00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1985 VOLUME XXII, NO 82 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS Accordll'lQ To Senate Democrats PACT LEADERS AGREE New Trade Talks 'Would Lead TO EXIEND WARSAW PACT Nowhere' At Upcoming Summit By TONY PATERSON By ELMER W LAMMI Un1ted Press Internatlonal Un1ted Press Internat10nal WARSAW, Poland -- Warsaw year perlod Before startlng WASHINGTON -- Senate Demo­ force the removal of non-tarlff Pact leaders, led by Sovlet talks at Warsaw's heavily­ crats, accuslng Presldent Rea­ barrlers by Japan leader Mlkhall Gorbachev, today guarded 19th century Radziwill gan of not dOlng hlS "homework" Danforth sald the 1984 Trade renewed the East bloc's 30- Palace, where the pact was orig­ on the worst U S trade defl­ Act glves the presldent author­ year-old defense all lance for lnally slgned May 14, 1955, the Clt ln hlstory, are urglng hlm lty to try to remove unfalr another 20 years, the offlclal seven leaders attended wreath­ not to seek a new round of trade barrlers, but the only re­ news agency, Pap, sald laYlng ceremonles at the Clty'S trade talks when he goes to sponse to Japanese protect 10n­ "Immedlately after the close tomb of the unknown soldler and the economlC summlt next week lsm has been "the volume of of the talks, an lnsplrlng act the mausoleum of Sovlet sol­ A key Republlcan senator al­ rhetorlc turned up by the Con­ of slgnlng the protocol on the dlers so agrees such talks would ac­ gress " prolongatlon of the Warsaw Pact The ceremonles also were at­ compllsh nothlng at this tlme "Congress needs to know that took place," Pap sald, addlng tended by Sovlet Marshal Vlk­ The Democrdts' message was somethlng lS belng done to flX that all seven Warsaw Pact tor Kulikov, commander ln chlef dellvered by Sen Lloyd Bent­ the system before lt grants new states slgned the treaty of the Warsaw Pact troops sen ln releaslng a prellmlnary negotlatlng authorlty to the "The treaty on frlendshlp, Warsaw was decorated wlth report on Democratlc recommen­ presldent," he sald cooperatl0n and mutual aSS1S­ the natl0nal flags of the seven datl0ns for coplng wlth a soar­ Bentsen, chalrman of the Sen­ tance slgned ln Warsaw on May pact countrles Unlformed po- lng trade deflclt that has ate Democratlc worklng group on 14, 1955, remalns ln effect for 11ce patrolled the capltal made the Unlted States a debtor trade POI1CY, sald the fallure the next 20 years," lt sald The summlt was orlglnally natl0n for the flrst tlme Slnce to act was costlng Jobs and The news agency sald the scheduled for January but post­ 1914 threatenlng the economlC recov­ protocol contalned a provlslon poned because of Konstantln Bentsen sald Thursday lt was ery that the pact could be extended Chernenko's ll1ness and subse­ "not by accldent" that the The report blames trade prob­ for another 10 years, one year quent death Today's summlt was hlghly crltlcal report was re­ lems on "slmple neglect" by thls before explratlon of the 20- the flrst Slnce 1983 leased Just before Reagan admlnlstratl0n and "the lack of leaves for the seven-natl0n POllCy" on the part of prevl0us summlt meetlng ln Bonn admlnlstratl0ns Soviet Naval Vessel Releases "We have what we belleve lS Its recommendatl0ns lnclude a clear and vltally lmportant a call for "carefully targeted American Woman To Coast Guard message for hlm as he departs," trade retallatl0~' agalnst WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A U S for the U S Natl0nal Marltime the Texas Democrat sald "Mr countrles that do not reduce Coast Guard cutter Thursday Flsherles SerVlce because the Presldent, please do not lnltl­ trade barrlers to Amerlcan prod­ plcked up an Amerlcan woman vessel was operatlng, wlth U S ate a new round of trade nego­ ucts Flsherv offlClal who was aboard permlSS10n, ln Amerlcan waters tlatl0ns at the Bonn summlt Placlng major emphasls on ex­ a Japanese flshlng vessel selZ­ Kalb sald Wednesday the So­ We say that because you haven't change rates, the report also ed by a Sovlet navy lcebreaker vlets had agreed to release done your homework " blames the "bloated dollar" for ln the Berlng Sea off Alaska, Kruppenbach and that a Coast Sen Jack Danforth, chalrman nearly half the current U S the State Department reported Guard cutter was en route for of the Senate Commerce Commlt­ trade deflcH Department spokesman Bernard the transfer tee, told the Natlonal Press "The record $123 3 bllll0n Kalb sald only that the woman, A spokesman for the Coast Club later that new talks merchandlse trade deflclt for Becky Kruppenbach, was trans­ Guard at Juneau, Alaska, told "would lead nowhere" because of 1984 hlt Amerlca llke a thunder­ ferred from the Sovlet ShlP to Unlted Press International that the admlnlstratl0n's fal1ure to bolt," the report says the Amerlcan cutter "about noon the transfer to the cutter Mun­ our tlme" -- Eastern Standard ro took place about 15 to 