DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Prepared in cooperation with the GEOLOGY OF THE BRIDGETON QUADRANGLE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CUMBERLAND AND SALEM COUNTIES, NEW JERSEY NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL AND WATER SURVEY NATIONAL GEOLOGIC MAPPING PROGRAM OPEN-FILE MAP OFM 125 Pamphlet containing tables 1 and 2 accompanies map o 75 15’ B 12’30” INTRODUCTION delta and nearshore deposits) indicates that the Cohansey was deposited infilled sand and clay pits. Small areas of fill in urban areas are not MANASQUAN FORMATION—Clay with a trace of glauconite and MAP SYMBOLS o ! ELMER o Tmq 39 30’ !! 10’ 75 07’30” 2 ! ! during several rises and falls of sea level during a period of overall rising sea mapped. shells, gray to olive gray. In subsurface only. Approximately 100 feet ! Qtu 3 4 ! Tb . ! o Tb Tchs Tb 1 5 60 Qtu ! Qtu 75 ! Qals 39 30’ The Bridgeton quadrangle is in the New Jersey Coastal Plain in the southern level. thick based on thickness in the Millville corehole (Sugarman and others, Contact of surficial deposits—Solid where well-defined by landforms as Seabrook Tb ! Qtu Qtu ! ! . 76 ! Qals 74 . ! . part of the state. Outcropping geologic materials in the quadrangle include TRASH FILL—Trash mixed and covered with clay, silt, sand, and minor 2005). Penetrated in wells 176 and 207, but base of Manasquan cannot be visible on 1:12,000 stereo airphotos and LiDAR imagery, dashed where Foster Run Tb Tb 49 ! ! ! Qtu 77 aft ! gravel. As much as 50 feet thick. Qtu Tchs 8 ! 6 . 72 Qtl surficial deposits of late Miocene to Holocene age that overlie the Cohansey Fossil leaves and seed pods were collected from iron-cemented sand near positively identified from the logs for these wells. Of early Eocene age approximately located, short-dashed where feathering or gradational, ! ! .26 ! Qtu Qtu Qtu 50 51 !71 ! Formation, a coastal marine deposit of middle to late Miocene age. The Mary Elmer Lake in Bridgeton (N. J. Geological and Water Survey permanent based on foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton in the Millville dotted where excavated. In excavations, contacts are drawn to the base Branch Tchs 9! ! 78 ! WETLAND AND ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS—Fine-to-medium sand and ! ! ! 79 surficial deposits include river, wetland, estuarine, and windblown sediments. note 34-4-958, 1939), and possibly from other locations in the Bridgeton area corehole (Sugarman and others, 2005). map topography, compiled in 1953. Marsh ! 70 Qals Qtu The Cohansey Formation includes beach, nearshore, bay, and marsh (Hollick, 1892). The sand beds are either in the upper part of the Cohansey or pebble gravel, minor coarse sand; light gray, yellowish-brown, brown, ! ! Tb Tb Qtu3/Tb Qals ! aft ! dark brown; overlain in places by brown to dark brown organic silt to Lummis Tchs ! ! 48 ! ! 73 sediments deposited when sea level was, at times, more than 100 feet higher lower part of the Bridgeton Formation. The leaf fossils include magnolia, REFERENCES Contact of Cohansey facies—Approximately located. Run ! Tb ! 7 ! . than at present in this region. As sea level lowered after the Cohansey was laid holly, sweetgum, blackgum, oak, chestnut, and palm (Hollick, 1892, 1896, clayey silt and brown to black peat and gyttja (gel-like organic mud). Rosenhayn 47. Tb ! Tb Qtu 46 Qtu 45! !66 down, rivers flowing on the emerging Coastal Plain deposited the Bridgeton 1897). They indicate a subtropical climate and a fluvial or freshwater wetland Peat is as much as 10 feet, but generally less than 4 feet, thick. Sand and Buell, M. F., 1970, Time of origin of New Jersey Pine Barrens bogs: Bulletin Tchc Concealed Cohansey Formation facies—Covered by surficial deposits. Loper Qtu ! ! ! ! 61 ! ! ! Formation, forming a broad regional river plain. With continued lowering of depositional setting. If they are in the Cohansey they indicate a period of gravel are chiefly quartz with a trace (<1%) of chert and are generally of the Torrey Botanical Club, v. 97, p. 105-108. Qtu 44 52! 53 Qtu2/ 68 . ! !! ! Tchs ! ! ! sea level, the regional river system shifted to the west of the quadrangle, and subaerial fluvial, freshwater wetland, or freshwater estuarine deposition. less than 3 feet thick. Sand and gravel are stream-channel deposits; peat Carter, C. H., 1972, Miocene-Pliocene beach and tidal flat sedimentation, 5 Material penetrated by hand-auger hole or observed in exposure or Qtu ! 43 ! 54 59 Tb4/Tchc Qtu ! 42 and gyttja form from the vertical accumulation and decomposition of ! 10 ! 69 local streams began to erode into the Bridgeton plain. Through the latest southern New Jersey: Ph. D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, excavation. Number indicates thickness of surficial material, in feet, ! 41 ! ! . Qe3/Tb ! 67! Miocene, Pliocene, and Quaternary, stream and estuarine sediments were SURFICIAL DEPOSITS AND GEOMORPHIC HISTORY plant debris in swamps and marshes. In floodplains and alluvial wetlands Baltimore, Maryland, 186 p. 11. where penetrated. Symbols without a thickness value within surficial Run ! ! Tb 27 . Qtu deposited in several stages as valleys were progressively deepened and on modern valley bottoms. Carter, C. H., 1978, A regressive barrier and barrier-protected deposit: deposits indicate that the surficial material is more than 5 feet thick. Qtu . ! ! 