RICHARDspecial list C.RAMER 407 1 Special List 407 The Azores Part II 2 RICHARDrichard c. C.RAMER ramer Old and Rare Books 225 east 70th street . suite 12f . new york, n.y. 10021-5217 Email [email protected] . Website www.livroraro.com Telephones (212) 737 0222 and 737 0223 Fax (212) 288 4169 April 5, 2021 Special List 407 The Azores Part II Items marked with an asterisk (*) will be shipped from Lisbon. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: All items are understood to be on approval, and may be returned within a reasonable time for any reason whatsoever. VISITORS BY APPOINTMENT special list 407 3 Special List 407 The Azores Part II Comprehensive Analysis 1. AÇORES. Junta Geral da Provincia Oriental. Exposição chronologica dos trabalhos da Junta Geral da Provincia Oriental dos Açores do anno de 1833. Publicada pelos individuos, que composerão a mesma. Lisbon: Na Imprensa da Rua dos Fanqueiros N.º 129 B, 1834. 4°, disbound, text block edges sprinkled blue-green from an early binding. Woodcut tailpieces. In Good to very good condition. 56 pp., 2 large folding tables. $500.00 FIRST and ONLY EDITION. Includes detailed information regarding education, trade, commerce, imports and exports for the Eastern islands of the Azores. ❊ Canto, Biblioteca açoriana 717. Canto, Inventario 648. Not in Innocencio or Fonseca, Aditamentos. Not in Kress, Luso-Brazilian Economic Literature Before 1850. Not located in OCLC. Not located in Porbase. Not located in Jisc. Not located in KVK (51 databases searched). Not located in Holis or Orbis. Not located in the online catalogues of Library of Congress or Newberry Library. 2. ANDRADE, Jerónimo Emiliano de. Elogio d’alguns Portuguezes cele- bres por suas virtudes, e talentos. E pequenos discursos sobre varios pontos philosophicos, historicos, e oratorios, recitadados por alguns dos alumnos do falecido proffessor[sic] o Padre Jeronimo Emiliano d’Andrade, nos exercicios literarios que no fim dos differentes annos lectivos costumava offerecer o dito professor. Angra do Heroísmo: Imprensa de J.J. Soares, 1852. Small 8°, contemporary green quarter sheep over pebbled boards, smooth spine with gilt bands and short title (minor wear), text block edges sprinkled reddish brown. Title page browned (offset from facing endleaf) and with 2.1 cm. trimmed from blank lower margin, causing offsetting to affect lower blank margin of following leaf recto. In good to very good condition overall. (2 ll.), 179 pp., (2 ll. contents and errata). $300.00 FIRST and ONLY EDITION. Among those eulogized are the Infante D. Fernando (son of D. João I), Henry the Navigator (another son of the same king), Nuno Alvares Pereira, Vasco da Gama, Affonso d’Albuquerque, D. Francisco d’Almeida, D. João de Castro, Duarte Pacheco Pereira, Luís de Camões, Frei Bartholomeu dos Martyres and the Marquês de Pombal. There are also “elogios” to various subjects, such as Eloquence, 4 richard c. ramer Item 1 special list 407 5 Poetry, Philosophy, the Liberal Arts and Geography, as well as discourses on “vantagens sobre animaes”, the origin of the world, “as producções dos tres Reinos da Naturaza”, the merit of artificial logic, the excelence and utility of rhetoric, the utility of arts and sciences, utility of history, and the most brilliant epochs of Portuguese history. Frei Jerónimo Emiliano de Andrade (Angra, 1789-Angra do Heroísmo, 1847), was Comissário dos estuos in Angra do Heroísmo and the first reitor of the Liceu Nacional de Angra do Heroísmo. Abandoned as an infant, father unknown, he was taken under the care and provided an education by Father José de Andrade, entering the Franciscan Order aged 16. Early in his career as a teacher one of his students was Almeida Gar- rett. Influenced by the events of the Peninsular War, he became a partisan of the liberal revolution of 1820. He wrote a number of books and pamphlets. After 1834, with the suppression of the religious orders, he became a secular priest. ❊ Canto, Bibliotheca açoriana 1075 (without collation). Not in Innocêncio; for the author, see III, 264-5; X, 129-30. Not in Canto, Inventário. For a brief biography see also Augusto Gil in Almanach insulano, 1.º anno, pp. 93-103. Not located in OCLC. Porbase locates a single copy, at Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, calling for only 1 preliminary leaf. Not located in Jisc. KVK (51 databases searched) locates only the copy cited by Porbase. Rare Newsletters Describing the Defeat of D. Antonio I on the Island of Terceira in the Azores 3. BAÇAN [or Bazan] Y GUZMAN, Álvaro de, Marquês de Sancta Cruz. Relacion de la infanteria y gente de guerra que se ha embarcado para la empressa y conquista de la Ysla Terceira …. Burgos: [Pedro de] Sãtil- lana or Valladolid: en casa de Diego Fernandez de Cordova, (1582). 