Index Apocrypha, 38, 176 • A • Aron Kodesh, 35, 55 The Arranged Table abortion, 97–98 (Schilchan Aruch) (Caro), 48, 354 Abraham (Bible character), 44, 155–157 arranging funerals, 140–144 act, charged to, 91–92 art, anti-Semitism in, 225–226 ADL (Anti-Defamation League), 228, 395 Arvit, 52 Adonai, 26 Aseret Ha-Dibrot/Aseret Ha’D’varim, 46–47 African-Americans, 227–228 Aseret Y’mai Teshuvah (“Ten Days of afterlife, 148 Repentance”), 259–260 aggadah, 41 Ashamnu, 268 agricultural roots, of Counting of the Omer, Ashkenazi, 14, 196–197, 309 329–330 Ashkenazi Charoset recipe, 319 agunah, 134–135 assisted suicide, 140 Ain Sof, 85 Assiyah, 86 Akiba (rabbi), 182 “atonement” (kapparah), 264 Al Khet, 268 attending funerals and burials, 142–144 Aleinu, 54 Atzilut, 86 Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, 200 aufruf, 126 aliyah, 119, 246 Ausubel, Nathan (author) alter kahker, 377 394 American Jewish Committee (website), 395 A Treasury of Jewish Folklore, autopsies, 141 American Jewish Congress (website), 395 Avinu Malkenu, 269 American National Socialist Movement, 229 Avodah, 269 Americas avoiding enticement, 96–97 about, 212 100 assimilation in, 212–213 Avot De Rabbi Natan, Ayn Sof, 84 “choosing” rather than “chosen” people, 213 Amidah, 53–54, 266 • B • Amitai, Yona (professor), 312 animals, respecting, 101–103 Ba’al Shem Tov, 76, 132, 355 Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 228, 395 ba’al teshuvah, 215, 217 anti-Jewish sentiment, 188 Babylonian Talmud (Bavli), 184 Antioch, 220 bad news, blessings on hearing, 392 Antiochus IV, Emperor,COPYRIGHTED 176, 282, 283 bagels, MATERIAL 373 Antipas, Herod (ruler of Galilee), 179 Bakashah, 53 anti-Semitism bal tashkhit, 102, 296 about, 219, 222 baleboosteh, 377 acts of, 219–221 Balfour Declaration, 201 false beliefs, 222–225 BaMidbar (Numbers), 34, 35 healing, 229 Bar Kokhba, Simon (Jewish leader), 182 in literature and art, 225–226 bar Yochai, Shimon (rabbi), 73 in modern times, 226–229 Bar/Bat Mitzvah origins of hate, 221–222 about, 117–118 Antony, Mark (politician), 178 as an adult, 122–123 anxious humor, 364 celebrating, 119–123 apikorus, 377 442_9781118407516-bindex.indd2_9781118407516-bindex.indd 397397 22/26/13/26/13 110:370:37 AAMM 398 Judaism For Dummies, 2nd Edition Bar/Bat Mitzvah (continued) last thing at night, 387 confi rming your beliefs, 123 nature, 390 fi rst-timers’ guide to, 122 private worship, 51 history of, 118 as reminders and teachers, 392 parties, 120–121 sample, 385–392 preparing for, 118 Shabbat, 238–242, 391 speeches, 120 Sheh-heh-khi-yanu blessing, 254 Torah readings, 119–120 Sh’ma, 385–387 Barekh (blessing after eating), 324 Tu B’Shvat seder, 294–295 barley products, blessing before eating, 388 V’ahavta, 385–386 Barukh Dayan ha-emet, 140 Yom Kippur, 267 Basle, 220 yom tov blessing, 254 bathroom, blessing for using, 390 blood, 59 Bavli (Babylonian Talmud), 184 blood libel, 225 Bayazid, Sultan of Turkey, 191 B’nai B’rith International (website), 396 bazman hazeh (“in that time”), 287 Bonaparte, Napoleon (French leader), 196 BCE (“Before the Common Era”), 2 Book of Death, 250–251 beauty, blessings for, 392 Book of Esther, 303. See also Purim bedeken, 127, 132 Book of Lamentations, 346 “Before the Common Era” (BCE), 2 Book of