32 63 ! 80 ! 12 ! ! Qtu ! Cromwell Qe 55 ! ! widened by stream erosion. Sea level in the New Jersey region began a long-term decline following depositional environments and geographic setting of the late Tertiary Where more than one unit was penetrated, the thickness (in feet) of the 14 ! 62 ! 81 ! ! . Tb Qtu ! Qals 13 ! ! deposition of the Cohansey Formation. As sea level lowered, the inner TIDAL MARSH AND ESTUARINE DEPOSITS—Peat, clay, silt, fine Cohansey Sand: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 40, p. 933-950. upper unit is indicated next to its symbol and the lower unit is identified ! Qe ! ! .64 Qm Lebanon Qe3/Tb ! Summaries of the groundwater and material resources, the stratigraphy of the continental shelf emerged as a coastal plain. River drainage was established sand; brown, dark brown, gray, black; minor medium-to-coarse sand and deVerteuil, Laurent, 1997, Palynological delineation and regional correlation following the slash. ! Qtu on this plain. The Bridgeton Formation (Tb) is fluvial sand and gravel that is pebble gravel. Contain abundant organic matter and shells. As much as Qtu ! Kirkwood and Cohansey formations, and the geomorphic history as recorded of lower through upper Miocene sequences in the Cape May and Atlantic Sunset ! 56! 18 33 ! Tb by surficial deposits and landforms, are provided below. The age of the the earliest record of this drainage in the Bridgeton quadrangle. The Bridgeton 20 feet thick (estimated). Deposited in tidal marshes, tidal flats, and tidal City boreholes, New Jersey Coastal Plain, in Miller, K.G., and Snyder, S. Material formerly observed—Recorded in N. J. Geological and Water Lake Qtu ! !! ! 39 ! ! Tchs ! 19 17 . ! 57 82 deposits and episodes of valley erosion are shown on the correlation chart. river system deposited a broad braidplain across southern New Jersey south of channels during Holocene sea-level rise. W., eds., Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. Survey files. Abbreviations as above. 20 . 16 15 37 .65 Branch ! ! ! Table 1 (in pamphlet) lists the formations penetrated in selected wells and test the present-day Mullica River. This plain covered the entire quadrangle. 150X: College Station, Texas, Ocean Drilling Program, p. 129-145. 31 35!. ! . 83 36 58 85 ! ! figure 5 Tchs ! ! 40 ! 84 borings as interpreted from drillers’ descriptions and geophysical logs. Table Regionally, paleoflow indicators and slope of the plain indicate that the DRY VALLEY ALLUVIUM—Fine-to-medium sand and pebble gravel, Florer, L. E., 1972, Palynology of a postglacial bog in the New Jersey Pine ! Photograph location Qtu ! 34 ! ! Qald Tb ! Qtu ! c Fields Carmel Qals Qtu ! ! 2 (in pamphlet) provides lithologic and gamma-ray logs for two 100-foot test Bridgeton was deposited by a river system draining southeastward from what minor coarse sand. Sand and gravel are chiefly quartz with a trace (<1%) Barrens: Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, v. 99, p. 135-138. Branch Qtu4/Tb 86 Indian 23 ! 87 of chert. As much as 5 feet thick. In dry headwater channels. ! Qals . borings drilled during mapping. is now the lower Delaware River valley (Owens and Minard, 1979; Martino, French, H. M., Demitroff, M., Forman, S. L., and Newell, W. L., 2007, A Well or test boring—Location accurate to within 200 feet. Log of ! Qtu 47 Chatfield Branch 22 Tb ! 88 1981; Stanford, 2010). Cross beds in sand exposed at six locations in the chronology of late-Pleistocene permafrost events in southern New Jersey, formations penetrated shown in table 1. Logs of borings Bridgeton 1 and ! Bridgeton ! Cross sections AA’ and BB’ show materials to a depth of between 500 and Bridgeton Formation in the quadrangle (plotted on map) likewise record EOLIAN DEPOSITS—Fine-to-medium quartz sand; very pale brown, eastern U. S. A.: Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, v. 18, p. 49-59. Bridgeton 2 are in table 2. ! 28 89 Qe Qtu 21 ! ! 38 ! ! Tb ! ! 90 ! ! ! ! 600 feet, which includes the Cohansey Formation, the Kirkwood Formation, eastward and southeastward paleoflow. The topography of the base of the yellow. As much as 10 feet thick. Form areas of small, low dunes of Friedman, Melvin, 1954, Miocene orthoquartzite from New Jersey: Journal of ! 92 . ! 29. 30 indistinct form. Sand is from wind erosion of the Bridgeton Formation . ! ! the Shark River Formation, and the Manasquan Formation. Formations below Bridgeton Formation, based on outcrop and well data (red lines on fig. 2), Sedimentary Petrology, v. 24, p. 235-241. Well or test boring—Location accurate to within 500 feet. Log of Tb 24 ! ! 91 ! 74 Tchs ! ! 93 188 the Kirkwood were penetrated in ten wells (wells 2, 7, 127, 176, 207, 213, shows that it aggraded in shallow south- to southeast-draining valleys cut into and upper terrace deposits.
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