2 PT Graha Layar Prima, Tbk Riwayat Singkat Perusahaan 33 Company History Daftar Isi Struktur Organisasi 41 Organizational Structure Table of Content Visi, Misi dan Nilai Perusahaan 42 Vision, Mission and Company Core Values Profil Dewan Komisaris 44 Board of Commissioners Profile 5 Profil Direksi 46 Board of Directors Profile KILAS KINERJA 2016 Informasi Pemegang Saham PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS 2016 50 Shareholders Information Ikhtisar Keuangan Konsolidasian Informasi Pemegang Saham Pengendali Consolidated Financial Highlights 54 dan Pemegang Saham Utama 6 Information Regarding Controlling Informasi Saham Shareholders and Main Shareholders 8 Share Trading Information Kronologi Pencatatan Saham 55 di Bursa Efek Indonesia Stock Listing Chronology at Indonesia Stock Exchange Anak Perusahaan 13 56 Subsidiaries LAPORAN KEPADA Lembaga dan Profesi Penunjang PEMEGANG SAHAM 57 Pasar Modal REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS Capital Market Supporting Professions and Institutions Laporan Dewan Komisaris Penghargaan 14 Report of the Board of Commissioners 58 Award Laporan Direksi 20 Report of the Board of Directors 63 ANALISA DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN 31 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIST PROFIL PERUSAHAAN Pendahuluan COMPANY PROFILE 64 Preliminary Identitas Perushaan 32 Corporate Identity Laporan Tahunan 2016 Annual Report PT Graha Layar Prima, Tbk 3 Prospek Usaha 65 Business Prospect Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kondisi 97 68 Keuangan dan Hasil Operasional Peseroan Factors Affecting Financial Condition and TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN Result of Operations of the Company GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Strategy Perseroan 69 Strategy of the Company Tata Kelola Perusahaan 98 Good Corporate Government Aspek Pemasaran Pedoman Perilaku Marketing Aspects 71 100 Code of Conduct Kinerja Operasional Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham 73 Operational Performance 103 General Meeting of Shareholder Kinerja Keuangan Dewan Komisaris 76 Financial Performance 118 Board of Commissioners Ikatan Material Direksi 89 Material Commitment 124 Board of Directors Transaksi Material, Transaksi dengan Komite Audit 90 Pihak Afiliasi dan Benturan Kepentingan 131 Audit Committee Transaksi Tertentu Material Transaction, Affiliated Transaction Fungsi Nominasi dan Remunerasi and Conflict of Interest Transaction 137 Nomination and Remuneration Function Realisasi Dana Hasil Sekretatis Perusahaan 92 Penawaran Umum Perdana 140 Corporate Secretary Realization of Initial Public Offering Fund Audit Internal Realisasi Dana Hasil PMHMETD 142 Internal Audit 93 Realization of Use of Proceed from Rights Issuance Manajemen Resiko 145 Risk Management Informasi dan Fakta Material yang Terjadi 94 Setelah Tanggal Laporan Akuntan Manajemen Risiko Keuangan Information and Material Fact Subsequent 150 dan Pengelolaan Modal to the Audit Report Financial Risks Management and Capital Management Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi 94 Changes in Accounting Policies Target & Rencana ke Depan 94 Target & Future Plan 153 Perubahan Peraturan Perundangan yang 95 Berakibat Signifikan kepada Perseroan TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN Changes in the Law and Regulation that CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Significantly Impact the Company Laporan Tahunan 2016 Annual