1 TTTHETHE AADMINDMINDMINISTRATIONISTRATION OF UNION TERRITORY OF LADAKH LADAKH AUTONOMOUS HILL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, LAHDC LEH. STATISTICAL HANDBOOK 2018-19 District Statistics & Evaluation office, Leh Directorate of Economics & Statistics Planning Development & Monitoring Department 2 LEH AT A GLANCE Description` Reference Year Units Magnitude Geographical Area 2011 Census Sq.Kms 45110 Reporting Area 2011 Census (000)Ha 45611 No.of District 2018-19 No. 1 No. of sub-Divisions 2018-19 Nos 7* No.of Tehsils 2018-19 Nos. 8 No.of Sub-Tehsil/ Niabat 2018-19 Nos. 20# No.of CD Blocks 2018-19 Nos. 16 No.of Panchayat 2018-19 Nos. 95 No. of inhabited Revenue Villages (6 New Rev.Villages been created 2018-19 Nos. 113+6=119 Vide Revenue Department SRO 451 Notification No.Rve/S/183/2006-II Dated:21-10-2014 (Mansar Village in Nyoma No. of Un- inhabited Revenue Villages Block) No. 1 Wards 2018-19 No. 13 No.of Towns 2018-19 No. 1 No. of HouseHold 2011 Census Nos. 21909 Total Population 2011 Census Nos. 133487 Male 2011 Census Nos. 78971 Female 2011 Census Nos. 54516 Sex Ratio of Total Population 2011 Census Nos. 690 Schedule Tribe 2011 Census Nos. 95857 Schedule Cast 2011 Census Nos. 488 Total Projected Population 2018-19 Nos. 149042 Total Population of ( 0-6) 2011 Census Nos. 12016 Male ( 0-6) 2011 Census Nos 6174 Female ( 0-6) 2011 Census Nos. 5842 Sex Ratio of Child Population in the age group of 0-6 2011 Census Nos. 946 Decadal Growth 2011 Census Nos. (+) 13.86 Density of Population 2011 Census Per Sq.Kms 3 Urban Population 2011 Census Nos. 45671 Rural Population 2011 Census Nos. 87816 Total No. of Literate Persons 2011 Census Nos. 93770 Literacy Rate excluding (0-6) 2011 Census % 77.20 Op eratinal Holdings as per 10 th Agriculture Census 2015-16 in Leh District 2015-16 Nos. 21542 Note:- i) * No. of Sub-Division 7 which also included 1 District Headquarter. ii) # Sub-Tehsil, Disket & Saspol administered directly from the Tehsil HeadQuarter 3 LEH AT A GLANCE Description Reference Year Units Magnitude th Operational Area as per 10 Agriculture Census 2015-16 in Leh 2015-16 Hect. 14698.20 District Total Workers 2011 Census Nos. 75079 Main Workers 2011 Census Nos. 57125 Marginal Workers 2011 Census Nos. 17954 Non-Worker 2011 Census Nos. 58408 Department:- Health & Family Welfare Total Population (Source : (CMO) 2019 Nos. 111927 Male (Source : (Source : (CMO) 2019 Nos. 56036 Female (Source : (Source : (CMO) 2019 No. 55891 Sex Ratio (Source : (Source : (CMO) 2019 Nos. 997 Total Population ( 0-5 Yrs) ( (Source : (CMO) 2019 Nos 8710 Male (0-5 Yrs) (Source : (CMO) 2019 Nos. 4494 Fmale (0-5 Yrs) (Source : (CMO)CMO) 2019 Nos. 4216 Sex Ratio (0-5 Yrs) (Source : (CMO) 2019 Nos. 938 Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) 2019 Nos. 8.14 Birth Rate 2019 Nos. 11.78 Death Rate 2019 Nos. 3.53 District Hospital 2018-19 No. 1 Sub-Distrct Hospital 2018-19 Nos. 2 Primary Health Center/ CEC 2018-19 Nos. 14 Dispensary New type of PHC 2018-19 Nos. 14 Family Welfare Center/ Sub-Center 2018-19 No. 129 Other Institution 2018-19 Nos. 6 Bed Strength in SNM Hospital and other Institution 2018-19 Nos 556 Maternal Motality Rate 2018-19 Nos. 0 Doctors 2018-19 Nos. 83 Amchi 2018-19 Nos. 19 Nurse 2018-19 Nos. 73 Compounders 2018-19 Nos. 148 4 