20 Tlme mlles off Cape Olyutorsk, Sl­ Kalb sald Wednesday that berla Kruppenbach was aboard the Jap­ "The weather was good," the anese flshlng vessel Fukuho Ma­ spokesman sald "The Sovlet lce­ ru when lt was stopped by a So­ breaker put her ln a llfeboat vlet naval vessel and ordered and moved out toward our cutter, to follow lt to a Slberlan port WhlCh had also launched a 11fe­ Japanese offlclals ln Tokyo boat The transfer from one sald thelr ShlP was halted ln boat to the other was made ln the Ber1ng Sea off the coast of calm seas, and the Munro lS now Alaska Kruppenbach was aboard headed for a Dutch harbor ln the Fukuho Maru as an observer the Aleut1ans " Reiterating Willingness Ortega Says 100 Cuban Advisers Will Leave Nicaragua Next Week By STEVEN DONZIGER Un1ted Press Internatlonal MANAGUA, Nlcaragua -- PreSl­ wl1l not negotlate w1th the dent Danlel Ortega, ln an at­ larger rebel groups flghting tempt to ease U S concerns over the government on the grounds hlS leftlst government, announc­ they are "pald and dlrected" ed 100 Cuban ml1ltary advlsers by the CIA would be sent home and more than Followlng the U S House of 100 rebels pardoned Representat1ves' defeat of Pres- The government also announced 1dent Reagan's request for Thursday 1t would release an un­ $14 ml11l0n ln ald to rebels, spec1f1ed number of M1SkltO In­ the government announced 100 dlans lmpr1soned ln the Carlb­ Cuban mliltary advlsers would · Consumer Guru' bean coastal Clty of Puerto Ca­ leave the country next Thurs­ SAN FRANCISCO -- Stewart Brand, whose "Whole Earth Catalog" bezas, 210 mlles east of Mana­ day ln accordance w1th an ear­ was a best-seller 1n the counterculture's dO-1t-yourself move­ gua ller promlse and pledged 1tS ment, 1S emerg1ng as the fe1sty consumer guru of the computer The move lS part of a tenta­ wll1lngness to send all forelgn generat10n Brand 1S shown at h1S nearby Sausal1to, Cal1f , tlve cease-flre accord the gov­ mll1tary advlsers home off1ces where he's merged h1S lO-year-old co-evolut10n Jour­ ernment reached ln talks ln Mex­ "The Nlcaraguan government nal and a recent software reV1ew magaz1ne lnto a comblned pub­ lCO Clty earller thlS week wlth relterates 1tS wlillngness to llcat10n called "Whole Earth ReVlew " It wlll, for users representatlves of the Mlsura­ complete the return of all mll­ groups, create programs and exchange 1nformat1on that lsn't sata, one of f1ve rebel groups ltary advlsers, as stlpulated ava1lable anywhere else -- especlally from the corporate that 1S comprlsed mostly of ln the Contadora Act" proposed world (UPI Photo) M1Skltos by Mexlco, Colomb1a, Venezuela The government has sa1d lt and Panama, a statement sald AROUND ISLAND PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1985 ON T~RGET ~TKHS By 'No Passengers' - except small ch1ldren Jenmfer 1n approved seats It Brooks can be a lonely world way back there, but at least 1t's safe for the If you haven't bought your tlckets yet baby as he travels w1th for the glltzy Junlor-Senl0r Prom 1985, h1S mother 1n h1S "ap­ wlth ltS theme of "Puttln' on the Rltz," proved" seat be sure to do so soon' The tlckets, WhlCh sell to students ln grades nlne through 12 for $20 per couple and $12 per slngle, may be purchased ln the hlgh school of­ flce Curfew has been llfted for the prom, but keep your prom tlckets wlth you' "" * >: Act qUlckly, and you can stlll place your order for the 1985 Ekatak Once thlS sensatl0nal publlcatl0n comes to KwaJ, the hlgh school offlce wlll be busy for at least a day gettlng coples out to those who have pre-ordered So hurry and reserve yourself a copy -- don't be one of the last to get thlS best seller' * "" * The Junlor Hlgh Drama Club lS at last ready to present ltS long-awalted Varlety Show, WhlCh lncludes performances not only by the dramatlc Sklt groups but also by Although 1t'S more some talented Junl0r hlgh mUS1Clans The fun for baby, three lS program lS scheduled for tonlght at 7 def1n1tely a crowd ln the MP Room Be sure to attend thlS superb sampler of seventh- and eighth­ grade talent' * * * Attentl0n crazy student blCycllStS -­ KMR lS on to you' On Tuesday, Aprll 23, John Mlillcan of the KMR Safety Offlce gave a blcycle safety semlnar to hlgh school Engllsh classes He dlscussed and answered questl0ns about the comlng In­ crease In blcycle safety regulatlons (Photos by NATE JACK­ ..." " * SON, Kentron Photo Lab) Parent Informatl0n Nlght, for parents of students presently ln grades elght through 11, lS scheduled for May 15, 7 30 pm, In the MP Room ThlS program Worship Services For Kwajalein And Roi-Namur lncludes helpful lnformatlon on a college CATHOLIC Gospel serVlce wlll be held Sunday eve­ prep schedule for hlgh school students, Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) nlng at 7 o'clock In the chapel JOln us college board tests, the college appllca­ 5 15 pm.
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