REPUBLICAN PLATFORM 2016 Wededicate this platform with admirationand gratitude To allwho stand strong in the face of danger So that the American people may be protected against it Themen and women of ourmilitary , ofour law enforcement, and the first responders of every community in our land And to their families . Paid for by the Committeeon Arrangementsfor the 2016 RepublicanNationalConvention NotAuthorizedBy Any CandidateOr Candidate'sCommittee www.gopconvention 2016.com REPUBLICAN PLATFORM 2 1 6 Preamble With this platform , we the Republican Party reaffirm the principles that unite usin a common purpose. Webelieve in American exceptionalism. American people are optimistic. We believe the United States of America is This platform lays out clear language unlike any other nation on earth. path to makingAmerica great and united again . Webelieve America is exceptionalbecause of For the past 8 years America has been led in the our historic role first as refuge, then as defender, wrong direction and now as exemplar of liberty for the world to see. Our economy has become unnecessarily weak We affirm as did the Declaration of with stagnant wages. People living paycheck to Independence: that all are created equal, endowed paycheck are struggling , sacrificing , and suffering . bytheir Creatorwith inalienablerightsof life, liberty, Americans have earned and deserve a strong and the pursuit of happiness. and healthy economy. Webelieve in the Constitution as our founding Our standing in world affairs has declined document significantly – our enemies no longerfear us and Webelievethe Constitution was written not as our friends no longtrustus. a flexible document,but as our enduring covenant Peoplewant and expect an America that is the Webelieve our constitutional system limited most powerful and respected country on the face government separation of powers, federalism , of the earth and the rights of the people – must be preserved The men and women of our military remain uncompromised for future generations. the world's best. The havebeen shortchanged in We believe politicalfreedom and economic numbers, equipment, andbenefitsby a Commander freedom are indivisible. in Chief who treats the Armed Forces and our When politicalfreedom and economic freedom veteransas a necessary inconvenience. are separated both are in peril; when united, they The Presidentand theDemocratic party have are invincible. dismantled Americans' system of healthcare. They Webelievethatpeople are theultimateresource have replaced it with a costly and complicated and thatthe people, not the government, are the scheme that limits choices and takes away our best stewardsof our country's God- given natural freedom . resources. The Presidentand the Democraticpartyhave As Americans and as Republicanswe wish for abandoned their promise ofbeing accountable to peace we insist on strength. Wewillmake the American people. America safe. We seek friendship with all peoples They have nearly doubled the size of the and allnations, butwe recognize and are prepared national debt. to dealwith evilin the world . They refuse to control our borders but try Based on these principles, this platform is an to control our schools, farms, businesses, and invitation and a roadmap. Itinvites every American even our religiousinstitutions. They have directly to join us and showsthe path to a stronger, safer, attacked the production of American energy and and moreprosperousAmerica. the industry- related jobs thathave sustainedfamilies This platform is optimistic because the and communities. REPUBLICANPLATFORM 2016 The Presidenthas been regulating to And this means returning to the people and a freemarket economythat he does not like and the states the control that belongs to them . It is the does not understand. He defies the laws of the controlandthe power to make their own decisions United Statesby refusing to enforce those with about what's for themselves and their families which he does not agree And he appoints judges and communities. who legislate from thebench ratherthan apply the This platform ismany things: A handbook for law. returningdecision-making to the people. A guide We, as Republicans and Americans, cannot to the constitutionalrights of every American. And allow this to continue. Thatiswhy themanysections a manualfor thekind of sustained growth thatwill ofthis platform affirm our trust in the people, our bringopportunityto allthose on the sidelinesofour faith in their judgment, and our determination to society. help them take back their country. Every timewe sing, Bless America, Thismeansremovingthe powerfrom unelected, are asking for help. We ask for divinehelp thatour unaccountablegovernment. country can fulfillits promise. Weearn that help by This means relievingthe burden and expense of