....... NAVY PLANS ..' -'i, .... ...., Fig. 2: The 5.790 tons (full load) frigate "Mara~!1t i " (pictured here during the multinational naval exercise LlTORAL 06) was built by Mangalia Shipyard (now DMHI). The 144.6m long vessels achieves a maximum speed of 27 knots. (Photo: Courtesy of Romanian Navy) The Romanian Naval Fleet is organised into the 56 Frigate Flotilla, } 50 Fast Patrol Boal Squadron, 50 CorvelfeSquadroll, and 146 Mine Countermeasures Squadron, The fl eet is located in Constanta and Mangalia al the Black Sea. The 67 Gill/boat and 88 RiveI' Mill esweepillg Patrol (CIWS). Two triple 53cl11 torpedo launchers If the Romanian Navy decides on a major Boat Squadrolls make {'p the 11l1 (que Danube contain SET 53-65 anti-ship torpedoes. Two TETAL II refit or additional new hull build, Dae­ River Flotilla with bases in Giut gi u, Braila, small helicopters or unmanned aircraft systems woo Mangalia Heavy Industries (DMHI), the Tulcea, Dobreta Turnu-Severill, and Galati (UAS) can be carried, although none are em­ naval design centre at Galati, and foreign tech­ (Galatz). The 307 Naval Il/fiU/flY Battalion, barked at present . A new at-sea replenishment nical assistance would be required. A modem Romanian Navy Combat Di vers, and Black Sea system (RAS), SAM, EW, air/surface radar, and C3 system, EW upgrades, new air and surface Kllights Naval Helicopter Squadroll round out combat management system are expected in any search radars, SAM and ASM systems, and an the fl eet's combat forces. Intell igence, training, future upgrade package. improved repleni shment-at-sea capability will supply, and medical support units back up the J50 Fast Alissile Patrol Boat Slllwc/roll: be call ed for to maintain viability across the Navy's combat fleet. Three "Zborful" class (TARANTUL-I) missile­ spectrum of potential regional threats. 56 Frigllle Flotilla: Romania's presence for anned fa st attack craft (FA C) comprise thi s unit. The corvette squadron is reinforced with three international operations undertaken with NATO Also assigned to the Black Sea, the squadron is aging "Naluca" class (EPITROP design) torpedo is supported by the 56 Frigate Flotilla. In April responsibl e for protecting government-owned patrol boats. These Romanian-built, Soviet-era 20 II, the Romanian Navy dispatched one oftwo ofTshoreoil production facilities and the Roman­ "Osa" class variants are powered by Chinese­ "Regele Ferdinand" class fri gates to assist oper­ ian EEZ. The squadron also supports training made Type M503A diesel engines and require ations off the Libyan coast with the mission of missions for the entire Navy's sea service. Built a crew of22. AK-230 30/65 twin 30mm guns interdicting amlS shipments. between 1989 and 1991 , there are no plans for and four SET 53-65 torpedoes arm the class. Acquired in 2004105 as p'art of NATO inte­ major refit or overhaul of the type at thi s time. Built fro m 1979 to 198 1, there are no plans to gration efforts, the "Regele Ferdinand" class was The "Zborful " class (TARANTUL-I) missile refit these hulls at this time. upgraded by BAE Systems UK prior to delivery. FA C is fitted with four F ASTA-4M launch cells 146 Mille COlmtermeasures Sf/lUll/roil: The class received engine refurbishment, a new each accommodating one P- 15M TERMIT-R Clearing of mines from Romani an waterways, rapid-fire 76mm gun, tracking and fire control (STYX) ASM. Two AK-630 30165 CIWS ports, and river entrances is tasked to the 146 systems, communications, navigation, safety, stations and one AK -176 76160 complete the gun Mine Countermeasures Squadron. Composed and modem torpedo decoy systems. Total inventory. of four Romanian-built " Musca" class mine­ compliment is 203. A second refit phase was . 50 CorvefteSqlladroll: Defending Romanian sweepers, these vessels are authorised for limited scheduled for 2008, but never moved forward sovereign territory on the Black Sea falls to the participation in NATO and humanitarian due to lack of funding. Potential upgrades will 50 Corvette Squadron. It is equipped with four mi ssions in addition to thei r national tasking. likely include a surface-to-ai r (SAM) and sur­ TETAL (two TETAL I and two improved The minesweepers are armed with two AK- face-to-surface missile capability (SSM), a hard TETAL II) corvettes (seejigllre 3), all built and 230165 30mm guns and STRELA-2 (9K32 Sys­ kill point defence, and a new electronic warfare commissioned in the 1980s. Funding shortages, tem) SA-7ISA-N-5 GRAIL SAM. A si ngle (EW) and countenneasures suite. initially due to the " Regele Fe rdinand" class "Cosar" class minelayer provides the Romanian A single Romanian-design, the fri gate upgrade, have delayed TETAL II hull refit and Navy with an offensive mine capability. The " M Ari\~e! t i" (F III) built in 1978, rounds out