THE Charges by Cuba Confirmed MILITANT On Guantanamo Base Killing Published in the Interests of the Working People By Fred Halstead isolated and seldom-used gate but MAY 1 — The case of the U.S. found it “stuck.” Then he went Vol. 27 - No. 18 M onday, M ay 6, 1963 P rice 10c Marine Corps officers and the to get a hammer, Szili said, but in killing of a Cuban bus driver at his absence Jackson got the gate Guantanamo Bay is further proof open and walked off the base with of the serious moral decay within Lopez. By the time Szili returned, the U.S. government which has Jackson had shot and killed the HUAC Inquisitors Subpoena been exposed repeatedly in the Cuban. confrontations between Washing­ Szili said Jackson told him that ton and revolutionary Cuba. Lopez had lunged at him and he had been forced to shoot. (Jack­ N.C. ‘Kidnap’ Case Attorney The case has just begun to re­ son, a husky combat infantryman, ceive coverage in U.S. newspa­ holds the Congressional Medal of pers. But there has actually been Honor reportedly for having sin- NEW YORK — The Committee no secret elsewhere about many to Aid the Monroe Defendants an­ glehandedly killed some 50 Ja­ of the major facts, which Cuban panese soldiers in one World War nounced April 29 that its counsel, Armed Forces Minister Raúl Cas­ Conrad Lynn, the well-known II battle.) tro revealed a year and a half ago Szili said further that after the civil-rights and civil-liberties at­ at the funeral of the murdered torney, has been served with a body lay hidden for several days, man, Rubén Lopez Sabariego. he, two other officers and Jackson subpoena by the House Un-Amer­ That funeral, on Oct. 20, 1961, was ican Activities Committee, order­ had fetched it back inside the base attended by the largest gathering and buried it. They were afraid ing him to appear before it in ever seen in the city of Guan­ a Cuban patrol would find it and Washington, D.C., on May 6. tanamo. “make an international scandal,” Lynn ascertained by telephone The case came to light in this Raul Castro the former Lieutenant explained. from the HUAC staff counsel that country last week when an article He said that the body was dis­ Chairman Walter intends to in­ by Jack Anderson appeared in the covered by base police after some­ quire about Lynn’s trip to Cuba. April 26 syndicated column of lustrate how distorted human one let the secret out and that Drew Pearson. Anderson claimed values have become in the U.S. Attorney Lynn went to Cuba a all four officers involved were year ago to get depositions of the that four officers had been “un­ as a result of the hysteria built up against the Cuban Revolution. finally forced out of the Marine testimony of Robert F. Williams, justly” forced out of the U.S. Corps. Marine Corps because one of them But the totality of facts now his wife Mable Williams, and one A reporter at the press confer­ had killed a Cuban suspected of available indicates something of their sons, all of whom were ence asked: “In other words, the spying on the base and the others even more serious — the accuracy witnesses to the racial distur­ only thing you did wrong here bances set off by a police-en­ had helped bury the body. of Raul Castro’s 1961 charges. These accused the administration was getting caught?” Szili re­ couraged mob of white supremac­ plied: “That’s right.” ists Aug. 27, 1961 in Monroe, North Press Conference of the naval base and the U.S. Carolina. The CAMD has under­ The story was further elaborat­ government of covering up the The Facts Conrad Lynn taken to aid all defendants in the ed by former Lieutenant William brutal murder of an innocent man Now here are the facts pre­ framed-up “kidnap” case which A. Szili, one of the officers in­ by U.S. personnel stationed at viously cited by Raul Castro: Far local authorities concocted out of of a long career as a civil-liberties volved, at a news conference in Guantanamo. from being a sinister or threaten­ those events against Negroes and champion has never concealed his Washington April 27. The con­ First, let’s look at the story as ing figure, Lopez was a slightly- a white Freedom Rider. Lynn is abhorrence of the methods of the ference was arranged by Congress­ told by former Lieutenant Szili: built, father of nine children. He not only the attorney for two of House Un-American Activities man Richard S. Schweiker (R- He claims that Captain Arthur J. had been working at the U.S. those now awaiting trial in that Committee, declares that he will