283 Abednego, 147 Abishag the Shunammite, 163 Abortion, 218

283 Abednego, 147 Abishag the Shunammite, 163 Abortion, 218

Index Abednego, 147 Agathimerus, grandson of Remigius, Abishag the Shunammite, 163 246–47 Abortion, 218 Agericus of Verdun, 227 Abraham, monk, 103, 119 Agnes, abbess, 201, 203 Academy, 18 Agricola, brother of Papianilla, 72 Achilles, Greek hero, 118 Agricola, grandson of Remigius, 243, Acolitus, 48 245, 247 Acta sanctorum, ix, 212 Agrippa, general of Augustus, 193 Actio gratiarum, 49 Agrippina, wife of Germanicus, Actio repetundarum, 51 192–93 Acts of the Apostles, 163 Agroecius, author, 19, 21, 33 Adam, ‹rst man, 61, 164 Agroecius of Sens, 19 Adovacrius, Saxon leader, 54 Alamanni, 125, 137, 186, 195 Adscripticius, 15 Alans, 125, 127, 154 Adultery, 100, 235, 237 Alaric, slave, 245 Adventus, ceremony of, 200–201, 208 Alaric I, Visigothic chieftain, 126 Advocatus, 165 Alaric II, Visigothic king, 89, 136 Aegean Sea, 55 Albi, 73 Aeneas, vinekeeper, 244 Albo›eda, sister of Clovis, 196 Aeneid, 225 Albovichus, servant, 244 Aeonius of Arles, 53–54 Alcima, daughter of Sidonius, 72, Aesop, author of fables, 117 185–87, 189, 198 Aetius, grandson of Remigius, 246–47 Alcimus, father of Sidonius, 77 Africa, North, 7, 97, 104, 125, 146, Alexander, martyr, 146–47 185, 239 Algasia, a Gaul, 104 Against All Heresies, 5 Alliteration, 81 Against Eutyches, 5 Alps, 125 Against Nestorius, 5 Amanda, wife of Aper, 172–74 Against Pelagius, 6 Amantius, dependent, 245 Agamemnon, Greek hero, 118 Amantius, merchant, 47, 49, 51–54, Agapitus, consul, 92 56–57, 65, 70, 231 283 284 Index Ambrose of Milan, 7, 25 Archives, municipal, 106–7 Ambrosius, dependent, 246 Aredius, abbot, 222–23 Amiens, 125 Aregildus, dependent, 245 Ammianus Marcellinus, historian, Arianism, 96, 99, 120, 136, 150, 154, 13–14, 228 156–58, 190, 196 Ammonites, 162 Arigius, father of Arbogastes, 35 Amnii, Roman family, 13 Arion, minstrel, 79 Amorinus, slave, 243 Aristeides of Miletus, author, 51 Anagnia, 143 Aristocrats, 11, 14, 16, 18–19, 34–35, Ananias, 203 41, 43–44, 56–58, 68, 70, 72, 74, 78, Anastasius, emperor, 155 81, 91, 119, 141, 171, 178–79, 184, Anastasius, priest, 55–56, 69 187, 192, 211, 231, 239–41, and pas- Andarchius, ex-slave, 67–70, 139, 227, sim 231 Arithmetic, 68 Angels, 223 Arius, heresiarch, 120, 206 Angers, 54, 107, 130, 232 Arles, 12, 77, 168, 170, 201, 232 Anianus, vir spectabilis, 136–37 Armorica, 54, 165 Anianus of Orléans, 231 Arnobius Junior, author, 216 Anicii, Roman family, 13 Arras, 125 Anicium, 233 Artemia, child, 74 Anthimus, author, 21 Artisans, 60 Antichrist, 233 Arvandus, prefect, 43, 119 Antiope, wife of Theseus, 51 Arvernians, 139 Antithesis, 81 Asmodaeus, demon, 162 Antolianus, martyr, 186 Assur, 125 Aper, monk, 172–74 Asterius, consul, 12 Aphrodite, goddess, 118 Asterius, friend of Ennodius, 18 Apocalypse, 167 Asterius, Turcius Ru‹us Apronianus, Apocalypticism, 203 senator, 12–13 Apollinares, family, 42, 184 Astrology, 219, 239 Apollinaris, martyr, 247–48 Astyrius, consul, 77 Apollinaris, son of Sidonius, 57, 78, Athanagild, Visigothic king, 209 86–89, 91, 133, 185–88 Athaulf, Visigothic chieftain, 125–27, Apollinaris, uncle of Sidonius, 56–57 137 Apollinaris of Valence, 88, 96–98 Athens, 47, 51, 91 