History of Anthropology Newsletter Volume 12 Issue 2 December 1985 Article 5 January 1985 Research in Progress Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.upenn.edu/han Part of the Anthropology Commons, and the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Commons Recommended Citation (1985) "Research in Progress," History of Anthropology Newsletter: Vol. 12 : Iss. 2 , Article 5. Available at: https://repository.upenn.edu/han/vol12/iss2/5 This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. https://repository.upenn.edu/han/vol12/iss2/5 For more information, please contact [email protected]. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Henry Barnard <Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand) is doing research on the work o£ Victor Witter Turner. Thomas Buckley <Univ. Mass, Harbor Campus) is doing research on A. L.Kroeber and the history o£ ethnography and linguistics in Northwest Cali£ornia. Hiram Caton <ProJect on Biosocisl Science, Gri££ith Univ- ersity, Brisbane, Australia) is researching a study on "The De£ense o£ Margaret Mead's Samoa," which treats the reaction o£ American cultural anthropologists to Derek Freeman's critique o£ Mead's research. Andrew Christenson <Center £or Archaeological Investiga- tions, Tucson> is gathering oral histories, still and motion pictures, correspondence, _ and other materials on the disciplinary Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley Expedition, · 1933- 1938, in the course o£ writing a history o£ archeology in the Kayenta Anasazi region o£ northern Arizona and southern Utah. P.A. Danaher <James Cook University, Queensland, Australia> is working on A. R. Radcli££e-Brown and Claude Levi-Strauss. Emmanuel Drechsel <Anthropology, University o£ Oklahoma> is doing research on the impact o£ Wilhelm von Humboldt <1767-1835> on American Indian linguistics and anthropology in the twentieth century, especialy in the work o£ Edward Sapir. Jesse Green <English, Chicago State Univ.> continues his work on Frank Hamilton Cushing, which includes two volumes o£ correspondence and diaries published by the University o£ New Mexico Press <the £irst o£ which is appearing as Cushing in Zuni: ••• 1879-1884), and a proJected volume o£ papers based on the panel at the 1984 meeting o£ the American Ethnological Society and the Southwestern Anthropological Association. Pieter Havens <University o£ Nymegen> is working on a doctoral dissertation on the North American Indian studies o£ the Dutch anthropologist Herman ten Kate (1858-1931>, and is editing a special issue o£ the Dutch JOurnal Antropologische Verkenningen on the history o£ anthropology in the Netherlands. K.A.R. Kennedy <Cornell University> is doing research on the history o£ physical anthropologyin South Asia, with particular attention to the in£luence o£ the Asiatic Society o£ Bengal <in Calcutta>, beginning in 1784. Miriam MeiJer <1438 Geranium St. N.W., Washington, D.C.> is doing reseach on the Dutch physical anthropologist, Petrus Camper (1722-1789). Joyce Ogburn <University Libraries, Penn State University> is working on a Master's thesis at the Indiana University on 12 concepts o£ biological evolution in late nineteenth century American anthropologists, viewed £rom the perspective o£ their relationship to natural history rather than their social Nancy Parezo <Arizona State Museum>, is preparing an on the contributions o£ women to Southwestern anthropology and to anthropological theory, which will be accompanied by a conference (on March 14, 1986) entitled "Daughters o£ the Desert: 100 Years o£ Southwestern Anthropology." • Donald Tumasonis <Oslo, Norway) is doing research on the li£e and work o£ S.M. Shirokogoro££, and on other aspects o£ pre- revolutionary Russian ethnography. Katherine Weinert <History, Stan£ord) is doing research £or a doctoral dissertation on the emergence o£ kinship studies in American anthropology £rom 1850 to 1890, focussing on Lewis Henry Morgan, a·nd on such later figures as James Dorsey and Alice Fletcher, with reference to the influence o£ late nineteenth century American concepts o£ family, marriage, and gender roles. BIBLIOGRAPHICA ARCANA I. Seeing the First Australians Under this title Ian Donaldson and Tamsin Donaldson have edited a volume <Sydney: George Allen & Unwin, 1985) containing a number o£ items o£ interest to the history o£ anthropology: Bernard Smith, '"The First European Depictions" <Cook"s artists>; D.J. Mulvaney, "The Darwinian PErspective" <on A. W. Howitt and W. B. Spencer>; T. Donaldson, "Hearing the First Australian" <on early language collecting>; Isabel McBryde, "Thomas Dick's Photographic Vision" <ethnographic photography>; and a number o£ other papers. II. Recent Dissertations <Ph. D. where M.A. indicated) Fagette, Paul H., Jr. "Digging £or Dollars: The Impact o£ the New Deal on the Pro£essional1zation o£ American Archeology" <Univ. o£ California, Riverside, 1985). Harvey, Joy D. "Races Specified, Evolution Transformed: The Social o£ Scientific Debates Originating in the Societe,I / d' Anthropologie de Paris, 1859-1902" <Harvard, 1983) Weiss, Sheila. "Race Hygiene and the Rational Management o£ Nat- ional E££iciency: Wilhelm Schallmayer and the Origins o£ German Eugenics, 1890-1920" (Johns Hopkins, 1983). Zernel, John J. "John Wesley Powell: Science and Re£orm in a Positive <Oregon State University, 1983>. 13 .
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