CULTURE The Minsk Times Thursday, October 22, 2009 9 There is grandeur in identity; philosophy is nothing without personal experience Legends of Our Civilisation exhibition by famous Belarusian artist Victor Alshevsky BELTA Artist Victor Alshevsky By Victor Mikhailov of the world — through his own experience. Th is enables Th e Legends of Our Civili- him to ‘diagnose’ our age. His sation show began its tour in philosophy is based on per- the district centre of Belynichi sonal impressions from his (in the Mogilev region) — the travels, books he has read and artist’s native home. Later, it thoughts he has had. moved to Shklov, Krichev and In the 1990s, Victor began Bobruisk and is now in Mogi- a new artistic stage, addressing lev. It is dedicated to the Year world history and creating his of the Native Land and the eye-catching Letters of Time 65th anniversary of Belarus’ series. He drew historical arte- liberation from the fascists, facts within the context of time ‘synthesising global cultural and their architectural situa- traditions in the context of our tion — including domes and national cultural heritage’, as columns, facades and portals, Mr. Alshevsky explains. sphinxes and pyramids, San His major goal is to ex- Pietro and the Tower of Pisa. plore how the past shapes our He depicted the architecture world of today, harmonis- of Belarus, Russia, Italy, France ing loft y ideals and spiritual and Egypt. Alshevsky’s images values. “On my canvases, I’ve are oft en unrecognisable; they tried to reveal the identity of are not part of the landscape the Belarusian culture via an- but are traces of human activ- cient legends. Th ese showcase BELTA ity, illusions of time and space. Legends of Our Civilisation’s philosophical themes and expressive palette draws audience the grandeur of global and Every gesture, sign and fi gure national architectural monu- with the architecture of Syrian — from classical traditions to apprehension of life and the nature and handicraft s — as are threads uniting him with ments as colourful artistic im- Palmyra, the Egyptian pyra- contemporary aesthetics. He broadness of his artistic ideas his mother taught him. He himself, with his own place in ages,” Victor Alshevsky said at mids and Turkish Byzantia is not afraid to experiment and professional mastery. recalls those warm relations life and his own philosophy. the opening ceremony. and Efes. Belarusian Ruzhany and easily transforms works “Modern art always fol- of childhood days fondly, of- Th e Legends of Our Civi- Two important events and Nesvizh castles, the grand by using both in combination. lows global aesthetic, artistic ten taking a pen and thick lisation project embraces fi ft y have supplemented his artistic towers of Mogilev and Shk- Alshevsky strives to disclose and philosophical trends; the leather notebook to jot down picturesque canvases, created biography this year. By Presi- lov and the beauty of Gomel’s the essence of humanity, ex- need for greater openness is his recollections. Alshevsky’s in recent years. Th is is the fi rst dential Decree, he received Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace ploring fate and the future. revealed via mutual dialogue childhood memories are the such major project by the art- the State Art Award for his also appear. “Belarus con- He unveils the world’s hidden between cultures,” Victor as- foundation for his enduring ist and it’s no wonder that it series of paintings created for tributed to the development secrets, as well as his personal serts. No doubt, he represents persistence and confi dence. began its tour from his home- Gomel’s Palace and Park En- of global civilisation, as con- ‘self’, in fi nding answers to the new artistic mindset of Th e former is evident in his land — physical and historical semble. Now, he is showcas- fi rmed by its monuments of eternal questions. global culture. Th e themes of four attempts to enter the and, importantly, spiritual. ing his symbolically entitled history, culture and architec- Alshevsky’s pictures stand his works depict fragments of Belarusian State Th eatre and Aft er being showcased in Legends of Our Civilisation ture — recently revived from out for their colour and size. the past alongside the present; Art Institute’s Monumental- Mogilev, the exhibition is to — which refl ects the diversity their ruins,” the artist stresses. Th ey boast monumental im- they are far from being paint- Decorative Art Department. tour further; Minsk’s National of life and its philosophy. For Victor Alshevsky, the ages, with attention to sym- ed with direct reality though. His confi dence is rooted in his Art Museum will be the next Th e project philosophi- search for his own imaginative bolic detail, and push beyond He uses spirituality to create a tenacious ambitions (a little to host it. Further plans are cally re-evaluates world civi- expression has become the ba- the limits of the traditional. unique philosophy. unusual in a man from such a outlined but, as the artist ex- lisation, while drawing on the sis of his art. He feels free in Th ere is no doubt that they He took his fi rst steps from rural village). plains, there is no need to look artist’s experiences of travel. interpreting themes and can show his strong artistic per- a picturesque Mogilev region Alshevsky creates more far into the future. It’s much He combines fragments of masterfully combine diff er- sonality. Th ey testify to his in- village, and still feels fed by ru- than an artistic image. He gives more important to live in the ancient Belarusian Mir Castle ent methods in a single work dividuality, his philosophical ral wisdom and a respect for us his personal understanding present. Wonderful festival of music celebrates our rich legacy A new musical project by Belarus’ National Concert Orchestra, conducted by maestro Mikhail Finberg, was recently presented in the capital of Belarusian Polesie By Irina Svirko kicked off with an artistic meeting trate the historic signifi cance of the with Doctor of Art and Belarusian area. Th ey performed compositions Pinsk Meetings-2009 is a new Music Academy Professor Olga Da- by Napoleon Orda, Stanisław Mon- page for this honoured team, reviv- diomova. “Th e Pinsk area’s legacy in- iuszko and Mieczysław Karłowicz. BELTA ing and promoting our national mu- cludes famous Napoleon Orda — a Pinsk Meetings-2009 combined Mikhail Finberg revives Polesie melodies sical legacy. “Th e Pinsk area boasts composer, artist, musician, teacher various musical trends and a true pa- music among artistic circles. square, it featured pop music, as well an interesting musical history, which and favourite pupil of Chopin. His rade of chamber orchestras — dedi- Pinsk’s third meeting was with as the famous orchestra and its lead- local residents should be familiar musical and artistic works — ac- cated to the 80th birthday of People’s the National Concert Orchestra’s big ing soloists. with. Th ey should take pride in it, en- knowledged by European culture Artiste of the USSR Yevgeny Glebov. band. Jazz lovers were able to attend According to the Chairman of couraging them to be proud of their — preserve the great infl uence of Pinsk residents received a wonderful the premiere of a programme dedi- the Pinsk City Executive Commit- homeland — the country where they Pinsk’s wealth of traditions,” notes chance to learn about this composer, cated to the 100th anniversary of tee, Alexander Gordich, the local au- live,” stresses People’s Artiste of Bela- Olga. who was the fi rst in the 20th century legendary conductor, composer and thorities plan to host Pinsk Meetings rus Prof. Mikhail Finberg. Performances by the National to present professional Belarusian virtuoso-trumpeter Eddie Rosner. regularly. Th e capital of Belarusian Th e land’s artistic history is cer- Concert Orchestra’s clarinet ensem- music to Western Europe. Mr. Gle- A gala concert closed the pro- Polesie shall continue hosting truly tainly rich. Pinsk Meetings-2009 ble and string quartet perfectly illus- bov was an acknowledged master of gramme. Held in the city’s main artistic events..
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