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Designed to liberate scholarship from the straitjacket of traditional formats and business models, palgrave pivot allows us to deliver quality new research rapidly, and at its natural length. BENEFITS TO This is an exciting new ‘ development which AUTHORS: provides a welcome Flexibility: Pivot offers the opportunity alternative to the to publish at lengths between the journal article and the conventional monograph conventional journal article (typically 25 – 50,000 words) or monograph conundrum. Speed: publication of accepted The Pivot seems like an manuscripts within 12 weeks ideal format for scholars Peer-review: Palgrave Pivot publications are subject to a professional and rigorous seeking to disseminate peer-review process their research while it is Wide dissemination: publications are still fresh and current. available as digital collections for libraries, including via Palgrave Connect, individual - Neil Chakraborti, Senior Lecturer’ in ebooks for personal use, and as print editions Criminology, University of Leicester, UK Research outputs published with palgrave pivot are eligible for the UK’s 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF). This is for Main Panels C and D and subject to all other eligibility criteria. For more information, please contact us. For more information and details of how to submit a proposal, please visit: www.palgrave.com/pivot MIDDLE EAST HistorY MIDDLE EAST HISTORY State, Religion, and Revolution in Iran, 1796 to the Present Starvation and the State Behrooz Moazami, Loyola University New Orleans, USA Famine, Slavery, and Power in Sudan, 1883–1956 This book examines transformation of political and religious spheres in Iran from the start of the Qajar Steven Serels, Harvard University, USA period to the dramatic post-election crisis of 2009. It Sudan has historically suffered devastating famines that have powerfully challenges dominant scholarly assumptions about the reshaped its society. This study shows that food crises were the result of influence of Shi’ism in Iranian culture and the role of exploitative processes that transferred resources to a small group of beneficiaries, religious elites. including British imperial agents and indigenous elites who went on to control the Contents: Introduction: State, Religion, and Revolution in Iran, Sudanese state at independence. 1796-to the Present * PART I: FROM FRAGMENTED POLITICAL NOW ACCEPTING PROPOSALS AUTHORITY TO CENTRAL BUREAUCRATIC POWER, 1796 Contents: Famine and the Making of Sudan’s Northern Frontier * The Red Sea Grain Market -1963 * The Political Authority of the Qajar State, 1796-1925 and British Strategy in Eastern Sudan and the Red Sea Hills, 1883-1888 * The Sanat Sita Famine * Forming a Utilitarian Buffer State: The Pahlavis, 1925-1963 * Publishing across the Humanities, the Social Sciences and Business, palgrave pivot introduces in Eastern Sudan and the Red Sea Hills and the Decline of Bija Autonomy, 1889-1904 * Slavery, PART II: THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF THE SHI’I ULAMA, Anglo-Egyptian Rule, and the Development of the Unified Sudanese Grain Market, 1896-1913 an innovative new format for scholarly research. 1796-1963 * Religious Revivalism and the Formative Phase Palgrave Series in Indian Ocean World Studies of Orthodoxy, 1796-1892 * The Constitutional Moment: Designed to liberate scholarship from the straitjacket of traditional formats and business models, The Ulama and the Political Sphere, 1892-1921 * The Nationalization of Religious Morality December 2013 UK December 2013 US Organizational Expansion of the Ulama, 1925-1963 * PART III: THE MAKING OF THE ISLAMIC palgrave pivot allows us to deliver quality new research rapidly, and at its natural length. 272pp REVOLUTION AND ITS AFTERMATH, 1963-to the PRESENT * The Islamization of Social Hardback £55.00 / $85.00 / CN$98.00 9781137383860 Movements and the Revolution, 1963-1979 * The Invention of a Modern Theocracy: An Canadian Rights Unfinished Revolution * Making Sense of the State, Religion, and the Islamic Revolution Middle East Today October 2013 UK October 2013 US 240pp 3 figures Hardback £57.50 / $90.00 / CN$104.00 9781137325853 This is an exciting new Paperback £19.99 / $32.00 / CN$37.50 9781137325884 BENEFITS TO Canadian Rights ‘ development which Learning to Read in the Late Ottoman Empire AUTHORS: provides a welcome and the Early Turkish Republic Flexibility: Pivot offers the opportunity Benjamin C. Fortna, University of London, UK alternative to the “I was much impressed by Benjamin C. Fortna’s book to publish at lengths between the journal Learning to Read in Late Ottoman and the Early Turkish Transnational Soldiers article and the conventional monograph conventional journal article Republic. The author, [...] possesses considerable Foreign Military Enlistment in the Modern Era (typically 25 – 50,000 words) expertise in the field of Ottoman education.” - or monograph conundrum. Johann Strauss, Strasbourg University, France Edited by Nir Arielli, University of Leeds, UK, Bruce Speed: publication of accepted The Pivot seems like an An exploration of the ways in which children learned Collins, Sheffield Hallam University, UK manuscripts within 12 weeks and were taught to read, against the background of the transition from Ottoman Empire to Turkish Republic. Warfare in the modern era has often been described ideal format for scholars This study gives us a fresh perspective on the transition in terms of national armies fighting national wars. This Peer-review: Palgrave Pivot publications from empire to republic by showing us the ways that volume challenges the view by examining transnational are subject to a professional and rigorous seeking to disseminate reading was central to the construction of modernity. aspects of military mobilization from the eighteenth century to the present. Truly global in scope, it offers peer-review process their research while it is Contents: List of Figures * Preface * Acknowledgements * an alternative way of reading the military history of the Abbreviations * Note on Transliteration, Dates and Surnames * last 250 years. Wide dissemination: publications are Introduction: Reading Empire, Reading Republic * Reading Represented * Context and Content still fresh and current. * Mechanics: Text and Image * Commodification and the Market * Lives of Reading and Writing Contents: Contents * Acknowledgments * Notes on available as digital collections for libraries, * Conclusion: Reading and Modernity * Notes * Bibliography * Index Contributors * Introduction: Transnational Military Service - Neil Chakraborti, Senior Lecturer’ in since the Eighteenth Century; N.Arielli & B.Collins * PART I: including via Palgrave Connect, individual September 2012 UK November 2012 US RE-EXAMINING THE DECLINE OF MERCENARY ARMIES, 1776- ebooks for personal use, and as print editions Criminology, University of Leicester, UK 264pp 11 b/w illustrations 1815 * PART II: COLONIAL MILITARY MOBILIZATION * PART Paperback £22.99 / $32.00 / CN$37.00 9781137270931 III: AFTER EMPIRE: FLOWS OF MILITARY TALENT * PART IV: Canadian Rights ebooks available IDEOLOGY, ADVENTURE, COERCION * Conclusions* Further Reading/Selected Bibliography * Index November 2012 UK December 2012 US 280pp 2 b/w tables Hardback £55.00 /
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