MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NORTH MUNDHAM PARISH COUNCIL PRESENT: Cllrs. Denia Turnbull (Chairman), Tim Russell (Vice Chair), Paul Chivers, Frances Neave, Richard Beeny and Jon Stuart. In attendance: Mrs. Louise Chater (Clerk). 155.14 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME ON MATTERS ON THE AGENDA – there were no members of the public present. 156.14 APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE Cllr. Annie Maclean – personal. Cllr. Adrian Sampson – personal. Cllr. Rob-Callaway-Lewis – work commitment. District Cllr. Paul Jarvis – personal. 157.14 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATION REQUESTS 1. Cllr. Maclean is requested to review her register of interest and provide written confirmation of no change or immediately provide AM the Clerk with an updated copy. 2. Register of Interest – none. 3. Dispensation Request – none. 158.14 MINUTES 140.14 (g) “Cllr. Russell proposed any purchase until the new financial year.” Was amended to read “Cllr. Russell proposed to defer any purchase until the new financial year.” On a proposal by Cllr. Russell, it was RESOLVED to agree and sign the minutes of the meeting held on the 1st July 2014 as a true record of the meeting. This was duly completed. 159.14 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES – none. 160.14 PLANNING 1. To consider all notified planning permission applications NM/14/02219/PLD - Case Officer: - Halima Chowdhury Mr And Mrs P Hill Hillside Lagness Road Runcton Chichester Rear single storey extension. On a proposal by Cllr. Beeny it was RESOLVED to make no comment. NM/14/02088/FUL - Case Officer: - Caitlin Boddy Hall Hunter Partnership Donaldson’s Nursery, Marsh Farm, Vinnetrow Road, Runcton Retention of hard standing On a proposal by Cllr. Beeny it was RESOLVED to make no comment. NM/14/02006/FUL – Case Officer: - Naomi Langford Mr David Langmead Chichester Food Park Bognor Road Chichester Variation of condition 2 of 13/02608/FUL. Amendments to roof form, materials and finishes (Paper plans) On a proposal by Cllr. Beeny it was RESOLVED to make no comment. NM/14/02314/TPA - Case Officer: - Henry Whitby Ms Deborah Nelson Woldhurst Court Runcton Lane Chichester PO20 1AD Crown reduce by 4m on southern sector and raise crown by 4m on 1 no. Holm Oak tree (T17). Crown reduce by 4m on southern sector by 4m on 1 no. Oak tree (T18). Both trees subject to NM/02/00751/TPO. On a proposal by Cllr. Beeny it was RESOLVED to make no comment. WSCC/053/14/NM North Mundham Primary School, School Lane, North Mundham Amendment of condition 1 of planning application WSCC/022/09/NM to allow the continued siting and use of 1 double temporary classroom unit On a proposal by Cllr. Beeny it was RESOLVED to make no comment 14/02174/DOM – Case Officer - Maria Tomlinson Mr AD & CM Frampton Field House Vinnetrow Road Runcton Proposed garage and replacement access On a proposal by Cllr. Beeny it was RESOLVED to make no objection, however, request that in the interest of road safety the new entrance be configured so that an incoming vehicle could pull off the road completely even when the entrance gate is closed. NM/14/02453/FUL – Case Officer: Peter Keen Mrs D Rosewarne Land South of Little Fisher Farm Fisher Lane South Mundham Retention of caravan for a temporary period of three years. On a proposal by Cllr. Beeny it was RESOLVED to make no comment NM/14/02300/FUL - Case Officer: - Steve Harris Natures Way Foods Ltd Natures Way Food Limited Merston Site Chichester Food Park Bognor Road Horticultural pack house incorporating ancillary uses including changing rooms, hygiene areas, ancillary offices together with parking and loading areas and new balancing pond. 2 On a proposal by Cllr. Beeny it was RESOLVED to object on the following grounds: the size and bulk of the building and the number of pack houses on the site. The categorisation of the proposed building as offices and light industrial use. The significant amount of office accommodation on the site. It was resolved to request a robust planting plan if the application was permitted. WSCC – Joint West Sussex Minerals Local Plan Minerals Site Study Response deadline 22nd September 2014 It was noted that the site was between Trotters and Brick Kiln and had been listed as Brick Kiln Farm. Following discussions on the site and the potential loss of valuable farmland it was RESOLVED the Chairman would draft comments on the proposal. 