1st Theater Sustainment Command — Black Jack Express (For access to online and additional content, click on the icons, links and photos in this issue.) 45th SB troops return More than 100 Soldiers from the 45th Sustainment Brigade returned to Wheeler Army Airfield Dec. 3, 2014, after completing their eight-month deployment to Afghanistan. The 45th SB was the last U.S. Central Command Material Recovery Element in Afghanistan. For more photos of the 1st TSC, and the units that make the First Team successful, find them on Flickr. he Black Jack Express is an author- otherwise indicated, all photos are U.S. Army ized digital, command information publi- photos. cation published in accordance with Editorial input comes from the PAO staff as TArmy Regulation 360-1, for members of the 1st well as staff directorates and sections within Sustainment Command (Theater). the headquarters. It is published periodically by the 1st TSC The appearance of advertising in this publi- Public Affairs Office at Fort Bragg, North Caro- cation, including inserts or supplements, does lina. Circulation is through email and the inter- not constitute endorsement of the products or net via DVIDS. services advertised by the U.S. Army. Contents of the Black Jack Express maga- Questions, comments or submissions for zine are not necessarily the official views of, or the Black Jack Express should be directed to endorsed by, the U.S. Government, or the De- the editor at 910-643-4343 (DSN 593), or by partment of the Army or this command. Unless email at [email protected]. Black Jack Express Official Publication of the 1st TSC Public Affairs Office COMMAND Deputy Commanding 1st TSC Public Affairs NCOIC TEAM General PAO STAFF Sgt. 1st Class Duane Brown Brig. Gen. Daniel G. Mitchell Photojournalist Commanding Kuwait Deputy Public Affairs Officer Staff Sgt. Josephine Ampley General Commanding General Lt. Col. Roderick Cunningham Broadcaster Maj. Gen. Darrell K. Williams Brig. Gen. Rodney D. Fogg Deputy Public Affairs Officer Staff Sgt. Richard M. Colletta Command Sergeant Major Kuwait Sergeant Major Maj. Jeremy Passut PA Specialist/Editor Command Sgt. Maj. Command Sgt. Maj. Public Affairs Sergeant Major Stephenie Tatum Nathaniel J. Bartee Sr. Terry D. Burton Sgt. Maj. David Rhodes PA Specialist/Broadcaster Elizabeth Gerhart 2 1st Theater Sustainment Command — Black Jack Express “This command will use training, education, and awareness to minimize sexual harassment/assault and increase reporting. We will promote the sensitive handling of victims, offer victim assistance, hold perpetrators accountable, and provide confidential avenues for reporting. All victims of sexual harassment/assault will be treated with dignity, fairness and respect. All reported sexual harassment/assault incidents are treated seriously.” - MG Darrell K. Williams MAJ Candice M. Martin SFC Melisha K. Wilson SHARP Program Manager MCP Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) Bldg. M-2567 Quartermaster Street Fort Bragg, NC Bldg. M-2567 Quartermaster Street Fort Bragg, NC Office: 910-432-5055 Office: 910-396-5672 BB: 910-391-4823 BB: 910-987-6801 SFC Dontavious Seales SFC Lakeshia Guillory OCP Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) OCP Victim Advocate (VA) Bldg. 134 Camp Arifjan, Kuwait Bldg. 134 Camp Arifjan, Kuwait Office: 430-7880 Office: 430-7880 Cell: 9964-5981 Cell: 9723-1866 3 1st Theater Sustainment Command — Black Jack Express Blackjack 6 Sends: Drawdown, Transition & Continued Support COMMENTARY BY Support Sustainment Brigade is the first MAJ. GEN. DARRELL K. WILLIAMS ever RSSB, taking over completely as the last 1st TSC brigade supporting To all of Soldiers, civilians, contrac- United States Forces – Afghanistan. In tors, and families of the 1st Sustainment Kuwait, 3rd Sustainment Brigade, our Command (Theater); Command Sgt. Army Materiel Command and Surface Maj. Bartee and I would like to express Deployment and Distribution Com- our gratitude for all of your hard work mand partners served as the catcher’s and support throughout 2014. We’ve mitt for retrograde items arriving by air had an extraordinarily busy year and I from Afghanistan and the base of our thought it was important to formally initial support to operations in Iraq. recognize your collective accomplish- Our 1st TSC Blue Team deployed ments and sacrifices. Along with our from Fort Bragg and arrived in Kuwait strategic partners, you have done a phe- and our 1st TSC White Team returned nomenal job of supporting the U.S. home to Fort Bragg just in time for the Central Command’s area of operations and uncasing holidays. Likewise, the 14th Human with superior logistical, retrograde, ma- ceremonies during this period. The 3rd Resource Sustainment Center deployed teriel reduction, customs, personnel and Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) to Kuwait from Fort Bragg. Most re- financial support. conducted a color casing