Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02141-9 - The Intellectual in Modern Chinese History Timothy Cheek Index More information Index Academy of Chinese Culture, 241–2 Chang, Jung. See Zhang, Rong Ai, Weiwei, xi, 268, 310–11, 332 Charter 08, 263–5, 283, 285, 295–6 Alashan League, 283 309–10, 312 Aldis, William B., 61–2 Chen, Boda, 142, 177 Alitto, Guy, 23, 98 Chen, Bulei, 117, 130, 132, 134–5, 136, anti-Party clique, 180–2 332 Anti-Rightist Movement, 137, 164, 167, Chen, Duxiu, 89, 105, 305 169, 174, 189, 192, 200, 213 Chen, Fong-ching, 241 April 5th Movement, 5, 188, 243 Chen, Guanzhong. See Chan, Koonchung arrest and imprisonment. See names Chen Guangcheng, xi, 285, 332 of individual intellectuals Chen, Weilei, 134 Chen, Yinke, 150, 151, 294, 297, 329 Bai, Hua, 222, 241 Chen, Yiyang, 202–3, 303 Bai, Tongdong, 265, 268, 270, 308, 326, Chen Zhongping, 59 332 Chen, Ziming, 243–4, 268, 332 Bao, Zunxin, 241 Ch’en, C.C. (Chen Zhiqian), 102–3 Barmé, Geremie, 243, 248–9, 274 Chiang, Kai-shek, 113 Beijing Social and Economic Sciences modernizing China, 109 Research Institute, 244 and national salvation, 77–8, 114 Beijing University (Beida). See Peking the New Life Movement, 119–20 University and the two Chinas, 113–14, 117–18, Bell, Daniel, 308 123, 159 Bender, Thomas, 10–11 China Bitter Love. See Bai, Hua awakening, 75–80 Bo, Xilai, 267, 286, 290 in the 1910s, a republic, 66–9 Bo, Yang, 255–6, 269, 295, 332 in the 1930s, a time of crises, 108–12 Boxer Movement and Indemnity Funds, in the 1950s, two Chinas, 159–62 40–1, 58, 133, 153 in the 1970s, Mao’s death, 214–16 Brown, Jeremy, 12, 202 in the 1990s, twilight of the intellectual, Buddhism/Buddhists, 3, 11, 34, 47, 51–2, 259–61 60, 80, 82, 93, 96–7, 109, 201, 207, in the 2010s, three images, 315–19 208, 283, 284 Chinese culturally and racially distinct, 105–6 Callahan, William, 290, 311 identity and ethnicity, 49–52, 64–5, calligraphy, 52, 138, 212, 312, 325 156–7, 313–14, 326–7 Carter, James, 96 population, 2, 161, 216 Center for Chinese Government “Redness” years, 212 Innovations, 291 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Chai, Ling, 246 (CASS), 189–90, 273 Chan, Koonchung (Chen Guanzhong), Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 119–25, 262–3, 302–4, 332 223–4 Chang, Carson. See Zhang, Junmai See also Mao Zedong 365 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02141-9 - The Intellectual in Modern Chinese History Timothy Cheek Index More information 366 Index Chinese Nationalist Party. See Guomindang education. See under elites (GMD) (Kuomintang) educational journalism, 35–7, 323 Chinese People’s Political Consultative elites Conference (CPPCC), 150, 172, 173 educated, 2, 33–4, 67–9 Chong, Woei Lien, 236 examination, 52–3, 129–31 Christians/Christianity, 3, 60–2, 284–5 provincial, 52–6 Chu, Anping, 21 enduring ideas: the people, Chinese, Cleanse the Class Ranks Campaign, 171, democracy 190, 196, 204 discussed, xvi–xvii, 5, 12–15 Cohen, Paul, 61 the twentieth century, 1–4 communication. See social media/Internet 1905, 63–5 Confucianism/New Confucianism, 2, 23, 