AUSTRALIA 1Ý:Ý250Ý000 GEOLOGICAL SERIES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA SHEET SF 50-04 AND PART OF SHEET SE 50-16 L²c ST§T¯Sgp¨ B£ ñSRkd-gmvñSRkb-gme ñSRmi-gmp ñSRmy-gm ñSRpo-gmv 119°00À 15À 30À 45À Lacustrine unit 118°30À 66ôôôôÜE 68 45À 70 72 74 76 78 80ôôôôÜE 120°00À 19°55À 19°55À L²c Lacustrine deposits; clay, silt, and silty sand; playa (saline) and claypan (freshwater) deposits ñSRtt-gme ñSRth-gmv ñSR-gme ñSR-gp 20 Solitary I 10 Sandplain units S Sandplain deposits; sand of mixed residual, sheetwash, and eolian origin c. 2860 MaÝê ñSRkd-gmv KADGEWARRINA MONZOGRANITE: muscoviteÊbiotite(Êgarnet) monzogranite; equigranular to weakly porphyritic; 70 72 ñmdnPñmfsP ñmogP ñmogsP ñmadtP ñmaptP ñmatsP B£ Sgp¨ Mixed eolian and eluvial sand; red-brown quartz sand in sheets; overlying and derived from granitic rock massive to layered ñSRkb-gme KIMMYS BORE MONZOGRANITE: biotite monzogranite; homogeneous, equigranular to seriate Coastal (wave-dominated) unit Poissonnier Point Cape Keraudren ñSRmi-gmp MINNAMONICA MONZOGRANITE: quartz and K-feldspar porphyritic muscovite(Êbiotite) monzogranite; fine to coarse grained; Ôbo-kla B£ Coastal dunes and beach deposits; shelly sand containing Anadara granosa ; includes backshore deposits Larrey Point ñmwaP ñmwsP ñxmws-musP ñmursP ñmutsP massive to weakly foliated I N D I A N O C E A N Meetyou Ôbo-kla Boss Well Coastal (tide-dominated) units Creek ñSRmy-gm MYANNA LEUCOGRANITE: biotiteÊmuscovite monzogranite; locally with quartz and K-feldspar phenocrysts; massive to weakly T§ Tidal flat deposits; silt and mud in intertidal and supratidal flats and lagoons NAVY RISE B£ reek Yards Yard foliated; metamorphosed 10 T¯ Cootenbrand C T§ Fence Camp W ñmdnP Paragneiss; medium grained, strongly recrystallized metasedimentary rock 20 Coastal (tide-dominated) mud and silt on mangrove flats Outcamp T¯ Split Rock Supersuite î80 î80 B£ Lamb Well ñSRpo-gmv POOCATCHE MONZOGRANITE: muscoviteÊbiotite monzogranite; seriate to porphyritic; massive to weakly foliated; Breaker Condini Landing Miawuryguna Rocks ñmfsP QuartzÊsericite(ÊfeldsparÊepidoteÊactinolite) schist T§ New Cootenbrand Well Meetyou Well Well Open Cut Well North Turtle I locally abundant pegmatite Inlet T§ Shellborough Cartamania Point Reef Point Poolingerena Pardoo Outcamp Yard ñmogP Medium- to coarse-grained metagabbro; foliated 19°35À Bedout I Cartamania Point Coast Well áca-sp Ôbo-kla Condon W ñSRtt-gme TABBA TABBA LEUCOGRANITE: biotite(Êmuscovite) granite; seriate to equigranular; fine to medium grained B£ B£ Yard ñmogsP Plagioclase(ÊhornblendeÊactinoliteÊepidoteÊchlorite) schist after gabbro; fine to medium grained; locally includes interleaved talcÊserpentineÊchlorite schist 10 áca-sp C1 W1 W1gp¨ A1¤ A1¦ A1§A1§c£ A1ª A1® 20°00À Warriearran Outcamp MOUNT BLAZE Cootenbrand Well 20°00À massive to weakly foliated and metamorphosed (ruins) Ck áca-sp Hardy Well âja-sl ñmadtP Serpentinized dunite; serpentine(ÊtalcÊtremoliteÊchlorite) rock; locally preserved, medium-grained olivine-cumulate texture T¯ Ôbo-kla Yard Creek Ôbo-kla 10 Ôbo-kla ñSRth-gmv THELMAN MONZOGRANITE: muscoviteÊbiotite(Êgarnet) monzogranite; equigranular to weakly porphyritic; fine to medium grained; 