Nominationform lnternationalMemory of the World Register Documentsof Polishradio intelligence from the periodof the Battleof Warsaw in 1920 ( lD ,,ilr i/nl, ttt,,itt\( t,tii\ I Give a briefdescription of the documentaryheritage being nominated and the reasonsfor proposingit. This is the "shopwindow" of your nominationand is bestwritten last! It shouldcontain all the essentialpoints you wantto make,so thatanyone reading it can understandyour case even if theydo not read the restof your nomination. Documents of Polish radio intelligencefrom the period of the Battle of Warsaw in August 1920 are a collectionof unique importance.They representa new type of historical source and at the same time they are a significantrecord of an event regardedas one of thedecisive battles in the historyof theworld. Defeatingthe BolshevikArmy not onlyfoiled the Russianconquest of Polandand otherstates that newlygained or regainedindependence as a resultof the World War l. lt also blightedthe plans of combiningthe BolshevikRevolution with the revolutionin Germany and thus compromisedthe possibilityfor victory of the communistsystem in Europe. ln the summerof 1920 the eyes oJ the worldwere turnedtowards Warsaw. The victoryover the quantitativepredominance of Bolshevikforces was possiblemostly due to usingin militaryaction by Polishmilitary intelligence most modern technology of the time - radio.The documentsof Polish radio intelligenceof the Battle of Warsaware one of the firsttestimonies to the use of radiomonitoring and of new methodsof decipheringthe enemies'codes. lt was also the Battleof Warsal,vwhere the radio monitoringand those new decipheringtechniques played a iole that determinedthe outcomeof the battleand thewar. 2.1 Name of nominator (person or organization) CentralMilitary Archives (CentralneArchiwum Wojskowe) Directorof the centra|Militarv Archives Professor Sławomir Cenckiewicz 2.2Relationship to the nominateddocumentary heritage The submitteddocuments are storedin the CentralMilitarv Archives which is an institutionunder the Ministrv of NationalDefence. 2'3 Contact person(s) (to provide inłormation on nomination) Directorof the CentralMilitary Archives ProfessorSławomir Cenckiewicz phone:+48 261 813 144 e-mail: [email protected] 2.4 Contact details Address: CentralneArchiwum PontonierÓw24' 00-910Warszawa Wojskowe Telephone: +48261 813 144(Director +48 261 813 749 [email protected] SławomirCenckiewicz) +48261 813 700 (Director StanisławSokół) I ceńify that I havethe authorityto nominatethe documentaryheritage described in this documentto the InternationalMemory of the World Register. Signature Plof. SŁAWoM|R cENcK|EW|cz Full name(Please PRINT) I (/"- /' ,, \. / / CentralMilitary Archives I /'"'----' t/\---1 v-\-""'-- ---/ 1,,* Institution(s).ir appropriate Date Ją / ł,ł.i6 Signature DTANDRZEJ BIERNAT Full name (Please PRINT) Secretaryof Polish Gommitteeof UNESCO Memoryof the World Program ,lL\wn-^rt Institution(s), if appropriate Date u o{'l2L! 3.1 Nameand identificationdetails of the itemsbeing nominated lf inscribed,the exacttitle and institution(s)to appearon the certificateshould be given ln this pań of the form you must describe the document or collection in sufficientdetail to make clear precisely what you are nominating.Any collection must be finite (withbeginning and end dates) and closed. Documentsof Polishradio intelligence from the periodof the Battleof Warsaw1920 preservedin the CentralMilitary Archives are locatedin the collectionof Divisionll of Supreme Commandershipof Po|ishArmed Forces (Po|ish..oddział || Nacze|nego DowództwaWojska Po|skiego'') from 1918-1921(cAW' fi|eno. |'301.8.),in folders 626-672(46 folders). These unitsconsist of a varietyof documents:coded messages and translationsof cipherte)dsof the Red Army taken over by the Cipher Bureauof Divisionll of SupremeCommandership of PolishArmed Forces, commands of 2no,3'0, 6thand lh Army and commandsof fronts;aerogrammes of radiotelegraphicstations, includingWarsaw and Lviv; books of brokenciphers of the Red Army; Polish and Russiancodes; coded messagesand aerogrammesof SupremeCommandership of Polish Armed Forces,fronts, armies and operationalgroups as well as ciphersof Polishmilitary mission abroad. Submittedfor nominationciphertexts and codedmessages of Divisionll of Supreme Commandershipof Polish Armed Forces from 191 8-1 921 were used to make key decisions of the Supreme Commandershipof Polish Armed Forces and had a fundamentalimpact on the courseof the Battleof Warsawand the Polishvictorv in the war withSoviet Russia. Documents from nominatedfiles (CAW, file no. 1.301.8.626-672) containing informationof significantimpact on the courseof the war, have been attachedto the applicationin theform of scansalong with their description. 