2002 DMS-100 Family QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE TAM-1001-018 Standard 09.01 August 2002 YOUR GUIDE FOR: • Commonly used DMS CI: level commands • Commands for TABLE EDITOR, SFDEV, DMSSCHED SPMS, TABAUDIT, DMSMON, TRAVER, DISPCALL, SHOWAUD, LOGUTIL, DLOG, CLASS, DISKUT, DSKUT, PRSM, OMs, SOC, AFT, RASL, AUTOMATIC IMAGE DUMP, and SDM UNIX commands • Quick references for AIN, CCS7, LNP, ISDN, CLASS, ACD-MIS, CC MIS, SMDI, CompuCALL, Remotes, DMS- 250, STP Broadband, SDM, SPM, and Centrex IP • Tier II support tools for XPMIST, DEBUG, ISDN Q931, SPM PRI Q931, ACDDEBUG, TERMTRACE, C7TU, CALLTRAK, XPMTRAK, CMINFO, and REMLOGIN • Quick references for NTPs, IMs, and other documents • Product Engineering Codes (PECs) for circuit packs • Hardware shelf diagrams with circuit pack locations • Circuit pack descriptions section • SuperNode, XPM, and other diagrams • XPM/DTC port and link mapping diagrams • TOPS hardware including IP-XPM Gateway • TOPS MPX/IWS & Attendant Console keyboard layouts • DPP/BMC hardware and DPP commands • SuperNode, SPM, XA-Core, and other hardware • RTIF commands and procedures • DIP switch settings for 6X21, 6X50, and 6X85 DS1 cards Please read before using The 2002 DMS-100F Quick Reference Guide provides a quick ref- erence for commonly used commands, utilities, tools, hardware, and other job-supporting information. The intent of this document is not to replace Nortel Networks Technical Publications (NTPs) and other supporting documents. Its purpose is to consolidate as much usable job-related information as possible into a small pocket-size document for quick reference and on-the-job use. The 2002 DMS-100F Quick Reference Guide is intended for both Tier I and Tier II support users. Tier II support tools are segregated in an area near the back of the guide. Since the misuse of these tools could impair service, they should only be used by technicians that have been trained in their use. When there is a question about the technical accuracy of this docu- ment and its contents, the NTPs and other supporting documents have the final authority. Where possible, the information in this guide makes references to NTPs and other supporting documents. Those documents should be referenced for warnings, cautions, and other advisory information that may not exist in this guide due to the limitation of space. Hardware displayed in this document provides examples for refer- ence to circuit pack slot locations. For most of the examples, the vintages (releases) of various packs are not shown due to space lim- itations. Hardware examples may not be exactly as your office is provisioned due to optional pack assignments and the quantity of circuits equipped. For a list of packs and their vintage application, reference the PEC Code list and the circuit pack description area of this guide. Other supporting information can be found in the DMS- 100F Baseline Report and NTP 297-8991-805. Some of the hardware listed within this guide has been manufacture discontinued (MD’d). It has been left in the guide to support MD’d hardware that is inservice, and in most cases, still supported. For customers to order copies of this document within North Amer- ica, call toll free 1-877-662-5669 (Option 2, then Option 1). Nortel employees can order copies through Internal Distribution or through the Documentation Ordering Tracking System (DOTS) (see IDS Home Page at http://zrtps08m.us.nortel.com/). Any customer comments, suggestions, or corrections should be made through your Nortel Networks Regional Support Center. © 2002 Nortel Networks Printed in the United States of America. This document, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced without the written permission of Nortel Networks. Nortel Networks Confidential: The information contained in this document is the property of Nortel Networks. Except as specifically autho- rized in writing by Nortel Networks, the holder of this document shall keep the information contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or in part from disclosure and dissemination to third parties and use same for evaluation, operation, and maintenance purposes only. Information is subject to change without notice. Nortel Networks reserves the right to make changes in design or components as progress in engineer- ing and manufacturing may warrant. Nortel, Nortel Networks, DMS, DMS SuperNode, DMS-STP, and MAP are examples of trademarks of Nortel Networks. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. 2002 DMS-100 FAMILY QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE TAM-1001-018 August 2002 © 2002 Nortel Networks All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America This document, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced without written permission of Nortel Networks. WHAT’S NEW OR CHANGED FOR THIS ISSUE Page(s) • Added alphabetical index in back of the guide ............. 