19°55À T¯ WCB 17 âwa-st ñmaptP Serpentinized peridotite and serpentineÊchlorite schist Mangrove Firewood ñgP Colluvial unit, third generation Mystery Landing Condon áca-sp ìRH-od massive to weakly foliated; metamorphosed ìMW-od Ôbo-kla ìRH-od WCB 9 ñmatsP Strongly sheared serpentine schist î83 B£ Little Turtle I âja-sl C1 Colluvial sand, silt, and gravel in outwash fans; scree and talus; proximal mass-wasting deposits; unconsolidated î83 ? ñSR-gme Biotite(Êmuscovite) monzogranite, equigranular to weakly K-feldspar porphyritic; locally highly leucocratic and ghost banded; Ck T¯ Ck âwa-st ? Sandfire Roadhouse 118 km ñmwaP Amphibolite; fine- to medium-grained amphiboleÊplagioclaseÊquartzÊsericiteÊepidote rock ìRH-od ? Jimmys Well ? T¯ B£ ? Sheetwash units, second generation massive to weakly foliated ìMW-od ? ñmwsP ActinoliteÊchlorite schist after mafic rock Spit Point Banningarra áca-sp Silt, sand, and pebbles in distal outwash fans; no defined drainage ñSR-gp Pegmatite ? W1 ñxmws-musP Interleaved mafic and ultramafic schist B£ T¯ Pardoo R3f Angies Bore ? ? W1gp¨ Quartzofeldspathic sand and quartz pebbles in sheetwash fans; derived from mass-wasting of granitic rock A1¦ Roadhouse ñmursP TremoliteÊchloriteÊtalc schist T§ Techelo Soak ? ? MERRIMERICA HILL Alluvial units, third generation ñmutsP TalcÊserpentineÊchlorite and talcÊcarbonateÊchlorite schist; strongly sheared 119°05À 72 ? T§ ? î78ôôôôÜN 70 ? B£ W1 B£ Merrimerica Well Unassigned 118°55À Red Point A1¤ Sand, silt, and gravel in active drainage channels; includes clay, silt, and sand in poorly defined drainage courses on floodplains A1¤ ? ìRH-od Myadee Bore A1¦ Alluvial sand and gravel in levees and sandbanks in deltas Yegin Pool (PD) B£ Myadee ? ñsP ñswP ñccP ñcibP ñgP ñoP ? A1§ ìRH-od ? A1§ Floodplain deposits; sand, silt, clay, and gravel adjacent to main drainage channels î78ôôôôÜN weather station A1§ Spring ? T¯ Yard ìMW-od Coolen Coolen Outcamp Myadee Spring Well QUATERNARY A1§c£ Sand, silt, and clay on floodplains, with gilgai surface in areas of expansive clay T§ áca-sp ? YLBALGUL HILL WCB 8 ? (ruins) ? Yard S A1§ Mixed floodplain deposits; sand, silt, and clay adjacent to main drainage channels; numerous small claypans ñgP Granitic rock (subsurface only) A1ª Unassigned Freds Well ? âja-sl ? áca-sp Welburn Pool DG 4 DG 1 T§ DG 2 âwa-st ? Alluvial sand and gravel in levees and in sandbanks adjacent to main drainage channels ñbbP ñbkP ñxo-uP ñaxP ñuxP ñoP Dyke of mafic or ultramafic composition RIVER âja-sl ? A1® ìMW-od ñCD-xs-b Pardoo No 2 ? Chetanar Well Dead Dog Bore T§ âwa-st RIPON ISLAND Black Heart Bore WCB 4 ? àZ-s L²c ? Mindrenooka Well Pardoo A1§ ? ? Gunner Well ? Yard ? áca-sp ñsP Siliciclastic sedimentary rock; metamorphosed Pardoo Spring ? áca-sp R1gp¨ ? WCB 16 âja-sl S GREY áca-sp âja-sl ñswP Wacke; metamorphosed ? ? ? âwa-st Ôbo-kla DE ? ? DG 8 âwa-st ? Well W1 A1§ ? Steel Star Well ìRH-od ñgP ñccP Chert; metamorphosed T§ Salt Pool WCB 10 ? ? Brolga Bore 1 ? Residual or relic unit, third generation ? DGR X2 ? ìMW-od Chidda Chidda Spring ñcibP Banded iron-formation; metamorphosed ? Bore ? Yard WCB 11 ? ? ? CENOZOIC Residual quartzofeldspathic sand, with quartz and rock fragments; overlying