4°, disbound. Woodcut arms of the Marquês de Santa Cruz on title page. Top margin cropped close on first leaf, just touching the top of several letters on the title and the first line on the verso (loss of 1 word). Some soiling at corners. In good condition. Early signature in blank portion of title page scored. Number 86.4 in early ink in upper outer corner. (4 ll.). $4,600.00 This important Relacion recounts the defeat of D. Antonio’s forces at Terceira on 25-26 July, 1582, which ended organized resistance to Spanish rule under Philip II. The second work is sometimes found separately from the Relacion. A grandson of D. Manuel I of Portugal, D. António, Prior do Crato, had ruled as D. Antonio I in Portugal for 20 days in 1580 prior to defeat by the forces of Felipe II of Spain under the Duke of Alba at the Battle of Alcântara. D. Antonio then attempted to rule Portugal from the island of Terceira, in the Azores, where he established an opposition government, and even minted coin, a typical act of sovereignty and royalty. In 1581 the Côrtes of Tomar recognized the Spanish king as Filipe I of Portugal. ❊ Alcocer 299: reproduces the title page and cites the Relacion and Lo sucedido together, as here. Ensayo de bibliografía marítima española 2393 (cf. 2395). Not in Palau; see 25922-4 for similar works on this subject. Not in Almirante. Not in Canto Bibliotheca açoriana (see 2012-5 for manuscripts on this subject). No edition in Canto, Inventario. Not in BL, Pre-1601 Spanish. Not in Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Tipografia espanhola do século XVI: a colecção da Biblioteca Nacional. Not in HSA. Not in Salvá or Heredia. Cf. Ferreira 6 richard c. ramer Item 3 special list 407 7 das Neves 232 for an Italian work on this subject, Naples, 1583. Not located in NUC. Not located in OCLC. Not located in Porbase. Not located in Jisc. Not located in KVK (51 databases searched). Not located in CCPBE, which cites a single leaf with a similar title at the Archivo Gerneal de Simancas-Valladolid. BOUND WITH: BAÇAN [or Bazan] Y GUZMAN, Álvaro de, Marquês de Sancta Cruz. Lo sucedido a la Armada de su Magestad, de que es Capitan General el Marques de Sacta [sic] Cruz, en la batalla que dio al armada que traya don Antonio, en la Isla de los Açores. [colophon] Valladolid: en casa de Diego Fernandez de Cordova, (1582). Caption title; elegant woodcut initial “E” below. Slight soiling. A few stains Old ink manuscript marginalia notes (numerical calculations) in blank outer margin of final leaf verso. (7 ll.). Signatures begin with A2. In good condition. ❊ Alcocer 299. Not in Palau; see 142643, citing a Zaragoza: Loureço y Diego Robles, 1582 edition of this second work, from a copy in the British Museum. No edition in Canto Bibliotheca açoriana. No edition in Canto, Inventario. Not located in Ensayo de bibliografía marítima española; see 2395 for an edition of Alcalá de Henares: Sebastiãn Martínez, 1583. Not in Almirante. Not in Canto Bibliotheca açoriana (see 2012-5 for manuscripts on this subject). Not in BL, Pre-1601 Spanish, which does not list the Zaragosa edition. Not in Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Tipografia espanhola do século XVI: a colecção da Biblioteca Nacional. Not in HSA. Not in Salvá or Heredia. Not located in OCLC; see 1080019942 and 1080018683 (both internet resources via Galiciana Digital, referring to editions of vi ll. and [4] pp., respectively; the originals at Museo Massó). Not located in CCPBE, which cites an edition with vi pp. without place, printer or date, “Probablemente impresso en el S. XVI”, in two copies, at Universidad de Oviedo and Real Academia de la Historia-Madrid. 4. BARBOSA, Joaquim José. Defesa de Joaquim José Barbosa, ex-admi- nistrador da Alfandega da Cidade de Ponta Delgada da Ilha de São Miguel. Lisbon: Typografia Patriotica de Carlos José da Silva, 1836. 8°, disbound, text block edges sprinkled blue-green from an early binding. Woodcut Portuguese royal arms on title page. In good to very good condition. 29, (1) pp. $300.00 FIRST and ONLY EDITION. Joaquim José Barbosa was removed from his post as Administrator of the Customs House at Ponta Delgada on 28 November 1835, accused of having caused a drastic reduction in revenues collected. Barbosa defends himself with documents and statistics. The final page consists of a table showing duties collected at the Ponta Delgada customs house from 1820 to 1835. Joaquim José Barbosa was a native of the Island of São Miguel in the Azores. ❊ Canto, Bibliotheca açoriana 1183. Canto, Inventario 405. Not in Innocêncio. Not located in NUC. OCLC: 84258856 (Harvard College Library); 953815992 (Internet resource). Porbase locates two copies, both in the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. Jisc only provides the link to the digitized copy. KVK (51 databases searched) locates for hard copies only those cited by Porbase.
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