2. Updates from Chichester District Council, West Sussex County Council and Arun District Council DT NM/14/02088/FUL - Case Officer: - Caitlin Boddy Hall Hunter Partnership Donaldson’s Nursery, Marsh Farm, Vinnetrow Road, Runcton Retention of hard standing PERMIT NM/14/02219/PLD - Case Officer: - Halima Chowdhury Mr And Mrs P Hill Hillside Lagness Road Runcton Chichester Rear single storey extension. PERMIT NM/14/02041/DOM – Case Officer: Natalie McKellar Mr & Mrs K Cruttenden 15 Fletcher Place North Mundham Chichester Proposed conservatory. PERMIT NM/14/02314/TPA - Case Officer: - Henry Whitby Ms Deborah Nelson Woldhurst Court Runcton Lane Chichester PO20 1AD Crown reduce by 4m on southern sector and raise crown by 4m on 1 no. Holm Oak tree (T17). Crown reduce by 4m on southern sector by 4m on 1 no. Oak tree (T18). Both trees subject to NM/02/00751/TPO. PERMIT 3 NM/14/01873/DOM – Case officer Caitlin Boddy Mr Manning 3 Brookside Runcton Removal of existing small first floor extension to bedroom 3 to make larger new master bedroom over kitchen/family room. PERMIT NM/14/01754/DOM - Case Officer: - Anna Weir Mr Ian Griffiths Kingfisher Farm House Fisher Lane South Mundham Chichester Proposed tractor shed and store. PERMIT NM/14/01721/FUL - Case Officer: - Jeremy Bushell Mr David Langmead Chichester Food Park Bognor Road Chichester West Sussex Horticultural glasshouse, pack house, offices and reservoir development. PENDING CONSIDERATION NM/14/01661/FUL - Case Officer: - Caitlin Boody Mr Peter Hill Hill Brothers Chichester Limited Pagham Road North Mundham Chichester Proposed new general purpose horticultural equipment and sundries storage building. PERMIT NM/14/01349/FUL – Case Officer: Matthew Pickup West Sussex County Council 62 Brick Kiln Farm Merston Oving Conversion of agricultural buildings to 2 no. dwellings PERMITTED WITH SECTION 106 NM/14/01084/FUL – Case Officer: Steve Harris Douglas Briggs Partnership Land at Leythorne Nursery Vinnetrow Road Chichester Construction of a B1 office and assoicated parking area. WITHDRAWN HN/13/04020/FUL - Case Officer: Natalie McKellar Mr Radoslaw Kaminski Barn North Of Hunston Dairy Farm Hunston West Sussex Change of use from agricultural barn to automobile repair business. WITHDRAWN FROM PLANNING COMMITTEE ON 25th JUNE 2014 by the Planning Officer. The Planning Officer had requested clarification of the applicant’s intention and in particular the vehicles 4 on the site. It was agreed to submit a letter providing an update including the portacabins, vehicles, A-boards on the highway verge, selling part-worn tyres and opening hours. NM/13/03816/DOM – Case Officer- Anna Weir Mr L Osborne Retention of fences and gate. Trotters , Vinnetrow Road, Runcton, Chichester APPLICATION INVALID UPON RECIEPT CLERK NM/13/03370/DOM – Case Officer - Anna Weir Mr Daryl Hardy Long Meadow Bowley Lane South Mundham Proposed conversion of existing timber sheds to new annexe PENDING DECISION 3. Appeals, Licence Applications, and Enforcement Matters NM/13/03929/OUT APP/L3185/A/14/2222511 Mr Craig Kings (Strongwork Developments Ltd) Land Adjoining Stoney Lodge, School Lane, North Mundham Erection of 4 no dwellings with re-use of existing access point Deadline for submission of correspondence: 3rd September 2014 HN/13/00329/CONCOM Barn North Of Hunston Dairy Farm Hunston - Change of use to car repair (case officer Reg Hawks) – Breach of planning control identified and planning application submitted HN/13/04020/FUL. NM/11/00573/CONWST - Leythorne Farm Storage of road and building materials – no further update – request for update submitted. NM/04/00138/CONBC - Lakeside Holiday Park including wooden structure and advertising hording on Vinnetrow Road – request for update submitted. NM/14/00062/CONMHC (case officer Reg Hawkes) - Land West Of Little Fisher Farm Fisher Lane South Mundham – unauthorised mobile home – planning application (NM/14/02453/FUL) decision in abeyance until application decided. 4. Planning Correspondence None. 5. Neighbourhood Plan 5 It was agreed that all members should speak to residents to ascertain their views on the possibility of investigating a feasibility study. ALL 161.14 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT - no report received. 162.14 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – no report received. 163.14 FINANCE a) Bank Balances as at date of meeting Parish Council £ Current Account – Unity Bank 11406.60 Reserve Account – Co-op 36830.22 Reserve Account – Handelsbanken 10,000.70 Village Hall £ Current Account – Unity Bank 9654.05 Current Account – Co-op 1311.95 b) Approval of Parish Council and Village Hall Management Committee payments and authority to sign cheques Payment Schedule 31 July 2014 PARISH COUNCIL £ Standing Orders Mrs Louise Chater 652.41 salary Direct Payment West Sussex County pension payments May, Council 494.25 June & July Cheque Payments chq no Mrs Louise Chater 97.45 300139 expenses Earnley Parish Training including Council 75.80 300140 mileage legal & finance Mrs Denia Turnbull 30.41 300141 open gardens 560 copies of Pro Copy 68.50 300142 Newsletter (Summer) Mr M Brooks 80.00 300143 bus shelter cleaning Village Hall £ Direct Debit Southern Electric 62.00 electricity British Gas 105.00 gas Cheque Payments chq No TP
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