Life, 250–251 beheadings, 179 Book of Ruth, 342–343, 368 Beit Knesset. See Synagogue Book of the Commandments (Sefer Beit Midrash. See Synagogue Ha’Mitzvot), 48 Beit Tefi llah. See Synagogue books, as resources, 393–394 Beit Yosef (House of Joseph), 354 boychik, 378 beliefs b’rakhot, 50 confi rming your, 123 bread, blessings over, 239–242, 388 false, 222–225 breakaway denominations, 18–21 ben Eliezer, Israel (rabbi), 76–77, 355 breaking glass, 130–131 ben Maimon, Moses (rabbi), 353 bris. See children ben Zakkai, Yokhanan (rabbi), 102 brit bat, 112 Ben-Gurion, David (Zionist leader), 207 brit milah, 107 Bereisheet (Genesis), 34, 154–159 brit Sarah, 112 Beriah, 86 Brussels, 220 Besht, 76 bubeleh, 378 bet din, 134, 367, 369 Buber, Martin (philosopher), 356–357 Bible, 38–39, 393 bubkes, 378 biblical texts, translation of, 175–176 Buddhism, 214–215 bima/bimah, 55, 246 burial, 141–144 Binah sefi rah, 82–83 butter, 309 Birkat, 389 Birkat Ha-Mazon, 389 Birkat Kohanim, 267 • C • birth. See children Caesar, Julius (Roman general), 178 birth control, 97–98 candles Black Death epidemic, 225 for Chanukkah, 285–286 blessings and prayers for Havdalah, 246 about, 50–51 for Shabbat, 238–239 bathroom, 390 cantor, 56 Chanukkah, 286–287 capital punishment, 100–101 community workship service, 52–54 Caro, Joseph ben Ephraim (rabbi), 48, early morning, 386 353–354 fi rst-time experiences, 389–390 CE (“Common Era”), 2 for food, 388–389 442_9781118407516-bindex.indd2_9781118407516-bindex.indd 398398 22/26/13/26/13 110:370:37 AAMM Index 399 celebrating Pidyon Haben, 115 Bar/Bat Mitzvah, 119–123 ritual circumcision, 107–112 Purim, 301–306 at seder, 325 Rosh Hashanah, 253–259 Chmielnicki massacres, 194 Tu B’Shvat at home, 295 Chmielnicki Pogroms, 221 Yom Kippur, 264–270 Chokhmah, 82 celebrities (Jewish), 22 cholent, 245 Central Conference of American Rabbis “Chosen” people, 360 (Reform), 98 Christian Bible, 37 “ch” sound, 2–3, 377 Christianity Chabad, 373 Judaism and, 184 chai, 62, 66 ultimatum about, 190–191 challah, 242 Christians, prohibitions on, 220 Chamishah Asar Be’Shvat. See Tu B’Shvat christos, 182 Chanukkah Chrysostom, St. John, 223 about, 281 Chumash, 35 blessings, 286–287 chuppah, 127, 128 customs, 284–290 chutzpah, 378 fi rst-timers’ guide, 290 circumcision, ritual, 107–112, 220 food, 287–288 Citizens of Antioch, 220 gifts, 290 citizenship, 196 lighting the candles, 285–286 citron, 274–277 Maccabees, 282–284 cleaning your spiritual house, 259–260 menorah, 67, 284–286 Clemens, Samuel (author), 226 oil miracle story, 283 clothing and garment customs, 62–66 personal renewal, 290–291 cloven hooves, 58 spin the dreidel, 289 codes, in mysticism, 85 what it celebrates, 282–284 coffee, 309 Chanukkiah, 67 Columbus, Christopher (explorer), 191 characters in humor, 365 Commentary (magazine), 395 charged to act, 91–92 “Common Era” (CE), 2 charity community workship service, 52–54 contact information, 396 The Concise Book of the Commandments giving to, 313 (Sefer Ha-Mitzvot Ha-Kitzur), 48 justice, 49 conclusion (Nirtzah), 326 righteousness and, 92–94 confessions, fi nal, 139 charoset, for Passover seder, 316–320 confi rmation, 123, 343 chatan, 132 confi rming your beliefs, 123 Chatan Bereshit, 278 confl icts, 216–218 Chatan Torah, 278 