3,2 Catalogueor registrationdetails Depending on what is being nominated, appending a catalogue can be a useful way of defining a collection. lf this is too bulky or impractical, a comprehensive description accompanied by sample catalogue entries, accesslon or registrationnumbers or other ways of defining a collection's size and character can be used. Submittedfor nominationdocuments of Divisionll of the SupremeCommandership of the PolishArmed Forcesfrom the period1918-1921 can be foundin files of catalogue no. 1.301.8.626-672. Selected documents (those of significantimpact on the courseof the Battleof Warsaw)have been attachedto the applicationon DVD in the form of scans alongwith their description. The followingtable providesthe date of interceptionof the coded messageand the dateof itsdecryption. Cataloguenumber Ciphertextnumber/ date of interception/date of decryption t.301.8.632 34446/06.08/ 07.08 1.301.8.632 33437i06.08/ 07.08 t.301.8.639 35359/13.08/ 13.08 1.301.8.639 35552/14.08/ 15.08 t.301.8.639 35285/10.08/11.08 1.301.8.644 35590/16.08/ 17.08 t.301.8.644 36630i17.08/ 17.08 t.301.8.644 35592i16.08/ 16.08 t.301.8.644 36634/17.08i 18.08 1.301.8.645 33586/03.08/ 04.08 t.301.8.645 34445107.O8l 07.08 1.301.8.646 12.08. 3.3Visual documentationif appropriate(for example, photog.aphs, or a DVD of the documentary heritage) It is useful to append photographs (or in the case of audiovisual material a CD, DVD, USB key of all or some of the material), where this adds additionalinformation, to help the assessors visualize or listen to the collection or document. Scans of selecteddocuments submitted for nominationattached to the applicationform ONDVD. 3.4History/provenance Describewhat you knowof the historyof the collectionor document.Your knowledge may not be complete,but give the bestdescription yoLr can. On the llh of September1919 the Historicaland OperationalSection oJ Divisionlll of the Supreme Commandership of the Polish Armed Forces was formed that took up collecting and developing documents of 191 8-1920 (mainly of the war with Soviet Russia) produced by the Polish Army. A special instructionwas issued relatingto collectingarchival materials concerning the war of 1920. On the order of DivisionI of the GeneralStaff (l4thNovember 1922), the Historical and Operational Section was transformedinto HistoricalOffice of the General Staff, which took over the collected documents. The main task of the newly established section was to collect and develop historicalmaterials concerningthe Polish war of 1918-1 920. In June 1927 chanoes were made in the orqanizationof the Historical Office.lts name was changedinto MilitaryHistorical Office (Polish"Wojskowe Biuro Historyczne"- WBH) and was subordinatedto the GeneralInspectorate of the Armed Forces (Po|ish..Generalny |nspektorat Sił Zbrojnych'' - GISZ).The Mi|itaryHistorica| Officestored documentation produced by institutionsand militaryunits during military operationsas we||as accountsfrom the so|diers- pańicipantsof the war WithSoviet Russiain 1920and of the Battleof Warsaw. Besidethe Archiveof the MilitaryHistorical Office, many documents from the Polish Warof 1918-1920were collected in theholdings of theCentral Military Archives (Polish "CentralneArchiwum Wojskowe" - CAW),which was established in December1918. In 1927 the Central MilitaryArchives changed its name to MilitaryArchives (Polish "ArchiwumWojskowe" - AW) and was subordinatedto the MilitaryHistorical Office. In September1939, during the aerialbombardment of Warsaw,on the roomof Military HistoricalOffice in the buildingof GeneralInspectorate of the Armed Forces a bomb was droppedand partlydestroyed the files of operatinggroups, divisions and regiments of the PolishWar includingthe Battleof Warsaw.Other files of the PolishWar shared the fate of the remainingdocuments of Polish Army and have been exportedby Germansto the branchof PotsdamMilitary Archive in Gdańsk-o|iwa.During the occupation,the documentsof Divisionll of SupremeCommandership of the Polish Armed Forces and Divisionll of the GeneralStaff were of particularinterest to the Abwehr and Gestapo.At the end ot 1944,in view of approachingfront, documents includingthose of Divisionll were deportedto the Reich.When the war was over in 1945,many of documents,including those of Divisionll of SupremeCommandership of the Polish Armed Forces and Divisionll of the GeneralStaff, were plunderedbv the Red Army.They havebeen exported to the archivesof the SovietUnion. The interming|eddocuments of pre-warPo|ish Army that survived the Warin Gdańsk- Oliwa formedthe basis of resourcesfor the CentralMilitary Archives reactivated in August 1945 and moved in 1951 to Warsaw. Files of Divisionll of Supreme Commandershipof the PolishArmed Forcesand Divisionll of the GeneralStaff
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