Penn.) who said it was a shame Jackson, his company commander, naval base for 14 years. He drove case, as well as defense attorney tolerate no attempt by that com­ the officer was forced out of the found Lopez in a “restricted” area a bus there. Like the overwhelm­ in related cases in Monroe, he mittee either to infringe on any of Marines for such a minor infrac­ and so informed the base police. ing majority of Cuban workers, has also long been the attorney his own constitutional rights or to tion. They told him to escort Lopez off including those working on the for Robert F. Williams, the former damage the efforts to secure The attitudes of both the con­ the base and turn him loose in U.S. base and living outside it, he president of the Union County justice for the framed-up Monroe gressman and the lieutenant on Cuban territory. Szili said that he was loyal to the Castro revolution (N.C.) branch of the NAACP. defendants. this matter are shocking and il- and Jackson then took Lopez to an and made no secret of that fact. Williams, who was forced to flee He was last seen by his wife, Monroe, his native town, with his Georgina, when he left for the family finally was granted po­ In Memory of William Moore weekend shift on Saturday, Sept. litical asylum in Cuba. 30, shortly before noon. He would The CAMD points out that in ordinarily have returned home view of local racists’ attempts to around 3 P.M. the next day. When smear the Monroe defendants and ‘Freedom Walkers’ Face Jail in Alabama he did not, his wife asked his fel­ those who have come to their aid, low workers about him. Several of it is no coincidence that the date By William Bundy there.” Moore had more recently excuse not to send in federal them had been with Lopez in a Lynn has been ordered before MAY 1 — The William L. lived in Binghamton, N. Y., and troops. workers’ rest barracks on the base HUAC, is also the date of the Moore memorial “freedom walk” Baltimore, Md., where he was an when Lopez was arrested there at The Attorney General also de­ 10:40 P.M. Saturday night by a opening of the retrial in Monroe began today as a group of 12 active member of CORE. He was a fended the administration’s ap­ Marine officer. The Cuban work­ of 18-year-old Jay van Covington members of the Student Non­ familiar figure in the peace move­ pointment of Southern segrega­ ers said they heard his name as who is being defended by CAMD. violent Co-ordinating Committee ment as well as in civil-rights and tionists to federal judgeships. He “Captain Johnson.” and the Congress of Racial Equali­ civil-liberties demonstrations, al­ Carefully Timed said he was “very proud of the Lopez’s wife inquired at the ty started walking from Chatta­ though he was not philosophically The CAMD also points out that judges that have been appointed.” base several times and was refer­ nooga, Tenn., headed for Jack­ a pacifist. the HUAC hearing comes at a The president’s brother also de­ red to the base chaplain, Father son, Miss. The route — along U.S. moment best calculated to preju­ “Freedom Sail” plored criticism of the FBI just Highway 11 — goes through a Thomas J. Hailsberthy, who told dice adversely the fight of Mrs. because it can’t seem to find her Lopez had been arrested and corner of Georgia and then into It was Moore who conceived the Mae Mallory, another Monroe lynchers, arsonists and snipers expelled from the base. On Oct. Alabama where state officials “Freedom Sail” demonstration on “kidnap” defendant, against extra­ when the victims are Negroes or 18 she was informed by an em­ have threatened to arrest the behalf of Negro newsman William dition from Ohio to North Caro­ voter-registration workers. ploye of the Swiss consulate — marchers. Worthy to expose the hypocrisy of “It is the greatest investigative lina. Mrs. Mallory’s long fight Worthy’s conviction for re-enter­ which handles U.S. relations in against extradition has all but ex­ Alabama’s “safety director,” A1 body in the world,” he said of Cuba — that her husband’s body Lingo, who has earned a reputa­ ing the U.S. without a passport. the FBI. “The criticism is unwar­ hausted further recourse in the Worthy had been arrested on that had been found three days earlier courts and may very shortly be up tion for harassing civil-rights ranted and unjustified.” (Continued on Page 5) fighters said yesterday of the charge when he returned from re­ for final determination by Ohio’s porting in Cuba.
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