WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | March 7-20, 2014 | Volume 75, Number 9 ORLANDO DIOCESE PALM BEACH DIOCESE VENICE DIOCESE Participants of the Venice Diocese’s Men’s Conference applaud one of the speakers. (BOB REDDY | FC) A parishioner of St. Mary Protectress Ukrainian Women raise hands in the air, clap and sing as Catholic Church in Apopka lights a candle for peace the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola during the for the people of Ukraine. (LINDA CALDWELL | FC) annual Catholic Women of Faith, Women of Action Conference Conference March 1. (LINDA REEVES | FC) Local It’s all about resonates Ukrainians prayer with men pray for peace At the 2014 Diocese of Venice Men’s Conference, Carmelite Father Richard Champigny delivered the attendees were given tools to help them attain dynamic and motivational talks during the 2014 a greater perfection so as to use the gifts from God As tensions continue to rise in their homeland, Catholic Women of Faith, Women of Action con- to the best of their ability, whether it is as a grand- a small group of parishioners at St. Mary Pro- ference, sharing insights about the key to peace father, father or a son. tectress Ukrainian Catholic Church in Apopka and happiness. “The joy of the Lord is your strength,” author gathered to pray for peace, and for the safety of “I want you to remember two words from to- and apologist Peter Kreeft explained. “Use that their friends and family finding themselves in day,” said Father Champigny as he addressed the strength to guide your service to the Lord each the throes of conflict and violence. nearly 400 conference attendees at the Cathedral day.” We are a peaceful people. We just want to be of St. Ignatius Loyola March 1. “Prayer heals.” Throughout the conference, those gathered free. We really need prayer,” said Yurko McKay. Father Champigny presented two talks focused were given guidance on how to live out their voca- “Sometimes it is hard not to get angry about on prayer during the women’s conference hosted tion as Catholic men. Among the hundreds of par- what is happening over there to our families by the Diocese of Palm Beach Council of Catho- ticipants were a number of younger men, some in and friends,” McKay said, “so we pray. Prayer is lic Women. The fifth annual event united women high school or college, and still others who are the only way the Ukrainians are going to be free who are interested in developing their faith and newly married or have young children, and still again.” offered them some encouragement and support. others who are new grandfathers. Click on the ORLANDO DIOCESE above for Click on the PALM BEACH DIOCESE for more Click on the VENICE DIOCESE above for more more on this story. on this story. on this story. Join our annual St. Augustine Pope Long-Sleeve Relief Diocese Francis campaign efforts to host creates Eucharistic new Congress cardinals WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | March 7-20, 2014 | $1.00 FLORIDACatholic ORLANDO EDITION Students learn priests, nuns are ‘normal people’ MICHAEL HARKER Special to the Florida Catholic ORLANDO | Before attending the annual Focus 11 event, sixth- grader Ryleigh said she had a good idea of what vocations meant. After listening to priests and religious sisters and brothers share their vocation stories, the Good Shepherd Catholic School student said she had learned so much more. Miami's auxiliary bishop-elect, Msgr. “I learned that they had different kinds of hobbies,” she said. “I en- Peter Baldacchino, 53, smiles broadly joyed getting to know some of the priests and nuns, and hear how after making his statement during the they live their lives each day.” press conference where his appointment Ryleigh was among more than 1,600 students from Diocese of Or- was announced. (ANA RODRIGUEZ-SOTO lando schools who participated in Focus 11, a fun-filled educational | FC) experience in which 11-year-olds (sixth-graders) and 11th-graders (high school juniors) learn more about vocations and where God is calling them in their lives. The event was held Feb. 24-26 at Holy Fam- MIAMI’S NEW ily Parish in Orlando. AUXILIARY BISHOP: Each day began with Mass, celebrated by Bishop John Noonan. He emphasized that Catholic vocations mean many things. “It’s focused basically on your faith in Jesus Christ,” Bishop Noon- an said. “There are vocations to married life, priesthood, sister, ‘This is brother, deacon, single life. Our main focus is to ask the students to truly commit themselves to their faith, so they can at least have a solid foundation the rest of their lives.” home now’ Following Mass, Bishop Noonan introduced a number of semi- narians and priests, who shared the stories of how God called them to priesthood. Students visited displays about religious communi- Miami’s new auxiliary ties and listened to a number