DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1921, No. I MQNTHLY. RECORD OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS JANUARY, 1921 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT 'PRINTING OFFICE 1921 ADDITIONAL I )PIES 07 THIS PUBLICATION HAY BE PROCURED MOE THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS OOVEIINUENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C.. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY 1 4 ad 4 L 265777 111 111.4.45 MAY 17\Cft . 1/4" 8 . 1921 1 1 2- MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENTEDUCATIONAL PI)BLICATIONS. Compiled by the Library Division, Bureau ofEducatiot. CONTENTS. Educational history and hlogrAphyCurrunt edifeat tonal conditionEducational theory and practiceEducat lanai psychology; (i studyEducational tests and measurementsSpecial methods of instructionSpecialtit jec is of curriculum kindergarten and primary - tionSacondary oditeat ion --Teachers' schoolRtr al educa- salaries and prof' Ional statusHighereducation - -School. administrationSchool management Schoolhousesand groundsSchool hygiene and saaitation Thy=ical trairdngPlay and recreation--rocialaspects of educationChild welfareMoral and religious elit..al ion Manual and vocational trainingVoeatioila I guidance Home economicsCommercial eat ionProfessional editent edu- educationArnerieanitationEducat ion of soldiersEdtication womenEducation of blind and- deafEducation of tion: Recent publications. extensionLiiiraries .alad reading-Bureau of Educa- 'NOTE. The 'record comprisesa general survey in bibliographic form of currcnt educational literature, domestic andforeign, received during the monthly period preteding Owdate of publieation of each issue. This llieo can not supply thepublications. listed in this bulletin, oilier than those expressly designatedAs publications of the-Bureau of Education,, Books, pamphlets, and periodicals here mentioned may ordinarily he obtained from theirrespective.publishers, either directly or throughp dealer,or, in the case of an association publica- ,;tion, from the secretary of the issuingOtganizr tion.Many of them are available for consultation .in various pul iand institutional libraries; .. PublicatiOns intended for inclusion inthis record should besent to the library of the Bureau of Education,Wa.thington, D. C. EDUCATIONAL HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. 2221. Bliss, Daniel. The reminiscences of Daniel- Blisi; editedand supplementtd by his eldest son. New York, Chicago, Fleming 11..Revellcompany 11920J 259 p.plates.12°. The subject of this biography was for manyyears president of the Syrian Protestant college at Beirut, Syria. 2225. Cubberley, Ellwood P.Headings. in the history of education;a collection of sources and readings to illustrate thedevelopment of educational practice, theory, and organization. 13gston, New York [etc.IHoughton Nlifilin com- pany [19201xxv, 681 p.` illus.8°.(ltiyerside textbooks in education) To accompany author's History of cd neat ion. 3 4 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. CURRENT. EDUCATIONAL CONDITIONS. UNITED STATES. 2226. Alderman, Edwin A. The nation's supreme task.World's work, 41 126- 29, December 1920. Discusses tendencies in education; duplication of educational procedure, etc. 2227. Burgess, W. Randolph. Which do we want-economyor competence. School review, 28 ; 750 -56, December 1020. Discusses governmental efforts for economy; also requirements for good schools;the school's share in prosperity, etc. 2228. Davidson, Percy E. Equality of educational opportunity: the viewsof the km.onom'ists.School and society, 1,2: 535-42, December 4, 1920. 2229. Detroit, Mich. Board of education.Seventy-seventh annual report of.# the superintendent of schools for the year ending June 30,1920. Detroit, Board of education, 1920.120 p.illus.fr. Flirty in the school year 1914.20 a survey was made of the school system bydepartments. This report tells of some of the changes that hive been made ya result of these survey settvil tes. 2230. Duggan, M. -L.[Educational surveys of counties in Georgia)(Atlanta, tia., State department of education' 1919-1920.3 v. N°. ttleorfzia Department of education.No. 27, 28, 29) No. 27.- Educational survey of Warren county, Georgia, 30 p.No. 2s.-Edin at 1011711 slitey of Lee county, I ieorgia, 25 0. No. 29.-Educat tonal survey of Millercounty4 tieorgia, byM. L. Duggan and Miss Euri Belle Bolton, 48 p. 2231. Duncan, M. H. Cultural education,Southwestern school review, 1: 10-20, October 15, 1920. Endeavors to show how the new education makes culture the a tpreme aim oft he-schools. 2232. Fitzpatrick, Edward A. The Ayres report and the Wisconsin educational situation.Wisconsin journal of eduCation. 