Apollo, god, 79, 225 Attica, wife of Felix, 181 Aprunculus of Langres, 133 Attila, king of Huns, 211–12 Aquitania, 62, 125, 151, 165 Attius Tiro Delphidius, rhetor, 217 Arbiter, friend of Querolus, 43–44, Audientia, 88 62–63 Augustan period, 5 Arbogastes, count, 34–38 Augustine of Hippo, 7, 22, 24–26, 62, Arbogastes, master of soldiers, 34–36 71, 123, 144 Arbogastes of Chartres, 37 Augustus, emperor, 125, 193 Arcadius, emperor, 139 Auliatena, wife of Catussio, 246 Arcadius, son of Apollinaris, 88, Aunegilda, a Burgundian, 100–102, 187–88, 198 213 Index 285 Aurelianus, son of Ruricius, 80 Bible, 161, 182, 225 Aurelius of St-Paulien, 233 Bishops, 11, 47–48, 56, 58, 67, 78, 91, Ausonius, poet, 193 95, 99, 119–21, 128, 131, 137, 147, Auspiciola, daughter of Salvian, 108, 149–50, 167, 187–88, 202–4, 208–9, 112 219, 222, 238–39, and passim; selec- Auspicius of Toul, 34–35, 38 tion of, 165–66, 170, 185, 223–24, Austrapius, duke, 205 226 Auvergne, 49, 66, 73, 89, 120, 186–87 Books, collecting, 22 Auxerre, 60, 165, 230 Bordeaux, 239 Avita, sister of Desiderius, 187 Bourges, 60, 187, 229, 232 Aviti, family, 42, 184 Bretons, 54 Avitus, Eparchius, 6, 120, 134, 185 Breviarium Alarici, 105, 136, 148 Avitus of Clermont, 186–87 Briseis, concubine of Agamemnon, 118 Avitus of Vienne, ix, 7, 31–34, 81, Britain, 4, 121, 216 88–89, 96–98, 154, 191 Britons, 216 Brittany, 165 Bacaudae, 116, 121, 239 Brittobaude, slave, 245 Bacchus, god, 90–91 Briva Curretia (Brive), 90 Balkans, 9 Brunhilde, queen of Franks, 209, 228 Balthamodus, lover of Aunegilda, Burgundian Code, 100–101, 138 100–101 Burgundians, 95, 100, 120, 125, 127, Bandits, 54, 66–67, 95, 121, 152, 239 133–34, 137, 189, 191–94, 197 Baptism, 61, 122–24, 136, 152–53, Burgundy, 193, 197 155–56, 194–96, 214, 244 Burial, 55, 180 Barbarians, x, 3, 6, 16, 33–35, 38, 47, Byzantine Empire, 1–2, 47, 137, 155 58, 67, 95, 113–14, 120–21, 124–27, 133–35, 150–51, 153, 156–57, 167, Cabrières, fortress, 212 174, 176, 179, 183, 189, 192–93, 240, Caesar, 174 242, and passim Caesaria, abbess, 201–2 Barbarian settlement, 154, 178 Caesaria, dependent, 246 Barbarism, 31–32 Caesarius of Arles, 7, 29, 54, 201–2 Basilius, consul, 47, 181 Cahors, 28, 187 Basina, daughter of Chilperic, 234–36 Caledonia, 122 Basina, mother of Clovis, 199 Calendar, ecclesiastical, 90 Bathsheba, 163–64 Calumnia, 59 Baudoleifus, colonus, 243 Camels, 161 Baudonivia, 38, 200, 204–5 Cannibalism, 153 Baudorosera, dependent, 246 Canons, church, 234 Baudovicus, colonus, 244 Cantor, 48 Bazas, 240 Capalinus, dependent, 245 Bebrimodus, vinekeeper, 245 Caper, grammarian, 19–20, 33 Belgica Secunda, 135 Capital punishment, 101, 170, 218 Berny, villa, 69 Caprasius of Lérins, 171 Bertharius, king of Thuringians, 200 Captives, captivity, 54, 65, 95, 122–23, Bethlehem, 7, 125 126–29, 131, 146, 156, 174, 176, 180, Béziers, 212–13 190, 200, 225, 231 286 Index Caretena, Burgundian queen, 189– Chilperic II, Burgundian king, 133–34, 92 190, 192–93 Cassiodorus, author, ix, 9 Chlodomer, Frankish king, 193, Cassius, martyr, 55, 186 195–97 Castor of Chartres, 132–33 Chlodovald, son of Chlodomer, 197 Castration, 238 Chlothar I, Frankish king, 56, 193, Catarigum, 247 197–200, 202, 204–5, 213 Catechumenate, 76 Christ, 24, 35, 38, 53, 61, 72, 74, 