LEH AT A GLANCE Description Reference Year Units Magnitude Department:- Education Government:- University 2018-19 Nos. 2 College 2018-19 Nos. 4 High/ Higher Sec. School 2018-19 Nos. 50 Middle School 2018-19 Nos. 123 Primary School 2018-19 Nos. 185 Private School High/ Higher Sr. School 2018-19 Nos. 16 Middle School 2018-19 Nos. 22 PPrimary School 2018-19 Nos. 8 Central School High/Higher Sec. School 2018-19 Nos. 3 Middle School 2018-19 Nos. 1 Primary School 2018-19 Nos. 0 Tourism Tourest Arrivals Foreign 2018-19 Nos. 49477 Domestic 2018-19 Nos. 277889 No. of Hotel 2018-19 Nos. 268 No.of Guest Houses 2018-19 Nos. 569 Agriculture Production Wheat 2018-19 Qtls. 12900 Other Cereal 2018-19 Qtls. 21465 Pulses 2018-19 Qtls. 4798 5 LEH AT A GLANCE Description Reference Year Units Magnitude Sheep Husbandry Sheep 2018-19 Nos. 103375 Non-Pasmina Goat 2018-19 Nos. 19099 Pasmina Goat 2018-19 Nos. 202561 Judicial Statistics Session Judge 2018-19 Nos. 1 Sub-Judge 2018-19 Nos. 1 Munsif 2018-19 Nos. 2 Total:- 4 Police Station 2018-19 Nos. 4 Police Posts 2018-19 Nos. 8 6 CONVERSION FACTOR Length Inch 25.4 Millimeters 1 1 Mile 1.61 Kilometers 1 Millimeter 0.04 Inch 1 Centimeter 0.39370 Inch 1 Meter 1.094 Yards 1 Kilometer 0.62137 Miles 1 Yard 0.914 Meters 5 ½ Yards 1 Rod/Pole/Perch 22 Yards 1 Chain 20.17 Meters 1 Chain 220 Yards 1 Furlong 8 Furlong 1 Mile 8 Furlong 1.609 Kilometers 3 Miles 1 League Area 1 Marla 272 Sq. Feet 20 Marlas 1 Kanal 1 Acre 8 Kanal 1 Hectare 20 Kanal (Apox.) 1 Hectare 2.47105 Acre 1 Sq. Mile 2.5900 Sq. Kilometer 1 Sq. Mile 640 Acre 1 Sq. Mile 259 Hectares 1 Sq. Yard 0.84 Sq. Meter 1 Sq. Kilometer 0.3861 Sq. Mile 1 Sq. Kilometer 100 Hectares 1 Sq. Meter 1.196 Sq. Yards Capacity 1 Imperial Gallon 4.55 Litres 1 Litre 0.22 Imperial Gallon 7 Weight 1 Ounce (Oz) 28.3495 Grams 1 Pound 0.45359 Kilogram 1 Long Ton 1.01605 Metric Tone 1 Short Ton 0.907185 Metric Tone 1 Long Ton 2240 Pounds 1 Short Ton 2000 Pounds 1 Maund 82.2857 Pounds 1 Maund 0.037324 Metric Tone 1 Maund 0.3732 Quintal 1 Kilogram 2.204623 Pounds 1 Gram 0.0352740 Ounce 1 Gram 0.09 Tolas 1 Tola 11.664 Gram 1 Ton 1.06046 Metric Tone 1 Tonne 10.01605 Quintals 1 Meteric Tonne 0.984207 Tons 1 Metric Tonne 10 Quintals 1 Metric Ton 1000 Kilogram 1 Metric Ton 2204.63 Pounds 1 Metric Ton 26.792 Maunds (standard) 1 Hundredweight 0.508023 Quintals 1 Seer 0.933 Kilogram Bale of Cotton (392 lbs.) 0.17781 Metric Tonne 1 1 Metric Tonne 5.6624 Bale of Cotton (392 lbs.) 1 Metric Tonne 5.5116 Bale of Jute (400 lbs.) 1 Quintals 100 Kilogram 1 Bale of jute (400 lbs.) 0.181436 Metric Volume 1 Cubic Yard 0.7646 Cubic Meter 1 Cubic Meter 1.3079 Cubic Yards 1 Cubic Meter 35.3147 Cubic Feet 1 Cubic Foot 0.028 Cubic Meter Temperature C/5 = (F-32) /9 8 CHAPTER-I Area and Population Situated between 32 to 36 degree North latitude and 75 to 80 degree east longitude and at an altitude ranging from 2900 M to 5900 M, Leh district is scattered on an area of 82665 Sq.Kms (approx.) which (includes 37555 Sq.Km under illegal occupation of China) makes it the largest district in the country is having 119 inhabited and one un inhabited villages with a population of 133487 souls as per 2011 census with Buddhist as the largest ethnic group followed by Hinduism and Islam. 