and derived from granitic rock DGR X1 áca-sp R1gp¨ ñbbP Basalt, undivided; metamorphosed Big Cattle Well ? áca-sp ? ? A1¤ PHANEROZOIC ? âja-sl ? ? WCB 7 ñbkP Komatiitic basalt; local pyroxene-spinifiex texture; metamorphosed WCB 3 ? Pickeranyah Well âwa-st Yard ? ? W1 Paunia Well áca-sp ñxo-uP Mafic to ultramafic dyke; fine grained Tank áca-sp L²c ñCD-xs-b ? C2 C2f C2gp¨ A2 A2dk A2k Little Cattle Well ? Thirdenburra Well ? âja-sl CAPE âja-sl Creek ? IXL Well ñaxP Pyroxenite dyke; fine to medium grained 10 N âwa-st ananah âwa-st ? ? A1¦ áca-sp Alª Pardoo ? ñgP ñuxP Pyroxenite; massive, coarse grained; metamorphosed ? ñCD-xs-b ìMW-od Colluvial units, second generation B£ KERAUDREN DG 3 WCB 2 C2 Partly consolidated colluvial sand, silt, and gravel in proximal outwash fans; scree and talus; dissected by present-day drainage 10 Ôbo-kla ? T§ De Grey Ck Bibberene Claypan Coondragunyah Well áca-sp DGR T4 ñST-mgt ñST-xmgd-mgg ñST-gmpi DGR T1 Yard R3f áca-sp C2f Ferruginous colluvium; consolidated sand, silt, clay, and rock fragments in proximal outwash fans and scree; dissected by present-day drainage ñST-gm ñST-gmp Midgee Midgee Well Nananah Well âja-sl áca-sp ñCDm-s ñCDk-frb Creek ? âwa-st HIGHWAY GREAT âja-sl SANDY DESERT C2gp¨ Variably consolidated quartzofeldspathic sand, silt, clay, and rock fragments derived from granitic rock; dissected by present-day drainage ñCD-xs-b A1¤ àZ-s S âwa-st DGR T3 ñCD-xs-b ? DGR 10/96 Alª WCB 12 Deep Well N ñgP Alluvial units, second generation ñCDc-swa ñCDc-sp ñCDc-ssb ñCDbs-b ñCDl-sp A1§ ER ? A1® áca-sp Bulgarene Fe,Mag WCB 6 A1¤ RTH ? ROAD A2 Consolidated alluvial sand, silt, and gravel; dissected by present-day drainage ñSTpr-gmp ñSTci-ggh ñSTml-ggh ñSTwa-ggh A1¤ A1§c£ O ? RIDLEY Yann Pool DGR 3/96 ñCD-xs-b N Supply Well A1¦ áca-sp A2dk Consolidated alluvial gravel, sand, and silt; local carbonate cement; dissected by present-day drainage ñCD-xs-b Siliciclastic and mafic volcanic rocks; local felsic volcanic and intrusive rocks; metamorphosed (subsurface only) Bulgarene Well L²c WCB 14 ìMW-od áca-sp C2f DGR 21/96 WCB 1 Zn,Ni,Pb A2k Alluvial or lacustrine calcrete; massive, nodular, and cavernous limestone, variably silicified; dissected by present-day drainage c. 2941 MaÝì ñCDm-s MALLINA FORMATION: interbedded shale, siltstone, sandstone, and medium- to fine-grained wacke; metamorphosed ? áca-sp âja-sl ñST-mgt Metamorphosed leucocratic tonalite; strongly foliated; with inclusions of granodiorite ìMW-od DGR 4/96 âwa-st ? GREAT S WCB 15 10 ? R3f ? âja-sl âwa-st c. 2948 Ma ñCDk-frb KIALRAH RHYOLITE: flow-banded porphyritic rhyolite and minor dacite; metamorphosed 10 T§ ? ? DGR U4 ? ñCD-xs-b WCB 13 ñST-xmgd-mgg Metadiorite and metagranodiorite; local monzogranite and local abundant felsic to mafic inclusions and dykes; locally strongly foliated S âwa-st ñgP RIVER áca-sp ? áca-sp CONSTANTINE SANDSTONE DGR 8/96 ñST-gm Biotite monzogranite; K-feldspar porphyritic to seriate; fine to medium grained; massive to weakly foliated; local strong levee ìMW-od A1¤ GREAT ñCD-xs-b SANDY DESERT ? î76 Ôbo-kla BOSSUT FORMATION: calcarenite; minor calcirudite and calcilutite DGR U1 R3f ? ñCDc-swa Wacke
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