of keynote speakers. There was also a panel discussion, in which priests and religious sisters and brothers bishop is Malta native, answered questions relating to their hobbies; favorite part of religious life; if they had pets; if they had any regrets; and why they joined a Newark priest, Msgr. religious community. Peter Baldacchino A student from All Souls Catholic School in Sanford, right, “They are normal people,” Ryleigh said. reaches for a rosary at the annual Focus 11 vocations event, Father Jorge Torres, director of the Office of Vocations, said Focus 11 is presented to students when they are 11 years old or in the 11th ANA RODRIGUEZ-SOTO held Feb. 24-26 at Holy Family Parish in Orlando, while two of her classmates participate in a scavenger hunt. grade, because research shows young people typically make im- of the Florida Catholic staff PLEASE SEE FOCUS, 2 MIAMI | He speaks English, Spanish, Creole, Italian and Maltese. He laughs eas- ily and loves soccer. He was born on an is- land and has ministered on another one for the past 15 years. If any priest is suited to serve in Miami, it seems Msgr. Peter Baldacchino, 53, comes ready-made. And that perhaps is what Pope Francis thought when he appointed the Newark, N.J., priest to be Miami’s 10th auxiliary bishop. The appointment was announced at a press conference Feb. 20 at the archdioc- esan Pastoral Center. Msgr. Baldacchino’s ordination is set for March 19, the feast of St. Joseph, at St. Mary Cathedral. “He’s been in the trenches. He’s not a bu- reaucrat,” Archbishop Thomas Wenski said after making the announcement. “I think it Religious Teachers Filippini Sister Elaine Bebyn speaks with Third Order Regular Franciscan Father David Kaczmarek speaks students from Holy Family Catholic School in Orlando during with sixth-grade students from Holy Name of Jesus Catholic PLEASE SEE BISHOP, 12 Focus 11. (PHOTOS BY MICHAEL HARKER | FC) School, Indialantic, during Focus 11. March 7-20, 2014 Florida Catholic Your Orlando cOMMUNITY 2 Jeff Cavins brings Bible to life in ‘great adventure’ series LAURA DODSON Church with the kingdom of heav- worldview and see life as he did.” eral others in the diocese. We took to evangelization.” Florida Catholic correspondent en, especially through the celebra- Cavins is also the founder of the heart Bishop (John) Noonan’s vision “How do we catch the attention tion of the Mass. Eternal Word Television Network to harmonize parish ministries, and of people with the Gospel message MERRITT ISLAND | Most pa- “You come to a seminar with program “Life on the Rock” and collaborated with Divine Mercy in when they are so preoccupied with rishioners in the Diocese of Or- hungry hearts, looking for some- director of the Archbishop Harry J. bringing Jeff here to Cen- the good things of the lando have only seen Jeff Cavins thing that’s going to make a differ- Flynn Catechetical Institute, based tral Florida for the first world?” he asked rhetori- on a video screen. Thousands have ence in your life,” Cavins said. “And out of the St. Paul Seminary in Min- time.” cally. “My passion is to watched his “The Great Adventure: the basic solution to problems is nesota. The seminar in Brevard There were 25 parishes help people catch a vision A Journey Through the Bible” DVD how to walk with Christ who’s going County was co-hosted by Divine represented at the semi- of what it is to become a series. But recently, Catholics had to solve those problems. Mercy Parish and St. John the Evan- nar, including visitors disciple.” the opportunity to see and hear him “Unfortunately we don’t have an gelist in Viera. from other parts of the Karla Campos, a young in person when he spoke at Divine accurate picture in our minds of “This seminar was decided on country and Europe. adult from St. Mary Mag- Mercy Parish in Merritt Island Feb. what it means to follow Jesus,” he over a year ago,” explained Bob Bir- “What we’re concen- dalen Parish in Altamonte 21 and 22. continued. “Many of us are fans of mingham, director of lifelong faith trating on here is the new Springs, said the seminar The main talk focused on “Book Jesus, but being a follower is com- formation for St. John the Evan- evangelization,” Birming- Jeff Cavins was an “eye-opener.” She of Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to pletely different. There is nothing gelist Parish. “The ‘Quick Journey ham continued. “We’re has been studying the Come” and connected the kingdom more exciting than following Jesus. Through the Bible’ series was a going to do more of this because “Great Adventure” series for the past of God established by Christ in his To be a disciple means to take his huge success in our parish and sev- Catholics are hungry for their faith.” four years and has facilitated a teen Cavins said the faithful must group.
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