Conservative Judaism movement, 19–20, Chatzi Kaddish, 54 135, 199 chavurot (“friendship groups”), 215 conspiracy, false beliefs about, 224 chazeret, for Passover seder, 316, 317 contract, marriage, 131–132 chazzer, 378 conventions, explained, 2–3 cheese, 59 conversion (website), 368 Cheese Blintzes recipe, 340–341 conversos (“converts”), 190, 220 Chesed sefi rah, 83 converting to Judaism, 13, 190, 220, 368–369 “chief rabbis,” 367 Cooper, David A. (author) children God Is a Verb, 394 about, 107 The Handbook of Jewish Meditation blessings over, 239–240 Practices, 394 naming, 112–114 Council of the Four Lands, 194 naming ceremony for girls, 112 Counting of the Omer, 329–331 cremation, 141 442_9781118407516-bindex.indd2_9781118407516-bindex.indd 399399 22/26/13/26/13 110:370:37 AAMM 400 Judaism For Dummies, 2nd Edition cruel humor, 364 Diamant, Anita (author) culture, role of music in, 366–367 The New Jewish Wedding, 394 customs, Chanukkah, 284–290 dietary laws, 58–61 Cyrus of Persia, 174 direction rule of lighting menorah candles, 286 dishes, 59 • D • dismemberment, 179 Da’at, 84 Divine Presence (Shekinah), 28, 77, 237 daily practice divorce, 133–135 blessings and prayers, 50–54 doctors, 361–362 garments and clothing customs, 62–66 domesticated fowl, 58 homes, 66–67 Donin, Hayim (rabbi), 64 mitzvot, 46–50 dreck, 378 rites and rituals, 61–62 dress, in humor, 366 Synagogue, 54–57 Dreyfus, Alfred (French offi cer), 200–201, 221 dairy food, 59, 339 drinking the fruit of the vine, 128–129 davening, 50 duration rule of lighting menorah David, King, 167, 168, 361, 368 candles, 286 Davidow, Ari (typographer), 366 d’var Torah, 119, 120 Davis, Avram (doctor), 327–328 D’varim (Deuteronomy), 34, 35 Dayenu, 328 “Days of Awe” (Yamim Nora’im), 259–260 • E • The Day of Atonement. See Yom Kippur The Day of Judgment (Yom Ha-Din). See Ecclesiastes, 345 Rosh Hashanah Ediden, Ben (author) The Day of Remembrance (Yom Jewish Holidays and Festivals, 295 Ha-Zikaron). See Rosh Hashanah education, organizations for, 395–396 death Edward I, King of England, 188 about, 137–138 egg (roasted), for Passover seder, 315, 316 afterlife, 148 Eheyeh, 27 arranging funerals, 140–144 Eisenstein, Judith Kaplan (author), 123 attending funerals and burials, 142–144 Eitz Chayim (Tree of Life), 79–82 blessings on hearing about, 392 El Shaddai, 28 burial, 141–144 Ellis Island, 373–374 ending a life, 140 Elohim, 26–28 ethical will, 138–139 Elul, 252–253 fi nal confessions, 139 emigration, 200–202 fi rst-timers guide to Jewish funerals, 143 emphasis, for syllables, 3 Kaddish, 54, 145–147 ending a life, 140 mourning period, 144–146 England, 188, 220 planning for, 138–139 Enlightenment, 195, 197–199 preparing the body, 142 Entering Jewish Prayer (Hammer), 393 reciting parting words, 139 entertainers, 361–362 remembering the dead, 147–149 enticement, avoiding, 96–97 Death, Book of, 250–251 environment, respecting, 101–103 death camps, 204–205 Epiphanes, 176, 282, 283 Declaration of the Rights of Man, 196 erusin, 128–129 decorating for Shavuot, 339 eruv, 236 “Delight of the Sabbath” (Oneg Shabbat), 245 Esau (Bible character), 157–158 democratic humor, 364 Essenes, 177 desecration of the host, 225 Esther, Book of, 303.
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