1 End to End VANET/ IoT Communications A 5G Smart Cities Case Study Approach Melvin Hayes1 and Tamer Omar2 Department of Technology Management, Indiana State University Terre Haute 1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cal-Poly Pomona 2 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract—This paper investigates the infrastructure to vehi- in achieving end-to-end communications for IoT datum and cle and infrastructure to cloud connectivity and reliability in meta-data collection and dissemination platform for IoV. the vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) area of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). A key focus of this work is to Furthermore, this work highlights and investigates the role investigate protocols that will enhance real-time, robust and that Zero-Configuration a set of technologies that can auto- reliable communication methods, and complement autonomous vehicles’ navigation experiences within smart cities. The main matically creates a usable RSUs network based on the Internet areas of study include highway infrastructure that include the Protocol Suite to support the proposed end to end communi- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) to the Cloud (web service) and cations systems design. This work is predominately interested vice-versa. The pertinent cloud-based data will be communicated in the upper layers of the data communication protocols for to subscribed vehicles (with password access) to complete the the Internet of Things (IoT) harmonization of WSN devices V2I and I2V communication cycle. The data collected from the WSN is communicated to the cloud via XML over XMPP, that can be used for a Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) zero configuration, and mDNS protocols. The use of the XMPP seamless metadata collection and dissemination. V2I and V2V protocol to communicate data to the cloud data repository technologies has not fully developed to Level that allow long represents a novel approach to IoT harmonization for this term sustainability, robustness and scalability. With secure particular infrastructure to cloud/I2V application. IoT algorithms and protocols the 5G and IoT harmonization Index Terms—5G, Zero Configuration, MultiCasting Domain protocols and techniques to can be adopted, adapted and Naming Service (mDNS), XMPP, IoT Harmonization, TEDS, implemented for maximum IoV efficiency and safety. IEEE1451. This study aims at identifying the inefficiencies and inef- fectiveness of VANET communications and evaluated methods I. INTRODUCTION to effectively manage them.The work also investigate ways to increase the throughput of VANET communications, exploring The area of Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is showing more what can be done to increase the Security of VANET against interest form both academia and industry as more advantages cyber-attacks and hacking, and finally to contribute to the ways are expected form such network. IoV include multiple aspects that the can utilize IoT networks by designing and managing that guide the relation between the vehicle and the infrastruc- an scalable network that work in harmony for the betterment ture and vice verse (V2I/I2V), and the relation between the of society. different Autonomous Vehicles (AV), semi autonomous and non autonomous vehicles which is known as (V2V). This work Figure 1 shows one of many arrangements for the Wireless aims at designing, testing and validating a Wireless Sensor Transducer Interface Modules (WTIM) that can be used for Network (WSN) model for Smart Cities that will provide Real- WSN data collection and dissemination [1]. Authors in [2] time traffic monitoring. The model aims at providing early demonstrated how the IEEE1451.7 standard can be used as a warnings from an active, robust, sustainable and secure system transducer layer protocol to retrieve data from a WSN which that will act as a Road Side Unit (RSU) sensor network which may act as a RSU within a WSN design for V2I/I2V and will operate as an Internet of Things (IoT) application. Vehicle to Cloud (V2C) design scenarios or schemes. This Currently the industry is researching and investing in fifth research provides more detail about the operations of the generation broadband networking (5G) and its role in support- intermediate layers of the architecture in the system design. ing IoT applications. These industries includes manufacturing, This layer is responsible for the integration between the educational institutions, pharmaceutical industries, medical transducer layer where AV system control is performed and the center , military, and transportation industry researching in the cloud system where the ITS takes place. This layer is imple- future of autonomous vehicles. This work seeks to investigate mented inside the RSUs using latest wireless technologies and the robustness, availability, reliability, and security of adopting secured communication systems This research also shows that Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) and through emulation, data collection, and simulation that a 5G open standard for messaging and presence protocol, the Multi- compliant, IEEE1451-99 compliant WSN data collection and cast Domain Name System (mDNS) protocol, IEEE1451.7 and dissemination network can be made viable and cost effective IEEE1451-99 a set of smart transducer interface standards with today’s technologies. 2 Figure 1: Network Topology Figure 2: Network Topology II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE &DESIGN standardized. XMPP uses a Publish/Subscribe mode, where A. Network Topology publishers publish information to a broker, which publishes it, and later distributes it to a negotiated set of subscribers. Figure 2 represent a sample network topology for the pro- The work in [7] indicated that with mDNS and DNS Service posed solution. The topology represents a V2I sensor coverage Discovery (DNS-SD) protocols, a user-friendly and seamless for a Smart City block of (660 ft x 920 ft). The proposed so- discovery of smart objects can be implemented. Multicast DNS lution adopt both IEEE1451-99 in the sensors/transducer level (mDNS) protocol is part of a group of standards that are used and XMPP for secure communication of any required parame- to automatically enable computers to look for or find other ters using embedded transducer electronic data sheets (TEDS). devices and to share their services with each other in network Authors in illustrated in [3], [4] how the IoT Harminozation environments without manual configuration by the user[8]. (IEEE1451-99) can best be achieved and implemented using The task of mDNS protocol is to resolve domain names the XMPP protocol. The author describes how the XMPP without the help of any unicast DNS server by delivering protocol can address the four communication patterns and messages to the reserved multicast addresses bridge the various protocols that exists by connecting the (IPv4) and ff02::fb (IPv6) via UDP port 5353. Devices inquire isolated computers, laptops, cellphones, and tablets that are network addresses with requests to a multicast group. The in use today. Three of the predominant four patterns that are respective device responds with its list of DNS resource in common use today and have already been addressed by the records. The mDNS protocol is often implemented together XMPP protocol were identified as follows with DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD) protocols. The two 1) Asynchronous messages. are available for various platforms, such Mac operating system 2) Request/Response services (iOS) and Windows with Bonjour , and for Linux, BSD, 3) Publish/Subscribe mechanism. OpenWRT, and Android with Avahi. XMPP has native support for the above three patterns through The DNS-SD protocol is another part of the standards used the message, iq and presence stanzas, which are the name to discover devices and share their services. It is combined for packets being transmitted in the XMPP network. A Stanza with the mDNS protocol and also supported by the Bonjour expresses an entity’s of current network availability and in our and Avahi protocols. The DNS-SD protocol enables the loca- case it expresses the availability of a certain vehicle in the IoV. tion and announcement of services to entities in a network The presence stanza supports persistence of the last content domain. DNS resource records are again used to provide published and confirm that a second Publish/Subscribe method information about services. Authors in "Chatty Things"[9] with more persistence options is available in XEP-0060 [5], mentioned that XEP – 0174 allows two entities to establish also Multi-casting for multiple recipients is available through an XML stream without the need of a XMPP server while XEP-0045 [6]. XMPP protocols allow simple bridging of using the mDNS and DNS – SD protocols to discover entities information using any of the well-known and well-used com- that support XMPP and to indentify their IP addresses and munication patterns available and steps to make these patterns preferred ports, using the _presence._tcp DNS SRV service 3 Figure 3: Three Layer Architecture Figure 4: System Design type. sensors and using WiFi technology for data collection and data Figure 3 represents one of the architectures that were dissemination to the NCAP module or to a matched NCAP investigated by our team in a smart city case study presented module. This device was loaded with the Yaxim smartphone in [2]. This design covered a wider and longer area than a application, the Yaxim operates using XMPP protocol as smart city block to allow model generalization. As shown the software/middleware
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