ceremony and cently, we welcomed the 13th Sustain- Recently, I held State of the Com- redeployed to Fort Knox, Kentucky, ment Command (Expeditionary) from mand briefings at both the Main Com- while the 401st Army Field Support Fort Hood, Texas, to Kuwait, and they mand Post at Fort Bragg, North Caro- Brigade conducted a color casing in are already simultaneously supporting lina, and the Operational Command Afghanistan and uncased its colors in Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq, the Post in Kuwait. The purpose of these Kuwait. The 45th Sustainment Brigade Resolute Support Mission in Afghani- presentations was to highlight your suc- cased its colors and redeployed home, to stan and other critical missions through- cesses over the past year and to ensure Hawaii in November, serving as the last out the CENTCOM AOR. everyone understands our missions and CENTCOM Material Recovery Ele- If you didn’t have an opportunity priorities moving into 2015. Later this ment in Afghanistan. The 4th Resolute to attend one of the State of the Com- month, I will do the mand briefings, I ask that same for our forces in you click on the Strategic Afghanistan and Sinai, Priorities slide to review Egypt. where we’ve been, The past few months what’ve done and where in particular have been we are going. This com- "historic," given our sup- mand has the best Soldiers, port to the drawdown of civilians and contractors in forces in Afghanistan the Army, and I thank you and stand up of support all for the work you have operations in Iraq. We done and will do. Please transitioned from an ex- extend my very best peditionary sustainment wishes and thanks to your command and three lo- families; we couldn’t ac- gistical brigades to one complish our mission with- single sustainment bri- out their unbelievable sup- gade. We’ve also exe- port! cuted several transfers of To view the CG’s latest State of the authority and color casing Command brief, click the slide above. First Team! Army Strong! 4 1st Theater Sustainment Command — Black Jack Express Blackjack 7 Sends: Live your creed, be professional and strive for excellence COMMENTARY BY to always keep safety first at all times COMMAND SGT. MAJ. as we continue to look out for our NATHANIEL J. BARTEE buddies to our left and right. We have to always take care of each other and I would first like to first start off bring our troops home to their fami- by welcoming the 15th Sgt. Maj. of lies. the Army Daniel A. Dailey. SHARP will always remain the Coming from TRADOC, he played number one priority of the command. a key role in shaping the Army’s The Army’s policy on sexual harass- plans for leader development and ment and sexual assault is zero toler- molding our future Soldiers. I know ance, and we will continue to foster he will bring a lot of added value with that same environment throughout the all of his knowledge and expertise. command. As leaders, it is our job to build I appreciate everything you all ac- our Soldiers through training and pro- complish on a daily basis. Your ef- fessional development as we transition to a garrison forts never go unnoticed and are always recognized in Army. Without the support of our junior troops, our the highest manner. Continue to do what you do and mission would never get accomplished. Our Soldiers strive for excellence. I am proud to work alongside the are the most vital cog in the wheel that keeps this greatest team of Soldiers and Civilians the Army has command constantly moving. to offer. Though the mission is drawing down we still have troops that are deployed all over the world. We have First Team! Army Strong! 1st TSC Blackjack Standards 1. Lead by example 7. Look like a Soldier and be able to 2. Take care of Soldiers and Families pass an APFT anytime 3. Always accomplish the mission 8. Be a team player, selfless service 4. Treat all with dignity and respect 9. Qualify on your assigned weapon 5. Be deployable at all times 10. Train everyday for success 6. Stay in compliance with AR 670-1 and AR 600-9 It’s All About: 1. Trust 6. Enforcing standards and discipline 2. Soldiers and Families 7. Doing what’s right 3. Leadership 8. Building strong teams 4. Leader development 9. Professionalism 5. Living the Army Values 1st Theater Sustainment Command — Black Jack Express 5 1st TSC commander gives ‘State of the Command’ STORY BY MAJ. JOE ODORIZZI 13th ESC Public Affairs KUWAIT – Soldiers from the 1st Sustainment Com- mand (Theater) Operational Command Post recently had the opportunity to hear direct from their com- mander on the current status of their organization and the way forward for future operations. Maj. Gen. Darrell K. Williams, 1st TSC com- mander, provided a ‘state of the command’ briefing to the Soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers within the organization at the Zone 1 Chapel at Camp Arifjan Jan.
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