March 17, 1981 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 4417 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, March 17, 1981 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. After graduating from parochial Japan, cut their exports of auto­ The Reverend Robert M. Kearns, schools, Father Kearns began inten­ mobiles, they may very likely impose Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian Church, sive preparation for the priesthood barriers against our exports. Then we Washington, D.C., offered the follow­ and was ordained as a priest of the So­ have three industries in trouble, in­ ing prayer: ciety of St. Joseph in 1963. stead of one. We will have robbed AN !RISH BLESSING In addition to his seminary training, Peter to pay Paul. May the blessing of light be with Father Kearns has attended the Uni­ The President must consider the you and our country-light outside versity of Minnesota and holds a mas­ total economic picture before he and light within. ter's in urban studies from Loyola Uni­ moves on the import quota issue. We May sunlight shine upon you and versity of Chicago. cannot afford to damage our superior warm your heart 'til it glows like a Father Kearns has published numer­ status in agriculture and aviation with great fire, so that the stranger may ous articles and a book on urban issues the false hope that such a move can come and warm himself by it. including an important study of race save the automobile companies. May a blessed light shine out of this relations published by the U.S. Catho­ house like a candle in a window bid­ lic Conference. ding the wanderer and the poor to Father Kearns now serves as pastor CONCERN FOR PROPOSED CUTS come out of the storm. of Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian Church IN STUDENT AID PROGRAM May you ever give a kindly greeting in Washington, D.C., and, in addition <Mr. PEYSER asked and was given to those whom you pass, as you go to his pastoral duties, has been active permission to address the House for 1 along the roads. in bringing a religious perspective to minute and to revise and extend his May the blessings of the Earth be many community efforts, particularly remarks and include extraneous with you and shared with others. those to benefit youth. matter.) May the earth be soft under you On behalf of my colleagues, I thank Mr. PEYSER. Mr. Speaker, yester­ when you rest upon it, tired at the end Father Kearns for a moving and in­ day, Congressmen BIAGGI, WEISS, and of the day. structive invocation. myself listened to representatives of May earth rest easy over you when 13 different universities in New York, at the last you lie under it. May earth rest so lightly over you WILL AGRICULTURE AND AVI­ students explaining the problems that that your spirit may be out from ATION BEAR THE BRUNT OF they would be confronted with in the under it quickly, and up, and off, and JAPANESE AUTO IMPORT proposed changes in the student aid on its way to God. Amen. QUOTAS? program taking place. There is an awakening happening fi­ <Mr. GLICKMAN asked and was nally in the country, Mr. Speaker, THE JOURNAL given permission to address the House among students and their families as for 1 minute and to revise and extend The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ to the impact of the proposed changes. his remarks.) Today, I am introducing into the amined the Journal of the last day's Mr. GLICKMAN. Mr. Speaker, we proceedings and announces to the RECORD a letter of communication House his approval thereof. are faced with a serious economic from the City University of New York Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the problem. The American automobile in­ in Mr. SOLARZ' district; from the Cali­ Journal stands approved. dustry is in trouble. Hundreds of thou­ fornia State University and Colleges in sands have been laid off indefinitely. Congressman PANETTA's district; from Companies are struggling to survive. the North Central Technical Institute THE REVEREND FATHER We must, of course, do what we can to in Congressman OBEY's district; from ROBERT M. KEARNS resolve the plight of the industry. Guilford College in Congressman <Mr. MOAKLEY asked and was The resolution is not, however, for J OHNSTON's district. These are repre­ given permission to address the House the President to impose mandatory senting New York, California, Wiscon­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend import quotas. To do so denies the sin, and North Carolina. his remarks.) cause of the problem. The cause is not It is just an indication of the Mr. MOAKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I am Japan. The cause is that the American breadth of the interest and concern auto industry has failed to produce honored to have the opportunity being expressed today by the educ~­ today to welcome as our guest chap­ the fuel-efficient, inexpensive