
Kazalište Ulysses / Ulysses Theatre Sezona 17 / Season 17 KAZALIŠTE ULYSSES ULYSSES THEATRE BITEF TEATAR BITEF THEATRE Premijera: 12. kolovoza 2017., Mali Brijun, tvrđava Minor Opening night: 12th August 2017 Mali Brijun, Fortress Minor KAZALIŠTE ULYSSES ULYSSES THEATRE Kazalište Ulysses prostor je prožimanja duhovno srodnih umjetnika. Otvoren je za suradnju svima koji Ulysses Theatre is a theatre space where spiritually similar artists are brought together. It welcomes the šire estetske i duhovne obzore. Kretanje u umjetnosti označava aktivni odnos prema stvarnosti i povijes- co-operation of all those broadening aesthetic and spiritual horizons. In art, movement – such as prog- ti. Putovanje je jedan od načina nemirenja s neminovnom sudbinom, što odlikuje mediteransku kulturu ress and journey – marks an active attitude towards reality and history. Journey is a way of not accepting od Homera naovamo. Tu je svaki čovjek osuđen na lutanje, vanjsko ili unutarnje, svatko je u traganju za the inevitable fate, which has been typical of the Mediterranean culture from Homer onwards. Each man vlastitom Itakom. Putuju pojedinci i likovi, a vodi ih Uliks. I podsjeća da se nikada ne prestanu nadati i is destined to wander, literally or inwardly. Everyone is in search of their own Ithaca. Individuals and char- raditi, tragati za novim izrazima kako bi izbjegli zatvaranje u egocentrični svijet koji okreće leđa stvarnos- acters travel, whereas Ulysses is to all a symbolic figure, a reminder never to give up hope or work, and to ti i drugima. Uliks je mitska i pjesnička figura luckastog uma koji s lakoćom kreće kroz jezike i kulture, search for new expressions to avoid withdrawing into the egocentric world that turns its back to reality spaja različito. Osnivači Kazališta Ulysses su glumac i redatelj Rade Šerbedžija te književnik i dramaturg and other people. Ulysses is a cunning mythical and poetic figure that easily travels through different Borislav Vujčić. Djelovanje kazališta usko je povezano s istarskim područjem oko Vodnjana, Fažane, Briju- languages and cultures, bridging the differences between them. na i Pule, a imenom je hommage književniku Jamesu Joyceu, čija biografija i djelo svjedoče o njegovu bo- The Theatre was founded by actor-director Rade Šerbedžija and writer-playwright Borislav Vujčić. Its ac- ravku na ovom prostoru. Naime, Joyce je u Puli boravio kao profesor engleskog u Berlitzovoj školi stranih tivity is closely related to the area around Vodnjan, Fažana, Brijuni and Pula in Istria. Its name is homage jezika između studenog 1904. i travnja 1905. godine. Kroz proteklih petnaest sezona na projektima to James Joyce, a writer whose biography and work testify to his sojourn in this region. Joyce lived in Pula Kazališta Ulysses sretali su se umjetnici iz svih krajeva svijeta: od Kanade i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država as an English language teacher in the Berlitz School of foreign languages from November 1904 to April do Novog Zelanda, od Čečenije i Irana do Velike Britanije, Francuske i Italije, od Bosne i Hercegovine i 1905. Throughout the past fifteen seasons, more than 500 artists from all over the world – Canada, the Slovenije do Srbije i Bolivije. Publici – koja na predstave u Tvrđavi Minor pristiže ne samo iz Hrvatske, već USA, New Zealand, Chechnya, the UK, France, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Bolivia cijele Europe – predstavilo se dosad više od 500 umjetnika najrazličitijih profila. – have participated in Ulysses productions. The audiences visiting Fort Minor to see the plays are similarly diverse – they come from Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Serbia, France, the UK, the USA, Denmark, Austria… 2 3 Uvodna riječ dramaturginje Introduction by dramaturg “Doručak šampiona” autorski je projekt tima koji “Breakfast of the Champion” is a creative project je okupio različite autore iz različitih umjetničkih of a team of authors from different art fields područja oko jedne osobe. Osobe koja nam je drawn together by a single persona, a person poznata posredno ili neposredno jer smo za nju that we know or know of because we heard, read, čuli, o njoj čitali, za nju navijali ili o njoj slušali. listened about or cheered for that person. Celeb- Poznati ljudi često nam se čine bližima nego rities often seem much more familiar then they što uistinu jesu, pa njihove osobnosti ponekad truly are, so we sometimes make assumptions podrazumijevamo čak više nego vlastite. Lako about their personalities, even more often than zaključujemo o njihovim manama i vrlinama, about our own. We are quick to make conclu- lako zaključujemo o njihovim životima, razlozi- sions about their virtues and flaws, we are quick ma i odlukama, lako umišljamo da znamo ono to make conclusions about their lives, reasons