ecor U . 5. DEPARTMENT OF April 16, 1968 N ATIONAL INSTITUTES OF H EA L TH H EALfH. EDU CATION. AND WELFARE Vol. XX, No. 8 P U B L IC HEALTH SERVICE 2 New NIH Components, Five NIH Employees Honored at April 11 Dr. S. Spiegelman BHM and NLM, to Add Departmental Annual Awards Ceremony Dr. Carl M . Eklund, who recently retired from the National linstitute Is Dyer Lecturer Over 1,000 Employees of Allergy and I nfectious DiS<'ases' Rocky Mountain Laboratory, was 'l'he Bureau of Health Manpow­ awarded the Distinguished Service Medal at the DREW Annual Awards Here April 24 er , one of the two new components Ce1·emony, April 11. assigned to NIH under the April DI'. Eklund was honored fol' Dr. Sol Spiegelman, University 1 reot·ganization of DHEW health "outstanding research in arbivirol­ Dr. Camerino Appointed of Illinois microbiologist who 3 activities by Secretary-designate ogy and pioneer investigations of years ago demonstrated in t he test Wilbur J. Cohen, will add 713 full­ slow viral infections." The award, NIAMD Branch Chief tube how a viral nucleic acid repli­ t ime and 189 other than permanent the highest De­ Dr. G. Donald Whedon, Director cates itself, will deliver the 17th emnloyees to NIH rolls. partmental honor of the National Institute of Arth,-i­ annual Dyer Lectuxe on April 24. The Bureau was established by for Commissioned His lecture, "Test-tube Studies the then Secretary, John W. Gard­ Officers, was pre­ tis and Metabolic Diseases, recently announced the appointment of Dr. of a Self-Duplicating RNA l'llole­ ner, on J.muary 1, 1967. Its mis­ sented by Secre­ cule," will be p resented at 8 :15 sion, as determined by a task force t:ny-designate Wil­ Pat W. Camerino as chief of the set up by Surg. Gen. William H. bur J. Cohen. Analysis and Evaluation Branch, Extramural Programs. Stewa,·t, is to "concentrate the rap­ Receiving the idly growing Federal support of Nation's hiv;hest The Analysis and Evaluation programs designed to provide ad­ civilian honor, the Branch develops data for NIAMD's ditional and better qualified man­ D i s t i nguished extramural program and policy power for health." Service A ward, Dr. Eklund formation, and appraises program The need for such an orgtmiza­ we re Dr. Marshall N irenberg, Na­ needs. Dr. Camerino is also, respon­ tion had been defined by President tional Heart Institute; and Dr. sible for the Institute extramural Johnson in a letter of September Joseph E. Rall, National Institute data storage and retrieval system. 29, 1966, to Mr. Gardner, in which of Arthritis and Metabolic Dis­ Received Ph.D. in '61 eases. he said: "Our examination of the Dr. Camerino received the Ph.D. Nation's health problem makes The annual awards ceremony degree in biochemistry in 1961 at honors employees who ex­ clear that the most critical need is DHEW Cornell University. emplify public service at its best. in the manpower field." He was a PHS postdoctoral ( S ,r COMPONENTS. Page 8) (See 11 WARDS. Page?) trainee in the Department of Bio­ chemistry at Dartmouth College NICHD Establishes Pygmy Goat Colony Medical School where he investi­ gated electron transport. From For Intrauterine and Perinatal Studies 1963 to 1965 he continued his re­ By Lloyd Blevins search and was assistant professor Under a research contract from the National Institute of Child Health in the Department of Chemistry anc.l Human Development, a breeding- colony of pygmy goats has been and the Science Research Institute Dr. Sol Spiege lmo n, noted microbiolo­ established at the University of Oregon Medical Center in Portland by at Oregon State University. gist, will discuss "test-tube studies of a of Dr. In Ul65, he joined the Grants As­ team scientists headed by a self-duplicoting RNA molecule." James Metcalfe. st1·ains of the East African dwarf Rociate Program at NIH, and in 1966 became assistant director of 'T'he breeding colony of pygmy goat which came to this com1try p.m. in the NIH Clinical Center goats is descended from various by way of the German Zoological the NIAMD's Endocrinology Pro- gram. auditorium. Parks at Hanover and Berlin. Dr. Spiegelman will describe his Dr. Metcalfe is in the process of research leading to the discovery standardizing this goat as a lab­ Color Film on NIH Research of how a virus replicates and the successful duplication of a viral oratory animal in or de1· to increase To Be Telecast April 21 its value fol' studies in r,lace ntal, RNA (ribonucleic acid, the genetic fetal, and cardiovascular physiol­ A color film story of NIH material of certain viruses) which ogy. nersonnel and their contribu­ reproduces in the test tube in the As part of the standardizing tions to medical research, en­ same way the virus replicates in process, in depth studies of tihc titled "The Miraculous Pool," a