Report 4 PT Graha Layar Prima, Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2016 Annual Report PT Graha Layar Prima, Tbk 5 KILAS KINERJA 2016 Performance Higlights 2016 MELALUI EKSPANSI YANG TERUS-MENERUS DILAKUKAN PERSEROAN DENGAN PENAMBAHAN 8 BIOSKOP BARU PERSEROAN TERBUKTI MAMPU MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN PERSEROAN, DIMANA DI TAHUN 2016 PERSEROAN MENCATATKAN PENDAPATAN NETO SEBESAR RP574,98 MILIAR, MENINGKAT 43,97% JIKA DIBANDINGKAN DENGAN TAHUN SEBELUMNYA. Through expansion which continously conducted by the Company by opening 8 new cinemas is proven to be effective in increasing the Company’s revenue, in which in 2016 the Company has recorded net revenues amounted to RP574.98 billion, an increase of 43.97% compared to the previous year. Laporan Tahunan 2016 Annual Report 6 PT Graha Layar Prima, Tbk Kilas Kinerja 2016 Performance Higlights 2016 KETERANGAN DESCRIPTION (Dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2016 2015 2014 (In million of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) Laporan Rugi Laba Komprehensif Statements Of Comprehensive Income Pendapatan Neto 574,977 399,374 332,577 Net Revenues Beban Pokok Pendapatan 234,014 157,763 146,549 Cost of Revenues Laba Bruto 340,963 241,611 186,028 Gross Profit BEBAN OPERASIONAL OPERATING EXPENSES Penjualan 5,159 5,495 5,613 Selling Umum dan administratif 354,309 273,715 231,087 General and Administrative Total Beban Operasional 359,467 279,210 236,700 Total Operating Expenses RUGI OPERASI (18,504) (37,599) (50,672) OPERATING LOSS PENGHASILAN LAIN-LAIN - Neto 3,035 1,531 18,972 OTHER INCOME - NETT RUGI SEBELUM BEBAN PAJAK LOSS BEFORE INCOME TAX (15,469) (36,068) (31,700) PENGHASILAN EXPENSE Beban Pajak Penghasilan – Final (29) (29) (45) Income Tax Expense - Final RUGI TAHUN BERJALAN (15,498) (36,097) (31,745) LOSS FOR THE YEAR PENGHASILAN KOMPREHENSIF LAIN OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME - (185) 1,894 2,272 TAHUN BERJALAN – SETELAH PAJAK AFTER TAX TOTAL RUGI KOMPREHENSIF TAHUN TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE LOSS FOR (15,683) (34,203) (29,473) BERJALAN THE YEAR LABA (RUGI) TAHUN BERJALAN YANG TOTAINCOME (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR DAPAT DIATRIBUSIKAN KEPADA: ATTRIBUTABLE TO: Pemilik entitas induk (15,502) (36,099) (31,744) Owners of the parent entity Kepentingan non-pengendali 4 1 (1) Non-Controlling Interest TOTAL (15,498) (36,098) (31,745) TOTAL TOTAL LABA (RUGI) KOMPREHENSIF LOSS PER SHARE ATTRIBUTABLE TO TAHUN BERJALAN YANG DAPAT OWNERS OF THE PARENT ENTITY DIATRIBUSIKAN KEPADA: Pemilik entitas induk (15,686) (34,205) (29,473) Basic Kepentingan non-pengendali 4 2 0 Diluted TOTAL (15,683) (34,203) (29,473) TOTAL RUGI PER SAHAM YANG DAPAT LOSS PER SHARE ATTRIBUTABLE TO DIATRIBUSIKAN KEPADA PEMILIK ENTITAS OWNERS OF THE PARENT ENTITY INDUK Dasar (41) (107) (110) Basic Dilusian (41) (107) (110) Diluted Laporan Tahunan 2016 Annual Report PT Graha Layar Prima, Tbk 7 KETERANGAN DESCRIPTION (Dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2016 2015 2014 (In million of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) Posisi Keuangan (Neraca) Financial Position (Balance Sheet) Aset Lancar 351,674 118,245 320,974 Current Assets Aset Tidak Lancar 948,166 680,465 334,375 Non-Current Assets Jumlah Aset 1,299,840 798,710 655,349 Total Assets Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 179,717 310,171 132,037 Current Liabilities Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 