161—166 • Updated entire document for and through NA017 • Added more SPM quick reference information: — Verifying Crossover Messaging ......................................... 108 — SPM Primary Rate Interface (PRI)..................................... 109 — SPM PRI Trunk Tables Datafill Sequence and Notes........ 109 — SPM Trunk Provisioning Limits for pre-SP16....................110 — SPM EXECTAB lineup.......................................................110 — Exec lineups in table MNNODE for DMS250/500 ............110 — Exec lineups in table MNNODE for DMS100 offices........110 — DAL prefix on the same SPM.............................................111 — LED Alarm Indicators.........................................................112 — PREPDATACHNG command.............................................112 • Added SPM PRI Q931 Message Tracing Tool ....................... 150 • Added Centrex IP Client Manager Quick References: — PTE2000 Centrex IP Frame.................................................. 45 — Centrex IP Gateway MCG CPX8216T Chassis................... 45 — Centrex IP and Conventional Centrex Configuration .......... 46 — Centrex IP Client Manager Documentation References ...... 46 — Event Logs............................................................................ 46 • Added more SDM UNIX commands...................................... 127 • Added TOPS IP-XPM Gateway Peripheral ............................ 125 • Updated and added more PRISM information: — AUTOPROC command........................................................ 25 — Missing PRSU Files ............................................................ 23 — Obsolete/Obsolete Emergency PRSUs at VA status ........... 23 — Patching After Loading (PAL) ............................................ 25 — Post-Release Software Updates (PRSU) Statuses ............... 22 — PRSM Basic Commands, Syntax, and Examples ................ 24 — PRSU EXTENSIONS Using the Format 'AAANNTaa' ...... 22 — SPM loadfile destinations .................................................... 23 — SPM Patching After Return To Service (SPARTS) ............. 25 — Which PRSU files to keep/erase ......................................... 22 • Added Common Peripheral Controller Equip. (CPCE) Frame115 • Added FINDREF and CAPCI commands................................... 8 • Updated DEBUG BRISC and XA-Core verification data for NA015 and NA017................................................ 154 — 155 • Removed PATCHER information. • At Nortel’s request, removed UE9000 and AccessNode Products. Revision History Issue Date Cover Color 01.01 December 1993 White 02.01 May 1995 Blue 03.01 March 1996 Green 04.01 January 1997 Brown 05.01 January 1998 Black 06.01 January 1999 Light Gray 07.01 January 2000 Red 08.01 February 2001 Spanish Maroon 09.01 August 2002 Dark Green Table of Contents Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................ 1 Nortel Networks Technical Publications .............................................. 2 Installation Documentation .................................................................... 5 Software Optionality Control (SOC) .................................................... 7 DMS CI: Level Commands .................................................................... 8 OM Commands ..................................................................................... 10 Store File Editor Commands ............................................................... 11 Switch Performance Monitoring System (SPMS) Commands ......... 12 DMS Scheduler (DMSSCHED) Commands ....................................... 12 Table Audit (TABAUDIT) Commands ............................................... 12 LOGUTIL Info, Control, Routing, and Devices Commands ............ 13 LOGUTIL Log Browsing Commands ................................................ 13 DMSMON Commands ......................................................................... 14 DISPCALL Commands ........................................................................ 14 SHOWAUD Command ........................................................................ 14 IOC DSKUT NonMenu Commands ................................................... 15 SLM DISKUT NonMenu Commands ................................................. 15 Supernode Loading Procedure ............................................................ 15 RTIF Commands and Recovery .......................................................... 16 AMADUMP Commands ...................................................................... 17 CALLDUMP CI: Level Command ..................................................... 17 Mag Tape (9 Track) Commands ........................................................
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