jThursday, 14 August, 1969.1 Mr. Lewis: The Premier would deter- (3) Yes. mine that, but in the overall picture what (4) One counter offer has been made. Is important is the amount that is spent on the assimilation of natives. That is (5) Section 47A, Public Works Act, what the Premier would take into account. provides for compensation to be determined by agreement between Mr. HARMAN: This completes my con- the parties, by an action for corn- tribution to the Address-in-Reply debate. penisation by the claimant or by I protest most strongly against a reduc- reference of the claim to the tion in the size of the native reserve. This Compensation Caurt. is a bad precedent for the Government to set. If mining operations proceed, the Government, through expediency, will 3, TRANSPORT whittle away the land reserves of the Carriage of Goods between Perth natives. and Pilbara Debate adjourned, on motion by Mr. W. A. Manning. The Hon. H. C. STRICKLAND asked House adjourned at 9.44 p.m. the Minister for Mines: Will the Minister advise If the Director General of Transport recommendation that 'as-of- right" licences be issued for car- riage of goods between Perth and iaistatitwr (iuntril Pilbara terminals, will permit Thursday, the 14th August, 1969 hauliers. to pick-up loading both ways along the entire route? The PRESIDENT (The Hon. L. C. The Hon. A. F. GRIFFITH replied: Diver) took the Chair at 2.30 p.m.1 and Yes, if the recommendation read prayers. is implemented. QUESTIONS (8): ON NOTICE 4. MINES 1. This question was Postponed. World Prices for Minerals 2. KEWDALE DEVELOPMENT The Hon. R. H. C. STUBhBS asked AUTHORITY the Minister for Mines: Outstanding Claims (1) What is the latest world Price The Hon. W. F. WIIJLESEE asked the for- Minister for Town Planning: (a) nickel; (1) Can the Minister advise how many claims are still outstanding as a (b) cobalt; and result 'of the operations of the (c) copper? Kewdale Development Authority? (2) What rises, if any, have there (2) What are the names and addresses been In each of the previous two of the people concerned? years? (3) Have all such parties received firm offers from the Government? The Hon. A. F. GRIFFITH replied: (4) H-ave counter offers been made (1) There Is no accepted world price which differ from the Government but the U.S.A. prices may be taken valuations? as being representative and are-- (5) What is the next move available (a) 91.96 cents per lb. to the persons concerned in order (b) $1.65 per lb. to reach finalisation and settle- (c) $954 per long ton (average in ment of their outstanding claims? May, 1969). The Hlon. L, A. LOGAN replied: (2) The prices during the past two (I) Five. years varied as follows- (2) (a) R. J. and Mrs. 3. 1. Coles, Nickel-from 76.12 cents on the 8 Todd Avenue, Como. 1st August, 1967 to 83.93 (b) J. Daijac, 23 La Page Street, cents per lb. on the Ist Belmont. August, 1968. (c) J. V. Reagan, c/o Keall Cobalt-from $1.65 on the 1st Stables & Brinsden, Solicitors, August, 1907 to $1,71 Per lb. Perth. on the 1st August, 1968. (d) 0. L. and Mrs. 0. 1. Schruth. Copper prices varied from day M. M. V. Qoran-All of 890 to day but the average Beaufort Street, Mount Law- monthly prices ranged from ley. $820 per long ton In August, Ce) G. Calabrese, 34 Norman 1967 to a peak average of Street, Bentley. $1,130 in March, 1968. 290 [COUNCaI. These prices are the latest pub- (2) Is the C.S.I.R.O. carrying out any lished by the Bureau of Mineral research into the burning be- Resources and have been con- haviour of children's clothing, verted to Australian currency. particularly night-attire fabrics? 5. CHIROPRACTORS ACT (3) Is it intended to carry out any publicity campaign in Western Whether Breaches Committed Australia regarding this matter, The Hon. CLIVE ORIFFITHS asked with particular emphasis on public the Minister for Health: education for child safety? (1) Does the Minister consider that The Hon. A. F. GRIFFITH replied: any breaches of the Chiropractors Act have been committed by any (1) No. person whose name appears on (2) Some research has been carried page 82 of the pink pages of the out but results have not been of 1969 telephone directory under the a nature to clearly define relative heading of "Chiropractors"? flammability of specific materials. (2) If the answer to (1) is "Yes", A recent conference of State Min- isters for Labour agreed to request would the Minister indicate- the C.S.I.R.O. to carry out further (a) which persons have commit- research. ted an off ence, and what Is the