INDEX Abortifacient, abortifacients bees, wasps, and ants ginkgo, 492 aconite, 737 epinephrine, 963 ginseng, 500 barbados nut, 829 blister beetles goldenseal blister beetles, 972 cantharidin, 974 berberine, 506 blue cohosh, 395 buckeye hawthorn, 512 camphor, 407, 408 ~-escin, 884 hypericum extract, 602-603 cantharides, 974 calamus inky cap and coprine toxicity cantharidin, 974 ~-asarone, 405 coprine, 295 colocynth, 443 camphor, 409-411 ethanol, 296 common oleander, 847, 850 cascara, 416-417 isoxazole-containing mushrooms dogbane, 849-850 catechols, 682 and pantherina syndrome, mistletoe, 794 castor bean 298-302 nutmeg, 67 ricin, 719, 721 jequirity bean and abrin, oduvan, 755 colchicine, 694-896, 698 730-731 pennyroyal, 563-565 clostridium perfringens, 115 jellyfish, 1088 pine thistle, 515 comfrey and other pyrrolizidine­ Jimsonweed and other belladonna rue, 579 containing plants alkaloids, 779, 781 slangkop, Burke's, red, Transvaal, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, 453 jin bu huan and 857 cyanogenic foods tetrahydropalmatine, 519 tansy, 614 amygdalin, 48 kaffir lily turpentine, 667 cyanogenic glycosides, 45 lycorine,711 yarrow, 624-625 prunasin, 48 kava, 528 yellow bird-of-paradise, 749 daffodils and other emetic bulbs Laetrile", 763 yellow oleander, 854 galanthamine, 704 lavender, 534 yew, 899 dogbane family and cardenolides licorice Abrin,729-731 common oleander, 849 glycyrrhetinic acid, 540 camphor yellow oleander, 855-856 limonene, 639 cinnamomin, 409 domoic acid, 214 rna huang ricin, 409, 723, 730 ephedra alkaloids, 547 ephedra alkaloids, 548 Absorption, xvii erythrosine, 29 ephedrine, 547, 549 aloe vera, 380 garlic mayapple amatoxin-containing mushrooms S-allyl cysteine, 473 podophyllotoxin, 789 amatoxin poisoning, 273-275, gastrointestinal viruses milk thistle 279 viral gastroenteritis, 205 silibinin, 555 aspartame, 24 ginger, 485 mistletoe, 793 Medical Toxicology ofNatural Substances, by Donald G. Barceloux, MD Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1135 INDEX Absorption (cont'd) Acorus calamus. See Calamus Carolina jessamine, 841-842 muscarine-containing mushrooms Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome eat's claw, 422-424 and muscarine toxicity, 306 (AIDS) death camas, 707-709 mycotoxins Cryptosporidium parvum, 194 ergot and related compounds, aflatoxin, 329 Cyclospora cayetanensis, 195-196 332-340 ergot alkaloids, 336, 337 cyclosporiasis, 195 kaffi r lily, 710-711 fumonisin, 342 gastrointestinal viruses, 206 mescal beans, 733-734 ochratoxin, 345 human immunodeficiency virus zephyr lily, 716-717 trichothecene compounds, 353 (HIV), 78, 128, 144, 187, 191, Allergic phytodermatitis, 678-679 neem oil, 651 194-197,206,571,602,793, Allergic reactions nicotine, 811 910, 911, 981 ant envenomation, 956, 958-959, peppermint oil non-nucleoside reverse 964,1024 menthol, 655 transcriptase inhibitors, 603 bee envenomation, 959,961-962, protozoa and intestinal parasites protease inhibitors, 473, 603 964,1024 Cryptosporidium parvum, 194 suppression, 603 begonias, 748 rhubarb Salmonella, 146 black locust oxalate, 86 scabies mite, 910 pollen, 881 salmonella, 143 Acromelalgia, 269 blister beetles scombroid fish poisoning, 257 Paxillus