©2017 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc. Economic Geology, v. 112, pp. 775–798 Age and Origin of the Well-Preserved Organic Matter in Internal Sediments from the Silesian-Cracow Lead-Zinc Deposits, Southern Poland Maciej Rybicki,1,† Leszek Marynowski,1 Stephen Stukins,2 and Krzysztof Nejbert3 1 University of Silesia, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Be˛dzi´nska Str. 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland 2 Natural History Museum, Department of Earth Sciences, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom 3 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Z˙ wirki i Wigury Str. 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland Abstract The molecular and petrographic characteristics of organic matter in internal sediments from the Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc deposits in southern Poland reveal immature and well-preserved organic matter. Humi- nite reflectance values of organic matter in all internal sediments are low, with a mean value of 0.29%, cor- responding to a lignite range of coalification. Most organic compounds in the organic matter (e.g., cadalene, retene, simonellite, perylene, and β-sitosterol and its transformation products stigmastanol and stigmasta- 3,5-dien-one), as well as lignin degradation compound products (e.g., benzoic acid, vanillin, 4-benzaldehyde, benzenedicarboxilic acids, and hydroxybenzoic acids), are of terrestrial origin. Monosaccharides with dominant α- and β-glucose were identified as possible remnants of cellulose degradation products, suggesting an excellent state of organic matter preservation, given that monosaccharides are preserved only under conditions of limited oxygen after sedimentation, resulting from the rapid accumulation of internal sediments in meteoric paleokarst cavities followed by insignificant diagenesis. Petrologic and palynological data on internal sediments clearly indicate a Middle Triassic age for organic matter and for the development of a Triassic meteoric karst system immediately after Anisian carbonate sedimentation. Introduction Organic matter occurs (1) in the form of so-called dop- Organic matter commonly co-occurs with sediment-hosted ore plerite (Sass-Gustkiewicz and Kwieci´nska, 1994, 1999), i.e., deposits and could be involved in the genesis of economically black or brown coal-like fillings of cavities and fissures within valuable mineralization (Püttmann et al., 1988; Disnar and the breccia-type lead-zinc ores, (2) as dispersed organic mat- Sureau, 1990; Greenwood et al., 2013). In many cases, espe- ter within mineralized or unmineralized internal sediments cially in Mississippi Valley-type lead-zinc deposits, hydrocar- (Dz˙uły´nski, 1976; Leach et al., 1996; Sass-Gustkiewicz, 1996, bons migrate separately or together with mineralization fluids 2007), a product of internal deposition in hydrothermal and/or within sedimentary basins and deposit in the form of liquid or meteoric paleokarst systems (e.g., Dz˙uły´nski, 1976; Dz˙uły´nski solid bitumens in the vicinity of sulfides (Spirakis, 1986; Mon- and Sass-Gustkiewicz, 1985; Ford, 1988; Głazek et al., 1989), tacer et al., 1988; Manning and Gize, 1993; Kozłowski, 1995; and (3) in the form of liquid hydrocarbons filling fluid inclu- Spangenberg and Macko, 1998; Spangenberg and Herlec, sions within sphalerite and Ca-Mg carbonates (Kozłowski, 2006; Rieger et al., 2008). Alternatively, organic matter may 1995; Karwowski et al., 2001). be liberated from surrounding sedimentary rocks. Organic Commonly, organic matter associated with Mississippi Val- matter may be also altered due to the impact of thermal fluids ley-type deposits is exposed to several postaccumulation pro- (Püttmann et al., 1988; Williford et al., 2011). In some cases, cesses which may alter its initial composition (Pering, 1973; ore deposits can form within only partially lithified organic Macqueen and Powell, 1983; Gize and Barnes, 1987; Leven- matter-rich marine sediments as a result of deep-ocean hydro- thal, 1990; Henry et al., 1992; Disnar, 1996; Landais and Gize, thermal influences (Simoneit, 1993; Chen et al., 2003). Black 1997; Gize, 1999). These processes include biodegradation shales are commonly enriched in metals and sulfides because (Connan, 1984; Pratt and Warner, 2000), thermal alteration of euxinic conditions during sedimentation that promote the (Simoneit et al., 1981), water washing (Palmer, 1993), and/or formation of ores during hydrothermal alteration (Püttmann oxidation since mining (e.g., Leythaeuser, 1973; Petsch et al., et al., 1989, 1991; Leventhal, 1993). Finally, concentrations of 2000). organic matter in the form of coals or bitumens may co-occur The origin and age of organic matter from the Silesia-Cra- within orebodies without clear inherent connections to the cow zinc and lead deposits, although a subject of