8,041 6,230 6,800 Non-Current Liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas 187,758 316,401 138,837 Total Liabilities Ekuitas yang dapat diatribusikan kepada Equity attributable to Owners of the 1,112,082 482,312 516,517 pemilik entitas induk Parent Entity Kepentingan Non-Pengendali 1 (3) (5) Non-Controlling Interest Jumlah Ekuitas 1,112,082 482,309 516,512 Total Equity Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas 1,299,840 798,710 655,349 Total Liability and Equity Analisa Rasio dan Informasi Lain Ratio Analysis and Other Information Laba bersih terhadap Aset -1.21% -4.28% (4,8%) Return on Assets Laba bersih terhadap Ekuitas -1.41% -7.09% (6,2%) Return on Equity Marjin Laba Kotor 59.30% 60.50% 55.90% Gross Profit Margin Rasio Laba terhadap Pendapatan -2.73% -8.56% (9.55%) Net Income Margin Rasio Lancar (x) 1.96 0.38 2.43 Current Ratio (x) Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Jumlah Aset (x) 0.14 0.40 0.21 Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio (x) Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas (x) 0.16 0.64 0.25 Liabilities to Total Equity Ratio (x) Laba (Rugi) Bersih per Saham Dasar (Rp) (41) (107) (110) Basic Earnings Loss per Share (Rp) Laba (Rugi) Bersih per Saham Dilusion (100) (41) (107) (110) Diluted Earnings (Loss) per Share Dividen Interim per Saham (Rp) 0 0 0 Interim Dividend per Share (Rp) Dividen Final per Saham (Rp) 0 0 0 Final Dividend per Share (Rp) Rasio Utang Bersih terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas 0.17 0.66 0.30 Net Debt to Equity Ratio Laporan Tahunan 2016 Annual Report 8 PT Graha Layar Prima, Tbk Informasi Saham Share Trading Indormation 2016 Peredaran Saham di Pasar Volume Kurs (RG) Reguler Perdagangan Shares Trading in Regular Market Jumlah Kapitalisasi Saham Pasar Pasar NO Bulan Negosiasi Month IHSI Tercatat Tertinggi Terendah Akhir Volume Nilai (Rp) Frek Number of Market (Unit) Trading Volume Highest Lowest Ending Unit Value Freq Shares Capitalization in Negotiation Rp. Rp. Rp. Unit Rp. (x) Market 1 Januari 0 0 4,500 0 0 0 150.000 337,657,532 1,519,458,894,000 0 2 Februari 5,600 5,600 5,600 100 560,000 1 186.667 337,657,532 1,890,882,179,200 50 3 Maret 5,100 4,845 4,845 1,600 7,790,500 3 161.500 337,657,532 1,635,950,742,540 0 4 April 4,945 4,900 4,900 300 1,474,500 3 163.333 337,657,532 1,654,521,906,800 0 5 Mei 6,000 5,550 6,000 500 2,910,000 5 200.000 337,657,532 2,025,945,192,000 0 6 Juni 6,000 6,000 6,000 100 600,000 1 200.000 337,657,532 2,025,945,192,000 0 7 Juli 6,000 4,800 4,810 2,100 11,731,000 8 160.333 413,452,593 1,988,706,972,330 2 8 Agustus 4,450 4,450 4,450 100 445,000 1 148.333 436,968,571 1,944,510,140,950 24 9 September 0 0 4,450 0 0 0 148.333 436,968,571 1,944,510,140,950 0 10 Oktober 4,150 4,150 4,150 100 415,000 1 138.333 436,968,571 1,813,419,569,650 10 11 November 4,350 4,250 4,350 200 860,000 2 145.000 436,968,571 1,900,813,283,850 56 12 Desember 9,100 4,500 8,600 538,300 3,809,130,000 824 286.667 436,968,571 3,757,929,710,600 36,286,100 Kurs Akhir 9,100 4,150 8,600 Jumlah 543,400 3,835,916,000 849 2015 Peredaran Saham di Pasar Volume Kurs (RG) Reguler Perdagangan Shares Trading in Regular Market Jumlah Kapitalisasi Saham Pasar Pasar NO Bulan Negosiasi Month IHSI Tercatat Tertinggi Terendah Akhir Volume Nilai (Rp) Frek Number of Market (Unit) Trading Volume Highest Lowest Ending Unit Value Freq Shares Capitalization in Negotiation Rp.
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