9 1-AREA AND POPULATION Table No-1.00 YearWise/Sex-wise Population of Different Census. Year Rural Urban Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1951 NA NA NA NA NA NA 20350 20134 40484 1961 NA NA NA NA NA NA 21686 21901 43587 1971 NA NA NA NA NA NA 25919 25972 51891 1981 31216 28446 59662 5032 3686 8718 36248 32132 68380 1991 NA NA NA NA NA NA 47847 42353 90200 2001 46534 42059 88593 17772 10867 28639 64306 52926 117232 2011 48411 39405 87816 21669 (Ur) 9201 (Ur) 30870 (Ur) 78971 54516 133487 8891(CT) 5910 (CT) 14801 (CT) Source: Census Department Note:- 1991 total population figures are based on Estimation no 1981 growth and no census was conducted in the state of J&K in the year 1991. Ur:- Urban CT:- Certified Town 10 11 Source: Census Department, GOI 12 1-AREA AND POPULATION Table No-1.01 Growth of Population. Decadal Growth of Population (Percentage) District J & K State 1901-11 +12.45 +7.16 1911-21 +1.31 +5.75 1921-31 +4.78 +10.14 1931-41 +5.33 +10.36 1941-51 +8.30 +10.42 1951-61 +8.11 +9.44 1961-71 +18.56 +29.65 1971-81 +31.78 +29.69 1981-91 +31.91 +30.34 1991-01 +29.97 +29.98 2001-11 +13.86 +23.64 Source: Census Department, GOI 13 AREA AND POPULATION Table No-1.02 Religion wise Population of Leh District as per 2011 Census Jain Unit Cast Total Sikhs Tribe Others Hindus District Muslims Schedule Schedule Buddhists Poputaion Christians Not Stated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 No 88635 22882 19057 1092 658 103 54 1006 133487 95857 488 Leh % 66.40 17.14 14.28 0.81 0.49 0.08 0.04 0.75 100.00 71.81 0.37 Source: Census Depatment, GOI. 14 15 AREA AND POPULATION Table No-1.03 Population by District Number Enumerated 1981 census 1991 (estimated) 2001 census 2011 Census Persons Male Female Persons Male Female Persons Male Female Persons Male Female Leh 68380 36248 32132 90200 47421 42779 117232 64306 52926 133487 78971 54516 Source: Census Department, GOI 16 AREA AND POPULATION Table No-1.04 Population by Blocks Block Rural/ Number Enumerated Urban 1981 Census 1991 (Estimated) 2001 Census 2011 Census Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female (i) Rural 18101 9737 8364 3600 1857 1743 Leh (2) Urban 28639 17772 10867 30870 21669 9201 27423 14532 12891 NA NA NA (3) CT 5910 - - - 14801 8891 Chuchot Rural 13819 7486 6333 8556 4150 4406 Kharu Rural 6150 3260 2890 NA NA NA 7063 3531 3532 12343 8419 3924 Nyoma Rural 7320 3820 3500 NA NA NA 8769 4544 4225 4043 1907 2136 Durbuk Rural 3533 2003 1530 NA NA NA 4675 2418 2257 4721 2344 2377 Nobra (Diskit) Rural 11951 6194 5757 10404 6513 3891 10667 5828 4839 NA NA NA Rural 5416 2800 2616 Panamic 5165 2885 2280 14066 7339 6727 Khaltsi Rural 6114 3004 3110 13287 6805 6482 NA NA NA 4733 2485 2248 Saspol 3599 1928 1671 - - - - - - - - - Nimoo Rural 5042 2518 2524 - - - - - - - - - Thiksay Rural 5403 2631 2772 - - - - - - - - - Skurbuchan Rural 4950 2435 2515 - - - - - - - - - Singaylalok(Wanla) Rural 2430 1267 1163 - - - - - - - - - Turtuk Rural 6864 4342 2522 - - - - - - - - - Rong Chumathang Rural 2736 1260 1476 - - - - - - - - - Rupsho Puga Rural 1846 951 895 68380 36248 32132 90200 47421 42779 117232 64306 52926 133487 Total Rural 78971 54516 Note:- CT -Certfied Town Source:- Census Department, GOI 17 AREA AND POPULATION Table No-1.05 Working Force No.
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