study for ore-forming event (e.g., Sass-Gustkiewicz and Kwieci´nska, many years (e.g., Kołcon and Wagner, 1983; Sass-Gustkiewicz 1994, 1999). Silesian-Cracow lead-zinc deposits from south- and Kwieci´nska, 1994, 1999), have not been determined so ern Poland belong to this last group. These ores are classified far. These issues are important in the field of both organic as Mississippi Valley-type deposits (Sass-Gustkiewicz et al., geochemistry and ore geology; appreciating this perspective 1982, and references therein), with most being economically could lead to a better understanding of the role of organic important resources among the Middle Triassic ore-bearing matter in the formation of Mississippi Valley-type deposits. dolomites of the Silesian-Cracow region. This study aims to clarify the origin, age, and geochemical alteration of organic matter from the Silesian-Cracow lead- zinc deposits using geochemical, palynological, and mineral- † Corresponding author: e-mail, [email protected] ogical analyses. Submitted: January 6, 2016 0361-0128/17/4489/775-24 775 Accepted: December 16, 2016 776 RYBICKI ET AL. Geologic Setting The Silesian-Cracow lead-zinc ore deposits are located at The study area is located in the Silesian-Cracow Upland, the contact of the Upper Silesian coal basin, the Cracow- southern Poland, where lead-zinc ore deposits occur in the Myszkow zone, and the Carpathian foredeep (Fig. 1). They are strata-bound, carbonate-hosted sulfide bodies, composed border zone of the Bohemian Massif (Sass-Gustkiewicz predominantly of sphalerite and galena. The deposits occur et al., 1982; Gałkiewicz and Sliwi´nski,´ 1985; Wodzicki, 1987; mainly in dolostone known as organic matter-poor, ore-bear- Górecka, 1993; Kozłowski, 1995; Sass-Gustkiewicz and ing dolomite (Bogacz et al., 1972, 1975) of Middle Triassic Dz˙uły´nski, 1998). The geologic structure of this ore district (Lower Muschelkalk) age, with lesser amounts of ore min- includes the Cracow-Myszkow zone and two tectonic-sedi- erals in rocks of Devonian to Upper Jurassic age (Sliwi´nski,´ mentary complexes: block-folded Paleozoic rocks, and nearly 1964; Hara´nczyk, 1979; Viets et al., 1996; Sass-Gustkiewicz horizontal Mesozoic sediments with patches of Tertiary rocks and Kwieci´nska, 1999). Most deposits occur in the relatively (Kozłowski, 1995). Considered in greater detail, the Cracow- large area between Bytom in the west, Chrzanów to the south, Myszkow zone is located between two structural units: the Olkusz to the east, and Zawiercie to the north (Górecka, 1993; Upper Silesian Massif to the west, and the Malopolska Massif Fig. 1). to the east. The first massif represents a consolidated Precam- Orebodies, as well as coexisting organic matter, devel- brian microcontinent (Górecka, 1993), whereas the second oped as open-space fillings and mineralized collapse brec- massif constitutes a separate crustal block interpreted as a cias within a complex, possibly meteoric and/or hydrothermal tectonostratigraphic terrane derived from Gondwana (Bełka paleokarst system. The origin of these open spaces, at the et al., 2002). contact of the ore-bearing dolomites and the Lower Gogolin 16°E 18°E 20°E 22°E Erosional edge Kraków-Lubliniec fault zone (KLFZ) Fault Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) 56°N Gdan´sk Uplifted Devonian sediments Triassic sediments Zones mineralized with Zn-Pb sulfides Warszawa Lubliniec 54°N Zawiercie Katowice Myszków Kraków 52°N Carpathian front Zawiercie Tarnowskie Góry Bytom Katowice Olkusz Jaworzno 0 10 km Chrzanów Fig. 1. Map showing the lead-zinc mineralization in Devonian and Triassic deposits of the Silesia-Cracow district (after Cabała, 2002). ORGANIC MATTER IN INTERNAL SEDIMENTS FROM THE SILESIAN-CRACOW LEAD-ZINC DEPOSITS, POLAND 777 Beds, is controversial. According to Sass-Gustkiewicz (1996), the epigenetic hypothesis. Sass-Gustkiewicz et al. (1982), openings were developed at the time of the lead-zinc min- along with Dz˙uły´nski and Sass-Gustkiewicz (1985), have dem- eralization, whereas others suggest that they are a meteoric onstrated that the dominant ore-forming processes were meta- paleokarst system used and enlarged by hydrothermal lead- somatic replacements of carbonate rocks and fillings of open zinc solutions during the formation of the Silesian-Cracow spaces generated by hydrothermal karsting. Some authors deposits (Dz˙uły´nski, 1976; Leach et al., 1996). Such meteoric proposed that ore formation took place during the Neogene paleokarst systems are recognized in many Mississippi Valley- and was related to intense closing stages of the Alpine orogeny type deposits worldwide (Ohle, 1985; Sangster, 1988; Kesler in the Carpathian orogenic belt (e.g., Gałkiewicz, 1967, 1971; et al., 1988, 2007; Leach et al., 2003, 2005, 2006). The Silesia- Gałkiewicz and Sliwi´nski,´
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