92–93, Catholic faith, 157, 216, 240, 243 96, 109–10, 120, 122, 128, 134, Catihern, a Breton, 214, 216 142–43, 145, 148–50, 155, 161–63, Catiline, conspirator, 240 166, 169, 171, 173–74, 176, 184, Cattusio, vinekeeper, 246 189–91, 195, 202, 204–7, 209–10, Catullus, poet, 118 212, 214–15, 230, 232–33, and pas- Cautinus of Clermont, 55, 233 sim Celibacy, 102 Christianity, x, 1, 3, 13, 44, 73, 75, 85, Celsa, Marcia Romania, 93 102, 104, 107, 109, 111–13, 123, 141, Celsa of Vienne, 73, 92–93, 104 145, 150, 159, 164, 168, 178–79, 215, Celsus, friend of Ruricius, 27–28, 60 227, and passim; conversion to, Celsus, kidnapping victim, 166–67 111–12, 141, 145, 147, 153–54, 156, Celts, 121, 216 158, 165, 193, 195, 200; Nicene, 96, Censuales, 77 136, 141, 154, 156–58, 167, 190, Censurius of Auxerre, 58–60 196 Cento, 16 Christian life, 8, 26 Cerasia, 150–51, 153–54, 160 Christmas, 155 Ceratius, friend of Avitus, 82 Christogram, 74–75, 242, 248 Ceraunia, widow, 7, 61, 63 Chronicle of Saragossa, 9 Ceraunius of Nantes, 61 Chronicles, 9 Cesurnicum, villa, 245–46 Chronicon paschale, ix Châlons-sur-Marne, 247 Church construction, 181–82, 186–87, Character assassination, 86 190–91, 198, 210, 231 Charibert, Frankish king, 204, 226, Cibyra, Asia Minor, 192 234 Cibyrates, brothers, 192 Charitable activity, 179, 181, 184, 200, Cicero, orator, 4, 20, 116, 159 206, 210 Cictato, 46 Charta, 27, 55, 139 Circe, temptress, 30 Chartres, 132 Cispiciolus, colonus, 247 Chastity, 111, 176, 190, 206 Civic dissension, 120 Childebert I, Frankish king, 187–88, Clarissima femina, 74, 181 193, 196–99, 201, 213, 222 Clarus of Eauze, 62 Childebert II, Frankish king, 228, Claudius, priest, 166–67 235–37 Clermont, 6, 9, 47, 52, 61, 68, 79, 87, Childeric, Frankish king, 131, 135 103, 105–6, 119–20, 133, 138–39, Children, 2, 42, 71, 75, 84–86, 90–92, 182, 185–87, 213, 224 104–5, 107, 112, 129, 190, and pas- Clotilde, nun, 234–39 sim Clotilde, wife of Clovis, 55, 154, Chilperic I, Frankish king, 204, 226 193–95, 197–99, 210, 234, 238 Index 287 Clovis I, Frankish king, 131, 135, 154, Councils: church, 29, 114, 235, 238; 166–68, 193–96, 199, 234, 242, 244 municipal, 12, 45; provincial, 45 Code of Justinian, 137 Count, 12–13; of domestics, 13 Codex Sangallensis, 160 Craftsmen, 60 Codicils, 243 Criminal charges, 58, 170 Collaborators, 87, 103 Crocus, king of Alamanni, 186 Cologne, 74–75, 108, 112, 174, 176 Crona, daughter of Chilperic, 193 Coloni, 60, 64, 243 Cupidity, 36 Comagenis, in Noricum, 184 Curiales, 12, 15, 42, 115, 121 Comedy, 17, 62, 67, 78, 114, 117 Cursus honorum, 12 Comes civitatis, 138 Cyprian of Carthage, 25 Comes rerum privatarum, 117 Cyprus, 216 Commonitorium, 83, 125, 171 Cytheris, courtesan, 118 Communion, 97, 99, 145, 168, 215–16, 235, 246 Daero, wife of Amantius, 245 Conception, 162 Dagalaifus, colonus, 244 Confession of faith, 146 Dagarasera, dependent, 246 Conhospitae, 215 Dagaredus, colonus, 243–44 Consentius of Narbonne, 20, 31, 33 Dalii, Roman family, 14 Conspiracies, 228, 240 Danube River, 183 Constans, consul, 104 Dasovinda, daughter of Amantius, 245 Constans, lector, 57–58 Dating: by indictions, 47, 181; con- Constantine I, emperor, 101, 196, 207 sular, 13, 46–47, 74,

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