offence; and (3) Yes. Discussions on this matter have already taken Place with the (b) does he intend to instruct the Home Safety Division of the Nat- Chiropractors Board to prose- ional Safety Council. cute the offenders? The Hon. G. C. MacKIINNON replied: ADDRESS-IN-REPLY: SIXTH DAY (1) and (2). We are advised that Motion the Chiropractors Registration Board is taking action against per- Debate resumed, from the 13th August, sons who have advertised in the on the following motion by The Hon. J. pink pages of the 1969 telephone Heitman., directory in breach of the Chiro- That the following Address be pre- practors. Act. sented to His Excellency:- 6. This question was postponed. may it please Your Excellency: We, the Members of the Legisla- 7. RAILWAYS tive Council of the Parliament of Tonnagyes between Mullewa and Western Australia in Parliament II'eekatharra assembled, beg to express our loyalty to our Most Gracious The Hon. H. C. STRICKLAND asked Sovereign and to thank Your the Minister for Mines: Excellency for the Speech you What was the total tonnage of have been pleased to deliver to goods carried each way on the Parliament. Mullewa-Meekatharra railway during each of the past five THE HON. J1. G. HISLOP (Metropolitan) years? [2.42 p.m.]: I take some degree of risk The H-on. A. F. GRIFFTH replied: either to myself or to the gentlemen who Year ended the 30th June- may absorb something of my speech, with Mullewa to Meekatharra- what I1 anm about to say. The reason I Tons say that is that in the early days of mnedi- 1965 . .... 24,628 cine, medical men, after being taught 1966 .. .. .. 29,864 their profession, would obtain a practice 1967 .. ... .. 28,115 for one person only. This was the pro- 198 .. .. 50:427 cedure for a long time, but slowly it has 1969 36,839 become acceptable for two or three, or Meekatharra. to Mullewa- more, practitioners to join together to see 1965 ... .. 45,009 what the results would be. 1966 62,934 Some very useful organisations have 1967 109, 258 been founded, and I1 am not at all jealous 1968 ... .. .. 45,795 when I say that they have discovered 1969 _. ... 74,886 certain things which will help invalids. When we get men of all grades coming 8. FLAME-PROOF CLOTHING together in this manner, willing to say Legisation, Research and Publicity what they think and to disburse their The Hon. R. H. C. STUBBS asked the knowledge, then we begin to feel that not Minister for Mines:, one single person-be it man, woman or (1) Has there been any agreement child-who is ill might be passed by. among State Ministers to legis- This situation was emphasised a few late for the production of flame- months ago. In April, the Australian Post- proof clothing? graduate Federation In Medicine held its [Thursday, 14 August, 1969.129 291 annual meeting. There were about 50 pro- I would now like to read the remarks of fessors present at the meeting and they Professor Eric Saint, who is now the Faculty discussed the sciences and medicine. In chief at the University of Queensland. He order to give the House some idea of what has written several articles on the ill- has been going on in this field, I will men- effects of alcohol, and on alcohol and tion some of the items discussed. Firstly I will deal with the Australian Medical society. He said- Association study group on medical edu- That alcoholism-or should I say cation. the widespread ill-use of alcohol-is As I said previously, there were about a public health problem of the great- 50 professors present and this study group est magnitude is scarcely deniable. started off considerable discussion which Between 10% and 20% of beds in pub- was of great help to most of us. We were lic hospitals are occupied by patients very glad to have our Professor W. B. suffering from the medical, neuro- MacDonald in the chair for most of the psychiatric, or traumatic complica- time. Professor Eric Saint was also pre- tions of pathological or ill-advised sent for some time, and so was Dr. C. C. drinking to excess. Jungfer, of Adelaide-Censor in Chief of As Dr. Bartholomew has shown us, The Australian College of General Practi- in about one-half of the inmatoes of tioners-and we all received a great our overcrowded and not too savoury amount of informal information. I do prison houses, alcohol is a principal not want to read lengthy extracts, but I or an important subsidiary influence suggest we should have a look at what in the causation of the outward mani- solme of these men said.
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