Combined with "The New York Communal" The Revolutionary Age . Devoted to the International Communiai StruBjle , . Vol. 2. No.1. Saturday. July 5. 1919 Price Sc. In This Issue: Left Wing Convention, . Manifesto and Program . ...- 11\~ e.'fo\t Wn~/G-etl~ ~Pp1ll"" ~ "Nothing Doing!"' , ,f l '2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE July 5, 1919, 'Wing Manifesto, and decided to organize a g-iganticarmies and the building of huge navies The Revolutionary Age new party on September I" if all delegates to Even while they bend. to affix their signatu- . the Emergency Party Convention on August res their armies leap at the throats. of the new Combined with The New York "Communist" 30 are not seated. Will National Secretaory republics they, themselves, have called into NATIONAL ORGAN of the LEFT Germer expel the Party in Ohio? being in the name of liberty; while their navies draw tighter the starvation knot round and WING SECTION, SOCIALIST PARTY The Left Wing does not recognize these ex­ pulsions. Our procedure is this: strangling workers and peasants of Russia and LoUIS C. FRAINA, Editor' Hungary. While they speak of democracy and All state and local organizations of, the So~ EADMONN MACALPINE, Managing Editor freedom, they starve three nations and prepare cialist Party (whether expelled or suspended) to set against the people of Russia the repre- ,Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing must elect their delegates to the Emergency ~ntative of the Czarism these people have Section of the Socialist Party Convention. Not to do 'this is to abandon the overthrown. struggle in the Party, to surrender to the NATIONAL COUNCIL, Peace is sign~d, but war is raging. John BaHam C. E. Ruthenberg bureaucracy. The representatives of Capitalism have Max Cohen Benjamin Gitlow These delegates, with their credentials, will proved themselves incapable of settling the James Larkin I. E. Ferguson appear at the Party Convention as if no ex­ problems confronting society. They have Bertram p. Wolfe pulsions or suspensions had been perpetrated. proved incapable of settling the problems that 1. E. Ferguson, National Secretary If they are seated (through a Left Wing ma­ confront themselves. Even the authors of this ority within) we shall proceed to reorganize peace are unable to protect themselves from Issued Weekly. B. 'Gitlow,"Business Manager. ~he party on a Communist basis. ~ach other. The representatives of Capitalism 5c.a copy. Six months, $1.50. One year, $3.00. from the vanquished peoples have equally 43 West 29th Street, New York City. If they are not seated, all Lt::ft Wing delega­ tes will secede, and organize a new Communist proved themselves incapable. Before the stronger Capitalism they bow in. humiliation, -~., Party. This w s the procedure decided upon by the and plant the feet of the conauerors still more National Left Wing Conference. Any act that firmly upon the necks of their peoples. =nterferes with this procedure strikes directly There is only one answer to the peace of Reaction Dominant at the Left Wing, and revolutionary Socialism. Versailles. Russia and Hungary have given it Expulsions? Let them expel ! Our task is :n clear and unequivocal tones. Only where THE American Government, under the con- 'he broad masses of the people have taken the to secure the revolutionarv masses in the So~ trol of Capitalism, is apparently bent on cialist Party. At Chicago; the Left Wing may power in their own hands is the might of the revealing all the depths of its reactionary char­ not secure control of the official party. What conquerors impotent. Before the revolutionary acter., of it ? Again: our task is to secure the revolu­ workers and peasants, the cajolery of diplo­ . While the capitalist press lavishes its praise tionary masses in the Socialist Party for a macy and the threats of armed might are alike 'upon the Peace-and particularly upon the Party of Communist Socialism. helpless. '''liberating'' mission of the government of the Capitalist.:.Imperialism, by its peace of United States-the acts of the government and violence, i~' bankrupt, is dragging society into the words of the conscious representatives of The Peace chaos. Like a beacon light the revolutionary American Capitalism reveal the purpose to im­ soviet republics point the way to world secur­ pose reaction and conquer world power for WITH all the pomp and cer,emony of the ity. Society stands at the parting of the ways "our" Imperialism. Medieval conquerors. the great "de­ -to revolutionary Socialism and security, to The Senate brutally speaks of "America's mocracies" have dictated their "peace" terms to Capitalist-Imperialism and disaster. interests." Open scorn answers the old slo­ the vanquished. No detail that would reveal gans about "making the world safe, for demo­ the true nature of the' peace was lacking. The A Correction .cracy." "Ideals" have served their purpose­ old barbaric forms were strictly