CONTENTS. leveller of human greatness, will reduce all men to the sime W.M., Bro. Juan Guerra ; the Menoba, of Malaga, W.M., level, and the grave will finally receive us into its cold Bro. Enri que Carbajal Martin ; the Amor, of Madrid, Freemasonry in Spai n • 275" bosom. Freemasonry teaches the useful lessons of natural W.M., Bro. Gabriel Garcia; the Legalidad Lusitariia, of Provincia l Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks 276 quality and mutual dependence, but it also teaches that Linares, W.M., Bro. Adolfo Ventero Godos ; the Estrella Conclave of Kni ghts Templar in Chicago 277 politcal rival ry and polemical discord must not, cannot del Sudoest, of Ciudad Real ; and the Luz de la Verdad, of Sabadell. " The Lord Mayor and Truro Cathedra! ; 277 enter within its portals—such being utterly without the Exhibition of Civic Plate =77 sphere of Masonic work I—and, as a matter of fact, a 3. The Supreme Council of France, to whom four brother belonging to a constitutional State where the reign lodges in Spain owe their Masonic allegiance, viz. : the Scotland =7S , of law is thc order of the day, whatever his nationality iris de Paz, of San Sebastian, W.M., Bro. Juan Sanchez Ireland =7** may be, will always be found in the foremost rank of loyal Diez; the Fe y Abnegacion , of Cadiz, W.M., Bro. EPORTS OF ASONIC M EETINGS — R M and law-abiding citizens; but where there is no law ; where Cayctano del Toro ; the Hospi talario of Madrid W.M., 278 , , Craft Masonry there are no constitutional ri hts ; where an irresponsible Bro. Julio Jribe; and the Piramedcs of Cadiz W.M., 2S0 g , , Instruction despotism prevails,—what then ? Must a man, because he Bro. Diego Campos Gomez. These are doing quiet Royal Arch =80 has taken upon himself the obligations of our Order, Masonic work, and are entirely neutral as regards all Mark Masonry 2S1 thenceforwards passively countenance inquisitorial torture, the other Masonic jurisdictions in Spain. Red Cross of Constantinc 2H1 priestly surveillance, and (in fine) irresponsible absolution 4. The Confederacion Masonico del Congreso de Sevilla, France 2S1 in hi gh places, which, were he not a Freemason, he would which now includes thirteen lodges, who, as we have said Literary and Anti quarian Notes 2S1 have an abstract right to resist and to overthrow ? Does before, legally withdrew from allegiance to Grand Lodge of L EADERS 2S2 the obli gations of a Freemason demand an abject submis- Portugal to place themselves under the official protectio n CORRESPONDENCE — sion to such a state of things ? The G.A.O.T.U. forbid! of the Supreme Council of Lausanne. The names of these Reply to a Query 2S3 It is hard to believe that the most orthodox upholder of thirteen lodges are the Fraternidad lberica, of Seville, Reviews 2S3 Masonic landmarks will deny the right of oppressed W.M., Bro. Vicente Santolino faen ; the Numantina, of Masonic Notes and Queries 2S3 nationalities to secure by force that civil and spiritual inde- Seville, W.M., Bro. Jose L. Padilla; the Tolerancia y Obituary 284 pendence which is every man's birthright: and, granted Fraternidad , of Cadiz, W.M., Bro. Jose Arizmendi ; the Cryptic Masonry 284 this abstract right to a people, who will dare to say that it Cosmopolita, of Seville, W.M., Bro. Ramon Badia; the Masonic and General Tidings 2S4 must be denied to individuals, namely, to such as may Neptuno, of Seville, W.M., Bro. Esteban L. Miniet; the Lodge Meetings for Next Week 2S6 have joined our Order? Verdad , of Cadiz, W.M., Bro. Amado G. Bourlie; the Advertisements I . to VIII. Thus Freemasonry on the continent of Europe must not Esperanza de Orotava, of Puerto de la Cru z (Canarias), be vaguely stigmatised as being " a mere cloak for poli- W.M., liro. Agustin Espinosa Estrada ; the Paz Augusta tical intri gue," because patriotic l eaders, who have taken a of Badajos , W.M., Bro. Juan Garcia Chaves ; the Fenix foremost part in freeing their Fatherland from the Grand- Graco, of Seville, W.M., Bro. Josd Maria Valdespino; the FREEMASONRY IN SPAIN. Dukelings and Kinglings who formerly held them in poli- Fraternidad, of Bornos, W.M., Bro. L. de Mesa; and the tical, moral, and spiritual thraldrom , have been not only Taoro, of Orotava (Canarias), W.M., Bro. Lucio Diaz political liberators, hut also members of our Craft ; the Gonzalez. (Continued from page 203.) truth being that such became political agitators, not because The whole of these lodges have been working hitherto in they were Freemasons, but despite the fact that they were due Masonicform , and they resigned their allegiance to the It has been the long standing reproach of Continental Freemasons. Portugese Grand Lodge in a legal and loyal manner. Freemasonry that its votaries have too often used the During a varied experience of free