recommittingourselves to the ideas and idealsthat punishinggovernment regulations. are thetrue greatness of America. John Barrasso Senator John Barrasso Mary CHAIRMAN Vignia Governor Mary Fallin RepresentativeVirginiaFoxx CO - CHAIR CO - CHAIR REPUBLICAN PLATFORM Table of Contents 1 Restoringthe American Dream 9 A Rebirth ofConstitutional Government 17 America's NaturalResources: Agriculture, Energy, and the Environment 23 Government Reform 31 Great American Families, Education, Healthcare, and Criminal Justice 41 AmericaResurgent REPUBLICAN PLATFORM 2 Restoring the American Dream Rebuilding theEconomyand Creating Jobs erations ago before PresidentReagan was elected We are the party of a growing economy that in 1980. Business closures have exceededbusiness gives everyone a chance in life, an opportunity to startups throughoutthe Obama Presidency. Strong learn, work , and realize the prosperity freedom growth,more jobs, increasing incomes, andexpand makes possible. ing opportunity are allin short supply under Presi Government cannot create prosperity, though dent Obama and the Democrats. government can limit or destroy it. Prosperity isthe Werepudiate the absurd idea this is the best product of self- discipline, enterprise, saving and in America can do . The American people rejected that vestment by individuals, butit is not an end in itself. nonsense the last timeitwas offered, in the historic Prosperity provides the means by which citizens election of 1980 , and we ask them to join us now and their families can maintain their independence to again repudiate the false gospel of America's di from government, raise their children by their own minishment andretreat. We offer instead our vision values, practice their faith , and build communities of an opportunity society based on the economics of cooperation andmutual respect. It is also the of inclusion . foundation for our nation's global leadership , for it is the vigor of our economy which makes possible Fair and Simple Taxes for Growth ourmilitary strength and our nationalsecurity. Republicansconsider the establishment of a Pundits and Democratstell us that we should pro -growth tax code a moralimperative. Morethan acceptthenew normalofa slow -growingeconomy. any other publicpolicy, the way governmentraises The consequencesare too dire to ever acceptthat: revenue how much, at what rates, underwhat PresidentObamaand his party circumstances, from whom , willset a recordofbeingthe first and for whom the great modern president ever to leave Republicans consider est impact on our economy's office without a single calendar performance.It powerfully in the establishment of a year of three percent economic fluences the level of economic growth. As a , the number pro - growth tax code a growth and job creation, which of Americans living in poverty moralimperative. translates into the level of op has increased by 7 million, our portunity for those who would nation's economy has lost nearly otherwise be leftbehind. Get $ 8 trillion of cumulative output compared with an ting our tax system rightwillbe the most impor average recovery, and the economic growth short tant factor in driving the entire economyback to fall has left a cumulative real after-tax per person prosperity. personal income shortfall of nearly $ 17,000 com The current tax code is rightly the object of pared with an average recovery. both anger and mockery. Its length is exceeded Under President Obama and the Democrats , only by its complexity. Wemust start anew . That new private-sector jobs are three million below will be an enormous undertaking and, if it is to suc where they should have been with just average ceed, itmust command the attention and approval modern post-recession growth. Our labor force of the American people. It cannot be engineered participation rate has plunged to at or below 63 from the top down, butmust have a common sense percent for far too long, lows last seen two gen approach, and besimplified . REPUBLICAN PLATFORM Our proposal is straightforward . Wherever tax in part to high corporate tax rates and increasing rates penalize thrift or discourage investment, they regulatory burdens and uncertainty. must be lowered . Wherever current provisions of American businesses now face the world's the code are disincentives for economic growth, highest corporate tax rates. That's like putting lead they must be changed. We will not divide the shoes on your cross-country team . Itreduces com American people into winners and losers. We will panies' ability to compete overseas , encourages eliminate as many special interest provisions and them to move abroad, lessens their investment, loopholes as possible and curb corporate welfare , cripples job creation here at home,
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