The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 86:293-306, 1993 May .293D © 1993. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 86. ... OBSERVATIONS OF THE Ca n INFRARED TRIPLET IN CHROMOSPHERICALLY ACTIVE 1993ApJS SINGLE AND BINARY STARS Robert C. Dempsey1 Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado, Campus Box 440, Boulder CO 80309 Bernard W. Bopp1 Ritter Observatory, The University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft, Toledo, OH 43606 Gregory W. Henry Center for Excellence in Information Systems, Tennessee State University, 330 10th Avenue North, Nashville, TN 32703 AND Douglas S. Hall Dyer Observatory, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235 Received 1992 August 5; accepted 1992 October 16 ABSTRACT Spectroscopic observations of the Ca n infrared triplet (XX 8498, 8542, 8662) have been obtained for 45 stars which are known or suspected to be chromosphericaUy active. The sample includes both single and binary stars of spectral types from F2 to M5 spanning luminosity classes III, IV, and V. Several different types of activity diagnostics were measured and their relative merits are discussed. Dependence of chromospheric emission upon rotation period, luminosity, temperature, and duplicity are analyzed. Synchronous binaries show a slight trend of increased emission with decreasing period while the asynchronous binaries show abnormally high activity levels for their rotation periods. Several stars exhibit rotationally modulated emission which is anticorrelated with the stellar brightness. Finally, estimates of chromospheric energy losses are presented with the result that the total loss in the infrared triplet is about twice that of the H and K Unes. Subject headings: infrared: stars — stars: chromospheres — stars: late-type 1. INTRODUCTION well-defined continuum, making calibration simpler. This wavelength region is easily observable with modem CCD de- Ca n H and K emission reversals have been shown to be tectors. Calculation of surface fluxes is quite straightforward related to plage regions on the Sun (Hale & Ellerman 1903) for these features ( Linsky et al. 1979 ). As is the case with the H and connected to active stellar chromospheres by Schwarz- and K fines, Vemazza, Avrett, & Loeser ( 1976) demonstrated schild & Eberhard (1913). Subsequently, observations of the that the IRT is formed in the lower chromosphere. Observa- H and K lines have provided a wealth of information on stellar tions and interpretations of solar IRT plage profiles were pre- chromospheres. Through the remarkable work of the Mount sented by Shine & Linsky ( 1972, 1974) who concluded that Wilson project we now know many stars possess surfaces cov- the emission results from a steepening of the temperature gra- ered unevenly with plagelike regions (Wilson 1978) and that dient in the chromosphere. This forces the temperature, elec- stellar activity levels may undergo cyclic variations similar to tron density, and Ca n density to be higher for a given optical the solar 11 yr cycle (Bahúnas & Vaughn 1985 ). Noyes et al. depth, compared to the quiet photosphere, thus increasing the (1984, hereafter NHBDV) demonstrated the connection of source function thereby producing emission in the fine cores. the Ca ii emission flux to the magnetic dynamo beheved to be Linsky et al. ( 1979) and Foing et al. ( 1989) presented an ex- operating in rapidly rotating, convective stars. Similar rela- tensive number of stellar observations of the X8542 fine. tionships have been observed in other diagnostics (e.g., Simon To date observations of the IRT have been restricted primar- &Fekel 1987; Strassmeier et al. 1990) and the rotation-activity ily to bright stars (V < 5). Furthermore, the objects in these relationship is now firmly established, at least for single stars. studies tended to have low rotational velocities with mild activ- Transitions which are similar to the H and K Unes are the so ity levels as indicated by Ca n H and K fluxes. To ascertain the called Ca n infrared triplet (IRT), XX 8498, 8542, and 8662, role of the IRT in active chromosphere stars, and to gain in- which share the upper levels of the H and K transitions (see, sight into the dynamos operating on these systems, observa- for example, Mihalas 1978). Duncan (1983) estimated that tions of a wider variety of objects were obtained. the IRT accounts for about 40% of the total chromospheric We report the results of more than 200 observations of over losses which is equivalent to the H and K losses. Unlike the 70 stars in the infrared. Objects studied cover a wide range of blue Ca n fines, the IRT lies in a region of the spectrum with a characteristics including being single or binary and evolved or unevolved. The binary systems include members of the Algol, 1 Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, National