Masonic working They were amongst the seventy-two lodges which have Craft as a cloak for political intrigue. Indeed , not a few of abroad—in Austria, Prussia, Hungary, Italy, and Spain , as been duly warranted by Portugese Grand Lodge, and the popular writers of Germany, Italy, and France seem to well as in the Spanish Republics of South America—it has which have worked under the protection and supervision have taken it for granted that there must have been a good often been a matter of surprise to the writer that our bre- of Portugal during the years iS0S-iS7g (inclusive). They and sufficient raison d etre for that unrelenting and perse- thren whose lot has been cast in priest-ridden lands, or withdrew in a body in November, 1S79—at the same time vering hostility which despot governments have displayed where revolution is rather the rule than the exception, have as the Lumen and Decision (now incorporated as the Gran towards the practice of our ceremonies and the spread of been able to hold themselves so fairly aloof from political Consistorio Central, of Malaga). Brethren who may de- our principles. But the non-.Masonic world must always re- intrigue. And nowhere without the Masonic limits of the sire to ascertain more fully how this body of Masons have member that despotism is, and ever will be, antagonistic to United Kingdom have our brethren remained , as a body, acted may consult thc number for November, 1S79, of the Freemasonry, just as it is, and must be, antagonistic to more free from this stigma than in Spain!—although " Boletin Official do Grande Oriente Lusitano-Unido, liberty of conscience in every shape or form. Let them goaded on to desperation , and suffering expatriation, fine, Supremo Consellio da Maconaria Portugueza," wherein also bear in mind that it has not been the Freemasons nor imprisonment, death, for the sake of their Frcemasonic they will find a decree (dated the 25th November, 1879) the heretics of Roman Catholic lands who have per- faith. declaring that the above-named lodges, together with the secuted their opponents—quite the reverse—and thus those We have already referred to the divided Masonic juris- Lumen and the Decision , had given in their resignation to whose lot in life has fallen in less pleasant places (in a diction which now exists in thc Peninsula; the Grand Lusitanian Grand Lod ge in a proper and constitutional political sense) than our own favou red land must not lightly Orient of Spain (over whom presides at the presen t mo- manner, and that they were free to transfer their allegi- be charged with a fundamental departure from the land- ment His Excellency Bro. Praxedes M. Sagasta) not hav- ance to any other duly authorised Masonic power, confor- marks of our Order, simply because they have been , and ing yet been acknowledged by all the " independent juris- mably, of course, with the general statutes and regulations still are, proscribed and hunted down , at the instigation of dictions " claiming governing power. We named in a of our Order. The decree further announced that all bre- Jesuit priests, by despotic rulers, who so arrogantl y claim a preceding number of the Freemaso n Jive distinct Masonic thren then inscribed upon the roll of these lodges will be sovereign power, "by the Grace of God ," to trample upon jurisdictions as intervening in the kingdom of Don Alphonso entitled to re-admittance at any future time should they, all individual rights, and to crush out, with a so-called All., but we omitted to include two jurisdictions more, viz., or any of them , desire to return to their obedience to the " Heaven anointed arm," all freedom of thought and the Supreme Council of France and the Gran Consistorio Grand United Lusitanian Orient. every vestige of conscience amongst their subjects. Central Masonico, of Malaga. The former of these is, of Thus wc think that the Confederacion Masonico, of We would not knowingly give a pretext for the slightest course, a recognised Masonic power, but the latter juvenile Seville, the Gra n Oriente de Espana, and those lodges departure from those lines and landmarks which have Masonic corporation , just six months old (having created now working under warrants from the Grande Oriente hitherto guided, and we trust will ever cuntinuc to guide, itself about the 28th of December, 1S79), is, in all probabi- Lusitano-Unido and the Supreme Council of France, are Free and Accepted Masons all the world over; and one of lity, now for the first time named to our readers. This all entitled to full and formal recognition by their brethren the most deepl y chiselled of these lines is that which enjoins " consistorio " is onl y " grand " in name, as it consists of in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.
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