marine. Species Synodus bondi Fowler, 1939 - sharpnose lizardfish [=Synodus bondi Fowler [H. W.], 1939:7, Figs. 5-6] Notes: [Notulae Naturae (Philadelphia) No. 35; ref. 1431] Kingston, Jamaica. Current status: Valid as Synodus bondi Fowler, 1939. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. Species Synodus capricornis Cressey & Randall, 1978 - Capricorn lizardfish [=Synodus capricornis Cressey [R. F.] & Randall [J. E.], 1978:767, Figs. 1-3] Notes: [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 91 (no. 3); ref. 8941] Off Ahu Akapu, Easter Island [southeastern Pacific], depth 70 feet. Current status: Valid as Synodus capricornis Cressey & Randall, 1978. Synodontidae: Synodontinae. Distribution: Western and central Pacific, antitropical: Taiwan, Hawaiian Islands, Pitcairn, Easter Island. Habitat: marine. Species Synodus cubanus Poey, 1876 - Cuban sand lizardfish (author) [=Syndus cubanus Poey [F.], 1876:185 [143]] Notes:
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