ROYAL DANISH NAVY Ships ol the Fleet June 19 77 Th e stren gth Bnd composi t i on of the Royal Dan i sh Nav y are gover ne d by t he Defe n c e Ac t oC Apr il, 1973 , ba s e d u p on a n a&ree m_ e n t ma de by 4 ma j or poli t ica l parti e s, and prolon ged f o r a n oth e r 4 years aa of Harc h, 19 77 . The De fence Ac t i s to some e x t e nt based on a statement made by t he ChieC of Navy end ing up i n wha t i s calle d wPI. n f or the Fl ee t 19 8 2 w • Th is plan i s lar gel y t h e r e sult of considerati on s rega rdi n g t h e outmo st u a e of the g e oph y s i cal s itua t i on i n the Bal t i c Approa ­ c h e a a nd the deai r e to c ontinue t h e establ i a hed balanc e d :flee t ­ comp osition . Th e fl e e t comp ositi on is as follows: Sta t u s Q.2.!.! Wa r Un i ts: Frigate s /Corvettes 5 5 Fast Patrol Boats 1 6 1 8 Submarin es 6 6 Minela y e r s 4 4 Coastal Minelayers 1 J Mine swe e p e r s 8 8 Seaw a rd Defence Craft 9 8 Combat Helicopters 0 8 Special Purpose Ships J Fi shery Prote c t ion Ships wi t h ocean eacort capability 5 5 I nspe c tion Cu t t or s ( Inshor e Cu t ters ) 5 5 Na val Cutte rs (Harbour Cutters) 9 9 Hel i cop ters 6 6 Oilers 2 2 Only during time of peace 2 mi n e l a ye r s a r e e mploy ed aa t ra i nin g s h ip Rnd depo t s hip , respec tive ly. They a r . , h oweve r , still capa ble of pe rfo rming t heir mine l a yin g wa r t im e tasks , as th"y cft n b e conv e> r t e d to suc h wi t h i n 48 hou r s . Th e c omba t h elieop t e r s are i n the ac t of be i n c c h o s " n , a nd orders are e xpected to be p laced wI thin the n e xt f isca l ye ar. Th e fl e et i s i n peaceti me o rganized i n f ou r squ a d r ons und e r operational c on t r o l o f F l ag Officer De nma rk, viz.: F r iga te Sq u adr o n co n t a ining: Fri gates Corve ttes Seaward Defence Cra ft . Mine Wa r f a r e Squ a d ron c on tai n i n g : Mine l a ye r s Coastal Mine l a y e n !l Mine s we e p ers . Fast Pa t r o l Boa t Squ adr on c on tai n i ng: Fas t Pa t r ol Boats Oi ler'8 . S ubma ~ i ne Squa d r on c on tai ning: Subm arines . The Harb ou r Cu t t e rs a re u nder the operational con t r o l or the va r i ou s na v a l d istricts . The Greenland Command and the Faeroe Comm a n d are exerci s ­ i ng operational c on t rol of t he F ishery Prot ection Sh ips a nd I n ­ spection Cu t t e r s (C o a s t al Cutters) i n the i r wa t ers . whe r e a s t he F i she r y Pr o t e c t i on Ships i n Danish wa t e rs are a ttached to the Friga te Squa d ron. The Royal Da n i s h Nav y ha s a new c on struc t i on p r ogramme c om­ prising: ,) Co rve t tes 10 Fast Patr ol Boat s 2 Coa s t a l Mi n e l a y e r s . Moder'n f ire con t rol s y stems a n d sophisticated passive sur _ veilin g equi pmen t a re u nder p r o cu r eme n t . Thi s p rogramme r epr e s en t s t h e lar gest na tional i nvestment progr a mme t h e Navy ha s ever h ad . TYPE: Frigate PEDER SKRAM-class NAME: NUMBER: LAID DOWN: COMPLETED: PEDER SKRAM F.352 September 1964 June 1966 HERLUF TROLLE F.353 Decem~er 1964 April 1967 Displacement: 2720 Length f"t.: 397 Beam f"t.: 40 Draught f"t.: 12 Engine: 2 diesel engines each of" 2400 BHP 2 gasturbines each of" 22.000 BHP Speed: Diesel 16,5 knots Gasturbines 32,5 knots Complement: 112 Remarks: The f"rigates are named af"ter two f"amous Danish admirals. They are built in Danish shipyard within the f"rame of the Danish/ American Cost Sharing Prog e, which was commenced in 1959. Originally they were armed with two double 5" all purpose guns plus 4 40 mm anti-aircraf"t guns. The frigates