1920s, 105–7 45–7, 50, 51, 61, 82, 83, 93, 97, 99, 1940s, 156–8 101, 109, 112, 186, 243, 268–270, 291, 1965, 211–13 295, 306–9, 314, 327, 329 1985, 256–8 constitutional monarchy, 29–30, 48 2008, 313–14 criticism, mass, 171, 180–7, 198–206 Er-er-ba shijian. See 2–28 Incident Cui, Zhiyuan, 286–91, 332–3 Esherick, Joseph, 58, 208, 230 Cultural Revolution, 164, 167, 169–70, 179–88, 214–16, 218–19, 221–2 Fairbank, John King, 26, 151 See also Red Guards Fang, Lizhi, 11, 177, 182, 187, 195–8, 200, 209, 213, 218, 222, 230–4, 239–41, danwei. See work unit 258, 293, 325, 333 Dao/Daoism, 5–6 Fat Years, The (Chan Koonchung), 303–4, Davies, Gloria, 276–7, 287, 292 305, 312, 316, 332 debates, 183–4 February 28 Incident. See 2–28 Incident Delury, John, 16–17 Feng, Youlan, 19, 185 democracy (minzhu) Fewsmith, Joseph, 25, 252 the best form of, 314 Fisher, Tom, 144 as democratic centralism, 257–8 Fitzgerald, John, 45 a good thing, 264 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, as an idea, 65 160 and the New Culture Movement, 106–7 Fogel, Joshua A., 35, 54 in the provinces, 52–6 Fukuzawa, Yukichi, 36 in the 1940s, 157–8 Furth, Charlotte, 51 and science, 230–4 serving the people, 212–13 Gan, Yang, 238–9, 242, 306, 333 true, 219–20 Gang of Four, 167, 186, 226, 250 Democracy Wall Movement, 222–4, 241, Ge, Zhaoguang, 19–20 263 Geng, Xiufeng, 209 Democratic League, 97, 114–16, 118–19, globalization, 24–6 122, 136–7, 154, 172–3, 180, 195, 249 Goddess of Democracy, 245 Deng, Tuo, 130, 138–41, 144–7, 163–4, Goldman, Merle, 21–3, 174–5, 244 178, 180–3, 195, 333 Great Leap Forward, 169, 175–6, 178 Deng, Xiaoping, 219, 223–5 Great War. See World War I Ding, Ling, 87–92, 94, 141–2, 144, 174–5, Grieder, Jerome, 16, 86 333 Guangming Daily, 183, 227–9 Ding, Wenjiang, 81–4, 132–3, 149, 325, 333 Guomindang (GMD) (Kuomintang), 77–8, directed public sphere. See public sphere: 116–25 directed See also Chiang Kai-shek; Sun Yat-sen; dissent/dissidents, 21–4, 97–8, 125–6, Taiwan 285–6, 309–13 Gyatso, Tsultrim, xi Economic Weekly, 244 Habermas, Jürgen, 128–9 educated youth. See zhiqing Halliday, Jon, 206 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02141-9 - The Intellectual in Modern Chinese History Timothy Cheek Index More information Index 367 Hamrin, Carol, 6, 130 Westerners studying, 21–8 Han Chinese, 50, 106, 156–7 what they tell us, who they are, xi–xvii Hao, Zhidong, 16 and the world, 328–31 Haraszti, Miklós, 129 See also names of individual Hayford, Charles, 61, 102 intellectuals; public good, serving the He, Baogang, 5–6 people He, Weifang, 312 Internet/social media, 9–10, 262–5, 267, history, intellectual. See intellectual history, 274–6 telling Ho, Daphon, 135 Jamal, al-Din al-Afgani, 17 Hobsbawm, Eric, 86 Japan, 30, 40, 53, 62–3, 76–8, 110–11, Hsü, Immanuel, 40 113–14, 120–2 Hu, Feng, 21 Jessup, Brooks, 96 Hu, Jiwei, 217–18 Jian, Bozan, 146, 159, 195 Hu, Shi, 84–7, 116, 149, 333 Jiang, Qing (Madame Mao), 175, 183, 185–6, Hu, Yaobang, 224, 244 194, 198, 218–19, 243 hukou (residence permit), 279 Jiang, Qing (New Confucian), 307 Hunan peasant uprisings, 71–2, 77, 104 