Available online at http://britnumsoc.org/publications/Digital%20BNJ/2010.shtml INDEX Abbreviations, list of, 263 Celtic coins, 1–23, 24–53, 211 Addedomaros, coinage of, 43 Charles V of France, francs à pied of, 198 Æthelheard, archbishop of Canterbury, coins of, 106 Charles VI of France, blanc or guénar of, 198 Æthelred I of Northumbria, sceattas of, 221, 222 Charles le Mauvais of Evreux, sol coronat of, 198 Æthelred II of Northumbria, stycas of, 222 Charles le Téméraire, coins of, 198–9 Æthelred II, pennies of, 227 Chick, Derek, 76 Æthelstan of East Anglia, pennies of, 224–5 Christoph II of Denmark, penny of, 199 Æthelwulf of Wessex, penny of, 225 CLAY, R., and TUNGATE, S. (eds), Matthew Boulton Afonso V of Portugal, coins of, 198 and the Art of Making Money, reviewed, 239–40 Aldfrith of Northumbria, sceatta of, 221 Clipping, 56–7 Alexander III of Scotland, re-use of die of, 111, 113 Cnut, pennies of, 227–8 Alfred of Wessex, pennies of, 225 Coenwulf of Mercia, pennies of, 224 ALLEN, Martin, A thirteenth-century enquiry into Coin design process, 176–88 the administration of the Bury St Edmunds Coin illustration, 140–50 mint, 189–93 Coin Register 2010, 207–37 ALLEN, Martin, The output and profi ts of the Calais COMFORT, Sim, Captain Hardy’s and Captain mint, 1349–1450, 131–9 Broke’s Reward of Merit medals, 201–6 Alton hoard, 1 Composite die technique, 3–4, 22 Andoco, coinage of, 43, 44 Corieltavian staters, 1, 7, 15 Anglo-Saxon gold coinage, 51–75 Corvey, abbey of, pfennig, 236 Anglo-Saxon shillings, 52, 215 Counterfeit coins, attempted production of, 158–60 ATTWOOD, P., and POWELL, F., with Crondall hoard, 52–4, 58 MENGHAM, R., Medals of Dishonour, Cross-and-Crosslets (Tealby) pennies, 235–6 reviewed, 240–2 Cunobelin(us), 13, 14, 24, 27, 32, 38–9, 40, 41–3, 44–5 Cunobelinus, biga gold coinage of, 24–53 Baldwin III of Jerusalem, denier of, 199 Cuthred of Kent, penny of, 224 Banks, Sarah Sophia, 169 Cynethryth, queen, coins of, 103–4, 223 Baronial-type penny, 235 Beonna of East Anglia, coins of, 221 David I of Scotland in the name of Stephen, penny of, Berhtwulf of Mercia, penny of, 225 234 Berry, James, artist, 179–80 Dias, coinage of, 43, 44 BESLY, Edward, The Monknash fi nd and other Die axis, measurement of, 195 foreign medieval coins from South Wales, 196–9 Die axis, of pennies, 1158–1280, 193–5 Biga staters, 24–53 DICK, M. (ed.), Matthew Boulton: A Revolutionary Birch, Thomas, surgeon and man-midwife, medal of, Player, reviewed, 239–40 151–4 Dubnovellaunos, staters of, 28, 38, 40, 42 ‘Birmingham Theatre 1774’ passes, in silver and DYKES, D.W., ‘J B’ of ‘Foundling Fields’, 166–75 copper, 154–8 DYKES, D.W., ‘Peter’ Skidmore: the man who never Blackburn, M.A.S., iii was. An addendum, 201 Presentation of the John Sanford Saltus Medal DYKES, D.W., review of M. Dick (ed.), Matthew to, 249–50 Boulton: A Revolutionary Player, 239–40 Boudicca, revolt of, 1, 10, 14 DYKES, D.W., review of R. Clay, and S. Tungate (eds), Boulton, Matthew, 158–64, 239–40 Matthew Boulton and the Art of Making Money, bicentenary of, 239–40 239–40 funeral of, 163–4 DYKES, D.W., review of S. Mason (ed.), Matthew ‘Obsequies’ medal, 160–2 Boulton: Selling what all the world desires, 239–40 requests to counterfeit coins, 158–60 British Numismatic Society, members of, 