If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. .. This microfiche was produced from documents received flH inclusion in the NClRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot enrcise c'ontrol over the physical condition of the documents submitted, "'- the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution. ch:art on LABELING.J.BEORY AND .RES&ARCH - this frame may be used to evaluate .the ·document quamy. A Se1..s'£t~.3.J?ibl!ography ~,,~""-,-,,""'".... ". ! l 1.0 :; 11~12.8 111112.5 . m ~III~ 2.2 w prepared by 1.1.\ I~ ~ J:.i Rm&.O U 1_ ... ~ 1.1 11l1.:.u. -- Robert G. Mattson-Croninger Charles W. Thomas Research Associate Director 25 111111. 11111'1.4 111111.6 Metropolitan Criminal Justice Center College of William and Mary MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANOARDS-1963-A I ~ , Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with thfl standClrds set forth in 41CFR 101·11.504 r Poinh ofYiew or opinions stated in this dl!lcument are ,~ those of the author( s} and do not represent the offic:ia!~ positilln or pOlicies of the U.S. 0 epartment of Justice" JJ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION March, 1975 . NATIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFERENCE SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20531 1 . ! .~ \\ 112/23/751 l Duri!lg the past decade those interested in the sociology of deviant behavior have witnessed the emergence of a concep- tual model that has at once stimulated more speculation, more critical commentary, and lese solid empirical research than virtually any paradigm in the theoretical armamentarium of sociology. Depending upon one's evaluation of what has come to be termed \t labeling theory, tI the perspective may be viewed as a critically important. turning point in the development of our understanding of deviant behavior or as a logically inc on- sistent and overly vague restatement of an approach that has been at our disposal for many years. Truthfully, our own reading of a rapidly growing if frequently redundant literature on the topic suggests that it is simply too soon to tell how viable the rather crudely developed paradigm actually is, and the predictive utility of the model, whatever its contemporary popularity, will remain subject to speculation until a con­ siderably la~ger number of systematic empirical investigations of key labeli!lg propositions have been completed. This brief bibli?graphy represents one segment of the i.nitial work on what we hope 'will prove to be a significant ""'!"'":f"" 71 .$: v~ • ___ ~' ," ".':t ~~ ../ .:,\f"'- examination ot selected labeli~g theory propositionq as they pertain to the consequences of contact with formal social con­ trol agencies on the subsequent attitudinal orientations and behavior patterns of a relatively large sample of juveniles in two urban juvenile court jurisdictions in Virginia. The study, r,,7hich ~..;ill be conducted over the next year and a half, is being sponsored by a grant from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, #75-NI-99-0031. We certainly do not suggest that our bibliographic work has been exhaustive, and we regret that we have not reached a point at which we could provide those interested in this area of research with at least a topically indexed set of citations. To the contrary, these materials are very preliminary and are being expanded on virtually a daily basis. Still, recent experience with the preparation of a separate bibliography on research relevant to the deterrent effect of sanctions has shown that there are many who appreciate the utility of such bibliographic work as this and at least a few who are kind enough to share the products of their own searches for infor­ mation with us. We hope that this past experience can be replicated and, if so, that we will be able to circulate a more sophist.tcat.ed and comprehensive set of citations within the not too distant future. In short, we hope that you will find this listing of material on the labeli!lg pers:pectiveto be of some utility to you in your own teachi!lg and research. Should you have the time to inform us should there be errors or necessary additions of citations to either published or unpublished works in the area, we would be most appreciative of the assistance and we will be careful to make the necessa,ry modifications before prepari~g a more complete bibliography for circulation. ;:::;:;:::: R,EfERENCES Akers, R. L. 1968 trproblems in the sociology of deviance: Social defini­ tions of behavior." Social Forces 46(June): 455-465. Alvarez, R. 1968 "Informal reactions to deviance in simulated work or­ ganizations: A laboratory experiment." American Sociological Review 33(December): 895-912. Anderson, J. P. and G. S. Wilkinson 1974 "Psychiatric illness and labeling theory: An analysis of Gove's critique." Unpublished paper presented to the American Sociological Association. Antonio, R. 1973 "On ignoring the subtle dimensions of labeling: The case of mental disorder." Unpublished paper presented to the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Arnold, W. R. 1971 "Race and ethnicity relative to other factors in juvenile court dispositions." American Journal of Sociology 77(September): 211-227. Atkinson, M. 1974 "An extended review: S. Box's Deviance, Reality and Society; L. Taylor's Deviance and Society; R. Robertson's and L. Taylor's Deviance, Crime and Socio-legal Control; P. Walton's and J. Young's The New Criminology: For a Social Theory of Deviance." The Sociological Review 22(November): 616-624. Ball, D. W. 1970 "The problematics of respectability." In J. Douglas (ed), Deviance and Respectability: The Social Con­ struction of Moral Meaning. New York: Basic Books. 