adhered to, 'power is now the only ideal. , even to the final humi)iation of the vanquished. (Publication Unavoidably Delayed.) Financiers-while the political "liberators" All the great words, all the heroic phrases, Editor "REVOLUTIONARY AGE": pose-'are quietly but systematically mobili­ all the high idealism-all vanished and the sce­ In your issue of May 17, you printed 'a zing their forces for the conquest of world ne revealed only the age-long spirit-"Woe to letter (address not indicated) in which Her­ power and the suppression of the proletariat. the vanquished." Never did feudal knight man Shuster makes it appear as if, although Finance-Capital determines the action of the enforce his will upon a beleagured garrison a member of the 1. W. W., he had received Peace Conference and of American diplomacy. with sterner disregard for the "hurr.anities", no assistance either from the Chicago head­ The infamous assault upon the liberty of never were the forces of disease and famine quarters of the organization or from the New Soviet representative Martens is followed by more implacably invoked. "Starve or surren­ York Defense Committee of the 1. W. W. an 'insolent, brutal answer of the American der" said the barbaric lord of old. "Starve or We have been instructed by the membership government to Soviet Commissaire Chicherin's 'pt" said the "great democracies." of the New York branch of the 1. W. W. to protest against the violation of Marten's rights. So the Germans signed, and "peace" is pro­ reguest you to correct the erroneous impres­ This proceeds together with ruthless attacks claimed to the world! sion you have helped to create by printing upon Socialist organizations-'by means of law Shuster's letter without first ascertaining the and legislatures, and the foul slanders of the A peace that is merely an armstice, merely a facts. -gutter. halt until the new antagonisms, with which the On' receipt of the letter Shuster mentions Through all this looms the sinister menace. treaty is replete, develop--and then new wars. having sent to Louis Ratnofsky on Feb. 4, the -of intervention in Mexic~to aggrandize Ame­ A peace that is the final proclamation to the N. Y. Defense Committee directed a Boston 'rican capital. peoples of the world that capitalism knows lawyer to call on Shuster, and also madear­ Reaction is dominant-necessarily dominant. naught of peace, that Imperialism must batten rangements for his release on bond, but he on continual war. A Peace that condemns man­ It'is the 'characteristic of Capitalism. The offi­ wrot~ back that it was "too cold" and that he kind to incessant bloodshed-unless the world ciaJ A. F. of L. accepts reaction. The official preferred to remain where h~ was. Socialist Party promotes reaction by its mise­ ')roletariat intervenes, and sweeps away society, Furthermore, while Shuster was on Ellis rable compromising policy. But labor thinks, that so arrogantly proclaims its bankruptcy. Island:"last winter, he shared in the "jail com­ and prepares to act. Out of reaction issues the After five years of war, of the mobilization forts" and other assistance.given regularly to forces for the militant class struggle against of the world for destruction, of the concentra­ the deportees by the New York Defense Com­ capitalism. tion of the entire energies of three-fourths of mittee. Besides this, since his transfer to the the world's peoples on the work of feeding the Boston Immigration Station, the secretary of flames of international hatreds; after six the Boston Defense Committee, William Aro­ Another Expulsion months of diplomatic intrigue, of the fencing noff, who makes his headquarters in your build­ HE National Executive Committee of of the "greatest minds" of bourgois society, ing, has been in frequent touch with him. T a treaty was signed and the farce of peace is V\T e ask you to publish this rectification of . the Socialist Party has expelled the So- solemnly proclaimed to the thunder of the guns Shuster's misstatements, and take this oppor­ cialist Party of Massachusetts, comprising abo­ of the twenty-two wars raging throughout the tunity to recommend th.at, in future cases of ut 6,000 members. The basis for this is the world, and, the sinister preparations of all this sort, out of fairness to your readers as acceptance of the Left Wing Manifesto and for the wars that are developing out of the well as to those directly concerned, you in­ Prog-ram by the State Convention. antagonisms of the treaty that heralds peace. vestigate the facts before you print an e:r parte Simultaneously, comes the news that the Even while the "statesmen" in Paris sign statement. State Convention of the Socialist Party of the treaty their colleagtles in their respective NE\V YORK DEFENSE COMMITTEE, Oh~o, by a vote of 47 to 7, has adopted the Left parliaments lay new plans for the raising of Per James Doyle, Secretary.
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