52 : 320 21, December 1920. After discussing soine of the remarks that the Wisconsin state !emeriti temlentof willie instrection has Made upon the tyres report, the writer says that the ;insect to tbe Sage Foundation study Is not alibi or criticism, hot constructive pro row. Thr .ire es74ary for educational improvement in Wisconsin: (I) A rompetiti courageous ethical iwnil lea:lership, (2) Aorecoustruction of the machinery of state educational administrat and (3) A comprehensive state-wide educational program. 2233. Kuhlman, A. F.Social survey of the city of Jackson and Madisoncounty, Tennessee.. Pub. by Jackson-Nlclaran chapter, American Redcross, 192(1. 139 p.8° Contents.-A. History.-11. Housing and sanitation. --IV. Education. -V. Family welfare.-Vi. Child welfare.-.-VII. Becreation.-Vill. Church life.r-I X.'pillory.- X. Agriculture.-XI: Government. 2234. North Carolina.State 'educational commission.Public education in North Camlina; a ,report by, the State educational' commission,prepared Under the direction of the commission by the (idneral educationhoard. Raleigh, Edwards & Broughton printing co., state printers, 1920.st, 137 p. plates. tables. 12°. Members of the State educational comfnission: Robert II. Wright, chairman;L. J. 11,)1, secretary; N. W. Walker, C. E. Breeer, C. C. Wright, . The report here submitted contains the findings and the general recommendationsof t he "commission.it first describes the schools as they are at preserit, next Nets forth thehindruitcts to development, and finally undertakes to point the way to improvement bymoans of better administration, better trained teachers, and better financial suptiort. .2235. Scranton, Pa. Board of education. Survey of the Scranton publicschools, 1918-1920. _SCiantpn, Pa., Board of education 11920]2142 p. 8°. s 2236. Strayer, George B. A national program for education.Journal of the National education association. 10 :-4, Jaltiary 1921. Final report of the Commission on emergency' in edtpition as pry sel'itt(41-byits chairman at the daft ,loalte City ineetlug ol the National educatlon'assoelation, July p, lb2u. 0 1.1 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. ' 2237. Brailaford, H. N.Russian impressions: Education andart. New Republic, 25 : 44 -48,' December 8, 1920. Education and art in Soviet Russia. 2238. Dar lu, A. Le budget'de l'instruetionpublique devant la chambre. Revue politiquo et parlementaire, W5: 15-26, October 10, 1920. 2239. Picavet, Francois. M4thodes allemandeset methodes francaisee.Revue internationale l'kseignement, 40 : 305-24, September-October1920. EDUCATIONAL THEORY AND PRACTICE. 4 2240. Orothers, Samuel McChord. The dameschool of exyerienee and other papers. Boston and. Niv York, Houghton Mifflincompany, 1920.279p. "12°. 2211. :Lowell, Abbott Lawrehte.Formalism in education.Journal of educa- tion, 92 : 511-13, November 25 : 1920. Address at the inauguration of the president of the Universityof North Carolina. The writer says In conclusion that we need to freeourselves from the system of credits in education, and to measure the child or youth by what hehas come to be, instead of by the process he hss been through. 2212. Morgan, Geoffrey E. The problem ofteaching pupils to think.American school board journaj. 61: 37, December 1920. Says of all the to eds in Ameriea today, the greatest need Is to think things through. for clear thinking and the at ility Suggests ,onie ways by which we may substitute soundand whole- some reasoning fur shallot and fallacious reasoning. 2213. Nunn, Thomas Percy. Education: its data and first. principles.New York, Lotignians, Green abd co.; London, Edward Arnold,1920:vii, 224p.12°. (The modern educator's library.General editor-Prof. A.A. Cock) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY; CHILD STUDY. 22-14. Aguayo, A. M. El vocabulario de Joe niiios Cubanos. [Habana] ni vorsidad de la 4abana, 1920. 29p.8°._ (Monograffas paidoegias, no. 1.) 2245. Clapp, Henry L. The development ofspontaneity; initiative, and responsi- bility in sdiool eltildr.n.Education, 41: 209-21, December 1920. Discusses the philosophy of sell-activity; and emphasisesthe import ante of organized play adapted to the schoolroom. : 2216. Porter, W. T. The seasonal variation inthe growth of Boston school children. p. 1217.31.8°. Reprinted from the American Journal of physiology, vol.52, no. 1, May 1920. EDUCATIONAL TESTS ANDMEASUREMENTS. 2217. Baldwin, Bird e and others. Studies in experimental education.Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1920.75p.8°.(Johns Hopkins university studies in education, no. 3) , CONTENTS.-1. Introduction and summitry, by B. T. Baldwin. -H. Physicalmeasurements, by L. W. Campbell and if. 4: Kefativer. -III. Theapplication of the Yerket-Bridges point scale and the standard revision of the Bina scale formeasuring intelligence, by R. L. Bates and others? -IV. Application of the Courtis standard researchtests in arithmetic-- series B, by ,A. K. Bielaskl and O. 1,. Palmer. -V. Itesul0in arithmetic by V.00dy scale "A," by %V. If. 'Davis and R. L. Clark.-VI.
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