Erdington magazine The magazine for the Erdington Business Improvement District March 2020 Great value shopping in Erdington! CakeBox_Erdington_A5_AD_v2.pdf 1 25/02/2020 11:01 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Hello, Trutex School wear, There is a lot of talk Printerwise, and most about the decline of our recently, specialist high streets, but I am bakery business Cake happy to report that here Box, all deciding to in Erdington, businesses invest in Erdington. Contents are telling us that the More Glamour 4 town centre is thriving, Historically ,this is how Velo Birmingham 7 and many reported good high streets grow and Hub 109 9 Christmas trading. thrive, with businesses Asher’s Portaits 11 investing and shoppers Cube Spring Fair 13 Andy Spencer Art 14 In a perverse way, shopping. To quote a Exhibition Erdington, as a centre to long standing tag line of Wilton Market 16 provide local needs, is ours, ‘Shop Local, Read Easy 20 very often ‘under the Erdington Library 22 Shop Erdington!’ St Barnabas church 23 radar’ because we are Town centre guide 26 not reliant on the many In addition to great value national retail names that shopping, the town are shutting up shop, centre is supported by Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained giving a great chance for events at St Barnabas within this publication is correct, Erdington Town Centre Partnership our many small church, Erdington library, cannot be held responsible for any errors independent retailers to and the Oikos cafe. or omissions contained within. No part of this publication may be reproduced shine. without the express consent of the publishers, including any advertisement See inside for more originated as part of the production We have seen a growth details of all the good process. of new businesses here stuff going on in Manuscripts, photographs and other materials submitted to the publication are in the last few months Erdington. sent at the owner’s risk. Neither the with the likes of Borshch Happy shopping, company nor its agents accept any liability for loss or damage. Some of the Electric, Curtain House, Terry. products illustrated in this magazine may be representative of similar products that Published by the may be available in retail stores and any Erdington Business Improvement District stock illustrations are subject to availabil- (BID) ity. 0121 306 4270 Ext: 340 [email protected] ‘‘Erdington’ magazine is published on behalf of Erdington Town Centre Partner- www.erdingtonhighstreet.co.uk ship who do not necessarily endorse www.facebook.com/ErdingtonTownCentre either the views expressed or editorial content. Additionally, Erdington Town Distribution: This issue will produce 10,000 copies which Centre Partnership is not responsible for will be distributed to homes and businesses across the performance of goods or services Erdington, and at local reference points, libraries provided by advertisers. Furthermore, implementation of any ideas or activities leisure centres etc. To order your free copy call or email. suggested in this magazine are entirely at 3 Hair and beauty store expands - across the street! By Zahid Mahmood, Proprietor, Glamour Touch Erdington is great shopping centre however there were no Hair and Cosmetic shops originally, which we researched in 2011. Therefore, in March 2011 we opened a Hair and Cosmetic shop known as Glamour Hair and Cosmetics. We have been in this industry for nearly 10 years and can now say we’re very experienced in providing human hair and Our products consist of cosmetics, wigs to the community for all these human hair, wigs, electrical items along years. Not only are we known to have with makeup and accessories. All this excellent customer service but also an comes at unbeatable cheap prices for understanding of how demanding this our community, for instance our lace market is, therefore we take extra care wigs start from only £10 and have been of our customers by making sure all our a massive hit. prices are affordable! We would love you to benefit from our There was a huge demand for these high quality products that are cheap. products in this market but at the time we only had a small shop so we wanted We are open 7 days a week and our to expand to accommodate our opening hours are 9am-6:30pm Mon- customers. Finally, in 2019 we found a Sat and Sunday 11am-5pm. more compatible, bigger shop on the High Street and moved there just before Christmas which really boosted the Christmas spirits as we had low prices for our opening week! The new shop is called Glamour Touch and has been a huge success. We have increased our product variety as the new shop is very spacious which has made our customers happy. 4 5 Hair and beauty store expands - across the street! Hair and beauty storeBy Zahid expands Mahmood, - Proprietor,across Glamourthe street! Touch Erdington is great shopping centre By Zahid Mahmood, Proprietor, Glamour Touch howeverErdington there wereis great no shopping Hair and centre Cosmetichowever shops thereoriginally, were which no Hair we and researchedCosmetic in 2011. shops originally, which we researched in 2011. Therefore, in March 2011 we opened a Hair andTherefore, Cosmetic in March shop 2011 known we openedas Glamoura Hair Hair and and Cosmetic Cosmetics. shop known We as have beenGlamour in this Hair industry and Cosmetics. for nearly We 10 yearshave and been can nowin this say industry we’re forvery nearly experienced10 years in providingand can now human say we’re hair andvery Our products consist of cosmetics, wigs toexperienced the community in providing for humanall these hair andhumanOur hair,products wigs, consistelectrical of items cosmetics, along wigs to the community for all these human hair, wigs, electrical items along years. years.Not only Not are only we are known we known to have to havewithwith makeup makeup and and accessories. accessories. AllAll thisthis excellentexcellent customer customer service service but alsobut alsoan ancomescomes at atunbeatable unbeatable cheap cheap prices prices forfor understandingunderstanding of how of demandinghow demanding this thisour ourcommunity, community, for for instance instance ourour lacelace market marketis, therefore is, therefore we take we takeextra extra care carewigswigs start start from from only only £10 £10 and and have have been been of our customersof our customers by making by making sure sureall our all oura massivea massive hit. hit. prices areprices affordable! are affordable! We Wewould would love love you you to to benefit benefit from from ourour There Therewas a was huge a hugedemand demand for thesefor thesehighhigh quality quality products products that that are are cheap. cheap. productsproducts in this inmarket this market but at but the at timethe time we onlywe had only a smallhad a smallshop shopso we so wanted we wantedWe Weare are open open 7 days7 days a aweek week and and ourour to expand to accommodate our to expand to accommodate our openingopening hours hours are are 9am-6:30pm 9am-6:30pm Mon- Mon- customers. Finally, in 2019 we found a Sat and Sunday 11am-5pm. customers.more Finally,compatible, in 2019 bigger we shopfound on a theSat and Sunday 11am-5pm. more compatible,High Street and bigger moved shop there on just the before High StreetChristmas and moved which therereally just boosted before the ChristmasChristmas which spirits really as weboosted had low the Christmasprices spirits for our as openingwe had week!low prices for our opening week! The new shop is called The Glamournew shop Touch isand calledhas been a Glamourhuge Touch success. and has beenWe ahave huge increasedsuccess. our productWe have variety as the new shop is very spacious increased our product variety as which has made our customers the newhappy. shop is very spacious which has made our customers happy. 4 5 4 5 D I ABETES I N F O C US D i a b e t e s a f f e c t s 4 m i l l i o n B r i t o n s a n d c a n ha v e a s e v e r e i m p a c t o n t h e e y e s . T h e se c on d i t i on s i n c l u d e m a c u l a r d e g e n e r a t i o n , ca t a ra c t s a n d g l a u c o m a . D i a b e t e s c a n c a u s e l o n g- st a n d i n g d a m a g e t o t h e e y e s o v e r t i m e , whi c h c oul d r e s u l t i n p o o r v i s i o n o r e v e n b l i n d n ess. H a v i n g r e g u l a r e y e c h e c k - u p s i s essen t i a l i f y ou h a v e d i a b e t e s a n d o u r O p t o m e t ri st s c a rry out t h o r o u g h e y e e x a m i n a t i o n s t o ma k e sure we c a t c h a n y c h a n g e s e a r l y .
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