257–62 Eadberht of Northumbria, sceattas of, 221 Broke, Captain, Reward of Merit medal, 204–5 Eadberht, bishop of London, coins of, 101–2 Burgred of Mercia, penny of, 225 Eadberht Præn of Kent, penny of, 223–4 Burton, James, token issuer and property developer, Eadred, pennies of, 226 172–4 Eadwald of East Anglia, penny of, 223 Bury St Edmunds mint, administration of, 189–93 Eadwig, penny of, 226 Byzantine coins, 58, 215 EAGLEN, Robin J., Presidential address. The illustration of coins: an historical survey. Part I, Caballos Conteddilos, stater of, 30 140–50 Calais mint, output and profi ts of, 131–9 EAGLEN, Robin J., President’s Review of the Year Camulodunum, 40, 41, 43 2009, 243–5 266 INDEX EAGLEN, Robin J., The die axis of pennies from Man, Isle of, penny token, 236 Henry II to Edward I, 193–5 MANVILLE, H.E., Biographical dictionary of British Eanbald I, archbishop of York, sceatta of, 221 and Irish numismatics, reviewed, 238 Eanbald II, archbishop of York, sceattas of, 222 MASON, S., (ed.), Matthew Boulton: Selling what all the East Anglian coin production, Celtic, 1–23 world desires, reviewed, 239–40 East Anglian mint, under Offa, 79–83 Medals, 151–8, 160–4, 202–6, 240–2 Ecgberht, archbishop of York, sceatta of, 221 forged, 202–6 Ecgberht of Wessex, pennies of, 224 naval, 202–6 Edgar, pennies of, 226–7 of dishonour, 240–2 Edmund, penny of, 226 Members of the British Numismatic Society, 257–62 Edward the Confessor, pennies of, 228–9 MENGHAM, R., ATTWOOD, P., and POWELL, F., Edward the Martyr, pennies of, 227 Medals of Dishonour, reviewed, 240–2 Edward III, penny of, 196 Merovingian gold coins, 67–72, 215–16 Edward III, quarter noble of, 236 Metallurgy, of Anglo-Saxon gold coins, 51, 54 Enrique II de Trastamara of Castile, coins of, 196, 198 of Celtic coins, 38–9 Enrique IV, blanca de 2 maravedis of, 198 Metcalfe, Percy, coin designer, 181–8 Eric II of Norway, billon gros of, 236 Metrology, of Celtic coins, 39 Mint administration, thirteenth-century, 189–93 Faulconbridge, Thomas, 162–3 Monetisation and coin use, 51 ‘Ferriby’ type staters, 7 Monknash fi nd, 196–9 Floris V of Holand, köpfchen of, 198 Murrey, John, Isle of Man, penny token of, 236 Foundling Hospital, 169–72 François I of Brittany, billon blanc of, 198 NAISMITH, Rory, The coinage of Offa revisited, Frankish gold coins, 58 76–106 ‘Freckenham’ staters, classifi cation and chronology, Naval General Service medals, 202–6 1–2, 5, 11, 17–22 New Zealand, crown piece of 1935, 178–88 Frisian gold coins, 58, 72–3 Numismatics, development of, 143–6 Offa, coins of, 76–106, 222–3 Genoa, petachina of, 198 Offa, Light and Heavy coinages of, 76–106 Gray, Kruger, coin designer, 170–1 Osberht of Northumbria, stycas of, 222 Great Waltham, Essex, hoard, 29, 40 Otto I–III, pfennig, 236 Greek coins, 211 Otto III, Otto-Adelheid pfennig, 236 Hardy, Captain, Reward of Merit medal of, 202–4 Patrick of Salisbury, penny, 234 Harold I, pennies of, 228 Pepin III of Francia, denier of, 236 Henry I, pennies of, 230–2 Philip II of France, denier parisis of, 197 Henry II, pennies of, 235–6 Philip II of Macedon, stater of, 24, 30 Henry (of Anjou?), penny of, 235–6 Philip II or IV of France, denier tournois of, 198 Henry of Northumbria, penny of, 234 Philip le Beau of Braband, double patard of, 198 Hermann