syndrome, 313-315 cantharidin, 974 scorpions, 916 Acromelic acid A-E compounds, bugs Shiga enterotoxins, 152 Paxillus syndrome, 313-315 venom, 971 snow drop Actaea racemosa. See Black cohosh burdock root, 401 galant amine, 714 Adult respiratory distress syndrome buttercup family, 691 solanine, 80 (ARDS) castor bean Vibrio species, 168 ants, 961 dust, 722 sassafras bees, 961 pulp, 719-720 safrole, 584 colchicine-containing plants, 695­ ricin saw palmetto 696,699 inhaled, 722 oral absorption, 588 hornets, 961 eat's claw sea snakes, 1076 Hymenoptera order, 961 allergic interstitial nephritis, senna marine animals 424 rhein anthrone, 593 palytoxin, 1098 centipede envenomation, 952 sennosides, 592, 593 mycotoxins, 356 chamomile tea, 427 skullcap, 597-598 peppermint oil, 655 chaparral, 431-432 St. John's wort, 602 pine oil, 669 chase tree, 436 terrestrial snakes, 1035 toxic oil syndrome, 11 Clostridium botulinum tree tobacco and other piperidine­ turpentine oil, 669 horse-derived antitoxin, 109 containing plants wasps, 961 clove anabasine, 812 rattlesnake envenomation, 1031, leaf oil, 440 nicotine, 811 1034 cinnamon oil, 42 ultraviolet, 731, 823 Aflatoxins,327-332 daffodils, 704 water hemlock and water dropwort, cancer, 187,331 dust mites, 355 823 black pepper seed contaminant, 72 echinacea, 571-572 yarrow, 624 food contaminant, 5 eugenol, 440 yohimbe bark and yohimbine, 629 microvesicular steatosis, 92 feverfew, 467-468 Acceptable daily intake (ADI) African blue lily, chemical fly bites, 981 food additives and sensitivities, composition and toxicity, fruit skin, 50 23-25 743-744 garlic, 474 limonene, 639 Airborne contact phytodermatitis, 685 ginkgo, 493-494 Acetaldehyde, Akee fruit, 34-38 grass pea, 64 coprine-containing mushrooms, 295 Alfimeprase, copperhead snakes, 1042 guar gum-containing products, 28 false morel, 287 Alimentary toxic aleukia (ATA), hornet food additives, 25 trichothecene mycotoxins, vespid venom, 958 peppermint, 654 354-355 horse chestnut purple coneflower, 570 Alkaloids. See also specific alkaloids pollen, 884 Achelase I and II, caterpillar venom, aconitum, 737-739 jequirity bean, 731 991 black cohosh, 388-399 jellyfish envenomation, 1089 Aconite, 736 blue cohosh, 394-396 juniper, 523 1136 INDEX lavender, 534 Allopathic medicine, senna, 591-592 fly and mosquito bites, 981 limonene, 639 S-Allyl cysteine, garlic, 473 Latrodectus antivenom, 931 Listeria monocytogenes Almonds rattlesnake venom, 1032 penicillin, 137 botanical description, 761 Anatoxin-a, cyanobacteria, 184 lupine Laetrile" extracts, 761-762 Anemonin, physiochemical properties seeds, 786 poisonous parts, 762 and toxicity, 691-692 milk thistle Aloe vera, 370-380, 414 Anethole, chemical structure, 608-609 extract, 556 Aloin, 378-380 Angelica sinensis, 461-463 mosquito bites, 981 Alternaria species Animals and animal products. See mushrooms, 268 in air, 320 also Insects; Reptiles penicillin G, 279 classification and identification, aflatoxins, 327 mycotoxins 320-324 Bacillus cereus, 89 airborne molds, 318, 320, 323 Amanita mushrooms Campylobacter jejuni, 94 antigen-specific IgA mycological identification and Clostridium botulinum, 104 concentrations, 358 classification, 265-268 Clostridium perfringens, 114-115 