The original documents are located in Box 66, folder “Exhibit - "The World of Franklin and Jefferson" (1)” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 66 of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION Biograo~v (James) Harold ~ ilson (1 p ) 7/14/75 A II (Leonard) James Callaghan (1 p ) 7/14/75 A FILE LOCATION Marsh Files Bicentennial Subject File Exhibit "The World of Franklin and Jefferson" (l) Box 156 RESTRiCTION CODES (A) Closed by Executive Order 12356·governlng access to national security information. ( Bl Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. WHM 2119/RG CCI Closed in accordance with restrictions contained In the donor's dead of gift. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION GSA FORM 7122 (REV. 5 ..2) United Kingdom deportment of state * may l975 OFFICIAL NAME: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GEOGRAPHY Northern Ireland lies off the northwest At the closest point England is only 22 coast of the European Continent, sepa­ miles from France. London is in the The United Kingdom of Great Brit­ rated from it by the English Channel, southeastern part of England. ain (England, Scotland, Wales) and the Strait of Dover, and the North Sea. England has generally rolling land. Its largest city is London with a population of about 7.27 million. PROFILE upper left comer, flies above merchant ships commanded by civilians; the blue above Scotland lies north of England. Its Geography those under Royal Navy command; the Lowlands, about 60 miles wide, divide white above warships. the farming region of the southern AREA: 93,026 sq. mi. (slighdy smaller Uplands from the granite Highlands of than Oregon). CAPITAL: London (pop. Economy the north. Edinburgh (449,000) is 7.27 million). OTHER CITIES: Man­ GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP): Scotland's capital; Glasgow is its chester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Bel­ $151.9 billion (1973). ANNUAL GROWTH largest city (836,000) and one of the fast, Birmingham. RATE: 1% (3rd quarter 1974/3rd quarter 1973). PER CAPITA INCOME: $2,714 greatest industrial centers of the Unit­ People (1973). PER CAPITA GROWTH RATE: ed Kingdom. Wales borders England to 5.1% (73/72). the west and is almost entirely moun­ POPULATION: 55.9 million (1973 AGRICULTURE: Land 78.3%. Labor tainous; its largest city is Cardiff est.). ANNUAL GROWTH RATE: Negli­ 1.9%. Products - cereals, livestock, live­ (277 ,000 inhabitants). Northern Ire­ gible 1974-79 projection. DENSITY: 600 stock products. per sq. mi. ETHNIC GROUPS: Briton, West land occupies the northeast corner of INDUSTRY: Labor 34.6%. Products - Indian, Indian, Pakistani. RELIGIONS: Ireland across the North Channel from steel, heavy engineering and metal manufac­ Oturch of England, Catholic, Presbyterian. Scotland and is primarily an agricul­ turing, textiles, motor vehicles and aircraft, LANGUAGES: English, Welsh, Gaelic. LIT­ tural region. Its capital and largest electronics, chemicals. ERACY: 90%. LIFE EXPECTANCY: males city, Belfast, has an estimated popula­ NATURAL RESOURCES: Coal, oil, gas 68.7; females 75. (North Sea). tion of 354,000. TRADE: Exports - $28.9 billion Owing to prevailing southwesterly Government (1973): machinery, transport equipment, winds, the climate of the United King­ TYPE: Constitutional monarchy. CON­ chemicals, beverages. Imports - $38 billion dom is temperate and equable. Tem­ STITUTION: Unwritten (partly statutes, (1973): foodstuffs, petroleum, machinery, peratures range from a mean of about pardy common law and practice). crude materials. Partners - European Com­ 40°F in winter to about 60°F in BRANCHES: Executive - the Queen munities (EC) 33%, U.S. and Canada about summer. Average annual rainfall in the (Otief of State), Prime Minister (Head of 14%. United Kingdom is 35-40 inches, dis­ Government), Cabinet. Legislative - House OFFICIAL EXCHANGE RATE: Ap­ tributed relatively evenly throughout of Commons, House of Lords. Judicial - prox. 1 pound=US$2.40 (floating). the year, and fogs are frequent. Magistrates' Courts, County Courts, High MEMBERSHIP IN INTERNATIONAL Courts, Appellate Courts, House of Lords. ORGANIZATIONS: Charter member of PEOPLE POLITICAL PARTIES: Labor, Conserv­ U.N. and its principal agencies and perma­ ative, Liberal. SUFFRAGE: Universal over nent member of Security Council, North The U.K. population was estimated 18. POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Munici­ Adantic Treaty Organization (NATO), at 55.9 million in 1973, about 3.4 palities, Counties, Parliamentary constituen­ Southeast Asian Treaty Organization million more than in 1961 and a cies. (SEATO), Central Treaty Organization sevenfold increase