are now undertaking a midlife conversion, so in the future they will be armed with SEA SPARROW-missiles, HAR­ POON-missiles, one double 5" all purpose gun plus 40 mm's and a new type of torpedo. Thus, being of considerable strength,they are regarded as being the backbone of the naval defence, each of them acting as the tactical leader of the two surface action groups being established in wartime. TYPE: Corvette TRITON-class NAME: NUMBER I LAUNCHED: TRANSFEJUlED: BELLONA F.344 JaDUary 1955 JaDUary 1957 FLORA F.346 JUDe 1955 August 1956 TRITON F.347 September 1954 August 1955 Displacement: 873 Length 1't.: 250 Beam 1't.: 32 Draught 1't.: 9 Engine: 2 diesel engines each 01' 2200 BHP Speed: 20 knots C8lDplement: 110 Remarks: The corvettes are built in Italy for the Royal Danish Navy under the United States 01'f-Shore Account. They are 01' the same class as the Italian ALBATROS-class. Originally 4 corvettes vere transferred to the Royal Danish Navy, but the 1'ourth named DIANA vas scrapped in 1974. They are armed with two 3" all purpose guns plus one 40 mm anti-aircraft. They have a considerable amount of depth charges and hedgehog. They will within the next few years be replaced with a new type of Danish built corvette. TYPE: Seaward Defence Craft· DAPHNE-c1ass NAME: NUMBER: LAID DOWN: COMPLETED: DAPHNE P.530 April 1960 December 1961 DRYADEN P.531 July 1960 April 1962 HAVMANDEN P.532 November 1960 August 1962 HAVFRUEN P.533 March 1961 December 1962 NAJ"ADEN P.534 September 1961 Apri1 1963 NYMFEN P·535 April 1962 October 1963 NEPTUN P.536 September 1962 December 1963 RAN P.537 December 1962 May 1964 ROTA P.538 July 1963 January 1965 Displacement: 170 Length ft.: 121 Beam ft.: 20 Draught ft.: 6,5 Engine: 2 diesels each of 1300 BHP Speed: 20 knots Complement: 23 Remax 'ks: The Seaward Defence Craft are all built at the Royal Dock­ yard in Copenhagen, four of them under the United States Off-Shore Procurement. The DAPHNE-class was constxucted to patrol inshore Danish waters in close cooperation with the naval districts. They are equipped with one 40 mm anti-aircraft gun, depth­ charges and a 51 mm rocket launcher. They contribute with a notable effect to the surveillance and control with the Baltic Approaches. The DAPHNE-class will be replaced in the mid -80ies. The type to replace them is under consideration at the present, and depending on those considerations it might be a dual purpose type with the aim of having surveillance, control, and minesweeping performed by the same type of ship. TYPE: Fast Attack Craft Torpedo FALKEN-class NAME: NUMBER: LAID DOWN: COMPLETED: FALKEN P.506 November 1960 October 1962 GLENTEN P.507 January 1961 December 1962 GRIBBEN P.508 May 1961 April 196) H0GEN P.509 September 1961 June 196) Disp~acement: 119 Length ft.: 118 Beam ft.: 18 Draught ft.: 6 Engine: ) diesel engines each of )000 BHP Speed: 40 knots Complement: 2) Remarks: The FALKEN-class Fast Patrol Boats are all built in the Royal Dockyard in Copenhagen under United States of America Off­ Shore Procurement in the Military Aid Programme. They are constructed as a modern version of the traditional Second World War fast patrol boat. They are armed with one 40 mm anti-aircraft gun, one 20 mm anti-aircraft plus four 4~n torpedo tubes. They have a modern torpedo firing control system, which operates the torpedo salvo through wire-guidance. They are at the moment being phased out coordinated with the commissioning of the fast patrol boats mentioned under the new construction programme.
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