Opti- cal Astronomy Observatories, operated by the Association of Universities BY Draconis (BY Dra), and RS Canum Venaticomm (RS for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science CVn) classes while some FK Comae stars are among the single Foundation. stars. Spectral types range from F2 to M4.5. In most cases only 293 © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 294 .293D DEMPSEY ET AL. 86. one observation per star was obtained but in several cases, TABLE 1 ... phase coverage was sufficient to identify the emission as due to Equipment localized regions spatially associated with large spots in the Instrument Designation Resolutiona Window photosphere. Many of these observations were performed in A A conjunction with the spectral mapping program conducted by Coudé, Camera 5, grating B KP1 0.90 8425-8780 1993ApJS Dempsey et al. ( 1992). Coudé, Camera 5, grating A KP2 0.23 8530-8610 Echelle ROl 0.39 8520-8565 LDS, grating 6 R02 1.2 8380-8685 2. OBSERVATIONS a Defined as FWHM of comparison lines. 2.1. Spectroscopic Observations Spectroscopic observations were obtained from two obser- vatories, Ritter Observatory in Toledo, Ohio, and Kitt Peak stars (V711 Tauri, IM Pegasi, BM Canum Venaticorum, BY National Observatory (KPNO), over a 3 yr interval beginning Draconis, AD Leonis, EQ Virginis, VY Arietis, and X Androm- in 1989. Four different resolutions were used as detailed in adae) reveal clearly defined emission reversals (i.e., well de- Table 1. The highest resolution was obtained with the KPNO fined emission rising above the shallow fine core) in at least Coudé Feed where a TI CCD was used with grating A. Here the one observation. The IRT-1 fine of BY Dra is the only case in resolution was about 0.2 Á. At Ritter Observatory the highest which the emission extends above the local continuum. In all spectral resolution was 0.39 Â with the 1 m telescope employ- eight cases the emission was weakest at IRT-3 with no reversal ing a fiber-fed echelle (see Dempsey et al. 1992 for details). in this fine apparent in AD Leo. Specific comments about sev- These observations cover only the region of the X8542 line eral objects follow. which was demonstrated by Shine & Linsky ( 1974) to show HR 454.—This star exhibits interesting variations despite the greatest change in core depth of the three between quiet its low rotation rate ( p sin / = 8 km s -1, P = 76 days ). High-res- and active solar regions. Lower dispersion observations, which olution observations reveal an extremely shallow IRT-2 profile included all three lines of the triplet, were obtained of the on eight different occasions over the interval 1989 January fainter stars. Here the stars were observed with the Ritter Low 10-23 (Fig. 2). However, the triplet is only moderately filled Dispersion Spectrograph (=LDS, Bopp et al. 1992 ) with a reso- in on a LDS spectrum obtained 1990 December 10 (Fig. 4). lution of 1.2 Á. The signal-to-noise (S/N) was typically be- 14 Ari.—With a spectral type of F2 III this is the earhest star tween 30-100:1 and the data were reduced in standard fashion in this program. The IRT fines appear very strong and broad. using IRAF.2 Henceforth, the three transitions, XX 8498, 8542, An appropriate standard is not available for direct comparison and 8662 will be referred to as IRT-1, IRT-2, and IRT-3, re- but looking at artificially broadened spectra of inactive early spectively. G III stars suggest the fine depths are consistent with rotational broadening alone. No significant emission is detected in i Vir 2.2. Photometric Observations (F6 III) as wefi. Johnson V and B photometry were obtained for a Gem and V Y Ari.—The IRT for this active binary strongly resembles that of V711 Tau (p sin i = 38 km s-1 ) and UX Ari (p sin i = 37 IM Peg with the Vanderbilt-Tennessee State 0.4 m Automatic 1 Photoelectric Telescope (Genet et al. 1987). The data were km s' ) but with slightly more well-defined emission reversals. This likely results from less rotational smearing of the emission obtained in 1989 January-March and 1989 December-1990 -1 May. Results for a Gem from the 1989-1990 season have been owing to VY Ari’s lower p sin i of 6 km s . reported previously in conjunction with spot imaging (Demp- V711 Tau.—High-resolution data reveal an extremely shal- sey et al. 1992). Performing standard period analysis on the low profile with emission cores present at several phases (Fig. data with PDM ( Stellingwerf 1978 ), as implemented in IRAF, 5 ). Low-resolution data also display filled-in, asymmetric pro- revealed no significant differences with previous results. There- files. Note the similarity of V711 Tau and UX Ari in Figure 4. fore, the ephemeris 2,444,686.5 + \9A\0E (Strassmeier et al. HR 1908.—This is an example of a marginally active star.
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