I of Holte, pfennig of, 236 PLOUVIEZ, J., The container of the Wickham HOLMES, N.M.McQ. and STEWARTBY, Lord, The Market hoard, 22–3 coinage of John Baliol, 107–30 Portugal, coins of, 198 POWELL, F., and ATTWOOD, P., with Icenian coinage, ‘Middle Phase’, 1–23 MENGHAM, R. Medals of Dishonour, Imported gold coinage, 51–75 reviewed, 240–2 ‘Irstead’ type staters, 7–9, 15–17 Privy mark ‘slot’, 199–201 Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society 2009, Jaenberht, archbishop of Canterbury, coins of, 104, 246–50 223 Provençal gold coinage, 58, 65–6 John I of Portugal, coins of, 198 Pseudo-imperial coins, 58, 62–67, 215 John IV of Brittany, coins of, 198 Pyx trials, Calais mint, 133–6 John Baliol, coinage of, 107–30 John Sanford Saltus medal, presentation to Quarter staters, 24, 32–7, 48–50 M.A.S. Blackburn, 249–50 Juan II of Castile, blanca nueva of, 198 Report of the Trustees, 251–6 Julius Caesar, 30 Review of the year, President’s, 243–5 Rex Scotorum pennies and halfpennies, of John Baliol, KRETZ, Rainer, The biga gold of Cunobelinus, 24–53 107–30 Roman Britain, end of, 55–7, 59–61 LEINS, Ian, and TALBOT, John, Before Boudicca: Roman coins, fi fth-century use of, 55–7, 59–61 the Wickham Market hoard and the Middle Roman imperial coins, 58, 62–66, 211–15 Phase gold coinage of East Anglia, 1–23 Roman Republic, coin of, 211 Louis the Pious of Francia, gold solidus imitations of, Romorantin, obol of, 198 236 Royal farthing tokens, 199–201 Louis VIII–IX of France, denier tournois, 198 Royal Mint, 179, 184, 185–6 INDEX 267 St Andrews pennies and halfpennies, of John Baliol, THOMPSON, R.H., Privy mark ‘Slot’ on royal 117–20, 126–8 farthing tokens, 199–202 St Edmund Memorial coinage, 225 THOMPSON, R.H., review of H.E. Manville, St Peter of York coinage, 225–6 Biographical dictionary of British and Irish Sasanian drachms, 58, 67 numismatics, 238 Sceattas, primary and intermediate, 216–19 Thrymsa, 52 Sceattas, secondary, 219–222 Token, penny, 236 Sihtric I of York, penny of, 226 Tokens, ‘Foundling Fields’, 166–75 Siliquae, imitations of, 57 Tokens, attempted production of counterfeits, 159–60 SIMMONS, F., review of P. Attwood, and F. Powell, Tremisses, 52 with R. Mengham Medals of Dishonour, 240–2 TUNGATE, S., and CLAY, R. (eds.), Matthew Boulton Skidmore, ‘Peter’, 201 and the Art of Making Money, reviewed, 239 ‘Snettisham’ staters, 1, 5–7, 15 ‘Slot’, hoof-print of deer, as privy mark, 199–201 Vanimundus, coins of, 216 Solidus, 52 Venice, soldini of, 198 Staters, gold, 1–23, 24–53 Viking imitation of penny of Athelstan, 226 Stephen, pennies of, 232–5 Viking imitations of pennies of Alfred, 225 STEWARTBY, Lord, and HOLMES, N.M.McQ., The Visigothic gold coins, 58, 63–4 coinage of John Baliol, 107–30 STOCKER, Mark, The New Zealand ‘Waitangi’ ‘Waitangi crown’, 176–88 crown of 1935, 176–88 Waitangi, treaty of, 178 Stycas, 222 Wales, South, fi nds of foreign medieval coins, 196–9 Sutton Hoo, 53–4, 58 Whaddon Chase hoard, 1 SYMONS, David, A Birmingham Miscellany (2), Wickham Market, container of hoard, 22 151–65 hoard of gold staters, 1–23 William I, pennies of, 229–30 William II, penny of, 229 TALBOT, John and LEINS, Ian, Before Boudicca: the WILLIAMS, Gareth, Anglo-Saxon gold coinage.
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