modernisation until recently. In November 20 II , minelayer is equipped with one AK-257 57170 the 56 Frigate Flotilla (seejigllre 2). The vessel th e Romanian MoD announced a tender for twin gun , two AK-230 30/65 twin cannons, and was originally classified as a light crui ser, but a repairs and maintenance services for "corvette two 14.5111m quad machine guns. Plans call tor top-heavy balance issue and major re-engineer­ class vessels with associated works as required." the eventual replacement ofthe class, funds per­ ing effort saw the ship re-categorised as Budgetary and policy changes forced cancella­ mitting. Future requirements may open the destroyer. "Madi. ~e~ ti " served as the Roman tion ofa third planned TETAL II unit in the late potential for remote or autonomous operated Navy's flagship until it was downgraded to a 1990s. vehicles in the countennine role. frigate in 2004. Primarily armed with four AK-726 76160 and Dmlllbe River Flotilla: Established in 1860, The primary armament of the fri gate three AK-230 30/65 twin guns, T ETAL I the Romanian flotilla's primary mi ssions were " M iira~~ ti " consists of eight Soviet-era P-1 5M corvettes also carry four SET -65E torpedoes. to prevent invading troops from crossin g the TERMIT-R (SS-N-2CID STYX) anti-ship The class has a compliment of 98. The two Danube into Romanian territory and maintain missiles (ASM) with a l30km effective range. TETAL II corvettes are anned with two AK-630 the waterway as a supply and communications Two AK-726 76/60 twin turreted gun s for 30165 CIWS, one AK-726 76160 twin primary channel. The Flotilla was re-established in 1995 surface engagements are backed up with four gun, and three AK-306 30mm secondary and is responsible for border patrol, counter-pro­ AK-630 30/65 close-in weapon systems weapons. liferati on, and cri sis SliPPOI1 . Recently called 60 NAVAL FORCES IV1201 2 NAVY PLANS upon 10 perfonn the later, Defence Min ister Battalion is equipped with light weapons and located at Constanta Nava l Air Base, were Gabriel Oprea directed the mi litary to provide ABC-79M amphi bious armoured personnel delivered between 2007 and 2008. With a con­ reliefsupplies to isolated population areas along carriers, a local copy of the Soviet-era BTR-70. fi guration similar to Romanian Air Force the Danube after being cut ofTby a severe slann In an effort to increase interoperability, in 20 II models, Navy versions are equipped with the in Febnmry 20 12. Two tugboats, the "G rozavu'" the 307 Battali on and US Marine Corps 'units same EO sensor, avionics, and navigation suite, and "328" ferried passengers and emergency conducted a fi ve-day amphibi ous bilateral exer­ major diffe rences being emergency fl otation food supplies to areas inaccessible by air and cise SU MM ER STORM . The 3,07 Marine Bat­ gear and searchlight. The third Navy PUMA was overland routes. ta li on also holds exercises with ~ th e r NATO delivered wit h surface search radar install ed Composed of the 67 Gunboat Squadron and naval infantry fonnations. Elements of the bat­ below the cockpit, leading to the possibility of the 88 River Patrol Boat Sql/adron. the Danube tali on are held at high alert for NATO acti va­ a futu re anti-ship missile annament. In 20 I I, the River Flotilla is equi pped with three Romanian­ tion, available fo r global deployment within 72 Romanian Navy's new Naval Aviation Arm and designed " Mihail Kogalniceanu" class river hours. The 307 Battalion has seen duty in Iraq its eight helicopter pilots conducted deck-land­ moni tors. An uncomm on design, the class is as part of the Black Sea Rotational Force, in ing qualifications on the land ing dock ship USS heavil y anned with two 100111111 guns housed in additi on to Afghani stan with the Intemational "Whidbey Island" (LSD 41 ) as part of bilateral TR-85 tank turrets, intended to·provide river­ Security Assistance Force. exercise SUMMER STORM. The Romanian mobi le fire support to ground 'forces. Two NtH.al Divers: Romani an Navy combat diver Navy recently started tra ining programmes for AK-230 30/65 30mm guns and two 40-barrel and underwater explosive ordnance disposal sec­ nava l av iation personnel; two petty officers were BM-21 122mm rocket launchers also equip the tions are organised as sub-units of the 39 Naval accredited as helicopter maintenance experts. monitors. Divers Centre. The combat divers are specialis­ Add itional helicopters may be acquired in line Five "Brutar" class armoured patrol boats, ing in underwater demolition missions with with future shipbuilding plans. anned with a single adopted TR -85 IOOnlfll tur­ lim ited ground and airborne tra ining as COI11- ret, and 12 YD 141 river patrol boats complete pared to US Navy SEA LS (Navy Sea Air Land).
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