living cell. nutritional, metabolic, and genetic will be telecast for th"' first Dr. Spiegelman has been profes­ chm·acteristics of the pygmy goat Lime in the Washington area sor of microbiology at t he Univer­ will be carried out in cooper ation Sunday, Ap1·i l 21, at 8 a.m. on sity of Illinois since 1949. His re­ with members of the Animal Sci­ Station WTOP-TV (Channel search interests include the gene­ ence Department of Oregon State 9). tics and biochemistry of micro­ University at Corvallis. The 28-minute film f eatures organisms and the mechanism of scenes in laboratories of the Studies in tmnsy,lantaLion of gene action. National Institute of Allergy His work in 1965 marked t he Dr. James Metcalfe crodles one of fcrti li?.ed ova a1-e plannned with and Infectious Diseases and first t ime a gene had been made the pygmy goats who have become a view to developing a means by the wards and operating rooms to replicate in the test tube, an fovorites of the stoff ot the Oregon which the size of the pygmy goat of the Clinical Center. achievement which has enabled bi- Medico) Center. (Se• GO.4.T COLONt , Pa11e G) (Scc DU. SPIEGELMAN, Page 7) Page 2 April 16, 1968 THE NIH RECORD Published bi-weekly at Bethesda, Md., by the Publications and Reports Branch, Office of Information, for the information of employees of the National I nstitutes of Health, principal research center of the Public Jlealth Service, U.S. Department of Hea lth, E ducation, and Welfare, aud circulated by request to all news media and interested members of the medical- and science-related fields. The NIH Reco.rd content is reprint­ able without permission and its pictures are available on request. NIH Record Office... ............................. Bldg. 16, Rm. 212. Phone: 49-62125 Associate Editor .................................................................... Frances W. Davis Stoff Correspondents Tony Anastasi, DRS; Bari Attis, NINDB; Lloyd Blevins, NICHD; George Displaying Sustained Superior Wark Pe rformonce owards, six employees of Bragaw, NHI; Dale Carter, DRMP; Mary Anne Gates, NI~MD; Sue the Clinical Center's Departme nt of Environmental Sanitation Control ore Hannon, NIDR; Bowen Hosford, CC; Walter Jacob, OAM; Sheila Jacobs, shown with Gordon Gamble, Operations Section chief <center), who praised NCI; Elizabeth Y. James, DEHS; Betty Kuster, DCRT; Hugh J. Lee, their enthusiasm, outstanding pe rformance, and pride in maintaining the CC DRG; Art McIntire, NIMH; Martha Mader, NIAID; Faye Peterson, in a clean condition. From left ore : N. W. Rogers, Richard S. Hinton, Hilda DBS; Wanda Warddell, NIGMS; Beverly Warraa, DRFR. T. Rodriquez, Mr. Gamble, Benedict Johnson, Floyd H. Mille r, and Henry H. The NIH Record reserves the right to make corrections, changes or Trent.-Photo by Ed Hubbard. deletions in submitted copy in conformity with t he policy of the paper and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. William M. Cissel, DRS, Employee Health Service agement Cooperation in the Fed­ Retires, Won 5 Awards Smallpox Immunization era l Service," an employee organi­ NEWS from zation that has been granted for­ William M. Cissel, a Government To Begin Next Week mal recognition has the right to be electrician for the past 27 years, turns "lights out" on his Federal The Employee Health Service has consulted on matters of interest announced the following smallpox PERSONNEL to its members. caree'l· April 22. Mr. Cissel will 1-etire from the P lant Engineering vaccination schedule for NIH per­ ANNUITY BOOST Such consultation involves dis­ sonnel, including those working in Under a provision of the Civil cussions between management and Branch, Division of Research Serv­ ices. off-reservation buildings: Service Retirement Act, annuities the organization's representatives Building 10 Health Unit, Room are automatically increased re­ He came to NIH in 1941 when to in formulating and implementing B2A-06, between 1 :30 and 4 :30 flect changes in the cost of living personnel policies and practices, six buildings dotted the 1·eserva­ tion and the electric shop was lo­ p.m., April 22, employees with last as determined by the Civil Service and matters affecting working con­ name initials A through D; April Commission from the Consumer ditions that are of concern to its cated on the ground level of Build­ ing l, where personnel offices are 23, E through H; April 24, I Price Index issued each month. members. thrnugh M; April 25, N through S; Such increases are made when­ 110w found. During his NIH career, COORDINATED WAGE SYSTEM and April 26, T through Z. ever the price index shows a level he has wo11 five employee sugges­ for 3 consecutive months at least Recently all PHS employees in tion awards.
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