since 1700. Its pop­ (CENTO), International Monetary Fund FLAGS: The red, white, and blue British ulation is the third highest in Europe Union Jack combines crosses of the patron (IMF), International Bank for Reconstruc­ (after the U.S.S.R. and the Federal saints of England (Saint George), Scodand tion and Development (IBRD), Organization (Saint Andrew), and Ireland (Saint Patrick). for Economic Cooperation and Develop­ Republic of Germany), and its popula­ The red ensign, with Union Jack in the ment (OECD). tion density is one of the highest in 3 2 the world. Almost one-third of the and representative government, for ex­ involvement in European affairs was ample, gradually evolved after 1066. embarked on which endured for sev­ 12 total population resides in England's prosperous and fertile southeastern eral hundred years. By the end of the corner, with population declining in Union 14th century, foreign trade, originally ffl the more rugged areas to the north and In its earliest history, Wale_s was an based on wool exports to Europe, had UNITED KINGDOM . Shetland 60 independent kingdom which for centu­ emerged as a cornerstone of national ~Y 1411anda 60 west. The population of the United 0 50 , 0 . ries repeatedly thwarted invasion at­ policy. The foundations of sea pow­ I IQO 190 Miles Kingdom as a whole is predominantly I 0 so I 100 160 Kilometers urban and suburban. tempts from England. The English er-to protect Britain's trade and open The contemporary Briton is de­ conquest succeeded in 1282 under up new routes-were gradually laid. International boundary scended mainly from the varied racial Edward I, and the Statute of Rhudd­ Defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 firmly established Britain as a ® National capital stocks which settled there before the lan established English rule 2 years major sea power. Thereafter, its in­ Road end of the 11th century. As an island later. To appease the Welsh, Edward's lying close to the European Continent, son (later Edward II), who had been terests outside Europe grew steadily. Great Britain has been subject to many born in Wales, was made Prince of Attracted by the spice trade, Brit­ invasions and migrations, especially Wales in 1301. The tradition of be­ ish mercantile interests spread first to from Scandinavia and the Continent, stowing this title on the eldest son of the Far East. In search of an alternate including Roman occupation for sev­ the British Monarch remains today. An route to the Spice Islands, John Cabot eral centuries. Under the Normans, act of 1536 completed the political reached the American Continent in Scandinavian Vikings who had settled and administrative union between Eng­ 1498. Sir Walter Raleigh organized the in northern France,_ the pre-Celtic, land and Wales. first, short-lived British colony in Vir­ 57 57 ~berdeen Celtic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Scotland was also an independent ginia in 1584, and permanent British Norse influences were blended into the kingdom which resisted English inva­ settlement followed. During the ensu­ Briton of today. While the Celtic sion attempts. England and Scotland ing two centuries, alternately in con­ languages still persist in Northern Ire­ united under one crown in 1603, when test and concord with its European neighbors, Britain extended its in­ ATLANTIC land, Wales, and Scotland to a small James VI of Scotland succeeded his degree, the predominant language has cousin Elizabeth I as James I of fluence abroad and consolidated its OCEAN long been English, a blend of Anglo­ England. In the ensuing I 00 years political development at home. The NORTH Saxon and Norman-French. strong religious and political differ­ territorial foundation of the 20th-century British Empire, with the SEA The high literacy rate in the United ences continued to divide the king­ Kingdom (90 percent) is attributable doms. Finally in 1707 England and principal exceptions of parts of Africa to the introduction of public primary Scotland agreed to union under the and India, had already been laid by the and secondary education in 1870 and name of Great Britain. It was at this time of the Boston Tea Party in 1773. 1900 respectively. In 1973 there were time that the Union Jack became the Great Britain's industrial revolu­ over 11 million students in attendance national flag. tion-developed with impressive force 54 at educational institutions, the great The Anglo-Norman invasion of Ire­ at the very time it lost the American majority of which are publicly fi­ land in 11 70 was the beginning of colonies- greatly strengthened its abil­ IRISH SEA nanced in whole or in part.
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