fungi, 324 Pantherina syndrome, 298-302 dog laurel toxicity and, 845-846 damp environments, 355-356 Paxillus syndrome, 312-315 Escherichia coli, 121 mold, 324, 326 poisonous parts, 273-275 food additives and sensitivities, 23 nutmeg, 69 silibinin as antidote, 554 fumonisins, 342-343 peppermint Amanitins gastrointestinal viruses, 204 oil, 655 amanita mushroom, 266-274 Giardia lamblia, 197-198 philodendron, 771 Amatoxin grayanotoxins in, 871 plant dermatitis, 677-679, 682, 684­ arnatoxin-containing mushrooms, lantana toxicity in, 868 685,687 265-284 Listeria monocytogenes, 133 rosemary, 576 amatoxin poisoning, 268-280 ochratoxins, 344-347 rue Ambient air oleander poisoning in, 849 extract, 580 fungal spore concentrations, Salmonella in, 142 saw palmetto 321-324 Shiga enterotoxins, 151 extract, 589 mycotoxins in, 319-320 Staphylococcus aureus, 156-157 Scheff/era species, 771 Amebiasis, 191-192 Streptococcus species, 162 scombroid fish, 258 American short-tailed shrew, 1133 tannins, 894-895 scorpion envenomation, 922 American trypanosomiasis, kissing tetrodotoxins in, 247-248 sea urchin bug, 971 Vibrio species, 167-168 spines, 1108 Amines, bee venom, 957-958 Yersinia enterocolitica, 175 senna, 594 a-Amino-5-methyl-3­ Anisatin, chemical structure, 608-609 snake envenomation, 1059 hydroxyisoxazolone-a­ Anthozoa, classification and antivenom,1034-1038 propionate (AMPA), domoic characteristics, 1096-1098 spider acid toxicity, 215 Anthranoid laxatives, cascara, antivenom, 930 1-Aminocyclopropanol, coprine toxins, 415-419 bites, 941 295 Anthraquinone derivatives sponges ~-Aminopropionitrile, osteolathyrism, cascara, 415-419 Dogger Bank itch, 1103 807-808 mushrooms, 290-293 spurge family, 756 Amnesic shellfish poisoning and rhubarb poisoning, 86 dog's mercury domoic acid, 212-217 Antibiotics, food additives and pollen, 757 Amphetamine derivatives, myristicin sensitivities, 27-28 St. John's wort metabolites and, 68 Anticholinergic signs, hypericum extract, 604 Amphibians. See Frogs; Toads; specific botulism, 106-107 tansy, 615-616 species bulbs, 705 tea tree Amygdalin burdock root, 401 oil, 661 cyanogenic foods, 45-50 Datura species, 777-781 ticks, 912 fruit kernels, 45 Escherichia coli, 127 turpentine Laetrile" derivatives, 762 European bittersweet, 804 oil, 669 Anabaena species, neurotoxins, 184 isoxazole-containing mushrooms, wandering Jew, 819 Anabasine, 810-813 301 wasp envenomation, 958, 1024 Analgesics, rattlesnake venom, lupine, 786 yellow jackets, 955 1039-1040 nutmeg, 68-69 yarrow, 624 Anaphylactoid reactions puffer fish, 249 yew, 901 ants, wasps, and bees, 961-963 snowdrop, 712-714 1137 INDEX Anticholinergic signs (cont 'd) garlic, 472 Assassin bug valerian, 620 gingko tree, 490 behavior, 970-971 water hemlock, 824 hawthorn, 511 clinical response, 971 Antidotes methyl apigenin geographic distribution, 970 belladonna alkaloid toxicity, 781 valerian, 618, 620 identifying characteristics, 969 ciguatoxins, 244 passionflower, 559 venom composition and apparatus, colchicine toxicity, 699 rosemary, 575-576 971 eugenol toxicity, 440-441 skullcap, 597 Asteraceae family nicotine toxicity, 813 yarrow, 624 airborne contact dermatitis, 685
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