1972 "Self and identity in the context of deviance: The case of criminal abortion." In R. Scott and J. Douglas (eds), Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance. New York: Basic Books. Becker, H. S. 1963 Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance. New York: The Free PressQ 2 1965 "Deviance and deviates." In D. Boroff (ed), The State of the Nation. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 1967 "Whose side areweon?~f Socifai 'Prohlems 14 (Winter» : 239-247. 1971 "Labeling theory reconsidered." Paper presented to the British Soci01ogical Association and published in 1973 edition of Outsiders. New York: The Free Press. Becker, H. S. (ed) 1964 The Other Side: Perspectives on Deviance. New York~ The Free Press. 1971 Cultur'e and Civility in San Francisco. Chicago, Illinois: Aldine-Atherton. Becker, H. S. and I. L. Horowitz 1970 "The culture of civility." Trans-action 7 (April) : 12-19. Bell, R. R. 1971 Social Deviance: A Substantive Analysis. Homewood, Illinois: Dorsey Books. Bennett, L. A. 1974 "The application of self-esteem measures in a correc­ tional setting: Change in self-esteem during incar­ ceration." Journal of Research in Crime and Delin­ quer~y 11(January): 8-15. Benson, J. and I. Gerver 1963 "Crime and punishment in the factory: The function of deviance in maintaining the social system." American Sociological Review 28(August): 588-598. Blankenship, R. L. 1974 "Caserecords language: Toward a sociolinquistic per­ spective on deviance labeling." Sociology and Social Resea~ch 58(April): 253-261. Boles, J. and A. P. Garbin 1974 "The strip club and the stripper-cu,stomer patterns of interaction." Sociology and Social Research 58 (January): 136-144. Bord, R. 1972 "The impact of imputed identities in structuring inter­ action and evaluations." Unpublished doctoral dis­ sertation: University of Iowa. 3 Bordua, D. J. 1967 I'Recent trends: Deviant behavior and social control. II The Annals 369 (Januar1 Y): 149-163. Braginsky, B. M. and D. D. Braginsky 1974 "The mentally retarded: Societyfs Hansels and Gretals!' Psychology Today 7(March): 18-32. Broadhead, R. S. > 1974 "A theoretical critique of the societal reaction ap­ proach to deviance." Pacific Sociological Review 17(July): 287-312. Burkett, S. R. 1972 "Self-other systems and deviant career patterns: The small-group situa,tion. " Pacific Sociological Review l5(April): 169-183. Bustamante, J. 1972 "The 'wetback' as deviant: An application of labeling theory." American Journal of Sociology 77(January): 705-719. Caetano, D. F. 1974 "Labeling theory and the presumption of mental illness in diagnosis: An experimental design." Journal of Health and Social Behavior l5(September): 253-260. Cahnman, H. J. 1968 "The stigma of obesity." Sociological Quarterly 9 (Summer): 283-299. Chambliss, W. 1964 !fA sociological analysis of the law of vagrancy." Social Problems l2(Summer): 67-77. Chiricos, T. Go, P. D. Jackson and G. P. Waldo 1972 "Inequality in the imposition of criminal label." Social Problems 19(5pring): 553-572. Cicourel, A. V. 1972 "Delinquency and the attribution of responsibility." In R. Scott and J. Douglas (eds), Theoretical Per·· spectives on Deviance. New York: Basic BOOKS. CicouX'el, A. V. and J. Kitsuse 1968 "The social organization of the high school and deviant adolescent careers." In E. Rubington and M. Weinberg (eds), Deviance: The Interactionist Per­ spective. New York: Macmillan Co. Clinard, M. B. 1968 Sociology of Deviant Behavior, (3rd edition). New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston. Cohen, A. K. 1965 "The sociology of the deviant act: Anomie theory and beyond." American Sociological Review 30(February): 5-14. 1966 Deviance and Control. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 1968 "Deviant behavior." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 4: 148-155. Cohen, L. E. and R. Stark 1974 "Discriminatory labeling and the five-finger discount: An empirical analysis of differential shoplifting dis­ positions." Journal of Research in Crime and Delin­ quency ·ll(January): 25-39. Cohen, S. (ed) 1971 Images of Deviance. Baltimore: Penguin Books. 1974 Deviants and Others. Baltimore: Penguin Books. Connor, W. D. 1972a Deviance in Sovi.et Society: Crime, Delinquency and Alcoholism. Nevl York: Columbia University Press.
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