Jin, Guantao, 220, 241 Hundred Days Reform, 29, 34, 40 Johnson, Matthew D., 117 Hundred Flowers Movement and policy, Judge, Joan, 39 21, 161, 164, 168–9, 172, 174, 192, 195–9, 209, 212, 225, 249–50, 259 Kang, Xiaoguang, 306, 333 Hurley, Patrick J., 113–14 Kang, Youwei, 31–2, 61, 307, 333 Kant, Immanuel, 235–6 ideological moments Kelly, David, 229 building a New China, 116–19 Kenez, Peter, 126–7 the Chinese Dream, and perils, 262–8 Kongzi (Confucius) Research Center, 306 discussed, xvi, 5, 7–8, 15–18, 34–5 Koselleck, Reinhart, 13 making socialism work, 166–7 Kuhn, Philip, xiv–xv, 26, 207 the people, China, and democracy, 63–5 reforming the revolution, 221–2 Lee, Teng-hui, 255, 270 revolution, 72–5 Leninism, 110–12 imperialism, Euro-Western, 32–3 Levenson, Joseph, 16, 23, 236 industrialization, 119–25 Li, Dazhao, 85 intellectual history, telling, 15–20 Li, Gongpu, 115–16 intellectual life, worlds of Li, Shenzhi, 331, 333 academic, 281 Li, Zehou, 19, 222, 234–9, 334 associational, 282–5 Li, Zhengtian, 202–5 commercial, 281–2 Li Yizhe group, 198–9, 202–5, 333–4 discussed, xvi, 10–12 Liang, Ji, 66, 97 official, 280–1 Liang, Qichao, 8, 19, 29–30, 35–6, 43–8, popular culture, 95–6 53–5, 99, 334 intellectual public sphere. See public sphere Liang, Shuming, 86, 96–106, 114–15, intellectuals (zhishifenzi) 133–4, 334 cadre/establishment, 129–32, 215–16, Liang, Sicheng, 149, 334 249, 259–60, 266–8, 286–91 Liangxiao (Two Schools)writing group, and China, 320–8 167, 185–6, 192–4, 197, 204, 215, 241 connected to the wider world, xiii–xiv, liberalism/liberalism, 84–7, 118–19, 132–4, 30–1 172–5, 291–302 defined, 5–7 the third road, 116 other/minority, 305–6 Liberation Daily, 128, 141, 228 overseas, and returnees, 147–56 Lin, Biao, 164, 167, 171, 184–6, 192, 193, “Stinking Ninth” category (chou lao jiu), 194, 199–200, 202–4, 213, 306, 334 189, 211 Lin, Xiling, 199–200, 334 rural and regional, 207–11 Link, Perry, 26–7 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02141-9 - The Intellectual in Modern Chinese History Timothy Cheek Index More information 368 Index literati (wenren), 33, 35, 36, 52, 59, 97, 254 Nationalist Party. See Guomindang Liu, Binyan, 221–2, 225–7, 241, 334 (GMD) (Kuomintang) Liu, Dong, 297–9, 334 New Culture Movement, 74, 75, 106–7, Liu, Ji, 252 134–5, 333 Liu, Shaoqi, 169, 184 New Left/New Leftists, 286–91 Liu, Wennan, 119–20 New Life Movement, 119–20, 156, 307 Liu, Xiaobo, xi, 238–9, 263, 266, 268, newspapers, journals, magazines. See public 285, 295–6, 309–10, 334 sphere: print capitalism Lu, Jinfu, 210 Ng, Leen-tuck (Wu Lien-teh), 148–9, 334–5 Lu, Xun (Zhou Shuren), 62–3, 74–5, 94–5, Nobel Peace Prize, xi, 268 105, 141, 208, 243, 334 Luesink, David, 38 “On the Correct Handling of Luo, Longji, 132, 173–4, 334 Contradictions among the People.” Lynch, David, 25 See Mao, Zedong Osnos, Evan, 275–6 Ma, Jianzhong, 61 Ownby, David, 208, 309 Ma, Wenbin, 311–12 Oxford Consensus, 295–6 MacFarquhar, Roderick, 177 Madsen, Richard, 21–2 Pan, Wei, 267–8, 286, 335 Major, Ernest, 35 pan-Asianism, 121–2 Manchu Dynasty.
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