što samo pretpostavljamo. U tom se smislu and decisions, we are quick to believe that we svaka poznata osoba, bila ona sportaš ili glumica know things that we only assume. In this sense, u našim interpretacijama već pretvorila u fiktivni every celebrity, whether an athlete or an actress, lik koji smo opisali sami, a njegov ili njezin život has already become a fictional character in our postala je priča koju smo sami napisali i sami je mind that we have described ourselves and his or sebi pričamo. Pa tako o drugima pričamo priče her life has become a story that we have written u različitim žanrovima, radeći od njihovih života and tell ourselves. Thus, we tell tales of others in male drame ili komedije, ili velike tragedije, sve u different genres, turning their lives into mini dra- ovisnosti od naših iskustava. Pričati priču ionako mas or comedies or grand tragedies, depending možemo samo o drugima, o njihovim životima, on our own experiences. We can tell a tale only jer jedan drugome život svjedočimo. Svoje pak about other people, about their lives because životne priče tek živimo, još uvijek živimo. I we witness them. Our own life stories are still ostaje nam da se nadamo da će svjedoci naših unfolding, we are still living them. What remains života pokušati biti blagi i preslagivati činjenice is to hope that the witnesses of our lives will be i događaje naših života u tonovima boja koje kind enough to arrange the facts and events of volimo, kao i izgovarati one naše rečenice koje our lives in shades of colours that we love and bi i sami bez srama ponovili. Time smo se vodili speak those sentences that we ourselves would radeći predstavu inspiriranu stvarnom osobom, repeat without shame. This was our guiding jednim od najvećih šampiona naše sportske po- principle in producing the play inspired by a real vijesti, znajući da ćemo na kraju stvoriti fiktivni person, one of the greatest champions of our lik u koji će biti moguće povjerovati, a da svi sports history; we knew that we would ultimate- na kraju znamo da to nije on, nego naša priča o ly create a fictional character that will be real nekom drugom. enough to make us believe it is him, but all of us will know in the end that this was not him, but Nataša Rajković rather that it was our story about someone else. Nataša Rajković 4 5 6 7 BITEF TEATAR BITEF THEATRE Od svog osnivanja 1989. godine, misija Bitef teatra bila je širenje utjecaja Bitef fes- Since its foundation in 1989, it has been the mission of the Bitef Theatre tivala u regiji, otkrivanje novih kazališnih tendencija, kao i pružanje prostora um- to spread the influence of the Bitef Festival in our midst, to uncover new jetnicima čiji rad predstavlja iskorak iz tradicionalnih i utvrđenih granica scenskog theatrical trends and provide a platform for artists whose work breaks away izraza. U sezoni 2014/2015 jubilej, u kojoj slavi 25 godina svog postojanja Bitef from the traditional and established boundaries of theatrical expression. In teatar nastavlja svoju dvostruku repertoarnu misiju. S jedne strane, Bitef nastavlja the 2014/2015 season, the Bitef theatre is celebrating its 25th anniversary razvijati plesni teatar te unapređuje beogradsku plesnu scenu, kako kroz razvoj and its repertoire is staying true to its twofold mission. On one hand, Bitef i produkcije Bitef plesne scene, tako i kroz brojna gostovanja domaćih i stranih continues to develop dance theatre and improve Belgrade’s dance scene plesnih produkcija. S druge strane, Bitef teatar uspješno razvija i širi platformu through the development and productions of the Bitef dance company as novog, angažiranog dramskog stvaralaštva. well as through numerous guest performances of domestic and foreign dance productions. On the other hand, the Bitef theatre is successfully developing and expanding the platform for new, engaged dramatic works. 8 9 10 11 12 13 Autori teksta: Text Authors: OLGA DIMITRIJEVIĆ, OLGA DIMITRIJEVIĆ, TOMISLAV ZAJEC, TOMISLAV ZAJEC, DIMITRIJE KOKANOV, DIMITRIJE KOKANOV, ALEKSANDAR RADIVOJEVIĆ, ALEKSANDAR RADIVOJEVIĆ, NATAŠA RAJKOVIĆ NATAŠA RAJKOVIĆ Redatelj: Inspicijentica: Director: Stage manager: ALEKSANDAR ŠVABIĆ ENA SUBOTIĆ ALEKSANDAR ŠVABIĆ ENA SUBOTIĆ Dramaturginja: Direktor tehnike: Dramaturge: Tehnical manager: NATAŠA RAJKOVIĆ IVAN ANTONČIĆ NATAŠA RAJKOVIĆ IVAN ANTONČIĆ Kompozitor: Majstor tona: Composer: Chief sound tehnician: DAMIR URBAN DAMIR KLJUČARIĆ DAMIR URBAN DAMIR KLJUČARIĆ Koreograf: Pomoćnik majstora tona: Choreographer: Assistant sound tehnician: STAŠA ZUROVAC DARKO ZBUKVIĆ STAŠA ZUROVAC DARKO ZBUKVIĆ Kostimografkinja: Majstor rasvjete: Costume designer: Chief light tehnican: MARIA MARKOVIĆ – MILOJEV NIKŠA MRKONJIĆ MARIA MARKOVIĆ – MILOJEV NIKŠA MRKONJIĆ Scenograf: Pomoćnik majstora rasvjete:
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