cars tional community. lain the Reverend Robert Michael that American consumers want to buy. Kearns, S.S.J. The solution is not to curtail imports. CMailgram] The solution is to push for research CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, I think it is particularly fitting that New York, N. Y. , March 12, 1981. Father Kearns opened our session on and development so that our American Representative PETER PEYSER, this feast of St. Patrick, the patron ingenuity can help us produce a better Cannon Bui lding, saint of Ireland. Father Kearns was automobile. Washington, D. C.: raised in our hometown of South The solution that the administration After carefully reviewing the Reagan ad­ Boston, which many of us consider the proposes would not only fail to resolve ministration's proposed budget cuts affect­ sister county of Galway, a community this economic problem, it would cause ing student aid, the City University of New which has been shaped culturally by new ones. Japan is the single largest York strongly opposes their enactment. generations of Irish immigration. purchaser of U.S. agricultural prod­ The proposed cuts violate one of the Rea­ Father Kearns was baptized at Gate ucts. Japan is also a market we should gan's administration's stated long range ob­ jectives, that is, increased productivity of Heaven Church and was confirmed be pursuing for aircraft. I would through greater investment in the Nation's and attended school at St. Brigid's remind you that those two American Capital Stock. From an economic viewpoint, which, in a community where people industries-agriculture and aviation­ human resources <labor) constitutes one of list the address by street and parish, is have no rivals in the world. America is the three essential "factors of production". our version of ecumenism. No. 1 in both. If we cut trade with Expenditures in student aid are an invest- 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 4418 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE March 17, 1981 ment in a more highly skilled labor force. On behalf of students enrolled in the nancial Aid applicants, advising them of the These expenditures are necessary for im­ CSUC, I wish to express appreciation for processing delays and proposed reductions. proved technology and efficiency and ulti­ your continuing support for higher educa­ Sincerely, mately increased productivity. One of the tion. DWIGHT DAVIS, corresponding financial commitments to the GLEN S. DUMKE, District Director. nonbusiness sector is continued and in­ Chancellor. creased support of higher education. GUILFORD COLLEGE, CUNY has a total enrollment of 170,000 Greensboro, N.C. , March 3, 1981. students, over % or 120,000, rely upon some form of city, State, Federal, or institutional PETER A. PEYSER, NORTH CENTRAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, House of Representatives, financial assistance to meet their college Warsaw, Wis., March 6, 1981. costs. Approximately 84,000 receive $85.5 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D. C. million in BEOG; 80,000 receive $43 million Hon. PETER A. PEYSER, in State tuition aid; 20,000 receive $29 mil­ House of Representatives, DEAR PETER PEYSER: I agree with you 300 lion in GSL; and 17,000 receive $18.5 million Cannon House Office Building, percent about the importance of sustaining in SEOG, CWS, and NDSL and nursing pro­ Washington, D. C. student assistance programs both in the gram assistance. In addition 40 percent of Basic Opportunities Grants, the Work our student body report zero taxable famGy Study Program and the Loan Program. income on their New York State tax return, DEAR MR. PEYSER: Thank you for your I have already been in touch both person­ 68 percent have taxable family income of recent letter concerning the Administra­ ally and by letter with our Senators and under $6,000 and 85 percent have taxable tion's budget proposals on Student Finan­ Representatives. family income of under $10,000 per year. cial Aids. We are very concerned and appre­ Attached is a copy of one such letter. Clearly, for most of our students a contin­ ciate your interest and support. We are also doing a great deal to encour­ ued high level of financial support is essen­ A reasonable and efficient Student Finan­ age students and parents to write to mem­ tial to their continued attendance. These cial Aids delivery system is very important bers of Congress in support of these pro­ are the most needy students. to our students. Sixty-nine percent of our grams. On behalf of CUNY's over 190,000 stu­ full-time students count on state or federal It is very heartening to know that you are dents, faculty, and staff I urge you to Student Financial Aids to help finance their on the side supporting these very critical strongly oppose the higher education education.
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